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It's the "...and 55 seconds" that has me giggling helplessly. Yes, congratulations to that development team, you thought of formatting your time estimate in a way that looks a little more human and less mechanical, but you forgot to put in a sanity check to see if you are telling users that they should have started the process IN THE LATE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD.
Seller: We don't want your stinking money.
The Oracle message makes sense (a little) if you read the title: Exit / Do you really want to...
No "The Magnificent", as in iToad The Magnificent? This really is a WTF.
On that Citi site: Someone altered something below the line--and they got what they deserved, too.
Someone should try buying -1 shirts. I bet their system will credit your account.
I dream of a future where banks will legally forced to comply with some minimum computer security and stability standards.
I don't even post to this site, and I can tell you're lying.
And the legalese one is due to font data in the printer getting screwed up. The one where that happened on a shipping label (and the package got delivered!) was much better.
Or better: "Our computer system has gone wrong so our tills don't work."
"But I have the correct money here, I have a can in my right hand, the correct money in my left, and I'm thirsty."
"No I'm sorry but ... " etc.
I cancelled half way through posting a comment on a website about some girl photographing her school lunch earlier when it asked me for my date of birth. Fuck off, no, you are not going to get my fucking date of birth you nosy cunts.
Note: I haven't tested this, not wanting the ride with the nice police officer if I'm wrong.
Also, if they send you something in the mail you didn't order, you don't have to send it back. Or pay for it. This came in handy when I ordered product X, consisting of A B and C, from Oracle, and they only ever sent me A and B. Since they never sent C, I never paid. No consequences.
Of course now that I'm more experienced, you couldn't pay me to accept something from Oracle.
See, that wasn't so painful, was it?
Sometimes we'd get deals for TV's/Computers, priced well and ordered in bulk, but they'd all sell out before they even arrived in store.
In those cases, we didn't bother with salesman crap. It was full price/pay at counter and we'll call you when it comes in, or try another place. They tried to get us to knock the price down a bit or anything like that, and we'd just say we weren't interested.
Even to the other poster who said it was ridiculous that he couldn't buy a can because the systems were down even though he had the exact change in cash: That could cost the cashier his job. Even if he were honest, any manager now had the wriggle room in his paperwork should the tills be down in money (They ALWAYS are), and any operation off the record just messes with the systems stocktaking system.
Even a delayed record of transaction (Putting it through the system once it was online again) is risky, and I'd bet even illegal in some places (The customer should always be present at a transaction).
Buyer: I want to give you money and don't care that you can't sell the rest of the items I've vandalised.
Seller: Get out of my shop.
And the -1 inventory is almost certainly due to a crappy back-ordering setting. Heavily discounted clothing would normally have back-ordering disabled, but either somebody's taken a shortcut, or the inventory system is bollocks.
There's all sorts of stories like that regarding retail... Some based on anti-discrimination, some based on incorrectly assuming a chain-store policy is law, and some purely based on fantasy.
Dude, you are watching TV on mute at 1 am. WTF were you really watching? ;)
Short-sold Wall Street shirts?
OK, that makes sense.
That's going to get annoying pretty soon.
It's not that complicated: the point of the automated inventory is to keep costs (barely) below income. If you want a single drink and their automated system can't handle the transaction, doing it manually could easily push the cost of the transaction above what they'd charge you for it. So, basically, they don't want to sell you something if they're going to lose money by doing so.
Consumer law in the US was reformed in the '50s by the Uniform Commercial Code, coincidentally at about the same time as Brown v. Board of Education was decided. So, no, it's not a desegregation thing because the fallout from Brown took about a decade.
Since the states (prior to PPACA, at least) have the statutory authority to regulate intra-state commerce, the UCC isn't actually a law itself, but the guidelines by which 49 states agreed to pass identical laws and Louisiana passed mostly compatible laws.
Under UCC, a sale is considered a contract, so if you and the merchant haven't agreed on how you're going to pay, you haven't formed a contract yet, ergo, there's no sale.
Great! What did i win? A slap in the face? Code snippet that won't compile? Or just a sodding cash prize?
Great! What did i win? A slap in the face? Code snippet that won't compile? Or just a sodding cash prize?
Anyway, however the price is determined, they have only themselves to blame if it is below their total costs.
Buyer: I see these are 6 for $3.99. How much for one?
