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I wouldn't consider anything purchased in a fast food restaurant "decent quality" :-P
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Depends where you are. Here in UK, I was taught that this is the correct thing to do. Not slamming the brakes on, admittedly, but if you're driving at the speed limit, the driver behind is tailgating and you aren't able to move over to let him pass, you should slow down to ensure the vehicle behind you can stop in time if you're forced to brake suddenly.
I have on one occasion slowed to about 10mph, and eventually stopped, approached the driver and told him that we'd be continuing the journey at 5mph until he decided to leave a safe gap.
That's the bike test though, and it's quite possible that it doesn't apply when you've got a big metal cage and airbags to keep you safe.
Well, in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman," he tells a story that he took a leak while standing on his head to settle a bet with his college classmates (who bet it couldn't be done because of gravity).
When I read the story, I just assumed that the classmates had a side bet that they could make him pee standing on his head.
That Target sign definitely isn't a WTF. You'll see it at every Target you go to. The entrances have signs on the designated exit doors that say "do not enter: exit" while the exits have signs on the door that say "do not enter: entrance". It makes sense because you wouldn't enter an entrance when exiting.
Toilets do not flush the other direction in Australia. The coriolis effect is far too trivial on the scale of something such as a toilet. The primary factor will be which direction the water jets point. Even in a style without water jets the imperfections in the surface of the toilet will still be large enough to determine which way the water will go.
(also in Australia) At my workplace one of the mens' room cubicles had a similar sign taped up for a few weeks showing one allowed and five forbidden positions/activites. I'm pretty sure it was just someone's idea of a joke, which is why it was eventually removed.
I rather like the 'slower than usual' sign - very honest!
Or you could go ahead and make your pass and get out of the passing lane.
Only in Quebec, and thankfully, I'm not in Quebec, so the original post is acceptable as is.
Hmmm... I don't know what I'd do if I woke up in a public restroom... Certainly wouldn't be a good start to the day.
So where on earth is Asutralia?
the 'no standing on your head' sign was a picture taped to the wall before the picture was taken
Real ingredients are way cooler than integer ingredients
How are you going to get a sympathy fuck from a total hottie if she doesn't think you've been abused? Or are you proposing that it's better to beat oneself up?
The prohibition on headstand pees was obviously homemade, but that doesn't mean it's fake. Someone, probably a custodian, said "how the fuck do they miss the toilet" once too many and decided to make a funny sign.
It's not, but "there was a child|turtle|snake|bird|possum|rabbit|fox|deer|leaf in the road" is.Admin
i read a story about people (mostly women) "hovering" over the toilet for fear of getting dirty-thus POOPING ALL OVER THE FLOOR-but why the hell didn't ANY of them instead use the disposable toilet covers from the dispenser hanging on the side of the toilet stall LESS THAN A FOOT AWAY from the toilet!?!?