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Heh, when I started at this company me and a few others were sent on an ASP.NET course to learn about this (then) new technology. I like to do things in Javascript, and wasn't afraid of saying so in front of the instructor, to which he replied: Oh, but in .Net there's no need for Javascript, Javascript is over when you start .Net...
Shows you how much he really knew about ASP.NET, doesn't it?
(For those who don't know, ASP.NET submits forms using... Javascript)
Heh, very funny. Why not just have it put a windows CD and reinstall Windows with the new settings while you're at it? :D
Dear Gene Wirchenko,
"I wonder if it occurred to him that there could be a better way. Considering what he did know, it ought to be a reasonable conclusion that there is probably a better way that is easy." You don't say?
Sincerely, Wesley Thawte Fullton
Back in the old dos days, i had batch files for every command i frequently mistyped, in the batchfile was the correct command with a bunch of arguments passed.
I had diur.bat, dior.bat, dire.bat etc
all of them had dir %1 %2 %3 %4 ..... in it.
was very handy
I'm sure you mean:
Correction: No Adobe product will EVER be installed BY me again
Sorry, just wanted to point out the irony of re-posting to correct a typo and then introducing another typo.
I know, it's hilarious, right?
Well, sort of.
Wait, I'm French, on my system it would be "Find" ("Rechercher")...
My my, thankfully this system is obviously not meant to be internationalized.
Reminds me of a person who saved part of the program logic into the button labels... (yes, the button click event was handled differently depending on the button label). No need to say, the day we had to change the program language for a new foreign customer, th eprogram behaved a bit differently...
To be fair, this method was used all over a book I had to use for my visual programming course in college. Anytime it gave a sample application that was supposed to allow a user to add something to a table, the logic in the click event for the "Add" button went like:
if btnAdd.Text = "Add"
--Set the form up so the user can add the new whatever
btnAdd.Text = "Save"
else if btnAdd.Text = "Save"
--Save the newly entered info about the new whatever
btnAdd.Text = "Add"
So yeah, it's not the smartest thing to do, but I have a harder time faulting the people who are supposed to learn from these books than I do the authors.
Whoever wrote this code doesn't deserve to be called a programmer. Actually, *anyone* that writes in VB doesn't deserve to get called a programmer...
I once wrote a java program to aid me in killing people in The Kill Everyone Project[1]. It worked so well it got me banned, which made me really proud. It worked similar to this program: it would position the mouse cursor right above the window of the java program, then click, then move the mouse cursor 1 pixel to the right. And then at the end of the title bar of the window it would move back to the left.
This sort of thing is a gas to debug, especially if you use em in infinite loops like I did- you totally lose control over your machine, and keyboard isn't going to save you either. Only the reset button will help.
[1] http://homokaasu.org/killeveryone/
This really is the worst thing that I've ever seen.
Of course, if the system calls to do this and the 'exec' and 'system' functions are ever removed, the author will be vindicated.
Actually it is not a joke, but part of a big big problem (which is probably a joke by itself, but on people who believe in Microsoft): http://www.net-security.org/article.php?id=162 . As soon as you run a code on your Windows machine you are owned regardless of any access rights. I pressed buttons on other windows myself and it works. Doing this with mouse coordinates is stupid, you can just enumerate windows and send message to window you want. Usually they even have id's so you don't have to mess with titles.
Well he might have not figured out the code himself...
Check out this discussion: http://thedailywtf.com/forums/AddPost.aspx?PostID=54676
Revert to "discution"
A live WTF: Go to http://www.mightyrhapsody.com/ click on the image and have fun :D
"The other problem is that it's 'R' only on the english version on Windows. In my czech version it would be 'T'."
<FONT face=Verdana size=2>I bet he was American and you are forgetting that you are just living in the 'interesting theme park bahind the ocean' and since you are living in an igloo or smth like that you shouldn't be able to use computers there :P</FONT>
Hmmm, on second thought maybe I'll just run it on some old PC that I don't care if it gets all screwed up or not.