Seller: We're running a special today. Buy one for $3.99 and get the next 5 free.
But that witty response will never happen. Because the seller is no longer present in the store. The seller is a faceless corporate headquarters far away, and the employees, based on what I've experienced lately, couldn't figure out which end of a broom to hold if the system didn't show them a picture. Not in the system == situation too bewildering to imagine.
Is it weird that I actually want to ...?
RE thesharperedge....it's obviously an advertising ploy, and it's probably working. How many people visit that site just because they hear about their wacky titles and suffixes? Sooner or later, one of the visitors might buy something.
Seems interesting that they have 'c/o' (lowercase = 'care of') as an option. I wonder if that allows me to have an account someone else is charged for....
Perhaps they merely want to appear like they have a wide userbase....other than Prisoner#666 I think the other titles are valid and in use somewhere in the world. Equally, I think only 'The Alcoholic' is a suffix that you wouldn't normally use....That said (as someone else pointed out) supporting HRH but not HM strongly suggests that the queen is not one of their clients....
Although your thought might make sense too...because initially the way around it would be to leave the money on the counter, but then the shop keeper complains that he never got it, so someone felt the need to have some law to ensure the buyer is not ripped off...
I have heard (I suspect widely exageerated) stories that in certain parts of outback Australia (especially WA) there are hotels who charge more for a 6-pack than for a carton. The primary reason is that they simply can't move 6-packs if they split a carton, so they want to discourage people buying them. Of course these days the "responsible service of alcohol" nazi's would probably get a bit upset at this sort of price-model....
There's also a pub in Canberra that used to have pints (568mL) for $4.50 and schooners (425mL) for $5. I know their pints have gone up in price since then....not sure on the schooners though....Incidentally, it's a pub that seems to make the bulk of its money as a night club (with much higher prices after 7PM) but offers cheap alcohol (and reasonably priced meals) during the day in an attempt to lure public servants....and it seems to do a roaring trade between about 11:30 and 14:00 most days....
Here in NZ the cans of fizzy drink in cartons are labelled differently and have text on them saying 'Not for individual sale' - you may not find single cans in the supermarket at all. However, this doesn't stop dairies (convenience stores?) from breaking down the cartons and selling cans individually. Discount supermarkets have signs saying "max 10 per person" when Coke is on special because the dairy owners and their kids all go down to restock the shop as it's cheaper than wholesale.
To be 'The First' requires that there is a 'The Second' which in turn usually requires producing offspring.
Don't think that's likely around here.
Addendum (2012-06-18 06:53): The Great and Powerful Trixie could be known as "Agent Powerful Trixie The Great"
Oh, how much I do long for...
But to do that they'd have to watch the channel. You're not seriously suggesting they'd do that, are you?
Wow! What an asshole your are.
Of course if the store doesn't have what you want you should have free reign to just tear up anything else in their store.
It can be useful to prepay a whole number of coming months payments, then you aren't required to send in that payment and don't risk getting caught short, or having to pay it while on vacation, etc.
You just pay an extra amount equal to some multiple (could be one or more) of the amount due. Or pay a partial amount so you have a lesser bill next month.
Paying towards principal cuts your principal balance, but you are still required to make your next payment as scheduled.
It is a WTF that you can't prepay and have your principal go down and be able to skip the next payment, you should be able to make it early and not pay interest on it anymore since you gave it to the bank, but life ain't fair.
so tell me what you want, what you really really want I'll tell you want I want, what I really really want
Means no one from the TV station watched their own station!
Not sure I'd have phrased it like they did, but it certainly made sense. No WTF on that particular one.
What the fuck are you on about? If you pay the loan off early, you're not giving the creditor a loan. You're reducing your interest paid.
If you have a loan that penalizes you for paying it off early, you are a retard.
What the fuck are you on about? You can pay extra to either a) reduce your principal or b) avoid missing the next minimum payment. Not both. The former is smart if you can afford it, the latter is plain dumb (and is what this bank is trying to get people to do).
I can't believe you're so... nevermind. Anyway, it is clear that first error is in fact message from starship Enterprise that got back in time (again) and lost somewhere their chief engineer. Find Scotty, damnit!
MLA is also Member of the Legislative Assembly in Canada, though why this would be on a UK site, I don't know.