• (cs) in reply to J
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Those lines alone are why we pretty much assume that DailyWTF is 90% fiction these days. It's like the editors here got stuck on the notion that all the stories must be rewritten to appeal to 12-year-olds.

    Show of hands, who'd like to see the original story that supposedly inspired this cartoonish, over-the-top mess?

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to J
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Agreed. It would be at this point that I would go to my boss and explain that the twat they hired is:

    1. A complete bitch with a toxic personality
    2. Completely unqualified for the role they were hired.
    3. Didn't have sex with me (wait, what?)

    If they shrugged it off, I may wait it out for a little bit longer to see if it was a just one-off occurance. But more than likely I would immediately fire up my CV editor of choice and start calling my recruiter network.

  • huhwhat? (unregistered) in reply to J.D.
    J.D. I've seen the kind of people that come out of people
    Don't most people come out of people?

    Captcha: jumentum? - No, I was just kidding.

  • blarg (unregistered) in reply to Simon
    I was hired for a job for which I feel vastly underqualified about 9 months ago. I think they were desperate. Having seen the calibre of the developers I've come to realise I could never be a real developer. I'm not that smart. I was shit-hot at all my previous jobs but now I feel like an idiot.

    Luckily, I tell everybody that asks me to do something that I can't, I don't have a clue how to, I've no idea what my job is and I don't understand how I got through the interview. They laugh and go and ask someone else. I figure, when the shit eventually comes down and they rumble me, I can point to the fact that I've been completely honest all along.

    Cute, but the real world doesn't work like that. When the 'shit eventually comes down' they will begin looking to point fingers and cut headcount. Honest or not, guess who is volunteering to be first on the chopping block?

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to huhwhat?
    J.D. I've seen the kind of people that come out of people
    Don't most people come out of people?

    Captcha: jumentum? - No, I was just kidding.

    Not test-tube babies...

  • (cs) in reply to mrfr0g
    This one made me *really* sad.

    Ditto. Almost all the ones that end with somebody updating their resume bum me out, but this one was extra frustrating.

  • Remy Porter (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de

    [quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?

  • anonymous (unregistered)

    I would like to see the story that was actually sent in.

  • Dennis (unregistered)

    I gotta be honest, I find this one a little hard to believe. Or at the very least, grossly exaggerated. While it's true there are people like Alicia (male and female), and there may be people with jaimy's patience, I don't see management promoting her above him and other seniors. Not and have them still there the next week. Just doesn't compute.

  • bob42 (unregistered)

    the real wtf is that jaimey didn't have the sack to tell her that she couldn't code, and not tell his immediate supervisor of all of the cover ups he was making.

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to Remy Porter

    [quote user="Remy Porter"][quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?[/quote]

    Agreed... The only thing you missed is that the second example would have an extra value on the stack (another variable compared to just 2 variables in the first example), which is barely worth mentioning. This is BS micro-optimization, which unless you're running a section of code millions of times a day, is completely useless. If anything, you may want to do a try-parse with some user-friendly error handling rather than just hope to hell that the inputs are valid.

    And who the hell writes a program to add two numbers together? :)

  • Some Coder (unregistered)

    That is a serious WTF. But the first WTF is allowing an idiot to believe programming is like Excel macros and then doing all the work for the other person so they look good. I would have left her high and dry to crash and burn, while looking for another job.

  • Who? (unregistered) in reply to Who?
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

  • sheep hurr durr (unregistered) in reply to Some Coder

    Some people are too nice for their own good.

  • A Gould (unregistered) in reply to mwah
    EXACTLY! If they can't do the job they were hired to do, let them fail. By all means give help for anything beyond the expected expertise, or offer advice (if asked) but don't make idiots look good - that's the real WTF with the IT industry, competent people are happy to make incompetent people look good, and then wonder why the incompetent idiots get the promotions....

    Think of it this way: if you spend your time doing the Idiot's work instead of your own, and the Idiot spends their time chatting up the bosses - who do you think the boss is going to pick when Promotion Time comes around. Idiot can point to their stellar numbers, and draw on the personal relationship, while you have neither.

    This theory has explained several bosses I've had the... experience.. of working for over the years - they don't need to know how to do things, they just need to know how to get other people to do it for them.

