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NO, but I will now. Thanks a lot!
I don't know, are there differences in the etiquette for a glory hole in a western bathroom versus an Asian bathroom that might require a sign? I have to confess, I have no experience in this area. Perhaps we should ask Larry Craig?
In Soviet Russia, there are only two glory holes. Glory hole #1 writes propaganda on penis. Glory hole #2 has KGB agent ordering you to "go back to glory hole #1!"
This comment was obviously photoshopped. You can tell that the last bit was tacked onto the end because the casing is completely different. Come on guys, at least try to make it a little hard to spot!
Not only that, but 'natural' does not mean 'good'. There are plenty of 'natural ingredients' which I would much rather not discover in my food.
"Cowpoo milkshake - 100% natural ingredients"
If you're in the left lane, you can get in the right lane and let him by.
I definitely like the "downshift while tapping brakes, then accelerate" idea. Also, you jokers with the running quote-war/bar bathroom discussion should keep it up, it reminds me of the "computer you gave your sister" thread.
A little therapeutic aspiration should cure the priapism, then you should pee as normal. Next question?
Or snake venom and deadly nightshade shake - all natural!
Holy crap. Okay, so you don't fancy shoving sharp pointy things into the old fella, and besides, you're feeling lucky and might need that erection later. You still need to pee. What do you do now?
(and personally, I'd try the handstand before taking anything sharp and pointy to mine)
I just slow down until there's a 3 second delay between me and the guy behind me. In some cases that's 10-20 km/h. Keep it there for about 20-30 seconds then resume your normal speed. In most cases, they get the message and leave some space.
Actually, the real problem with those bathroom signs is that they only tell you what not to do. How about the sign that shows you the correct way?
i think i have to poo
It's clear that the sign means that the strawberry flavor comes from strawberries and the vanilla flavor comes from vanilla beans and the milk comes from cows. It's true that "natural" does not always mean "safe and healthy". But "natural strawberry" means it's the same as the strawberries that mankind has been eating for centuries. "Artificial strawberry" could be a new concotion invented yesterday that may or may not taste anything like the real ingredient.
For the sprinkler picture, the word below the connector is "STORAGE". The wordy version would be "Attach hose here to feed the SPRINKLER system in the PROPANE STORAGE area". Clever attempt to hide that extra word, Mr. Photographer.
Yes, if you extract esters from a real strawberry they are exactly the same as esters you can make in the lab. Ethyl butanoate is the same chemical when it's made in a strawberry as it is if it's made in a beaker.
Well yes. But most DECENT quality strawberry flavoured things won't use chemically extracted esters, they'll use actual strawberry JUICE. Which you can't make in a lab.
No they don't. If they want consistent flavor they will separate the components of real strawberries and then blend them back again to a specification. That's why the Wendy's shake you had last week tastes just like the one you had today. Try doing that with real strawberries. Oh, and distillation isn't chemical extraction. Chemical extraction would mean it would no longer qualify as natural.
And while we're at it, who the fuck let's their chickens cross the road?
If you synthesize the ethyl butanoate from petroleum then you can call it "natural ethyl butanoate" but not "natural strawberry flavor". And in either case it's not likely to be 100.000% pure. So my challenge remains: name something labeled "artificial" that is indistinguishable from the "natural" thing it replaces.
The closest thing I know of is "naturally decaffeinated coffee" which is processed with supercritical carbon dioxide. If that's natural then I don't know what's artificial. But it's still not an example of something slapped with a chemically meaningless "artificial" label.
Wouldn't I call what what? If it came from a strawberry and isn't chemically altered except in ways that are commonly used (e.g. cooking), then it can be labeled as natural. If it's made in a lab from ethanol and butanonic acid it's artificial. But it's still ethyl butanoate either way.
You perform chemical reactions when you cook food. It's still considered natural. But besides, under the right conditions, you can distill without degrading, at least without degrading the things you are interested in.
No, you can't label it natural anything. You're trying to use natural now with a different meaning that what we use for food labeling, which is what we are talking about.
