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Also, while I assume that most of the stories on TDWTF are embellished a bit to serve the art form, if I were to find myself in some of those situations as literally awful as the stories describe them, in particular this idiotic source control one, and if I had a month or more of living expenses saved up, I'd probably bolt without notice.
I ONCE walked into a job that turned out to be intolerable. I could not afford to just walk out (people in the real world rarely can), but my third day there I got an interview for the real dream job: startup company, pay was double, I'd really be using the maths and digital electronics skills I'd graduated with not so long before, and I'd be going in at a considerably higher level of responsibility. At the interview, I made the mistake of talking honestly about the place I was about to leave, and found out the hard way that the CEOs of this company and that one were golfing buddies. Upshot was: rather than get this dream job I had to sit around for three more fucking months in a department where we got treated like a bunch of arseholes.
I won't be in my office. If you have something to discuss you can find me in your wife's bedroom.
Fucking hell, John, wasn't expecting to find you here too. Never mind, join in, hope you like a buttered bun.
My wife? Oh, you mean my husband, barry.
This is exacly right, and this process is part of the socio-natural selection.
But I the meatime, before leaving, I think Miguel should find a way to screw Stephan's work, so that he eats his own s**t. A sort of... collateral damage :)
Man, if the guy is a Junior he probably has no family yet, and if he was a Senior he would have quit right away.
In a developed country, the salary of a senior AP should be enough to sustain his family, even with a non-working wife. If it's not the case, one should switch to a better paid job.
No need to work more than 40hours just for financial reason, but if you are professional you would.
Personnaly I don't do this anymore, as companies NEVER thank you for doing this.
This is crazy how people do think they know about things but don't, considering the PLENTINESS of ressources freely available on the net..... I learned all those things by myself and I don't understand why other ones don't.. are they all RETARD ?
You don't teach idiots. If they are not able to teach themselves not to be idiots, then do not let them alive.
And I'm not trolling, just intolerant upon uncompetencies. R.T.F.M.
There is always a way to make someone cry. Doing nothing will leave the sh1t-m@n as-is, so he can do his sh1t again and again.
You say "developers"... I'm curious, are you or have you been a developer ?... What "senior" means to you regarding knowledge ?
Personally, I have met some developers with few years of experience that I would consider "senior++" compared to some arrogants scumbag 25+ yrs exp. "senior A/Ps".
And regarding management, a developer should obviously NEVER learn anything from them or salesperson as they are simply "out-of-the-art".
Good point. Basically that can be considered as "letting them e@ting own s**t", but would end up with Miguel being fired because of similar reasons...
I totally agree, I've seen this many times too.
We need salespersons - yes.
We don't need HR. These pests should be annihilated.
Jim, just on this point I totally disagree.
What I've seen is that people just join the meal for "the food", as it saves them to pay for their own at lunch, and get one free.
It does not change the way they feel about their colleagues as they generally gather before and after with the same persons they like the most, and not the others.
This is a utopic invention from Management/HR, which is not realistic. You cannot force people to like others by sitting them next to the other. It does neither increase team "cohesion".
And one point too, don't forget that articles are written by fellow human beings, putting a brand on it (Yahoo or other) doesn't change.
For a truly customer-centric cloud-ready enterprise platform that incentivizes creative team-focused solutions and leverages out-of-the-box thinking as part of a silo-free business paradigm, both HR and sales could be replaced by bots. Few would be any the wiser.
Bots created by programmers , I like the idea.
I had to read your sentence 3 times to understand hehehe
[quote user="MrBob"][quote user="s73v3r"]Even if you're salaried, at many places if you're not putting in 10-20 hours of unpaid overtime a week you're "just not working out" and need to "show the company you're dedicated to success"[/quote]
There have been plenty of studies that have demonstrated how working more than 40 hours a week is ineffective. The first that I heard from was a study in an arms factory during World War II, where we can assume the workers were quite motivated, and it turned out that they did more work in a 48 hour week than in a 57 hour week. Not more work per hour, which would be obvious, but more work per week.
There have been studies showing that a software developer working 60 hours a week for six week will produce not one bit more usable code than a software developer working 40 hours for the same six weeks. The only difference is that after these six weeks, the first developer will be a lot more tired and will therefore produce less in the same time as the other developer.
Most people are simply lazy and don't want to take the time to investigate things before diving into code; either they really are clueless and can't bother to think before coding (e.g. all those WTFs where someone manually added items to an array instead of using a loop) or they're just spineless and don't have the balls to tell a manager that they can't have x piece of functionality immediately (i.e. not giving in to spoiled child syndrome), that it will take y amount of time and no amount of throwing a tantrum like a five-year old told by his mommy that he can't have a candybar will change it.
Some people are work under lot of pressure.
I know of a place (cough) where it's OK to work as long as you need to, you don't get paid more, as you're salaried.
But if you report more than the alloted hours to a project, the project will run out of budget. Even though no one has actually /spent/ any more money if people work 50 rather than 40 hours. So working extra is encouraged as long as you don't clock extra. But that pits the dev managers against the beancounters who don't believe a straight 40 hour week is legit. And the dev managers don't really care what project you log against -- in fact if a project is cancelled, there's a mad rush to log hours to it so the dev managers don't have to give up budget and possibly lose headcount.
So the pendulum swings back and forth, and people log what they're told to most recently. And then they try to mine the system for estimates vs actuals, and use that to predict dates, so magic numbers and complex formulas arise to get a handle on it, and each fiscal year we're going to "do it right".
I'm kind of freaked out that you may work in my company (or my team). Either that or I am incredibly naive to think this only occurs in my workplace.
My first week I was met with the "everyone works 40 hour weeks here" despite many working more than 60 hours. A few deals with good PMs ensures you can take time off but bill to the project code to make up for time in lieu.
Not to mention I only get paid for 38 hours a week, yet still bill 40 to the project. Our cost centre looks great.
That's a question I often ask myself around here
"These people are hostis humani generis, enemies of the human race, and should not be allowed to exist."
That seems excessive.