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I think I need some "see sharp" help, because the babe in the background looks a little blurry to me.
Okay, so in which part of the world is it customary to stand on your head when you take a wizz? I guess it avoids peeing on your shoes, but I don't think peeing on your head is a better alternative.
I would really like to see firefighters using some propane to extinguish a fire.
J'aimerais vraiment voir des pompiers utiliser du propane pour éteindre un feu.
Ok ok, I understand the "no standing on the toilet" one because quite a few Asian cultures squat over a hole instead of sitting on a toilet. But who the fuck does headstands on toilets?
the push/pull thing is obviously a real world OR gate implementation
The headstand one is fake, printed on a piece of paper, you can see the wrinkles. And no copyright or whatever in the lower corner.
... frame-corner bevelling is different, red circle is thinner, person's head is larger ...
(think it's time I went outside for some fresh air)
The first one is too obviously photoshopped. At least make an effort, guys.
It's in Australia. Everything's a bit different down under. The toilet also flushes in the other direction.
captcha: bene (gezereth?)
Seconded. The "Children at Play" sign isn't even close to the same angle as the post or the "Radar Enforced".
Of course the Wendy's one meant to say "natural" rather than "real". But TRWTF is anybody thinking "natural" is somehow magically better than "artificial" despite in many cases it's the exact same chemicals.
This comment is hand-typed and made from real words. We have a new computer system, so it will be posted slower than usual. Please leave this comment as you would like to find it.
Does anyone else, when seeing one of those "Radar Enforced" signs, expect to see Gary Burghoff hiding nearby with a ticket pad in hand?
And don't get me started on "State Police Aircraft Used in Traffic Enforcement" signs. I mean, come ON! If they've got 'em, would it kill them to send in the F-15's to help me out when some guy is riding up my tailpipe?
We have a new post - this comment will be slower than usual.
At least I did not write "Bene Genesereth", as Google suggested ;-)
So, how long until we see the "new computer system" featured here? If the upgrade makes it slower, it HAS to be riddled with WTFs...
Canadian dual language policy compliant posts. Neat :)
(Assuming using my pitiful French to work out those two sentences are saying the same thing is correct)
captcha: yellowstain
I suspect this is a case of "it's a new system and we don't know how it works yet, because we only had rudimentary training, so we're having to learn as we use it".
Great idea, you can prove how right you were from your wheel chair sucking soup through a straw the rest of your life.
You popped some Viagra and you now have one of those four hour erections. You really need to pee. What do you do now?
"Please leave this toilet as you would like to find it"
I guess thats exactly the problem...
You can also discuss it with the guy behind you when he comes flying through his windshield, your back window and ends up sitting in the passenger seat next to you.
Did anyone actually call the number and see who answers?
as the photographer, i can certainly testify that this sign post stood that way for some years on Burden Lake Road in Averill Park, NY. the local authorities noticed it last year and change the signage, but it was most definitely there.
i don't recall if i shot that in nikon raw or jpg, but if it was raw mode i will be more than happy to put the .nef file online for you to inspect.
ok, here's the full sized jpg:
the original is in nikon raw mode from my D40. can't post it until tonight. but i do challenge you to "prove" it's a photoshop -- because you can't. i don't even own photoshop, i use nikon capture nx2 for post processing.
Can everyone who claimed it was photoshopped please learn to SHUT THE HELL UP NEXT TIME?!?
Under Bill 101, the English part of that post would have to be placed below and printed in letters not more than half the size of the French part.
Don't let the Language Police catch you putting English first.
If you consider that a problem, you're frequenting the wrong kind of bar.
The "This page intentionally left blank" empty CD sleeve is located beneath a similar sleeve that does have a CD.
It's Microsoft re-assuring you there's nothing missing.
Plus it has the advantage that you don't actually get totalled.
The type of bar where people do hand stands in the bathroom?
(*) - May contain non-facts.
OK.. the sprinkler picture says "SPRINKLER PROPANE STORAGE". Which means that line probably feeds the sprinkler in the propane storage area of the building. Probably a place you want to extinguish a fire in a big hurry.
Is it just me, or does Resolver's logo look a lot like VMware's?
Clearly, the way to get through the doors is FILE_NOT_FOUND.
One does not simply walk into Arby's.
No no no! Those aren't toilet signs!
They are signs telling you not to jump into the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator. No matter how much you miss the Companion Cube.
The Microsoft envelope actually can be understood. I think they make the books with a fixed number of CD envelopes glued in them (I usually see two). If the book needs just one CD, the other envelope stays empty. But an empty envelope might make the reader think that he's missing another disk. So they put the sticker there.
I'd imagine that would get pretty messy..
I don't know about you, but I know next time I hit a public bathroom, I'm gonna do a handstand on the can and pee on the door..... NOBODY will know what to do!