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Widescreens are only useful for
I understand that we have two eyes and therefore have the misconception that we have a larger viewing horizontally.
So, other than that above, the concept of widescreen is very flawed. Which makes it really funny to go a theater with widescreen and be forced to sit in the very back so you can view the entire screen simultaneously.
Have you tried this on a laptop? It makes typing a little difficult. And as for the desktop monitors many of us can afford, too many don't have a vertical swivel arm.
I liked working on a NeWS workstation with its portrait-aspect monitor as much as everyone else, but today's manufacturers don't seem to agree.
The problem is that even with windows not being sized to the full width of the screen, many -- if not most -- environments have less vertical than horizontal screen real estate to spare. As a result, any fixed-content horizontal bars should use as little vertical space as possible; more than 40px or so and you're wasting space.
Addendum (2014-07-15 12:18): (FWIW, the TDWTF proposed navbar is fine to me personally, though it does feel a bit large. Any larger than it is now, and I'd probably be complaining too... it's riding the edge of bloat-sized.)
Current site works perfectly on my android tablet, new site is horrendous with a menu taking up half the sodding screen! Ffs allow us to hide the menu or optionally keep the current layout, or I,m off. Thanks for asking for feedback
It looks great, but please, let "Random Article" link intact.
I look at this and ugh...I think the real WTF is the new design. No just...just no.
My only request is that something be done about oversize code/quote blocks on mobile devices.
For quotes, wrapping should be fine. For code blocks, inner-box scrolling would be preferred.
I like the new design. Thedailywtf is one of my goto websites when I'm bored, on my mobile 99% of the time. As such, I appreciate a design that takes such devices into account.
Also, if I'm not respondent #5577, I'm sure I said something very much like that.
Allow me to change my mind. The old site looks professional, generally mature, and to the point. It works fine. It may look a bit 2007 but only if you're into visual design. This site is not about bleeding-edge graphic design trends, it's a code blog. We don't want it to look hip for the sake of looking hip, we don't want it to look modern for the sake of looking modern.
The current site will still be fine ten years from now, because it's not about the visuals. The new one will look like a horribly outdated fad in two years.
I'm glad that the mouseover colors on the article text tested well with seven year olds.
The side menu to too large. The content is too small. The colour change on mouse over on the content is quite horrible.
Viewing an article is worse. Half the screen is taken up with non-content.
I want to read the wtf. I don't want to have a title shouted at me or look at nice picture of whoever submitted it.
None of my co-workers liked a portrait monitor. If someone had wanted it, I'd have traded with them instantly. I just assumed my boss had issued that one to me as part of his bullying.
Why is CodeSOD and Error'd emphasized as special categories worthy of their own Menu Items, yet other categories are not? And why is there not a menu item that lets us browse the categories?
You say "I've grown weary of the current look, the poor readability, .."
I say "I haven't. I'd be weary of a change that you believe is better but I don't".
That is all :)
I don't like the fixed width layout. On my screen, I have 500 pixels to both sides. Let me have text in that space.
Dear lord, that mouseover effect.
"? Seriously? Just use ISO 8601. Better yet, spell out the month name. This isn't paper: we have space for that. This isn't a multilingual environment: everybody here knows what "February 6th" means. This isn't a Commodore 64: you can definitely afford the bytes to spell out the month.While you're at it, get rid of the time. I don't really care if an article was posted at "6:15 AM". 6:15 AM where? Either your people are up at weird times of the day, or your code finds out what timezone I'm in and then adds/subtracts from the actual post time. In any case, it isn't useful information. Besides, this site only posts 1-2 articles a day, the time doesn't really matter at all.
Floating top menus suck. I know what site I'm on. If I want to use some menu, I'll scroll up. If I want to click something at the top of my screen, I don't want your menu activating by itself and flashing large boxes of colour for fractions of a second.
The main feeling I got when looking at the new site was CLUTTER. Heaps of stuff in a tiny space. Move your mouse around and colours change radically and huge things pop up, then disappear just as fast.
The first time I tried to post a comment in this thread, I wrote about the colour changing on mouseover and said it looked like the [censored]<[/censored]blink[censored]>[/censored] tag had broken.
The site threw an error. I tried about 5 more times. Well, as the error page said, if the error recurs then report it in the contact page.
I tried to report the error in the contact page.
The site threw an error. Well, as the error page said, if the error occurs in the contact page then send e-mail to Alex P. I sent him e-mail.
There's been no answer, but I figured it out. The site threw errors because I wrote a syntactically valid form of the blink tag instead of the censored form that I'm writing this time. The contact page did the same.
The new version looks amazing.
However, if you don't start using a monospace font for the code sections I will incite a riot.
If only there was one time that everything could be synchronized to. A... universal time, if you will.
Okay, good point there. The day doesn't even matter. What the date is useful for is when you're clicking Random Article you can see just how old whatever you're reading is.
(Greetings to Australia.)
TIL I'm basically male.
So, you killed the previous, readable comment design, and replaced it with crap, in an effort to improve readability?
I might be late to the party but I'll add:
I think it looks good - as in, going in the right direction. I actually prefer the low-density design trend. Keep in mind I'm 28 and female. I like the concept of having bolder headers to lead me to the stuff I want to read and not bombarding my screen with a flat wall of text.
However I do agree on a couple points:
But a BIG positive for me is the article view: It's so much more readable. I do like the format. I like the grey de-emphasized style for the code blocks. It's definitely a huge improvement.
So basically my biggest complaints are the colors and animations. Other than that I really like the bones of the layout.
Oh I also wanted to respond to the remarks about the comments section: I also like the new comments, at least the font and such. But I don't like having to hit an expansion button to see replies. I would prefer the normal forum style, straight linear display. Or if you have to indent the replies, at least default to be expanded.
Also, when I clicked on an article to view it, I did not see a link or anyway to go from the article to the comments? It might exist, but then if the point is I didn't see it without digging for it, I think you've done something wrong.
And 3.6% are male trolls.