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technically, the term 'retarded' is a legal term. It doesn't mean 'negative', it has a clearly defined legal definition.
That having been said, you are an idiot.
you have to remember, this is serious fucking business
Unless that tool you're required to use is Sametime which only really works in real time on the Project Managers' PCs. The rest of us have it thrashing the hard drive most of the day fighting the IDE for resources. Ah productivity.
Oh, the 20 Project Managers pinging for status every few minutes is awesome too.
I disagree. I think people are sufficiently clueless to skip over any praise for T0p C0d3r's posts.
Skeptical? Proof follows.
And T0p C0d3r, keep it up, you're the best!
Preimp that with 80 combined hours to plan the move in no less than 8 conference calls over the course two months, with another 80 hours post move to review the lessons learned.
Welcome to EYEBEEM.
captcha: damnum Damnum indeed!
I'm just trying to see the other person's side of the situation, which is as real to them and justifiable as "Ben's" might be.
In my interactions with colleagues, usually ones with advanced degrees and a high degree of professional attainment, I'm often surprised when finding that they don't know simple procedural things (on the level of knowing how to get an outside line) that are so automatic to me that I don't even think of them.
That doesn't make them stupid because they don't know those things and it doesn't make me smart because I do.
And it doesn't make me obstructionist or a hidebound bureaucrat because, in haste or by reflex, I forget that.
Here's a likely scenario:
Jessica simply knew that to get an outside line, you press '8', probably by muscle memory. She's been there so long she doesn't even think of it -- it's just something she does automatically -- so naturally she mistakenly assumes that everyone knows this.
Again, we have only one side of the story and we don't know how much is embellished and how much is left out.
We're simply extrapolating and speculating. Maybe Jessica is a jerk. Maybe Ben didn't pay attention during his orientation by HR. Maybe both. Maybe neither.
/clap Hilarious
If you mean to point out that I am imperfect... well, yeah... guilty as charged. Again, the point is to think about our imperfections and how (or whether) we might correct them in ourselves. When I am criticized for my thoughtlessness and insensitivity, I try to consider the critics seriously, change my behavior if I think a change is warranted and, yes, apologize for my behavior if I think I should.
Then I move on.
Perhaps this is why your post is so hard for me to respond to… why it’s taken me most of an hour to write this. You call me on hypocrisy; I have to admit that you aren’t completely wrong. I mentioned it in my last post as way of including myself in the offending group in the hope of looking like I wasn’t “on my high horse.” I’m sorry that this attempt wasn’t successful (FWIW, I don’t ever say retard, that isn’t what I meant. I only meant that I can be thoughtless, insensitive and hurtful… just ask my wife).
I didn't make an argument about “the n-word” and didn’t even consider it. Frankly, I’m not even sure what you mean by bringing it up. After reading your post, though, I thought a little about the parallels between nigger and retard. I don’t really think the use – or non-use – of the word nigger is all that relevant to what I’m trying to say. I’m glad that the n-word is no longer in the common vernacular, of course. I’d like to see “retard” fall away as well, but for different reasons.
Gay, however, is not a bad analogy for what I’m trying to say. You’re right that gay is used in polite society to mean stupid and unpleasant. But that doesn’t mean the usage is ok.
The gay people I know really don’t think that being gay is either stupid or unpleasant. Gay is simply a way of expressing your sexuality. No better than any other, no worse. Using gay to describe stupid or unpleasant things that are not “gay” (i.e. that have nothing to do with homosexuality) demeans people who are gay in some small way, by implying that somehow they are stupid or unpleasant. (Yes, I do know some stupid and unpleasant gays, but it isn’t being gay that makes them stupid or unpleasant.)
Using retard to mean stupid (or more in line with the original post… to mean “a person who doesn’t know the same things that I do”) sounds demeaning in a somewhat similar way.
Maybe I’m wrong about this, but I hear in the word stupid a clear implication that being stupid is within the “stupid” person’s control. For example, stupid is often paired with lazy, clearing implying that the person wouldn’t be stupid if they’d just work at being smart. As BA (above, but not quoted) correctly points out, a retard person simply can’t learn past a certain point. But this is clearly not within the retard person control.
In my mind, that’s an essential difference and that’s why it’s not correct or appropriate to use retarded this way.
Cry me a frigger rigger. What a bunch of girls.
