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The standard says servers must be ASCII by default. Well-written clients will usually send a "BINARY" command immediately after logging in to override this though.
After installing Vista random file corruption was a real problem on my home computer. Downclocking the CPU solved the problem though.
-Were you doing NOT using your tape backup strategy?! -Were you doing using FTP to backup stuff!!! -Were you doing using an INTERN to FTP stuff!! -Were you doing using a COMMAND PROMPT FTP CLIENT?? (Or an ftp client that you actually needed to type in 'bin' to switch modes).
A real geek would have typed, "corruption never^H^H^H^H^H rarely happens".
Either he was aware of the fact that it doesn't work that way, or he tried it and found out for himself :) If it were that simple, the answer would just be to download the file through FTP again, in ASCII mode, and it would "put back" the original line feeds anywhere it stripped them out on the way up.
I suspect the problem was the backups were done on Windows and uploaded to UNIX, so the extra \0x0D in the Windows newline sequence was stripped off and would need to be put back. This idea falls over when you realize that binary files are chock full of standalone \0x0A characters too, and sticking a random \0x0D in front of every one isn't making things any better.
Man, that thing would apply to just about every thread on this site. Story gets posted. User posts condescending "solution" that wouldn't actually work. People jump on him and offer their own solutions. Repeat.
According to the FTP protocol standard, ASCII is 8-bit NVT-ASCII, the same format defined by telnet. The main problem is that the standard also defines a standard end-of-line sequence and requires the sender to convert from their internal sequence to the protocol-defined sequence during transfer, which actually changes the contents of the file.
You had hands?!!
I think most of them guess the transfer type by peeking at the first X bytes and determining the ratio of printable characters to nonprintable characaters. It not would be surprising for table data to look like ASCII.
No, the real WTF are smart-asses who think they know everything but forget that in ASCII Chr(26) means EOF regardless of what comes after that.
To put it bluntly: I have never worked on a large (say > 50MB) Word document that didn't get corrupted at least ONCE every few weeks. Any by corrupted I mean you work on it one day, save and close, then the next day you try to open it and Word complains that it's not a valid file format.
I call FAKE...
Had this been an actual corporation, the following would have actually happened:
Magnets! Hah! We had to lay sticks on the ground and write binary code with them. If we didn't check in by sunset, pa would beat us with the sticks and we'd have to start again.
In highschool, the only computer had toggle switches and core memory.
Once the power went out before I could save my program, but by jumping to the interrupt handler I was able to save it after power came up.
When I was a youngun, trees and shrubs hadn't yet developed... there were no sticks. We had to dig troughs (empty=0, full of water=1) to write programs.
I guess he's trying to say that... Hey, we've got another excuse for a pirated copy of Windows!
We're going to have to ask you two to take your farking memes elsewhere.
That's some high quality tense-mixing. Can I borrow your time machine please?
No one wants backup, they only want restore...
When I was a youngun, trees and shrubs hadn't yet developed... there were no sticks. We had to dig troughs (empty=0, full of water=1) to write programs.
[/quote]I really think you should have put the "food hit by rock" loop inside of the "food dead" loop.
Otherwise, there is the terrible possiblity you would spend the whole day running from food and never throw another rock?
Say, what kind of debugger did you guys use in rock and stick days?
Crash Magnet
I've had a nasty run-in with random corruption before. It was too catastrophic to trace properly, we quickly backed off the system. It appeared to be a network driver ignoring errors on the wire and returning a block of zeroes in place of the data that was supposed to be written.
Files never get corrupted, eh?
I guess Skeptical Sally's never had a system crash while saving a file.
Lucky her.
Automate, test. Pffff, if it compiles ship it. What is this testing you speak of?
Well, given that MS just stole the old Berkeley one, yes. Only it would be about 15 years newer, and would default to binary.
If this was a WTF from any time recently, the Real WTF! is that they're using FTP at all. It's a horrible protocol in rather many ways, and WebDAV (or even just plain HTTP) is much better in a number of important technical ways.
Uploading binary as ascii? Wow, that takes me back...
My dad told me a story once; there was this biomedical student who had to experiment on a dead cat over a period of some 36 hours, and his testing equipment sent the data back to the server. Unfortunately, the server had been configured to treat the incoming data as ASCII.
Whereupon the student had to wait a long time indeed before he was granted another dead cat.
Remember: Whenever you forget to specify your data as ASCII or binary, God kills a kitten. Or, well, a cat.
I'm still amazed by the EM crowd, back in my days computers where just plain and simple mechanical calculating machines
Pascal :D
Captcha: pirates (yes back in those days)
Secondary RWTF-in-the-comments Word failing to read back a file it's saved isn't 'random file corruption' - it's a bug in Word. Similarly a system crash while writing the file isn't either, tho' arguably it's closer. Random file corruption surely means some failure of the storage medium, not imperfect coding. Thus things like the legendary gamma-ray flip of a bit in RAM, or a flaw in the surface of a disk which was not correctable by the disk firmware would qualify, not some lack of testing on large Word files in Redmond.
