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Don`t think I need any, really..
I say he's a bloody genious if he was payed by LoC ;)
Unnecessary if
What poster category does this post make me fit in? Stupid optimizer? :)
Incidentally, the way I order my sentences when posting is similar to the way I order my statements when coding. I pity future maintainers of my code.
Ah, the dreaded (to a newb) type-A comment.
Guilty. I don't think we should cater to the most inexperienced reader. Who among us enjoyed "that guy" or "that girl" bringing your CS1 or Data Structures classes to a screeching halt because they didn't understand the for loop or how to implement a stack? I say, keep up or change your major to marketing.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>as a teaching assistant for the introductory cs class, i had a fellow email me about having trouble getting scheme to interpret his program. i met him after the recitation and told him to show me his source (he had printed it out). i cried. he had literally written out a C/C++ program in some kind of twisted psuedo-scheme. ex (although his was even sloppier than this):</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>(MAX 10)
(for (i 0) ; (< i MAX) ; (++ i)
(switch i
(case (= i 4) (printf "%d"...</FONT>
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>ok, so someone has trouble with syntax, fine. except, that when i looked to see what it was doing in this C/C++ mess, it was completely incorrect. it was supposed to be a program to reverse a string, and he had written a program that printed out each letter of the string on its own line. even after he figured out how to write in scheme syntax, his programs never ran through (he could never balance parenthesis (parentheses?) or understand the interpreter's messages) and just ended up printing out the input in different ways.</FONT>
Anyone else find themselves skimming over the on-topic posts looking for more of the off-topic banter between the sarcasm-challenged and the type [A-J] people?
Funny stuff.
Practically every post is one of [A-J].
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>nope.</FONT>
Indeed; the inside jokes are a reward for spending too much time at thedailywtf. But hey, at least this is a semi-productive form of entertainment. I pretend that the "code" justifies my browsing from the work computer.
You forgot the one category to which you undoubtedly belong.
G) Annoying Post-Modern Netcop: While they believe deeply in their innate ability to produce clever commentary, they ironically submit only the most hackneyed of derivative, recycled pabulum. In the guise of humor, their meta-commentary is akin to the lowest form of netcopping, attempting to shame those forum users who don't "do it right" into cleaning up their act. Originally spawned on BBS systems, these pests have spread everywhere from usenet to blog forums. Anal retentive, intolerant, and completely incapable of appreciating the spirit of the community, they childishly imagine a fantasy world where everyone is just like them and posts accordingly. They are to be avoided, if possible.
I love this damn site.
Here's another one:
G) Boob: An acronym for "Basically Out Of the Box." This type of poster is a superior philosopher and will justify any WTF code by asking the grand question, "Well, what if the values of true and false change?" or "What if the value for 6 changes?" These wise ones should be forced to work as lab assistants at a local college to help marketing students in Intro. to Programming 101.
Dear Mani, Are you a whiner?
Sincerely, G) Troll
simple realy it coms up all work and no play makes jack a dull boy in lime green and the font is old type wright each tim certain keys are struck it coms up on the screen 4 times and stays there for 5 minuits
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>you embody the spirit of the faulknerian idiot man-child.</FONT>