• HamMan (unregistered)

    That wifi password image doesn't look genuine at all

  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    In Hyderabad, "TWAT" is considered filth word.

  • Kaine (unregistered)

    Magenta is cheap. So are the spelling mistakes.

  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    "Jeremiah" is sounding like feke name.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    I am not believing posibility of making colour copies.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Kaine
    Magenta is cheap. So are the spelling mistakes.

    I am not appreciate your atempts at humour.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to HamMan
    That wifi password image doesn't look genuine at all
    This is unoriginal coment.
    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • Kaine (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh

    Print it in black and magenta, then have an artistic intern go back over it with crayons or felt tip markers. It's from the heart when it's hand-colored. We need that quality and thoughtfulness these days.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    In Hyderabad, "TWAT" is considered filth word.

    In most British colonies also.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Kaine
    Print it in black and magenta, then have an artistic intern go back over it with crayons or felt tip markers. It's from the heart when it's hand-colored. We need that quality and thoughtfulness these days.

    This is not efishant use of intern.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • (cs)

    I have to wonder what kind of code leads to someone adding 0.99 to Int32.MaxValue

  • (cs)
    [image] It looks like they let Syd Barrett write that description.
  • HamMan (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh

    So is the content (badly 'shopped images to gain some internet fame) and I think you mean 'comment'

  • Totally not misusing office resources (unregistered)

    You've found something very special if you give that code and have access for an hour.

  • (cs)

    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

  • (cs) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    And before you ask, I rattled my cage. So there.

  • moreON (unregistered)

    The infinity one? No wtf at all. It's even expected when implementing floating point arithmetic as specified in IEEE 754.

    That's still one really fast connection or terrible timer though.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    No one care about your worthles coment neither.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • (cs)

    ...and this is how smart quotes are not that smart. The n in Rock 'n' Bowl is a contraction for the word and. So the deleted a and the deleted d must be replaced by apostrophes, not quotes. One could use U+0027 (apostrophe) or, better, U+2019 (right single quote). Every time a word processor applies quotes where apostrophes are required...a puppy is killed.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to mott555
    I have to wonder what kind of code leads to someone adding 0.99 to Int32.MaxValue
    In Java, divide-by-zero not producing error: it is producing Number.INFINITY.
  • JamieC (unregistered)

    I guess we'll all have to make "due" with shitty editors too :sigh:

    <quote> "With prices like this, I think that we'll just make due with black and white printouts." </quote>
  • Иagɘsн (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    And before you ask, I rattled my cage. So there.
    In Hyderabad, rattling one's owen cage is considered impolite to Lakshmi and can cause angering of Shiva, who may destroy cage-rattlers eyesight.

  • (cs) in reply to Nagesh
    Nagesh super fake:
    I am not believing posibility of making colour copies.
    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    2 fekes have now conjoned forces to smeer my good name. I am smiling at all trend seting I am doing.

    Also we have color printers in Hyderabad, but we are not alowed to make use of them. Only for project mangers and above.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to JamieC
    I guess we'll all have to make "due" with shitty editors too :sigh: <quote> "With prices like this, I think that we'll just make due with black and white printouts." </quote>

    I am using emacs only.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • (cs) in reply to Иagɘsн
    In Hyderabad, rattling one's owen cage is considered impolite to Lakshmi and can cause angering of Shiva, who may destroy cage-rattlers eyesight.
    Good thing I'm not in Hyderabad, then.
  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    Nagesh super fake:
    I am not believing posibility of making colour copies.
    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    2 fekes have now conjoned forces to smeer my good name. I am smiling at all trend seting I am doing.

    Also we have color printers in Hyderabad, but we are not alowed to make use of them. Only for project mangers and above.

    Yes, but unlike you I am sofware arkitect being above progect mamagers, haker schoolboy.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • (cs) in reply to Nagesh
    Nagesh fake:
    Nagesh super fake:
    I am not believing posibility of making colour copies.
    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    2 fekes have now conjoned forces to smeer my good name. I am smiling at all trend seting I am doing.

    Also we have color printers in Hyderabad, but we are not alowed to make use of them. Only for project mangers and above.

    Yes, but unlike you I am sofware arkitect being above progect mamagers, haker schoolboy.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    go lern mvc patern and come back and talk.

  • (cs) in reply to mott555
    I have to wonder what kind of code leads to someone adding 0.99 to Int32.MaxValue

    Code written by some moron which stores all prices as nullable signed Int32, and the front-end converts null to Int32.MaxValue, casts to decimal, and adds 0.99, I would assume.

  • Machtyn (unregistered)

    That Amazon page just feels 90 degrees out of phase. Could someone check on that please?

  • BlackBart (unregistered)

    You know you've been a programmer too long when you stare at a trophy inscribed with &#8216; for about 2 minutes before figuring out what's wrong.

  • Nazush (unregistered) in reply to Totally not misusing office resources
    Totally not misusing office resources:
    You've found something very special if you give that code and have access for an hour.
    This is actually making sense as in our office as the secretary is budgeted under "amenities".
    Don't be a SQUARE.

    I undertake your mom, if you need help with getting off, contact me.

  • Jon (unregistered) in reply to Totally not misusing office resources
    Totally not misusing office resources:
    You've found something very special if you give that code and have access for an hour.

    An hour? Thank goodness it isn't high speed.