  • Rob (unregistered)

    At least 80% of having people think you know what you are doing is the way in which you talk about it and present yourself.

    The other 20% is actually knowing what you are talking about. But that only applies when dealing with people who also know enough about the topic.

    Subtle, little things can make a huge difference. I've known people who know, flat out, that they are correct, but will still phrase their statement as a question to be polite. IE - instead of 'No, you can't use a generic collection in that way'. They will say something like, 'Are you sure you can even use a generic collection that way? I've never seen something like that work'.

    In front of people who don't know the answer, you just look like a stupid n0ob. And the guy who is wrong, looks like a genius. 'Bill is so ahead of the game, the other guys can't keep up!'.

    Technical skill is hard for non-tech people to measure. But they do recognize confidence, self-worth, and a go-getter attitude.

    I know a lot of really skilled technical people who don't get promotions or climb the ladder. And, for most of them, it's not because they don't want to. They find themselves in a chicken vs. egg situation. They do a great job, but their work seems unnoticed. They get a tiny raise and told they are doing great. They get comfortable. They could work longer and harder; but they don't see an immediate return on that investment. So, why bother? If they were to get promoted and get paid more, sure, they'd work harder and be great for the job. But they don't want to do it for free. Meanwhile, management sees that Bob does a perfectly fine job as an X, but he's just an X. He doesn't really stand out. And, after a while, Bob is probably taking long lunches and ducking out early - because he's good enough to do that and get his work done. But with his slacking, he's only marginally better than his peers. Why promote him?

    Someone like the lady in this story comes along and she is driven. She asserts herself as correct, has an more confidence and self-worth than anyone you can find, and is really pushing to get ahead.

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de
    ...and not to forget, OLD code.

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient?

    Claude, I'm guessing you already know the answer and you just have a strange sense of humor...

    With that said, if you want to write the "old code" in the most efficient way, using C style syntax, assuming X and Y are integers you would say:

    X += Y;

    Of course this might not even matter depending on how the compiler optimizes the code.

  • Planter's Price (unregistered) in reply to Who?
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

  • (cs)

    Stories like this make we want to do this:

    foreach(Human human in world) human.Dispose();

  • (cs) in reply to Planter's Price
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).
    So THAT'S why Nagesh is here.

  • Alex (unregistered)

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to Planter's Price
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

    Lorne Kates == Nagesh???

  • (cs) in reply to A Gould
    A Gould:
    they don't need to know how to do things, they just need to know how to get *other* people to do it for them.
    That's management. A manager who can do the job of his subordinates, but can't lead, should never have been promoted. Conversely, a manager who can't do the job of his subordinates - but can still guide them to success - is a good fit for those duties.

    Of course, it's easier to lead when your subordinates respect your knowledge.

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

    Lorne Kates == Nagesh???

    You and I think too much alike!

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to Rob
    At least 80% of having people think you know what you are doing is the way in which you talk about it and present yourself.

    The other 20% is actually knowing what you are talking about. But that only applies when dealing with people who also know enough about the topic.

    Subtle, little things can make a huge difference. I've known people who know, flat out, that they are correct, but will still phrase their statement as a question to be polite. IE - instead of 'No, you can't use a generic collection in that way'. They will say something like, 'Are you sure you can even use a generic collection that way? I've never seen something like that work'.

    In front of people who don't know the answer, you just look like a stupid n0ob. And the guy who is wrong, looks like a genius. 'Bill is so ahead of the game, the other guys can't keep up!'.

    Technical skill is hard for non-tech people to measure. But they do recognize confidence, self-worth, and a go-getter attitude.

    I know a lot of really skilled technical people who don't get promotions or climb the ladder. And, for most of them, it's not because they don't want to. They find themselves in a chicken vs. egg situation. They do a great job, but their work seems unnoticed. They get a tiny raise and told they are doing great. They get comfortable. They could work longer and harder; but they don't see an immediate return on that investment. So, why bother? If they were to get promoted and get paid more, sure, they'd work harder and be great for the job. But they don't want to do it for free. Meanwhile, management sees that Bob does a perfectly fine job as an X, but he's just an X. He doesn't really stand out. And, after a while, Bob is probably taking long lunches and ducking out early - because he's good enough to do that and get his work done. But with his slacking, he's only marginally better than his peers. Why promote him?