I've actually done this sort of thing in a non-WTF fashion, in VB, no less (It was long time ago and I needed the money! (Well, there wasn't any money. But it was a long time ago :) ))
There was an old movie-creation app for kids that could use "shortcuts" for many tedious tasks, but didn't have any way to do macros or change the code (It was as far from open source as you can get: Microsoft wrote it), so I wrote up an app that did macros by using mouse_event and SendKeys. It did some weird VB-trick to get keypresses (which broke the debugger, I remember. Made testing a royal pain), and played back preprogrammed macros by moving the cursor around and clicking and typing.
It correctly got the window position, but didn't account for those huge XP titlebars that came out a few months later. Correctly getting the sizes easily fixed it though
Well, there're two R's in our Windows.
> But it was a long time ago. [...] It correctly got the window position, but didn't account for those huge XP titlebars that came out a few months later.
Well, LONG time ago Windows shipped with Macro Recorder (or just Recorder) application that did exactly that.
well... I wouldn't know... mine is Arabic...
Yeah, some people need to be taken out back and shot.
Young coders eh? "Taught to program, but not how to program" does indeed sum this up!
Im watching TV at the moment though and just saw another one of these "CompuTeach" adverts.....£30K and a company car potential earnings dangled to tempt some mimum wage sucker to think a career in IT is for them and a 6-9 month course will make them employable within the industry....WTF goldmine there no doubt!!
I know this comes as a shock to a lot of people, but Computer Science is not a degree in programming; what programming skills you pick up are incidental and secondary to the important stuff, which is more along the lines of a mathematics degree than anything else. Between studying data structures, sequential machine theory, computer architecture, digital logic, algorithmic analysis, etc., there just isn't a whole lot of time to learn any specific language in depth. You learn just enough to complete that week's assignment, and move on.
Besides, it's pointless to focus on any specific language in depth, as there's no guarantee that the student will even be using that language upon graduation. In my college career, all the classes were taught using either C or Fortran 77. My first professional assignment upon graduating was in Ada, which I had studied for maybe 10 minutes as part of a language survey class.
Can't he just us <font face="verdana, geneva, helvetica" size="1">VK_LMENU?!
While I agree with your first point, I disagree with the second. You are correct that the languages you might learn is school are different than what you may use professionally, learning at least one or two languages in depth gives you a strong foundation upon which you will later be able to learn other languages in depth. Being able to write a "Hello, world!" program in 37 different languages is pretty useless. Someone who has designed and built complex object models in C++, however, will be able to do the same in Java, .Net, SmallTalk, or Ruby with only a moderate amount of self-education.
I personally believe that anyone going for a degree in a computer related field should be able to code well in at least one procedural language (C?), one OO language (C++, Java, SmallTalk, Ruby), one swiss army knife language (Perl?), and at least one other interesting language like a Lisp derivative.
While it may not be a degree in programming, it is the fundamental part of the degree. Even if the student was learning different languages, that student should know enough to not do stupid stuff like this WTF. If this person was using C, or any other language, they would have done it in the same matter simply because they don't know computer architecture. Knowing to use OS calls to register a dll instead of using the interface is BASIC programming knowledge. Who would write a program that clicks the start menu, hits run, then types calc, then enters some numbers, etc, to do c = a + b? This/These person/people almost did just that...
The situation you describe does not occur at good institutions. I don't know what school you're basing your stance on but it's quite foolish to think that all degrees are "completely useless" based on some shoddy school you know of. Also, "tought" is not a word.
Richard Nixon
Fundamental part of the degree? Not quite - at least, not in a degree worth having. Computer Science is supposed to be about the theory of computation.
Richard Nixon
Find "Y'z Shadow" on the web. It allows you to add drop shadows to windows and the taskbar (if it's at the top of the screen). On the "taskbar" tab, it also has a very useful setting "Automatically adjust the position of an application window so that it does not overlap the taskbar". Never had any problems since.