  • justn (unregistered) in reply to BlackBart
    You know you've been a programmer too long when you stare at a trophy inscribed with &#8216; for about 2 minutes before figuring out what's wrong.

    Hahaha, nice!

  • Bob (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.

  • (cs)

    "Rock ‘n’ Bowl": Looks more like a MS Word WTF to me: That stupid "smart quotes" feature "wins" again.

    "WiFi": "We don't understand your point sir. It's the standard password; and its just an acronym for 'The Wireless Access Thingy'."

    "Reward for crw32.dmp": Yes, there's a reward. If you can find the author ... and you get 7 billion free guesses!

    "Free Rover Puck": He should try for the discount. Better late than never, right?

    "Amazon:" So he's 1 4/7ths of the way through the 3 pages? What accuracy: They can show your position to the nearest 1/7th of a page!

    "Infinity GB/sec": Whoa! Where do I sign up for that connectivity!?!

    "Dark Side of the Moon": Send that line at the bottom ("Normal 0 false false...") to "author" for an additional reward!

    "HP": Wow! An uninitialized variable and a rounding error in the same code. What an accomplishment!

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    Nagesh fake:
    Nagesh super fake:
    I am not believing posibility of making colour copies.
    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    2 fekes have now conjoned forces to smeer my good name. I am smiling at all trend seting I am doing.

    Also we have color printers in Hyderabad, but we are not alowed to make use of them. Only for project mangers and above.

    Yes, but unlike you I am sofware arkitect being above progect mamagers, haker schoolboy.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

    go lern mvc patern and come back and talk.

    MVC is not desine patern: it is multipal desine paterns put together, haker schoolboy.

    Don't be a H8R.

    I undertake project in java, if you need help with homework, contact me.

  • (cs) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    In Hyderabad, rattling one's owen cage is considered impolite to Lakshmi and can cause angering of Shiva, who may destroy cage-rattlers eyesight.
    Good thing I'm not in Hyderabad, then.
    There are myriad good things about not being in Hyderabad, it seems.
  • (cs) in reply to Bob
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.

    I didn't realize it was hereditary. Interesting...

  • Stabbitha (unregistered) in reply to moreON

    Happens all the time on my shiny new wireless neutrino connection.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to boog
    Steve The Cynic:
    In Hyderabad, rattling one's owen cage is considered impolite to Lakshmi and can cause angering of Shiva, who may destroy cage-rattlers eyesight.
    Good thing I'm not in Hyderabad, then.
    There are myriad good things about not being in Hyderabad, it seems.
    Seme thing can be said for most therd-wurld cuntrys.
  • Some damn Yank (unregistered) in reply to Bob
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.
    I know exactly what you mean. There's a guy here named "Bob" who's tedious, repetitive, and not funny and let me assure you it is no laughing matter.

  • (cs) in reply to BlackBart
    You know you've been a programmer too long when you stare at a trophy inscribed with &#8216; for about 2 minutes before figuring out what's wrong.
    Let me know when you realize that the subject line for the comments section on this site makes more-or-less the same mistake with the ampersand on the front.
  • Wonk (unregistered) in reply to Flash

    Are you sure we won't run out of puppies?

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    And TRWTF today?

    In the first 12 posts, 7 were from authors claiming to be "Nagesh".

    The problem with the Nagesh posts is not that they aren't funny (although they aren't), but that they are tedious and repetitive.

    But then again, tedious repetition of tired memes seems to be the norm here. Ho hum.

    Complaints about nagesh postings and quality of postings on this site in general have become tedious and repetitive.

  • INTERNETS (unregistered) in reply to Machtyn

    At least it's not an imaginary number...

  • (cs) in reply to Some damn Yank
    Some damn Yank:
    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.
    I know exactly what you mean. There's a guy here named "Bob" who's tedious, repetitive, and not funny and let me assure you it is no laughing matter.
    You both are liars!

    I may be tedious, repetitive and not funny, but i am certainly neither Bob nor any of his relatives (including sons and uncles)!

  • (cs) in reply to no laughing matter
    no laughing matter:
    Some damn Yank:
    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.
    I know exactly what you mean. There's a guy here named "Bob" who's tedious, repetitive, and not funny and let me assure you it is no laughing matter.
    You both are liars!

    I may be tedious, repetitive and not funny, but i am certainly neither Bob nor any of his relatives (including sons and uncles)!

    Bob's your uncle!

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to no laughing matter
    no laughing matter:
    Some damn Yank:
    Please show a little sensitivity. I had a son who was a not funny, tedious, and repetitive and let me assure you it was no laughing matter.
    I know exactly what you mean. There's a guy here named "Bob" who's tedious, repetitive, and not funny and let me assure you it is no laughing matter.
    You both are liars!

    I may be tedious, repetitive and not funny, but i am certainly neither Bob nor any of his relatives (including sons and uncles)!

    Is Bob developur of superior BobX language?

  • Anno (unregistered)

    So... this site really doesn't have any moderators, does it? What's the point of a comments thread when almost no one has anything to say on the subject of the post and spammers/trolls are allowed to run free?

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Anno
    So... this site really doesn't have any moderators, does it? What's the point of a comments thread when almost no one has anything to say on the subject of the post and spammers/trolls are allowed to run free?
    Only 1 meking randumb coments is u.

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