    Someone like the lady in this story comes along and she is driven. She asserts herself as correct, has an more confidence and self-worth than anyone you can find, and is really pushing to get ahead.

    There is being assertive and then there is being agressive and toxic. My guess is that she intimidated the hell out of the managers (probably worried about lawsuits, wrongfull dismissal, etc.), that they just caved and gave her the promotion.

    Personally, I would say "if you're so damn good doing X, why would I give you a role where you no longer do X anymore?" Maybe, MAYBE give her a dev lead role, but promote her to where she can, carte blanche, hire whome she pleases and can single handedly shape the future of the company? Wow, WTF indeed...

  • (cs) in reply to Rob
    At least 80% of having people think you know what you are doing is the way in which you talk about it and present yourself.

    The other 20% is actually knowing what you are talking about. But that only applies when dealing with people who also know enough about the topic.

    Subtle, little things can make a huge difference. I've known people who know, flat out, that they are correct, but will still phrase their statement as a question to be polite. IE - instead of 'No, you can't use a generic collection in that way'. They will say something like, 'Are you sure you can even use a generic collection that way? I've never seen something like that work'.

    In front of people who don't know the answer, you just look like a stupid n0ob. And the guy who is wrong, looks like a genius. 'Bill is so ahead of the game, the other guys can't keep up!'.

    Technical skill is hard for non-tech people to measure. But they do recognize confidence, self-worth, and a go-getter attitude.

    I know a lot of really skilled technical people who don't get promotions or climb the ladder. And, for most of them, it's not because they don't want to. They find themselves in a chicken vs. egg situation. They do a great job, but their work seems unnoticed. They get a tiny raise and told they are doing great. They get comfortable. They could work longer and harder; but they don't see an immediate return on that investment. So, why bother? If they were to get promoted and get paid more, sure, they'd work harder and be great for the job. But they don't want to do it for free. Meanwhile, management sees that Bob does a perfectly fine job as an X, but he's just an X. He doesn't really stand out. And, after a while, Bob is probably taking long lunches and ducking out early - because he's good enough to do that and get his work done. But with his slacking, he's only marginally better than his peers. Why promote him?

    Someone like the lady in this story comes along and she is driven. She asserts herself as correct, has an more confidence and self-worth than anyone you can find, and is really pushing to get ahead.

    TRWTF was not consulting the employees before promoting their new boss.

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Planter's Price
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

    Either that or Akismet is preventing him from posting a new article.

  • capio (unregistered) in reply to Former Airline Software Developer
    Former Airline Software Developer:
    Once upon a time, building a Java application at a very large discount airline, we added a checkstyle rule to prohibit magic numbers in code. One developer diligently complied: private int ELEVEN = 11; private int FIFTY_FIVE = 55; ...

    She's been promoted. Twice.

    TRWTF is coding rules that make you write

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    If you force adherence to the letter, not the concept, I'll check in the above as

    const WEATHER_FORECAST = 4;

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to anon
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

    Either that or Akismet is preventing him from posting a new article.

    I'm pretty sure this is what the Akismet algo looks like:

    public static bool IsSpam(string forumPost)
      if (forumPost.contains("Viagra", "Penis", "Discount Drugs"))
        return false;
        return (GetRandomNumber() > GetRandomNumber());
  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Planter's Price:
    Lorne Kates?

    Well, I for one welcome our new TDWTF overlords.

    On second thought, it's 11:15 and still no story.

    EPIC fail, as we're coming to expect around this dump.

    More likely, Alex has outsourced site updates to India. It explains the low language quality, the time of day the updates get sent, and the fact that articles do not get updated daily (because of power outages).

    Either that or Akismet is preventing him from posting a new article.

    I'm pretty sure this is what the Akismet algo looks like:

    public static bool IsSpam(string forumPost)
      if (forumPost.contains("Viagra", "Penis", "Discount Drugs"))
        return false;
        return (GetRandomNumber() > GetRandomNumber());

    How silly of me, I forgot to add the following:

    // TODO: add logic to determine if the post is ACTUALLY spam...
  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Agreed. It would be at this point that I would go to my boss and explain that the twat they hired is:

    1. A complete bitch with a toxic personality
    2. Completely unqualified for the role they were hired.
    3. Didn't have sex with me (wait, what?)