I just did. If I make (and purify) ethyl butanoate in the lab, it'll be labeled as artificial, but you won't be able to tell the difference between it and the stuff distilled out of a strawberry, because, and this is the important part, they are the same!
Using supercritical CO2 is considered still natural because all you are doing is dissolving the caffeine and removing it. It's analogous to washing your strawberries. Would you say your strawberries are no longer "natural" because you washed the dirt off them?
I don't know what your point is. Yes the "artificial" (and "natural") label is chemically meaningless, which was kind of my original point. That people think something labeled "natural" is magically better, when it is often exactly the same.
No, actually, a lot of major sprinkler systems for tall buildings are powered by propane. To pump water up that high, you can't just hook up a garden hose you know, you have to have a dedicated pump for the purpose. Those pumps run on propane (some of them can also use gasoline), because powering them electrically would just be crazy (since a fire usually knocks out the necessary wiring and such).
That picture is of the fill connection for the sprinkler fuel storage tank, to refill it with propane.
So you're the guy doing 20 in the left lane. I hope a cop pulls you over.
That SlickEdit logo is definitely photoshopped. Look, it's missing half of a letter!
round these parts, the school children are to busy smoking crack to rotate roadsignes.
My pleasure.
True, I could. But it'd be so much more COOL to see the look on his face in my rearview mirror right before the Sidewinder removed him from the gene pool!
I once had a conversation with a neighbor who was a police officer and he noted that if you brake without a valid cause, you can be ticketed. And "the guy behind me was tailgating" is not a valid cause. So from the perspective of maintaining the moral and legal high ground, it's not a great idea.
But I have to admit, from a pure satisfaction perspective, it's a great idea, and I've used it in the past.
I'd still prefer to see the explosion, though ...
Yikes! I certainly hope the propane tank is accessible from a different connector than the one firefighters user to access water!
Except they're not the same chemicals. You see, no chemical reaction is 100% efficient at producing energy or at using all its reagents toward a goal. This is true for both biological systems and laboratory produced chemical reactions. But biological systems have evolved waste disposal systems that are extremely effective at removing such waste. Laboratory systems are nowhere near as effective, leading to measurable contamination with reagents not even found in biological reactions, since chemists most often use different synthetic processes (that is, processes for synthesis) than those found in nature.
If the children don't play fast enough, the school bus WILL explode!
Clearly the right hand door is pivoted half way up along the side and rotates in the x-axis rather than the y axis. Thus you push the top forward and pull the bottom backwards until the point where it is horizontal like a tabletop. Then you're left with the task of crawling under it, unless of course you're game enough to try jumping over it.
I think I'd take the left door.
I'd rather have that than sauteed deathcaps and nightshade, seasoned with arsenic.
No, he means the water spins anti-clockwise.
That's only an issue in Quebec, they are the only ones that will hang you if don't use French, also Bill 101 is a provincial law and as such Quebec is the only province with the Language Police. The rest of the country only has to have French on the box that is visible, so there is probably some size restrictions but the French is normally on the other side of the box so its you problem if you can't figure out that you have the container backwards.
That being said as store is supposed to have all products with the language of the store facing out.
And there were multiple groups - the Tleilaxu were from the Bene Tleilax.
The only thing I remember from high school was "Je voudrais une kilo de pomme de terre, sil vous plais" or something like that. I can't emphasize enough you how handy that's been during my life :-)
You use the same 45-degree lean that all men down through the ages have used when they wake up with their "morning glory".
If you've got a proper transmission, just part the clutch and put it in reverse.
Reversing lights are indistinguishable from brake lights when they're a meter in front of you on a car doing sixty.
OTOH, rear fog lights are perfect.
Sadly, I figured out what the deal was with the extra toilet picture. Sadly, I decided to share it.
Rereading the caption it makes more sense. The first picture is an attempt to explain by analogy how to interpret the second red-slash-through-red-circle-over-diagram thingy. I'm guessing it's not a universally-understood idiom. For one thing, it isn't mauve.
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As any proper ACL the entry signs list the deny permissions above the allow permissions. As such you are for certain denied access.