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Frist Yes [ ] No [ ]
The answer to Willy's question is, of course, "Yes".
If you press "No" at Jim's question, does that mean you want to answer multiple questions?
I also suffer from %_SQL_TEXT disease, got it through an injection back at the server facility
Will someone who speaks Finish explain Erkki Laite's submission?
No Finish needed. Check out http://lipsum.com
This is some extra text to get around akismet.
What if the article is about lipsum?
But more interesting stories are on this page:
Your link is so 1960s!
Nero Imhard needn't have worried - it wasn't a petabyte, only a petabit.
Dangerous Beans
1067 Petabytes... Is that what it takes to download the internet these days?
Wrong! The answer is, of course, FILE_NOT_FOUND.
About Turun Sanomat, it's a job add. For Respecta, respecta.fi also offers site In English for those who are intrested...
"Please help us improve this page by answering one question"
There's no WTF, unless upon clicking "yes", you get a second question. If you choose either yes or no, you may have helped (off the top of my head, by increasing hit count of the tracking widget, thus boosting advertising or other metrics; maybe there is some other thing that answering this question helps with), and it's internally consistent.
captcha nulla = Holla at my %SQL_TEXT family!
Of course, Andrew's real issue was the time travel. Either that or that screenshot has been sitting in TDWTF's inbox since last February...
A screen shot of my laptop simultaneously showing 17 minutes and over 10 hours of battery life remaining, vaguely similar to today's time sync WTF.
A picture of my cell phone displaying two different times, remarkably similar to today's time sync WTF.
A scan of my receipt from a national restaurant chain in which the randomly generated "enter this on our website" code soundly curses me out.
But nooooooo...
I guess the world just has too much WTF for even Alex to stomach.
Latin is the WTF here. The Finnish test paragraphs should be in Old Uralic.
I thought trapware was something that made it easy to conceal a penis.
Sometimes I use it when I feel like approaching women, or just using the ladies' room. Or when trying to catch a muff diver. Only when they realize where it's going do you see a bigger look of shock!
Perfectly straightforward. If you press "Yes", it means you are prepared to help them improve their page by answering the question, which will follow on afterwards. If you press "No", they won't bother you with that question.
This is standard, although it is usually worded "Would you like to help us by participating in our survey? It will only take about five minutes." This is of course always a lie, it will take between twenty minutes and an hour, and you will probably have logged out in sheer frustration as yet another seething heap of steaming smelly "select-0-to-10" questions splatters across your screen.
Won't work on me, you can't hide an adam's apple. And wearing a concealing scarf is such an obvious give-away. And if you must wear 15 denier, remember to shave your legs. Sheesh, that's gross.
RE license server appears to be down.
If you answer "no", does it then go ahead and connect to it?
"Hey cool, I think that's our directory. Oh crap, that is our directory". Looks like we haven't been fast enough fixing that hard drive failure.
Clearly the Thunderbolt is not as fast as the network, since time for the network appears to be moving slower than time for the device.
Roughly translated and condensed, it says, "A drunk squirrel don't tree."
My friend Bobby has a bad case of %_SQL_TEXT...
Obviously it's 10:45 (and mostly sunny) in New York but 10:08 at your current location. Do you happen to work in a high energy physics lab?
To be fair, the IKEA download is only 127.29 TB. Paltry, really.
Or maybe Alex and the others already devote quite a bit of their spare time sifting through & editing a shit-ton of submissions and updating the website nearly daily during their spare time for free, and they haven't gotten to your hilarious battery life story yet.
The clock sync issue on Android happens sometimes. The clock in the notification bar is part of the android system, but the clock on the desktop is a widget. If RAM is running low, applications get kicked out of RAM, and that can include widgets. Usually, in that case, they just won't update, and time will "freeze" for the widget.
What's weird in that case is that the widget seems to be AHEAD of the system clock. Or it's almost a full day behind - which might actually be the more likely occurance.
The real WTF is that people need a giant clock widget on their desktop when the time is already prominantly displayed on the top bar ALL THE TIME.
My captcha is "Letatio". I'm not sure what that is, but I think I will enjoy it.
Meh. It's just the Etruscan word for "lettuce".
-1 Intarwebz to you.
Plfsht. Another stupid cunt.
I heard you get %_SQL_TEXT from watching too much TDWTF. I guess todays TDWTF shows it!
Captcha: sucipit. I suscipit you have %_SQL_TEXT
Is this a geek site or not?
gives what I also calculate, just over 1 pb
Sorry, I mean just under 1 pb.
Except when you are driving and need to know the time. Then the giant clock is much better and faster.
So who hasn't got a clock on the dashboard of their car?
In most civilised nations it's illegal to use a mobile phone while driving for the same blindingly obvious reasons that it's illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol, or to exceed the speed limit. Certain other supposedly civilised nations, of course, contain significant more-or-less influential sections of the population who consider such traffic regulations to be an interference in their personal freedom to be complete arseholes. As a consequence the percentage of people who die in traffic accidents is higher in such nations (excellent, say I, less of those fucking arseholes in the world) than those whose populations are (in general) saner and more mature.
The flaw in this logic is that it's not always the arseholes who die in those accidents.
People with older cars. People who have replaced the OEM stereo that had a clock with a new one that doesn't. People driving other random cars where the clock's accuracy is unknown (although technically they would have a clock then).
So you are OK with looking at the clock embedded in the car, but then go on to rant about how dangerous operating a mobile phone while driving is purely because someone wants a large clock to be visible. Fail.
That's because you're not a geek, but an imposter!
Mb != MB