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I think he forgot to include the line breaks when typing the answer...
What is up with the wheelchair person?
I know I've seen it somewhere before. And here is where ...
The title of this entry makes me think it would be amusing to make the CAPTCHA be controversial and opinionated phrases the user is likely to disagree with.
CAPTCHA: communism is superior to capitalism
Captcha: Cold Fusion rocks!
I believe that captcha system is used by google. The little wheel chair if you click it will speak a series of characters to be typed in. Try signing up for a new gmail account to see what I mean.
Captcha: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth
The wheelchair icon basically means you can't park your mouse on that spot of screen without the proper tags.
Muahaha, that's a funny one!
captcha: gotcha (sic!)
Hilarious, a self-referencing WTF. Or should I say "an introspective WTF"?
Good luck using a computer in general if you're deafblind. We evidently need braille monitors.
I think they do. They should call... err, write.. err.. well get a lawyer and file class action.
Braille keyboard+reader: http://www.afb.org/AFBPress/pub.asp?DocID=aw050607
The REAL WTF is that this WTF poster decided to validate and encourage all those comments that type their captchas.
Braille terminals exist. And console-mode software that would be perfectly suitable is alive and well.
But never mind the deafblind - for the normal blind, Google is expecting the use to click a not-very-big icon that then activates a javascript link which opens a flash widget; AFAIK screenreaders often don't like javascript. Not to mention the audio is intentionally unclear - making it of little use to one who may not be fully deafblind, but poorly sighted and hard-of-hearing.
Well at least they could read thier RSS feeds
Am I correct in observing that we've established that people in wheelchairs need to click on a tiny icon because they can't read the captcha and need to have the text read to them?
I'm only old enough to remember when Dilbert was still funny.
Evidently blind & deaf people are okay to drive since drive up ATMs have braille and headphone jacks. THAT is TRWTF.
C'mon...you're not a real geek if you've never seen Sneakers...
No, not really.
It's probably cheaper to have a standard ATM than get a customized one without the braille. Heck, you might not even be able to get parts that don't have braille.
I've also heard people say that it's to let people drive grandma to the bank, but I'm going to go with "money". It's a bank. They'll kill you for $1; they aren't into altruism.
It's not that Dilbert has stopped being funny. It's just that as you get older, the more likely it is that it's either happened to you or (as in my case) is happening to you right now. (Not the password one from this forum, but several of the recent ones have been almost identical to what's happening to me.)
It's not funny if you're actually in the strip.
umm just for the record. As said before, braille readers exist, and OMG get used. And the blind will use the TAB key instead of mouse. Why? well perhaps because there blind so a visual pointer device isn't that useful.
The fact it uses flash, isn't that bad either. But if the user doesn't have flash, there should be a option to just download the soundfile and let a application handle it.
But it isn't all bad, there's a hidden link (behind a 1x1 img?) that's for people with screenreaders. the final solution they offer is "If you can't find a problem with your speakers or sound settings, and you're unable to complete the word verification, please contact us so that we can create an account for you." http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=33974
So in essence, it could have been better, but it's possible for everyone to have a account.
Hahaha I like that.
Still, if it had gone REALLY wrong, we might have been having to type in:
"SELECT * FROM tblCaptchaText WHERE id=rnd()"
Everyone needs to go check out the most effective human/robot test out there: HotCAPTCHA.com. I'm not going to spoil it for you:
There must be someone out there nerd enough to have collected all dilbert, garfield, cathy, etc strips and sorted them by category, to present a huge list of all the duplicate punch lines. ;p
Should I be glad I failed the men on that ultimate captcha site?
I know it rocks if it works, but I believe it's still very theoretical, and nobody has been able to successfully demonstrate Cold Fusion.
I have a comics.com. dalyink.com and a mycomicpage.com account. I didn't either bother to add Dilbert to my daily page when comics.com launched.
When Adams quit his job (was it at Pac Bell?) he lost touch with reality. Dilbert's about as real as Cathy or Family Circus now.
ATMs are required by law to have braille and headphone jacks and I don't think the distinguishes between drive up and walk up ATMs.
I think he's just ahead of his time and predicting the near future. Work will really be that unreal soon if things keep going the same way.
The August 19, 2002 Dilbert was about an old college friend of mine, Evan Brown.
It looks like it is no longer available. The link at his web site, unixguru.com no longer works.
This one?
ASOK: "Sweet mother of potatoes! I just thought of a billion-dollar idea!!" PHB: "The company own all of your ideas. Cough it up or I'll fire you and then sue you." ASOK: "WAA!" Whatsername: "Your first billion-dollar idea is always the hardest."
(captcha: onomatopoeia??)
Every drive up ATM I've seen has been fully accessable on foot. For a few years I had to do this as the window on my car did not work. (I didn't have AC either).
No I could not go inside, as I was only able to get to the bank after hours. I refuse to pay ATM fees, so the drive up ATMs were my only choice.
Brail and headphones on an ATM only seem silly if you think that just because you CAN drive your car up to them, therefore you CANNOT walk up. The two do not follow.
It's far cheaper to product one atm machine type than two types of atm machines. That's why.
You know, I never thought Cathy or Family Circus were very in touch with reality, but I know I'm often unsure of whether I should laugh at Dilbert because something very similar has happened in my office.
See http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/focusbug/description.txt for a real (and security-relevant) application of long captchas.
captcha: onomatopoeia. Doesn't being able to type that correctly prove that I am a robot?
OK, as far as I recognize, the wheelchair needs to be clicked if someone is blind and can't read the captcha. And this leads to another WTF: How the hell a blind person can ever see the wheelchair image?? (OK, I know, it has to have some "alternative text" - but what the image is for?)
Captcha: "ewww". Yeah.
That there hotcaptcha was a bit off. I got several of the same image, several times when I tried it. Not only that, but it varies greatly with taste, so if you are a lippophile, you will not make it thru if you are honest. ;)
No, no. It is still funny, it is just too painful to laugh.
No, no.. passwords are Words, long phrases are passphrases! You use passphrases to create your .SSL key :D
So much for following directions.
The TeleConferencing system our company uses uses the most bizaare phrase-ology with its instructions. When you are entering a conference you are directed to: "At the tone, please state your name followed by the pound key". So, whenever I join a conference, the rest of the conferees hear my voice saying, "Thom Parkin, followed by the pound key"
IIRC, Adams said in the Dilbert Principle that he TRIES to make his comic as unrealistic as possible... and everytime he comes up with something absolutely off the wall, someone will email him saying "that exact thing happened at my company last week!"
That is the most played out "Hey did you ever notice thing" ever. The factory just cranks out ATM's regardless of whether they're being made for inside the bank, inside a stadium or driveup.
Its not even for the blind necessarily - some sites are very tough to read even for me (not this one but others). They'll have a line in the middle or the letters are out of whack - it simply will read the letters out loud.