• deekay (unregistered)

    This is a generic comment.

  • (cs)

    Enclosed is the sarcasm you requested

  • (cs)

    So, how many times are we going to see the Fred Meyers ad?

  • (cs)

    The ImgBurn one makes me mad. "I understood your request, but because you didn't frame it exactly the way I wanted you to, I'm going to pop up an annoying dialog box before letting you continue."

    If you understood the user's intent, then DO IT! Your software is a tool, not a conversation.

  • TRWTF (unregistered) in reply to Clark
    So, how many times are we going to see the Fred Meyers ad?


  • Brett (unregistered)

    I agree regarding the 'Yes' options. I wish that'd been the case while dating in school... (sigh)

  • (cs)

    I don't understand the WTF with the petition. Do you have to be L,G,B,T or American to get it?

  • NMe (unregistered) in reply to Robajob

    I think you generally just have to try and read the petition printed at the bottom.

  • (cs) in reply to Brett
    I agree regarding the 'Yes' options. I wish that'd been the case while dating in school... (sigh)

    Unfortunately your options were more like the facebook invitation options.

  • Not really (unregistered) in reply to NMe
    I think you generally just have to try and read the petition printed at the bottom.

    Or you can mindlessly "sign" every petition you see, because in the end no one cares anyway.

  • Anonymous Coward (unregistered) in reply to Aaron
    If you understood the user's intent, then DO IT! Your software is a tool, not a conversation.
    See, I've always thought the exact opposite of ImgBurn's conversational error messages. They're informative and usually explain in a manner that everyone can understand what is wrong, and the potential fixes. An easy example: drag a folder into a disc in ImgBurn so the folder is off the root and then try to burn it. It asks you whether this is really what you want, or if you want to flatten the tree.

    Each to his own, though.

  • (cs) in reply to Robajob
    I don't understand the WTF with the petition. Do you have to be L,G,B,T or American to get it?

    There is the yellow box that says Petition on the left hand side. The black text printed on that part looks like there are no line breaks so it printed multiple lines over each other. But yes, you would have to be a total fag or an American to get it.

  • (cs) in reply to Clark
    So, how many times are we going to see the Fred Meyers ad?

    Once for each cent you save.

  • Cidolfas (unregistered)

    Wait... Nobuo Uematsu has a DLL named after him now? Freaking awesome. Anyone know what program that is?

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    "Termination" is absolutely standard parlance in regard to killing a thread so it's hardly a WTF that a program asks you "terminate" a thread.

  • (cs)

    they tried to make me go to alabama, i said no, no, no..

  • Global Warmer (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    "Termination" is absolutely standard parlance in regard to killing a thread so it's hardly a WTF that a program asks you "terminate" a thread.

    I think it was the "Not Cooperating" part that was supposed to be funny.

  • (cs)

    In the cover sheet, the small text doesn't flow back in 3D space with the paper. I just can't imagine why anyone would fake something so bland, when there are choices like photoshopped billboards and such.

  • Jasper (unregistered)

    The one from ImgBurn is not a real WTF. Almost all the messages in ImgBurn are just as "funny" as this one. I guess the programmer thinks he's funny.

    Actually, the whole program ImgBurn is itself a big WTF. The interface is ugly and very user-unfriendly - a small, non-resizable window crammed with buttons without clear descriptions.

    It's written by a programming nerd who thinks he's funny and who has no talent for designing user interfaces.

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

  • (cs)

    Here we go with the censorship again. It's okay to say "fuck", but not okay to say "secnod". Grow up, monitors.

  • ~ (unregistered) in reply to Cidolfas
    Wait... Nobuo Uematsu has a DLL named after him now? Freaking awesome. Anyone know what program that is?
    Glad I'm not the only one that picked up on that. It looks like an audio editing app too.
  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


  • Schnapple (unregistered) in reply to Chris
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


    Rachel Harvey to be precise

  • bonarez (unregistered)


    actually Lightning UK, the author of imgburn is a very good programmer. He was also the author of dvd decrypter for those who remember..

    yes he put jokes in his program, but at least imgburn is not bloated as some other burning software, and it simply works

  • (cs)

    Electrons can be reused... thats the basis of every powerplanet... they don't send you new ones!

    They take the ones they sent before back and sent them again. Its a totally cheatish business this energy thingy... like what the bankers do.

  • Ian (unregistered) in reply to Schnapple
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


    Rachel Harvey to be precise

    Or with more precision, Rachel Haney! First hit on google for Crump Swing Shake Alabama.