One of the best bugs I've seen was when I was working on a program that interfaced with an IBM zSeries mainframe. (Yup, an EBCDIC machine.) We were making a proof-of-concept program for a new management API interface* that sent back strings.
[* Yes, I do mean to repeat the "interface"; the way you called APIs changed from RPCs to text over sockets.]
We looked at the data that was coming over the wire, and for a while was very confused. The strings were there, but between them there were three null bytes followed a byte of apparent nonsense, then the next string.
It turned out what was happening is that the server was sending counted strings, and the four bytes between strings was the length. We initially didn't see this because the length (in binary) was going through the same EBCDIC translation as the string proper!
I don't know what they ended up doing with that, but what we did was read until the first null byte, then ignore the four bytes until the next string.
Uhmm.... You might want to reread that wiki entry. I don't think it says what you think it says.
If that's the real WTF, then what are the smart-asses who think they know everything but forget that not every OS has the same EOF character?
Furthermore, ASCII does not define character 26 as an EOF character, it is the "substitute character" character. The correct "EOF" character in ASCII is character 04, which means "end of transmission."
So, ASCII 26 does not mean EOF "regardless of what comes after it" in every case, nor does ASCII 26 really mean EOF by the ASCII standard.
CAPTHA: ninjas - like how I karate-chopped your post.
That strikes me as one of the better arguments I've heard for preferring C-style strings to Pascal-style strings. Admittedly, if you invoke your character encoding converter properly it should always be possible to avoid converting the integer representing the length, but this type of bug couldn't really happen with a null terminator (assuming that no character set is stupid enough to use 0 as the encoding of a character...)
I think he's explaining why Vista took so long.
me see mammoth me move rock me see mammoth me move more rock
rock rock
this much mammoth
(rock on)
You might want to reread chrismcb's post. I do not think it says what you think it says.
FTP is, indeed, a terrible protocol. But suns can flare to life, form planets, evolve life, and die during the length of time it takes WebDAV to upload a 10,000 file website. Or at least Apple's implementation of it, which appears to reconnect for every single file...
ASCII/BIN ... CRLF/LF/CR ... defaulting to ASCII .... No doubt there were very good reasons for all of these at one time or another. Remember people: your quick hack may one day end up becoming an ineradicable standard protocol.
You assume that Word does random file corruption? Well, you hold those MS coders in high regard.
I think there is a major difference between the feeling of randomness, which might be translated as arbitrariness or indeterministicness or "I do not know all parameters", or real random, which might be an illusion at all.
I bet that there exists a proper reason for every "random file corruption" - we may not be able to find it, though.
[quote user="Crash Magnet"]When I was a youngun, trees and shrubs hadn't yet developed... there were no sticks. We had to dig troughs (empty=0, full of water=1) to write programs.
[/quote]I really think you should have put the "food hit by rock" loop inside of the "food dead" loop.
Otherwise, there is the terrible possiblity you would spend the whole day running from food and never throw another rock?
Say, what kind of debugger did you guys use in rock and stick days?
Crash Magnet[/quote]
What about the event that you die? Do you continue the loop? shouldn't there be a break in there in the event you die? =p
Why ? Why does it always have to go wrong before management decides to buy tapes..
gotcha - you sad muppet, you - How do know which \r\n-sequence was added by the ftp-ing and which one was there in the original data ? Hah, Hah ... ?
Hmmmmmmmmm ... I thought so.
With Oracle db you support Oracle !!!
But seriously: you have an Oracle maintenance contract so (a) Oracle will ackknowledge your existence and talk to you and (b) to cover your arse and NOT (c) to justify shoddy operations procedures like your above folklore.
There is only one way to test a backup: RECOVERY!
Guys, Guys, Guys: the actual technical failure described in the OP is a simple, yet devstating, one which can happen to anyone, especially an inexperienced user/intern. The point is not the failure but the problems in the backup processes that caused the described failure:
I recommed to dismiss the PHB cancelling the original purchase request for new tapes (if there are two PHB's or more involved, just cut their bonuses to recover the extra cost incurred due to the failure), the backup administrator's supervisor and the backup administrator. Don't fire dismiss the intern due to this: interns by definition are expected to make mistakes (as stated above) and you will never get away with a dismissal if the intern sues.
As to database file corruption, I have seen it again and again: Oracle 8 cluster installation under SGI Irix using database files on raw partitions (during normal operations because Oracle was buggy at one time), Windows Oracle DB installations shot to hell and gone by a UPS failure, Access databases both locally and over the network (no wonder here with M$ code). So there is no call to say that file corruption does not exist like stated in the OP.
Whew, that was a long post .... sorry.
Muahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... ROFL