• NLZ (unregistered)

    I think the real WTF on the spark plug spacers, is that the moped shop has never heard of this before. You can purchase spark plug spacers in motorcycle magazines.

  • Mike (unregistered)

    What is the Swiss band-aid thing, really? I'm guessing that you don't really need all those charts and text to tell people not to use lower-quality band-aids from the Balkans....

    Are the band-aids really Swiss passports and all the foreigners are grabbing them up?

  • Gary Schubert (unregistered)

    "Switzerlandese" language owned, thank you :) And yes, these band-aids crates of unknown origin at street corners are a real issue here.

  • Jo (unregistered)

    Not the first I guess.

  • Hmmmm (unregistered)

    The Swiss poster is for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_People%27s_Party

    Keep Switzerland white! Down with dirty brown foreigners!

    (PS: I'm neither Swiss, nor a nazi)

  • (cs)

    Alex, you may want to read up on the SVP and have someone translate their propaganda, possibly before you post it...

    Edit: the real WTF is that it took me 4 minutes to write that.

  • (cs)


    Mike it so!

  • Buck (unregistered)

    The trouble with posting to a group of nitpicking programmer types is that one of them will pick a nit. Being a ham, I must note that the card from KI4OFU (last image) is called a QSL card, and it's sent to acknowledge a QSO (contact) between two hams.

    I find I like this list of strange stuff... keep up the good work!

  • (cs)

    As an Official Man, I'm willing to sell my endorsement to the highest bidder. I don't even need to know what "forming cream" is. Actually I think I'd rather not know.

    I first read "Decmate" as "Decimate", which would have been a much better name for a DEC machine.

  • bloody dude (unregistered)

    I need me some band-aids, quick!

  • Some Schwitzer (unregistered)

    The poster from Switzerland is an anti-naturalization poster, imploring the viewer to vote for an initiative limiting naturalization. The back is a scare-mongering look at the numbers and demographics of the new citizens of Switzerland: There are more criminals! And Muslims! From Turkey and the Balkens!

  • PepperBob (unregistered)

    The Swiss thing is really tough... publishing such a fyler in Germany would definitely push you in the nazi corner.

  • icebird (unregistered)

    I remember receiving this flyer. The inside was pretty funny, it had charts comparing the number of naturalizations and the number of crimes comitted. The candidate from the party that made these flyers didn't get elected btw.

  • Swiss (unregistered) in reply to PepperBob

    Puts you in the Nazi corner in Switzerland, too, which is kind of the SVP's schtick. Say something Nazi, then, after public outcry, pretend you meant something else. That way, you get the right-wing votes in addition to some moderate votes.

  • Swiss (unregistered) in reply to icebird

    Yes, it should be pointed out that the Swiss voted "No" on that one, too.

  • (cs)

    How long until Dr. Evil ends up in a MFD thread?

  • (cs) in reply to WhiskeyJack

    Mike it so!

    These are the voyages of the USS Interprise...
  • krupa (unregistered)

    Flying cows are obviously the smartest cows: they've figured out how to fly! Duh.

  • Joe (unregistered) in reply to Some Schwitzer
    Some Schwitzer:
    The poster from Switzerland is an anti-naturalization poster, imploring the viewer to vote for an initiative limiting naturalization...

    Anyone else find it amusing that, 7 pictures down from the Swiss anti-immigration propaganda is they guy who just immigrated to Switzerland? "The xenophobia's pretty intense, but on the upside, the chocolate is awesome!"

  • Crabs (unregistered) in reply to NLZ
    You can purchase spark plug spacers in motorcycle magazines.

    Or any auto parts store for ~0.50c

  • Totally Confused (unregistered)

    Ok, I don't get the issue with the J.D. Power awards. Can someone a little more caffeinated explain it, please?

  • (cs)

    I like how Mylanta is trying to convince us the new product is better with dual action and all and then proceed to stamp in big letters: "They are exactly the same!"

  • (cs)

    So why should we care that someone sent him some wet-naps? Is this stuff supposed to be interesting?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Joe
    Some Schwitzer:
    The poster from Switzerland is an anti-naturalization poster, imploring the viewer to vote for an initiative limiting naturalization...

    Anyone else find it amusing that, 7 pictures down from the Swiss anti-immigration propaganda is they guy who just immigrated to Switzerland? "The xenophobia's pretty intense, but on the upside, the chocolate is awesome!"

    And women couldn't vote in Switzerland before 1971!

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to icebird
    I remember receiving this flyer. The inside was pretty funny, it had charts comparing the number of naturalizations and the number of crimes comitted. The candidate from the party that made these flyers didn't get elected btw.

    Don't they know that the number of crimes committed is correlated with the decline in the number of pirates? Everything historical is correlated with pirates!

  • John (unregistered)

    One of the coins that doesn't belong is the Canadian Penny. I'm not sure about the other one.

  • (cs) in reply to SuperousOxide
    So why should we care that someone sent him some wet-naps? Is this stuff supposed to be interesting?
    Yes, it is.

    And I, for one, find it endlessly so.