  • (cs) in reply to A Nonny Mouse
    A Nonny Mouse:
    they tried to make me go to alabama, i said no, no, no..
    If there wasn't the stigma of being percieved as politically incorrect, one could do something with the second line relative to Alabama as well.
  • (cs) in reply to Aaron
    The ImgBurn one makes me mad. "I understood your request, but because you didn't frame it exactly the way I wanted you to, I'm going to pop up an annoying dialog box before letting you continue."

    If you understood the user's intent, then DO IT! Your software is a tool, not a conversation.

    What if the user does that again and the software pops up a "I TOLDDDD you NOT to do it AGAIN!!!!". Then it would be a conversation.

  • Code Dependent (unregistered) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:
    Here we go with the censorship again. It's okay to say "fuck", but not okay to say "secnod". Grow up, monitors.

    Also, I like eating and manual labor.

  • ZappoHisbane (unregistered) in reply to NMe
    I think you generally just have to try and read the petition printed at the bottom.

    Ohhhhhh... I thought someone had just blacked out personal info there. Now I see the WTF.

  • (cs)

    So, Ryan from Las Vegas, did you press ok or cancel? I wanna know what happened...

  • Mark V Shaney (unregistered)

    Was about time to have a fwt for sncf web site.

    It is the most fucked up big-name reservation website you'll ever find. For instance:

    • Making two similar query will sometimes find the same train at different prices
    • Sometimes, a query will not find a train that exists. Trying later will find it.
    • Some destinations are impossible to buy due to bugs
    • The software will happily propose you choices like a) take direct train from A to B, or b) pay more, leave earlier, and wait 2 hours in some random station, so you can catch the train you could have taken from the start.
    • The software asks you for an nonexistent "frequent mover" number, complains if you fill with garbage, and put a warning that "it is not going to use it" if you leave it blank. Unfortunately, the warning page is displayed as an error page and cancel your transaction.
    • It mixes up seat numbers, and delivers family ticked that are in reality placed far apart.
    • They randomly update it, so features and bugs appear and disappear randomly. When something doesn't work, your best bet is to try again the next day.

    In addition to that, the pricing model used by the sncf is impossible to understand. As far as I can tell, ticket prices are now mostly random.

    Also, specially embarassing is that more and more people in france are using deutsch bahn web site to buy french railway tickets, because there is a commercial accord between the two, and the german website is actually usable.

    Truly, one of the biggest wtf of the web.

  • (cs) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:
    Here we go with the censorship again. It's okay to say "fuck", but not okay to say "secnod". Grow up, monitors.

    I would think someone who feels the need to write "first" or "second" posts and actually gets angry when they are removed is desperately in need of some growing up himself.

  • Bill Clinton is the Man (unregistered) in reply to akatherder

    I thought it was some personal details that were redacted.

  • nonny nonny (unregistered) in reply to Ian
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


    Rachel Harvey to be precise

    Or with more precision, Rachel Haney! First hit on google for Crump Swing Shake Alabama.

    So, basically, the blurring out of personal information did work, after all?

  • Mr. DOS (unregistered) in reply to ~

    Uematsu.dll is, it seems, an SPC emulation library (SPC being the format of audio extracted from SNES ROM's). A quick Google reveals that the program is probably SPC2MOD.

    --- Mr. DOS

  • Ted (unregistered) in reply to nonny nonny
    nonny nonny:
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


    Rachel Harvey to be precise

    and guessing by the fact she turned up on a google search for the event; despite her Limited options- She's still going.

    Or with more precision, Rachel Haney! First hit on google for Crump Swing Shake Alabama.

    So, basically, the blurring out of personal information did work, after all?

  • (cs)

    Who counted all the electrons in the universe, and did you get a different number than my count?

  • ping floyd (unregistered) in reply to Quicksilver
    Electrons can be reused... thats the basis of every powerplanet... they don't send you new ones!

    They take the ones they sent before back and sent them again. Its a totally cheatish business this energy thingy... like what the bankers do.

    Yeah, it reminds me of someone's sig file from long ago,

    "This message was composed of 100% recycled electrons. No binary trees were killed to make this message."

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to nonny nonny
    nonny nonny:
    Someone did a poor job of blurring Rafael Money's name in the Facebook pic.

    Black out, don't blur!

    that would be "Rachel"


    Rachel Harvey to be precise

    Or with more precision, Rachel Haney! First hit on google for Crump Swing Shake Alabama.

    So, basically, the blurring out of personal information did work, after all?

    rachel might disagree
  • RBoy (unregistered) in reply to akatherder
    I don't understand the WTF with the petition. Do you have to be L,G,B,T or American to get it?