Honestly, I find both of them acceptable WHEN THEY ARE USED TO DESCRIBE A MENTALLY RETARD PERSON. It's the use of either to describe an mentally able person who just doen't happen to know what somone else think they should know that bugs me.
It's a feeling, it's not logical, I've tried to explain it... all I can really do is ask that you understand that I do feel this way, and hope that none of you ever have cause to understand why.
I guess I should explain that I describe my kids as mentally disabled to avoid clouding the discussion that I knew I was going to provoke. My kids are not retarded. They have a serious mental / develomental disorder that is often mistaken for retardation. If they were MR, I'd have no problem calling them retarded. (But I'd still have a problem with hearing mentally able people called "retards.")
No time for spell check, so I just gotta hope this is ok.
I don't see the WTF here - this is standard "break-in" procedure for new hires where I used to work. The new hires would be treated very harshly in accordance with the policies and procedures we had in place. We couldn't work on anything if there wasn't a helpdesk ticket, and we definitely couldn't work on something if you call us every 10 minutes to check if we have time to work on it yet. If you stop us while we are using the urinal to ask about your ticket, you can expect your ticket to be closed without resolution. If you leave us voicemails, don't anticipate us actually listening to them. Basically, if you didn't go through the helpdesk, you didn't get to talk to us.
This policy actually helped out our helpdesk, because they were able to take a ton of calls with immediate resolution, and were thus able to justify their existence.
You know, I used to do most of that with batchfiles. Compiling an executable just to replace
@echo off cd ..
is IMHO painful. Here are two useful ones for Windows (type in as directed)
copy con c:\windows\x.bat @exit ^Z (that's Control-Z).
copy con c:\windows\i.bat @ipconfig %1 %2 ^Z (as above).
So, in a shell you type x to exit, and "i /all" gives you "ipconfig /all"
I like the reg32 - that IS useful. But learning about batchfiles may save you time (and gets you into understanding why Unix people are so attached to command lines).
Footnote: I have a \tools directory in the path. The above is only pointed at \windows for your convenience but is not as clean as a separate directory..
Note to self: do not approach system when a large amount of alcohol is what you really need. I walked into that one alright :-). Ignore me, I'm not drunk enough yet.
I mean, I can see it as one if the take "girl" to mean "childish." But then, a) you never hear "boy" used that way and 2) you do sometimes hear girl used to pejoratively describe boys who - by virtue of their age can be expected to be childish.
You also hear "woman" used pejoratively, don't you? Woman can't mean childish as "women" are adults.
So here you have a perfectly natural state of being, like Gay or Retarded, used as a perjorative. Used as though "woman" or "girl" is an inferrior state of being.
Is woman inferior to man? Can someone explain this to me?
I admire your perseverance, having taken an hour to type up this excellent defence of why some people are more sensitive than others to particular misuses of words, and why that just isn't acceptable in polite company.
Sometimes you should perhaps just let it lie though, no? I mean, the person you are initially trying to educate on his or her misuse of the word retard is probably in need of a thorough check on all their vocabulary, or maybe just needs to mature a little.
So take a deep breath, and remember that while your mission today is clearly not lose the argument, there are bigger things in life.
Um.. ahh.. well.. yeah... you have a point. I'm kinda "in a mood" today... I get that way sometimes.
This is all I was thinking about as I read the article.
Are you the non-technical Top Cod3r?
I used to have this kind of crap at an older job. Fortunately, being in the IT Security Department gave me a little help; we were handed "temporary admin privs" to do exactly these kind of jobs.
Since when is TDWTF considered 'Polite Company?'
captcha: appellatio make mine fellatio...I'm a girly boi
Was it because he was trying to backdoor her?
captcha: butter
Boy is also a pejorative used much the same way. And probably most of the people you are arguing with would agree that women are inferior to men.
I quote:
No, really.Admin
Easier to make sure the DB gets backed up.
[quote user="rfsmit"][quote user="ContraCorners"]Not everyone computer user is a programmer, after all.[/quote] You don't have to be a programmer to understand hierarchical filesystems. quote]
You'd like to think so, wouldn't you. And yet...
Seriously though, we've all had experiences where we're showing the same people, the same functions, over and over again. Maybe there is something that keeps people from learning these things (something other than "they're not very bright" I mean.)
I have users who download a file, with the same name, to the same place several times a month. But if HyperTerminal doesn't default to the right location or use the right name... don't know how to do it.
These aren't stupid people, it has to be something other than that.
And they wonder why they can't beat al Qaeda.