    If they shrugged it off, I may wait it out for a little bit longer to see if it was a just one-off occurance. But more than likely I would immediately fire up my CV editor of choice and start calling my recruiter network.

    I honestly would accept any candidate (for a junior position) with a good personality fit who can pass the FizzBuzz test. I don't even hold them to using the modulus.

  • (cs) in reply to hoodaticus
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Agreed. It would be at this point that I would go to my boss and explain that the twat they hired is:

    1. A complete bitch with a toxic personality
    2. Completely unqualified for the role they were hired.
    3. Didn't have sex with me (wait, what?)

    If they shrugged it off, I may wait it out for a little bit longer to see if it was a just one-off occurance. But more than likely I would immediately fire up my CV editor of choice and start calling my recruiter network.

    I honestly would accept any candidate (for a junior position) with a good personality fit who can pass the FizzBuzz test. I don't even hold them to using the modulus.
    By pass, do you mean he/she replies it's already been solved about a million times?

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Agreed. It would be at this point that I would go to my boss and explain that the twat they hired is:

    1. A complete bitch with a toxic personality
    2. Completely unqualified for the role they were hired.
    3. Didn't have sex with me (wait, what?)

    If they shrugged it off, I may wait it out for a little bit longer to see if it was a just one-off occurance. But more than likely I would immediately fire up my CV editor of choice and start calling my recruiter network.

    I honestly would accept any candidate (for a junior position) with a good personality fit who can pass the FizzBuzz test. I don't even hold them to using the modulus.
    By pass, do you mean he/she replies it's already been solved about a million times?

    LOL! If they gave me that answer, I'd have them build me a DAL for the order tables in one of our test databases.
  • FilipinoCoder (unregistered) in reply to Some Jerk

    Management was replaced last year. They outsourced the CEO position to the lowest bidder in the Phillipeans

    Did you mean Philippines?

  • Ray (unregistered) in reply to FilipinoCoder

    No, Philip the Peon.

  • ThingGuy McGuyThing (unregistered) in reply to capio
    Former Airline Software Developer:
    Once upon a time, building a Java application at a very large discount airline, we added a checkstyle rule to prohibit magic numbers in code. One developer diligently complied: private int ELEVEN = 11; private int FIFTY_FIVE = 55; ...

    She's been promoted. Twice.

    TRWTF is coding rules that make you write

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    If you force adherence to the letter, not the concept, I'll check in the above as

    const WEATHER_FORECAST = 4;

    Generally, I prefer defining even obvious constants like SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE. If you're using it in a dense code block, it's more readable than just using the numeral 4. It instantly snaps your brain to the correct context, rather than having to read the surrounding lines to see whether 4 refers to:

    • Sides in a square
    • Corners in a square
    • Vertices of a tetrahedron
    • Quadrants in a graph
  • DWalker (unregistered) in reply to AndyCanfield
    Seriously guys, some of these comments are just embarrassing. It's like being in a 1950's working men's club in here
    Any time a beautiful incompetant female gets hired and promoted, the natural suspicion is that she's screwing her way to the top. The safe thing to do is to stay out of her way, whether it's true or not. Treat her like she's the CEO's girlfriend - be polite but work around her.

    Why can't anyone learn the right way to spell "incompetent"? Are they incompetent?

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    "'Computer language'? Not everyone knows your fancy made-up terms for common words," she stated bluntly, "I used Excel."

    Please raise your hand if you would seriously hand a production-level assignment to anyone dumb enough to utter that statement of WTFness.

    Those lines alone would've dropped her to "No commit for you!" status.

    Agreed. It would be at this point that I would go to my boss and explain that the twat they hired is:

    1. A complete bitch with a toxic personality
    2. Completely unqualified for the role they were hired.
    3. Didn't have sex with me (wait, what?)

    If they shrugged it off, I may wait it out for a little bit longer to see if it was a just one-off occurance. But more than likely I would immediately fire up my CV editor of choice and start calling my recruiter network.

    I honestly would accept any candidate (for a junior position) with a good personality fit who can pass the FizzBuzz test. I don't even hold them to using the modulus.