  • (cs) in reply to John
    One of the coins that doesn't belong is the Canadian Penny. I'm not sure about the other one.
    The coin next to it on the left seems to have ideograms and an Asiatic bust.
  • (cs) in reply to Gary Schubert
    Gary Schubert:
    And yes, these band-aids crates of unknown origin at street corners are a real issue here.
    What are you guys doing to each other on the streets as you pass, that by the time you reach the corner you all need band-aids?
  • My name (unregistered) in reply to Buck
    The trouble with posting to a group of nitpicking programmer types is that one of them will pick a nit. Being a ham, I must note that the card from KI4OFU (last image) is called a QSL card, and it's sent to acknowledge a QSO (contact) between two hams.

    At first I thought.. wtf, talking meat? Some kind of upgraded spam that communicate with each other?

  • Marc B (unregistered)

    Do Canadians hate getting American coins in their change the same way we Americans hate getting Canadian coins?

  • Erik (unregistered) in reply to Marc B
    Marc B:
    Do Canadians hate getting American coins in their change the same way we Americans hate getting Canadian coins?

    These days, I think I'd prefer getting Canadian coins as change.

  • (cs) in reply to krupa
    Flying cows are obviously the smartest cows: they've figured out how to fly! Duh.
    They don't so much fly as plummet.

    ok, that's sheep, but close enough.

  • (cs) in reply to SuperousOxide
    So why should we care that someone sent him some wet-naps? Is this stuff supposed to be interesting?

    No. It's supposed to lure the trolls out of the woods so we can identify them for later isolation, capture, and relocation back to their original feeding grounds at /.

    You've now been identified.

  • Steven G. Aldana, Ph.D. (unregistered) in reply to Erik
    Marc B:
    Do Canadians hate getting American coins in their change the same way we Americans hate getting Canadian coins?

    These days, I think I'd prefer getting Canadian coins as change.

    You'd loose, the exchange rates have flipped again.
  • Yaamboo (unregistered)

    Small correction: Jyväskylä is written Jyväskylä, not Jyraskyla ;)

  • Todd (unregistered)

    If you got schwag from a trade show, you're going to some questionable trade shows!

    Schwag is marijuana. Swag is booty.

  • Phil (unregistered) in reply to Todd
    If you got schwag from a trade show, you're going to some questionable trade shows!

    Schwag is marijuana. Swag is booty.

    I didn't know you could get marijauna or booty at trade shows. And here I had always assumed they were boring!

  • sf (unregistered) in reply to Gary Schubert
    Gary Schubert:
    "Switzerlandese" language owned, thank you :) And yes, these band-aids crates of unknown origin at street corners are a real issue here.
    Could somebody please explain what this is all about? Crates of unknown origin full of band-aids showing up on Swiss street corners? The issue being serious enough that brochures are being printed to implore people not to grab them? WTF?
  • (cs)

    You need to look at the product warning on those crochet gloves...

  • silent d (unregistered) in reply to Coincoin
    I like how Mylanta is trying to convince us the new product is better with dual action and all and then proceed to stamp in big letters: "They are exactly the same!"

    Your marketing dept. changed the packaging on Mylanta, causing consumer confusion that led to a decline in sales.

    Now what do you do?

  • yan (unregistered)

    lustig, naiv wie ich bin hani immer gmeint ich seg de einzig schwiizer uf dailywtf :D

  • (cs) in reply to yan
    ustig, naiv wie ich bin hani immer gmeint ich seg de einzig schwiizer uf dailywtf :D

    Apparently you aren't. I'm however from the other side of the Röstigraben ;-)

  • (cs)
    "but contractually, a company that advertises JD Powers wins isn't allowed to mention the fact that they had previously won a bunch if they somehow skip one year."

    Funny how I have one of these sitting on my desk... the mousepad that is. I don't think I'm in a position to win a JD Powers award :P However, I do have to walk into a big banner saying congratulations for these awards every day ;)

  • (cs) in reply to Adriano
    The coin next to it on the left seems to have ideograms and an Asiatic bust.

    I think that one is a 1 jiao coin from China (1/10th of a Yuan). Roughly worth 1.2 US cents.

  • (cs)

    /me is now a threadjacker...

    Hey, Jeremy... today's secret words are PCRepairSystem.zip, Bagpipes, and Discworld.

  • DShpak (unregistered) in reply to Marc B
    Marc B:
    Do Canadians hate getting American coins in their change the same way we Americans hate getting Canadian coins?

    Not in my experience. In Canada, American and Canadian coinage up to about a quarter is generally considered interchangeable. You don't see a whole lot of it...pennies are fairly common, and nickels and dimes aren't unusual, but I can't recall the last time I ended up with an American quarter in my change.

  • Tony Clifton (unregistered)

    So did Michael Marcus have to tell the the people at the ticket window of the Louvre that he was a virgin, did they have a machine that made that determination, or could one just tell just by looking at him?

  • Valentin (unregistered)

    I don't get comment about the swiss poster .. its not funny and really totally false.

    There are four languages spoken it Switzerland, none of these is Switzerlandese - the poster is in German. And as other commenters already pointed out: it symbolizes foreign people grapping swiss passports and asks onlookers to vote for an initiative that would make naturalization of foreigners more difficult. This initiative was since defeated.

  • (cs) in reply to Valentin
    I don't get comment about the swiss poster .. its not funny and really totally false.

    There are four languages spoken it Switzerland, none of these is Switzerlandese - the poster is in German. And as other commenters already pointed out: it symbolizes foreign people grapping swiss passports and asks onlookers to vote for an initiative that would make naturalization of foreigners more difficult. This initiative was since defeated.

    Your explanation may contain more truthiness, but the original was positively brimming with funnitude.

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