I'm surprised that no-one has pointed out that the phone number could actually be a central help-desk number, that is automatically redirected to the help-desk of the users physical location.
This makes my soul bleed.
Please quit. Jacking liquor stores to feed your illegitimate crack babies makes my soul bleed less.
I remember trying this using LogMeIn - it's a free dealio that'll run within a browser window.
So, inside my browser window, it drew my whole screen, including my browser window, which drew another browser window inside that, which... You can see where this is headed. It was putting two mirrors facing each other and smoking something illegal.
The point to which these discussions have deteriorated is starting to make MFD not seem so bad. blech
I shall hereby elaborate for him or her. Are you, yourself, clinically retarded, unable to use neither English nor American, or simply unable to type your entire thought? I would like to highlight the "When are raising" part of your post. You have clearly forgotten to include the word "you" between the words "When" and "are". This is a grammatical error that is only excusable if your native language is neither English nor American, but instead a language where pronouns can be implicit, such as Japanese. However, you often find certain commonalities between the speech patterns of foreigners with a limited grasp of English or American, and the speech of persons with mental defects. This is merely caused by the limited understanding of the language in both these groups and not due to any actual defects in the foreigner. Since you are showing a limited grasp of English or its offshoot language, you, in the words of "Dur", "sound retarded".
I would also like to note that you continue to exhibit the limitations of your skills with the English based languages in your subsequent posts.
I would further like to note that my personal assumption, as it always is, is that you are not a sufferer of clinical mental retardation. It is far more likely that you suffer from the Internet based affliction wherein you shorten your sentences to the point of unreadability simply because you're typing. However, considering the fact that your genes have spawned a child with mental retardation, it does add some consideration to the possibility that there is a flaw in your genetics that caused both the said illness in your offspring, and your own inabilities.
I would recommend that you proof read your postings before you actually click the Submit button. Particularly when admitting to having a child with mental disabilities, however proof reading is always a good habit.
'Jessica picked up her phone and pressed 8, 1, 7, 7, 4, 6, 2, 1, 6. “There, see? Now go away, I have a call coming in on another line."
Hey! I used to work at a place just like this. Except that it was a large and blue national retailer of hardware and whatnot.
That article just made me angry and now I want to smash a government worker in the face.
I guess that explains the obesity problem we are all facing.
Ahem... Yes I know what you mean. We are not a government place, yet everything I scan on the network scanner in the hallway goes from here (Central Europe) to our headquarters (Pennsylvania, US) and back to my comp in the offixe 20 feet from the scanner. I mean...Do they want to check, if the employes uses scanner to... nothing comes to mind...
I love this story, but I'm sorry to say, it sounds like she was just messing with the new guy. That sounds like something I would do.
I have experienced this, here it goes I needed to update a platform with the help of my client in LA, me in India, 12:30 hrs of time difference I was not able to download the files due to "corporate firewall" I call in system guys and tell them its urgent and client is on hold they say they will be happy to help me out but i will have to raise a support ticket I raised the ticket and it was already lunch time for those guys I called them and they said the guy whom the ticket was assigned left for lunch so they may have to reassign to some one else that will take time and those 1 MB files tool 7 hours to download on our high speed internet network and not on my machine Client left saying he will set up a server at his own end and will give me full access.
I even cant change my workstation's wallpaper :-(
So... Is Jessica hot?
As an unbiased reader of this conversation, I have been struggling for a few minutes to decide whether "asshole" or "prick" best summarizes my opinion of you. Let's go for both.
I have to do that for about 80% of the posts here...
Um... that was kinda my point, if you're referring to my post
Hah, newb(j/k)! Thanks to TopCoder (sorry, TopCod3r), I now read the username before reading the comment! And I'm ashamed to admit, before my first cup of coffee in the morning I sometimes forget to do this, and sometimes fall prey to his brilliantly worded baits, going "hmm..that makes sense". Then I blink and go, "oh fuck! no it doesn't!". Thankfully, this rarely happens.
P.S. Italicized words are intended to preserve the poster's self-esteem.
What a waste of bandwidth. As if none of us has ever "swallowed" a word while typing. Sometimes this happens on initial typing, sometimes when you reorganize the text via copy/paste. Whatever the cause, you have no grounds for presuming anything. The sample size being too small, and yada yada. Heck, your whole cited posts is just seemingly eloquent BS. Wishy washy stupidityness. Whatever, I'm at loss to elaborate any further on it. -1 from me.