    Agreed: if they show a basic understanding and decent personality, then all the power to them. I would gladly take a Java guy with 5 years experience with a good personality and showed some programming common sense over a .Net role guy with comparable years of experience and a terrible personality.

    The language/tools can be learned. Personality fit and having a natural sense of OO principles, etc. cannot. Well, at least the devs who force it (without the 'nack for it') usually plateau at intermediate level.

  • ferox (unregistered)

    I have read many articles here.

    some have made me sad, some have made me larf.

    but this one makes me want to punch puppies. we need to form a team of vigilantes to deal with this sort of injustice...

  • C.K. (unregistered) in reply to Rob
    At least 80% of having people think you know what you are doing is the way in which you talk about it and present yourself.

    The other 20% is actually knowing what you are talking about. But that only applies when dealing with people who also know enough about the topic.

    Subtle, little things can make a huge difference. I've known people who know, flat out, that they are correct, but will still phrase their statement as a question to be polite. IE - instead of 'No, you can't use a generic collection in that way'. They will say something like, 'Are you sure you can even use a generic collection that way? I've never seen something like that work'.

    In front of people who don't know the answer, you just look like a stupid n0ob. And the guy who is wrong, looks like a genius. 'Bill is so ahead of the game, the other guys can't keep up!'.

    Technical skill is hard for non-tech people to measure. But they do recognize confidence, self-worth, and a go-getter attitude.

    Many of the experts that give fuzzy answers like that do so because they're aware that they do not and will not ever know everything, even within their their field of expertise. The people that give concrete answers do so because either they are not aware of their own human limitations or they know that the two weeks later when the boss is thinking about the dialog, he will remember an absolute answer, possibly one that was never spoken, and whether or not he felt confident in the other side of the dialog.

  • Pytry (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.

    You are useless, too, because you don't know what you are talking about. India is Javaland (because it's free). Doesn't mean that the programs are better. Programming quality does not depend on the programming language. You should listen and learn. Apparently, you are too young and too stupid to judge programming language and keep that apart from the discussion of how to write good programs. Indian programs are usually a horrible conglomeration of unproductive code. You can actually see in the code that the people didn't know what they were doing. Indian programming means: do process a lot but with no effect. At the end they are paid by the line, aren't they?

    Nagesh caught a big one this time ...

  • Stefan (unregistered) in reply to boog

    Thank you, that comment made my day!

  • Pytry (unregistered) in reply to Remy Bowytz
    Remy Bowytz:
    Generally, when asked, I advise people never to quit a job unless their next job is lined up.

    This story is an exception.

    The truly frightening part is that it probably did happen. One would hope that, perhaps, Jaimy can come back and tell us when that horror house of cards finally collapsed.

    He could make some extra money in the interim by reporting his former employer to the BSA. I normally wouldn't advise this, but this story is an exception.

    What are the Boy Scouts of America going to do about this? I guess we make good coders ... maybe start a fire under her computer?

  • overt enemy (unregistered) in reply to kastein
    When I went to comment on this article the synopsis of it at the top of the comment page read:
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-style-parent:""; font-size:10.0pt;"Times New Roman";} "You need to help me with this crap!"

    I think Alicia must have taken over article writing.

    No kidding! Did you copy this from Excel?

    I'm kinda curious to hear what happened to the company afterwards, but I'm afraid to find out we're, by the look of this article, talking about The Daily WTF.

  • Randy Snicker (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    J.D. I've seen the kind of people that come out of people
    Don't most people come out of people?

    Captcha: jumentum? - No, I was just kidding.

    Not test-tube babies...

    I've always wanted to know where they get test tubes big enough for that.

  • ted (unregistered)

    Fake. It would have been trivial to get someone like this fired. The guy in the story would not have been in the position he was in without possessing a basic ability to get people fired. He got what he deserved and the company got what they deserved.

    The only one involved here with any brains was the bitch.

  • Peter (unregistered)

    This story is too unbelievable to be true!

  • caper (unregistered)

    VB is English. I never knew that.

  • neminem (unregistered) in reply to caper
    VB is English. I never knew that.
    I thought that was Python?
  • (cs) in reply to ferox
    I have read many articles here.

    some have made me sad, some have made me larf.

    but this one makes me want to punch puppies. we need to form a team of vigilantes to deal with this sort of injustice...

    If this were a book, that would totally be the pull quote.

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