• Gordon (unregistered) in reply to Adam
    Steve the Cynic:
    And it should be:

    ?Sintax Error READY.


    ?Redo from start


  • (cs) in reply to pscs
    The only thing I can think is that instead of using 64 bit integer arithmetic, they have a strange long number implementation using character strings which is just weird.
    You must never have heard of BCD. Google it sometime.
  • (cs) in reply to Anon
    They ask for as much detail as possible and then only give you 255 characters to do it.
    If they ask for as much as possible and then tell you how much is possible, then you limit your response to what's possible.
  • (cs) in reply to zzo38
    And the disk cleanup screen, I recognize that error from a program I wrote in the past that I was not thinking of negative numbers, and then it displayed negative numbers like that, but I thought non-embedded devices would have libraries for dealing with it properly already, and if it is in fact an error with negative numbers, I'm not sure why it would have negative numbers anyways (too small number size maybe?)
    +1 this. Or perhaps, -/ it.

    If you use x%10 + '0' in a loop to output the digits of an int, a negative x gives negative values of x%10 (except with zeros), so 1 outputs as '/', 2 as '.' etc, instead of '1', '2' etc.

    Therefore "),**0),),0.-0(" is -74660747402308 if I've done that correctly.

    That's a massive negative hard drive you've got there. I want one!

  • (cs)

    255 characters is plenty. My daughter can practically write an entire essay in 160 characters of SMS using TxtSpk.

  • (cs) in reply to Pim
    Sin tax error!
    Con tax error! Créeme, pues tengo la razón.
  • (cs) in reply to Stewart Smalley
    Stewart Smalley:
    Was that TV poll taken in Minnesota?

    Making a joke of the election process.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123111967642552909.html

  • (cs) in reply to DaveK
    You must never have heard of BCD. Google it sometime.

    I love that one about little Bobby Tables!

  • Dead Body (unregistered)

    Actually 44/66 % makes perfect sense if it is reporting percentage of the population entitled to vote. So, having a village of say 500 inhabitants, and 220 voted for and 330 against, that will 44% and 66%.

    (One can suspect that some people were dug up from the cementery, or that random visitors came by, or even that somebody voted twice. This is standard practice in some parts of the world...)

    So, is this a case of honest reporting?

  • (cs) in reply to NCBloodhound
    Stewart Smalley:
    Was that TV poll taken in Minnesota?

    Making a joke of the election process.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123111967642552909.html

    Making a joke of the linking process! Try http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123111967642552909.html
  • (cs) in reply to pjt33
    Sin tax error!
    Con tax error! Créeme, pues tengo la razón.
  • Yes (unregistered) in reply to IByte
    Sin tax error!
    Do you wish to (A)bsolve or (R)epent?

    (A)bsolve, (R)epent, (F)ry?

  • iMalc (unregistered)


  • Chris Ovenden (unregistered) in reply to zzo38
    And the disk cleanup screen, I recognize that error from a program I wrote in the past that I was not thinking of negative numbers, and then it displayed negative numbers like that, but I thought non-embedded devices would have libraries for dealing with it properly already, and if it is in fact an error with negative numbers, I'm not sure why it would have negative numbers anyways (too small number size maybe?)
    My immediate reaction on seeing that screenshot was: back up your files, now! Whoever programmed it can almost be forgiven for assuming a non-negative file size; but something on the poster's hard disk is certainly screwed up.
  • John Muller (unregistered)

    Probably hit over 2 gigs of temporary internet files, wrapped to negatives...

    plus saying it 'popped up'... it only does that when you're out of disk.

  • ih8u (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward:
    I would bet they just made up those poll numbers.

    84% of all statistics are made up. It's true!

    And ten out of every seven statistics are just dead wrong -- look it up.

  • FredFredrickson (unregistered)

    Yeah, a backup on that guys drive isn't a bad idea at this point. You've got at the very least some data corruption. If you're running out of space, it could be a virtual memory issue. My experience has been that when you've got funny characters in size reports (or file names) you've got a failing drive. Time for a hard drive fitness test.

  • tkb (unregistered)

    An HMRC manual (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/sammanual/SAM61030.htm) does explain the 0.00 penalty: "A Penalty Notice (SA326) is issued for all penalties, even those capped to nil. The nil penalty notice gives the taxpayer, who knows the return is late (and has no tax liability), confirmation that the penalty is capped at nil. As the penalty may not remain at nil (if, for example, the return is amended) it is important that the taxpayer is aware that a penalty has been incurred."

  • Mr.'; Drop Database -- (unregistered) in reply to IByte
    Sin tax error!
    Do you wish to (A)bsolve or (R)epent?
  • Mr.'; Drop Database -- (unregistered)
  • Thomas Dark (unregistered)

    There was obviously a sin tax error.

  • Bob (unregistered) in reply to WhiskeyJack
    You must never have heard of BCD. Google it sometime.

    I love that one about little Bobby Tables!

    BCD is Binary Coded Decimal, cretin. XKCD is a web comic featuring Bobby Tables.
  • Bob (unregistered) in reply to valerion
    255 characters is plenty. My daughter can practically write an entire essay in 160 characters of SMS using TxtSpk.

    160 bytes? Luxury. When I was your age, we were lucky to have 160 bits. We had to compress our messages 20 miles both ways in the middle of winter.