    There is the yellow box that says Petition on the left hand side. The black text printed on that part looks like there are no line breaks so it printed multiple lines over each other. But yes, you would have to be a total fag or an American to get it.

    Oh shit.

    Oh wait, I'm American. Phew.

  • The Dude Abides (unregistered) in reply to Ted
    Generic Package:
    "Better watch out, threads," writes Dante Zco "this is what happens when you don't cooperate. You get TERMINATED! And no, rehabilitation is not an option."

    Is this your homework, threads? Is this your homework, threads?

    Look, man...

    Dude, please? Is this your homework, threads?

    Just ask him about the car.

    Is this yours, threads? Is this your homework, threads?

    Is that your car out front?

    Is this your homework, threads?

    We know it's his f****** homework! Where's the f****** money, you little brat?

    Look, threads. Have you ever heard of Vietnam?

    Oh, for Christ's sake, Walter...

    You're entering a world of pain, son. We know that this is your homework. We know that you stole a car.

    And the f****** money.

    And the f****** money. And, we know that this is your homework.

    We're going to cut your d*** off, threads.

    You're killing your father, threads!

    Do you see what happens threads???

    This is what you get when you find a stranger in the alps!

  • (cs) in reply to Mr. DOS
    Mr. DOS:
    Uematsu.dll is, it seems, an SPC emulation library

    Not quite... it is a DLL that uses the famous SNESAPU.dll from Alpha-II to play back SPCs. The latter is an SPC emulation library, but it only writes the audio data into a buffer, and doesn't play it.

    SNESAPU is mostly written in assembler, but the DLL interface is written in C. Both of which are open source.

    The author of Uematsu.dll should have just packaged the whole thing into a single dll, not a dll requiring another dll just to work...

  • OldCoder (unregistered) in reply to Mark V Shaney
    Mark V Shaney:
    Was about time to have a fwt for sncf web site.

    It is the most fucked up big-name reservation website you'll ever find. For instance:

    • Making two similar query will sometimes find the same train at different prices
    • Sometimes, a query will not find a train that exists. Trying later will find it.
    • Some destinations are impossible to buy due to bugs
    • The software will happily propose you choices like a) take direct train from A to B, or b) pay more, leave earlier, and wait 2 hours in some random station, so you can catch the train you could have taken from the start.
    • The software asks you for an nonexistent "frequent mover" number, complains if you fill with garbage, and put a warning that "it is not going to use it" if you leave it blank. Unfortunately, the warning page is displayed as an error page and cancel your transaction.
    • It mixes up seat numbers, and delivers family ticked that are in reality placed far apart.
    • They randomly update it, so features and bugs appear and disappear randomly. When something doesn't work, your best bet is to try again the next day.

    In addition to that, the pricing model used by the sncf is impossible to understand. As far as I can tell, ticket prices are now mostly random.

    Also, specially embarassing is that more and more people in france are using deutsch bahn web site to buy french railway tickets, because there is a commercial accord between the two, and the german website is actually usable.

    Truly, one of the biggest wtf of the web.

    Interestingly, what you describe here almost exactly matches the WTF websites for train tickets we use in the UK.

    I use Deutsch Bahn for getting train times in the UK and booking my UK rail tickets, too. Brilliant!

  • Sane Person (unregistered)

    Maybe they were hoping that this event would be a fun party, so they didn't want Stephen to come.

  • (cs) in reply to Charles400
    Who counted all the electrons in the universe, and did you get a different number than my count?
    I only counted 10 electrons. Oh wait... 11 electrons!
  • Roy Underthump (unregistered) in reply to Code Dependent

    Seems to me it'd be much easier to print out just such a sheet from a word processor than to fiddle with Photoshop. It's not like you're pasting Slick Willie's head onto one of Osama Bin Laden's buddies in a photo.

  • Anon (unregistered)

    hehe I used to work for Reed... That paper accurately reflects the level of intelligence of their HR department.

  • (cs) in reply to shadowman
    Code Dependent:
    Here we go with the censorship again. It's okay to say "fuck", but not okay to say "secnod". Grow up, monitors.
    I would think someone who feels the need to write "first" or "second" posts and actually gets angry when they are removed is desperately in need of some growing up himself.
    "Secnod" was a twinkle-eyed take on "frist", which itself is tongue-in-cheek. From there, someone posted a delightfully worded, inoffensive putdown of the "generic comment" and "secnod" posters. One of them in turn replied to that, and the thread that was developing there was far more interesting and entertaining than any of the comments relative to the images.

    Think whatever you want. Humor is in the eye of the beholder.

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