This was in response to Gene Wirchenko's post on page one. If only the editing feature would work...
Some shoddy schools... ok... Georgia Tech, UCF, USF (ok, USF isn't the best), and UF... I'll admit though that GT is definitely better than most... Those are the schools that I've had the privledge of tutoring students at (oh no! i ended a sentence with a preposition! lol). From observation though, there aren't many that are different. Also, there are alot more "shoddy" schools than there are wonderful institutions. Seems like Nixon took offense to my "diss" at him earlier lol. Ok, so I can't spell the best in the world either.
Ok, completely useless may have been going a little overboard, but they are far from completely useful.
Do a quick google on computer science fundamentals. Nuff said.
Obviously the program needs to reset the start bar location and settings back to the default settings AND force windows back into English/US settings as well.
That's your argument? A google search?
And apparently you didn't even perform the search because nowhere in those results is the statement that "programming is computer science" as your claim that it is the fundamental portion of a computer science degree implies.
Now, while it is becoming quite apparent that you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I will continue. Programming a computer is a tool. The theory of computation is a discipline and a field of study. Now go back to tutoring all your famous students from piss-poor schools and don't post here ever again.
Richard Nixon
Your nonsense was just more noise to ignore. I really hope you're just a dumb high schooler trying to masquerade as an adult.
Richard Nixon
Haven't read all the posts so I don't know if this was said, but he should have sent the windows key. That, of course, is assuming that the user has the explorer shell and not geoshell or something.
*sigh*... Does anyone on this forum get along with this guy? What is with the attitude? I mean come on... I did do the search, and if you would take a second to read the links, then you would notice how EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS TO DEAL WITH PROGRAMMING. All CS grads I know write code in some form (even if it is batch files or shell scripts for administering a network). Every CS graduate takes MULTIPLE programming classes, usually a low level language, a portable language, and a C language. Some places skimp, or substitute VB for one of those. None of them had to take classes on hardware though(!).
You call me a dumb highschooler and tell me never to post again. All I did was offer my opinion. All you did was flame. All I do is try to back up my opinion with examples. All you do is flame and personally assult. I think most people here would rather that you never post here again.
Bottom line nixon:
If you don't think that programming is at least a major portion of computer science, then you are in the wrong forum.
Blah, blah, blah - save the tears for somewhere else.
The only point I'm going to address is your bottom line statement. This shows a fundamental lack of logical thinking on your part. (If you do programmer, you do so badly.)
1. You claimed programming was the fundamental part of a Computer Science degree.
2. I said that this claim was not true.
Now, from that exchange, you've sunk to your statement that "If you don't think that programming is at least a major portion of computer science, then you are in the wrong forum." You see, this may come from your misunderstanding of the word fundamental or from your misunderstanding of Computer Science. There are Computer Scientists who do no programming but are still some of the top minds in the field. Programming is a major tool used by computer scientists but it is not the fundamental aspect of a computer science degree. As I have previously stated that fundamental aspect is the theory of computation.
I am sorry that I hurt your feelings so badly but I would enjoy this forum better if I never saw another post from you. I am merely expressing my wishes for a more enjoyable experience.
Richard Nixon
From looking at your past posts you don't seem to enjoy this forum at all. So I wasn't an english major. Sue me.
Of course, that's been addressed in more modern phones ... but I don't know why my cable tv set-top box has the same design error today!
Both of you should:
A formal CompSci education should include programming, but not be restricted to it. I've been out of school long enough that I can't draw upon any OOD/OOP class. Like most professionals, I've had to learn a lot after earning my degree and that includes OOD/OOP, relational databases/SQL, event-driven programming, and so much more. My education prepared me to learn and a couple of years ago one of my former CompSci professors wrote that I was a computer scientist in his eyes. If I don't keep up with the state of technology and science, I'll fall behind.
