• n+1 (unregistered)

    Taking a look at myrsc.com "Designed for Internet Explorer v7.0+"

    Can't find how to register myself but they do want an SSN if login is forgotten.

  • (cs) in reply to lolwtfbbq
    (1) WTF is "fat sick"?
    Fat, sick and nearly dead is no way to go through life son.
    Well, it's certainly no laughing matter...
  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to Drenrab
    Man, I've been short changed. Mine US Social Security number is only 9 digits.

    You're not counting that secret extra 10th digit that the NSA adds.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to CigarDoug
    If the last picture is from the same site as Wednesday's code it's no WTF at all. You can't select no button anyway.
    I think the proper grammar choice is the triple negative, as in: "You ain't gonna select no buttons, nohow."

    Huh, that's an amusing thing about English. "You can't select no buttons." Is that a slangy way of saying, "There is no button that it is possible to select"? Or does it mean, "You can't leave all buttons unselected"?

  • (cs)

    FWIW, play.com returns no results if I search for "fat sick and nearly dead"

  • These Are Always Fun (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Huh, that's an amusing thing about English. "You can't select no buttons." Is that a slangy way of saying, "There is no button that it is possible to select"? Or does it mean, "You can't leave all buttons unselected"?

    There's not much ambivalence in that example. If the user's speaking with such slang they're almost certainly referring to the first case. The second case is an awkward thing to communicate without restructuring your sentence first, and it's also too literal a reading for slang.

  • Slack Her (unregistered) in reply to These Are Always Fun

    Number 9, number 9, number 9

  • Hig (unregistered)

    Because that's how long an SSN is. What a wonderful way to hamfistedly throw in a rule to say "Don't use your SSN as your login ID". :)

  • (cs) in reply to lolwtf
    Surprising the air is that warm out in space. Also surprising the air is in space at all.
    When the air gets really hot (global warming and all) it expands way out into space. Since the hot air is rising, it's lifting the airplane way up, too.

    Physics is simple, if you don't think too hard.

  • (cs) in reply to lolwtfbbq
    (1) WTF is "fat sick"?
    Fat, sick and nearly dead is no way to go through life son.
    He's only mostly dead.
  • (cs) in reply to Jay
    If the last picture is from the same site as Wednesday's code it's no WTF at all. You can't select no button anyway.
    I think the proper grammar choice is the triple negative, as in: "You ain't gonna select no buttons, nohow."

    Huh, that's an amusing thing about English. "You can't select no buttons." Is that a slangy way of saying, "There is no button that it is possible to select"? Or does it mean, "You can't leave all buttons unselected"?


  • (cs) in reply to russ0519
    Oh I would love the see the code behind that 'never 9 characters' rule... My guess is I would need some brainbleach afterwards... (I't Friday after all)

    Yours Yazeran

    Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer.

    Isn't it obvious? the system assumes 9 ddigits are social security numbers.

    It's even worse. From a manual I found while googling this:

    Note: Since Social Security Numbers are no longer used as the login ID, the login ID you create may not be 9 characters in length.

    That's some serious WTF-ery there, even by the usually high standards seen in this forum. They assume that ANY 9-character string (digits or otherwise) is a Social Security Number.

  • Saluto (unregistered) in reply to Hmmmm
    (1) WTF is "fat sick"?
    Fat, sick and nearly dead is no way to go through life son.
    Well, it's certainly no laughing matter...

    Face it. You threw up ON Dean Wormer.

  • (cs) in reply to Hairy Cow
    Hairy Cow:
    Isn't it obvious? the system assumes 9 ddigits are social security numbers.
    Maybe in Australia or the Philippines or something; they're 10 digits in the USA.

    Nope... 9 digits... count 'em

    God damn you foreigners and your stupid metric system!

  • lolwtfbbq (unregistered) in reply to Hig
    Because that's how long an SSN is. What a wonderful way to hamfistedly throw in a rule to say "Don't use your SSN as your login ID". :)
    Can I use yours instead?
  • TortoiseWrath (unregistered)

    Some play.com results:

    wtf = the man with two brains horse's = fallen angels horus heresy the's = a tale for the time being potatoes = bouncing putty radii = red blu ray quail = quad core mince = of mice and men shirt captcha = to catch a thief grieve = 120gb hard drive poodle = paddling pool edibility = resident evil 5 gold edition

  • TortoiseWrath (unregistered) in reply to lolwtfbbq
    Because that's how long an SSN is. What a wonderful way to hamfistedly throw in a rule to say "Don't use your SSN as your login ID". :)
    Can I use yours instead?

    Sure; it's 531-80-0898.

  • Todd Davis (unregistered) in reply to Jeremy

    Isn't that how LifeLock got started?

  • Prof. Foop (unregistered)

    Very curious. Halfway to the moon and the temp is 10C/50F. I will wear my space sweater.

  • (cs) in reply to operagost
    Isn't it obvious? the system assumes 9 ddigits are social security numbers.
    Maybe in Australia or the Philippines or something; they're 10 digits in the USA.

    Well as we don't have Social Security Numbers in Australia, I'd guess it's not about us.... Our Tax File Numbers are 8 or 9 digits though.

    That entire site seems to be one big WTF though - copy and paste from the top of the page: "Designed for Internet Explorer v7.0+ (Min. Resolution: 800x600)"

  • wlao (unregistered) in reply to Yozza Hughes
    Yozza Hughes:
    Face's -> fuck buttons slow focus WTF!
    This is what happens when you hire someone with Tourettes to build your search engine.
  • (cs) in reply to operagost
    Oh I would love the see the code behind that 'never 9 characters' rule... My guess is I would need some brainbleach afterwards... (I't Friday after all)
    Isn't it obvious? the system assumes 9 ddigits are social security numbers.
    Maybe in Australia or the Philippines or something; they're 10 digits in the USA.

    We have found TRWTF!

  • (cs)

    I'm so jealous of that blue sky, even if it does seem a bit polluted with Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime dealerships…

  • Hannes (unregistered)

    TRWTF is the misspelling of "maximum".

  • DonaldK (unregistered) in reply to eViLegion
    I like how "alphanumeric" doesn't seem to include the separately specified "numeric".

    This is sadly commonly misunderstood. The spec is correct.

    Numeric = {0..9} AlphaNumeric = {a..Z, A..Z, zero..nine}

    So you can see, numeric isn't a subset of AlphaNumeric.

    You can subclass AlphaNumeric and include Numeric like this:

    AlphaNumericNumeric = {{AlphaNumeric}, {Numeric}}

    or equivalently:

    AlphaNumericNumeric = {a..Z, A..Z, zero..nine, 0..9}

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to suid
    Oh I would love the see the code behind that 'never 9 characters' rule... My guess is I would need some brainbleach afterwards... (I't Friday after all)

    Yours Yazeran

    Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer.

    Isn't it obvious? the system assumes 9 ddigits are social security numbers.

    It's even worse. From a manual I found while googling this:

    Note: Since Social Security Numbers are no longer used as the login ID, the login ID you create may not be 9 characters in length.

    That's some serious WTF-ery there, even by the usually high standards seen in this forum. They assume that ANY 9-character string (digits or otherwise) is a Social Security Number.

    Also, you should not use the name of your pet as a password. As most pet names consist of letters, your password cannot include letters.

  • (cs)

    Giving up money in return for possessing DNF is TRTWF. If it somehow got into my Steam games I'd be paying to remove it :P

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