  • (cs) in reply to ounos
    Didn't you know that about 92% of all statistics are invented on the spot?

    The rest 18% are in fact genuine.

    Not true at all.

    You're missing the observable fact that 70% of all statistics invented on the spot are, in fact, genuine. ("numerus est mater inventium.) This leaves 26% of statistics invented on the spot that aren't genuine.

    Fifty per cent of "genuine" statistics are, in fact, lying to you. If you're male, you can think of them as "women." If you're female, you can think of them as "men."

    .70 * 92 + 26 + 18 / 2 ~ close enough to reality for me.

  • (cs) in reply to Bob
    You must never have heard of BCD. Google it sometime.

    I love that one about little Bobby Tables!

    BCD is Binary Coded Decimal, cretin. XKCD is a web comic featuring Bobby Tables.

    Oh, and on the topic of creative math, 7 * 13 = 28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WMi5TUJDso

  • moz (unregistered) in reply to NCBloodhound
    Making a joke of the election process.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123111967642552909.html
    Does anyone still expect a close election in the USA to go to the person who gained the votes of more electors? Accuracy simply isn't that high a priority.
  • (cs) in reply to jobrahms
    66 +44 ------- 10 * 10 ------- 100%!!!

    I don't see the wtf...

    Reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WMi5TUJDso

  • jim steichen (unregistered) in reply to Cheesehead Dave

    When it comes to sin, I always give 110%!

  • Watson (unregistered) in reply to Nathan
    I like how the Late Penalty Tax Return Notice says "I did not receive your tax report by the due date"...
    I like the identity crisis evidenced by the letter's wavering between "I" and "We".
  • lokey (unregistered) in reply to OldCoder

    [quote user="OldCoder"][quote user="IByte"][quote user="Pim"]Sin tax error![/quote]Do you wish to (A)bsolve or (R)epent?[/quote] You forgot (S)in Again.

    Don't you mean "Faith_Not_Found"?

  • Cbuttius (unregistered)

    They are using base 9:

    66 in base 9 is 60 in decimal 44 in base 9 is 40 in decimal

    sum to 100

  • Cbuttius (unregistered)

    Rationale behind 255 character maximum might be that they store all this contact in a database and have a varchar(255) field to store this and maybe they cannot easily change it either, just like your boss and his parser.

  • signof (unregistered)

    Wtf is not clear about that poll?

    Easy as cheese: doing polls in the morning is a sin, therefore the poll is subject to the 10% sin tax which has to be applied to the results of the poll!

  • (cs)

    The poll is a synchronization problem. It would be quite natural to factor out the denominator in the percentage calculation:

    total = Poll.Yes + Poll.No;
    print("Yes: " 100.0 * Poll.Yes / total "%");
    print("No: " 100.0 * Poll.No / total "%");

    If another vote arrives during this sequence, the figures displayed add up to > 100%. In this case, the tenth vote arrived. Not a very popular poll at 6:55 in the morning.

  • dalore (unregistered) in reply to KP

    I got this same letter from HMRC 2 years ago when I was late with my first tax return.

    It just means you were late with your tax return, but rather then fine you they are letting you off the hook this time. But next time, watch out.

  • disl (unregistered) in reply to dalore
    Joel writes, "I'm dying to know exactly what went wrong with that calculation."
    They forced some guy to do at 4 in the morning?
  • (cs) in reply to teacups

    The problem with the UPS wtf (the 2nd from the top, the screen cap of the webpage) is that UPS has limited it to 255 characters. UPS is asking for as much detail as possible. Given the amount of detail one needs to give, 255 characters is probably not eno

  • (cs) in reply to jim steichen
    jim steichen:
    When it comes to sin, I always give 110%!

    When it comes to sin, I always give my opposite over my hypotenuse!

  • Martín. (unregistered) in reply to Anon

    If you were a twitter user you would't know what to do with the remaining 95 characters.

  • UPS Developer (unregistered) in reply to Thomas J. Brown

    You think the external tools for our customers are bad, you should try dealing with the internal processes.

  • (cs) in reply to Coward

    Are you guys for real? 255 characters is only 3 short lines. How are you suppose to provide as much detail as possible in 3 short lines? Ever tried explaining the history and the problem you got in one of these forms? The best you can do with this one is say your name and email address and basically you have a problem with this and that and call me please. Saying UPS is not a WFT is like saying here's a textbox that shows 2 characters now type in your user name. Sure you could argue its by design but if that is true, what a stupid design. By the way my entire comments in this equal to 609 characters.

  • Raffles (unregistered)

    Yeah, this is a decade late, bite me.

    The tax penalty is not a wtf. This is a PEBCAK. The late filing penalty is capped at the lower of your tax bill or £100. So if you dont file a return, its £100, for you do, but you tax bill is less than £100, its reduced, and can be dropped to nil. The rules fir this changed a few years later. Now the penalties range from £100-1600 depending on how late you are, and aren't capped at your tax bill. Although HMS Revenue & Customs (as I regularly get told we are called) may accept an appeal and withdraw the penalties if you don't meet the rules for filing (unlike the US, you most people dont need to file).

    For bonus fail, CESA (Computer Environment for Self Assesment) use excel and vba for its data entry system. Heavily obfuscated, but if you have the windows printer driver open, you can see the .xls file extension when a printout of a particular page is wanted).

  • Josephjoync (unregistered)

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