What community are you part of? If I might, I'd like to label whatever that community is as a tribe of retards, given the level of idiotic childishness in your post. Sounds fair, yah?
<FONT face=Verdana>This guy is brilliant! I assume he is the lead programmer. Hehe.</FONT>
???, ?????, ?? ?? ??? ????? ???????????, ?????.
? ????????? ?? ??? ???????? ???????, ???????? "??????"
<font size="2">you touched me... :) really... could you, please, tell the same to my supervisors? I would really appreciate. especially this bit about "had to learn a lot after earning my degree". thanks in advance.</font>
(For those who don't know, ASP.NET submits forms using... Javascript)
But doesn't it make knowing javascript obsolete in the same way C makes knowing assembler obsolete?
I didn't introduce another typo, there are 2 in the original post and I only corrected the first one. Sadly, I realised this after I posted the correction.
Why does this board even have an edit button?
Seriously, it makes no sense.
Learn to trim quoted text? Certainly you don't believe that someone of my intelligence doesn't understand how to remove text from a textarea, do you? Perhaps you meant to say, "trim quoted text" without the implied stupidity of telling me to "learn" how to do it.
Please say what you mean. If you wanted to insult me, just insult me. On the other hand, if you are merely using the language without a proper understanding of it, stop communicating in it. Thank you and good day.
Richard Nixon
Many i time i have misspelled the word "Count" as a variable name by missin gout a certain letter......always makes me laugh!
I would be glad to. I've been a software instructor since 1990, with most of my students continuing their education on new technologies and necessary skills. I went to a fine university and eventually graduated (threatened with tenure as undergrad) with extra CompSci courses I wouldn't have had after just four years. Yes, I was a mediocre student which didn't help matters. Part of the problem I've already identified, requiring continued learning, was state-of-the-art at the time I went to school is not state-of-the-art now. Since I went to a liberal arts university, I was forced to take classes other than CompSci, which further limited my exposure to CompSci topics. Moreover, my school didn't offer a CompSci undergrad degree meaning that my core degree courses were a combination of Math, CompSci, and Physics. At the time I thought this diluted my CompSci education. I now realize the wider science exposure was good for me. Fortunately, there is now a CompSci undergrad degree and I think the graduates are probably better prepared than I was.
I don't remember how many courses I took as a systems programmer, but they were necessary for me to do an adequate job with the IBM systems we maintained. Some of my technical learning was self-directed and initiated, reading entire IBM technical documents. That was a painful memory. Ouch.
When I entered the world of technical instruction, I benefited from a mentor. Providing me guidelines, goals, feedback, etc. I was learning how to teach even while I was teaching.
Through 28 years in the IT field, I've seen managers chop training budgets viciously and wantonly, with no regard to the future health of their department. Their staffs are unprepared to assimilate new technologies quickly. Managers then have to turn to more expensive outside consultants and the IT shop is perceived as being inadequate. When it comes time to restructure the corporation, the IT staff or function is often outsourced or downsized. There's an interesting analogy in American politics at the federal level. When Ronald Reagan became president, a group of conservatives began to slash the budgets of social programs they didn't like. Later, they would evaluate the (now) poorly performing programs and recommend that they be discontinued based on their poor performance. I think some IT managers have achieved similar results...some consciously and some inadverdently.
You are probaly correct. I should have been more specific in my choice of phrasing. Since both you and Goatcheez included the full text of each other's prior comment, I could request a shorter quote (assuming your laziness) or suggest there was a better way you could learn (assuming ignorance). Between the two assumptions, I choose ignorance. If you would rather assert laziness, I will not argue with you or get into a flaming session. My corrected bullet follows. Thank you for your considered feedback.
I'd like to see the improved version of this program: If it notes WINE is running, it instead opens up an xterm and uses raw x11 protocol to enter keypresses for "wine regsvr32 " & OCXName.