• Álvaro González (github)

    never truly caught on

    I respectfully disagree.

  • PF (unregistered)

    I still use the self-closing BR tag style. Just force of habit, I guess...it looks wrong without, to me. Don't think it does any harm?

  • PedanticRobot (unregistered)

    XHTML and self-closing tags are the correct way. HTML is XML, despite whatever decisions HTML5 made to intentionally spite that idea.

  • (nodebb) in reply to PedanticRobot

    I came here to write this. What is this hatred for properly formed markup? Shouldn't it be as loveable as cute puppies?

    Opponents of XHTML are eating the dogs!!

  • (author)

    I mean, I prefer XHTML style, but I recognize that's a fight which I've lost. And I'll fight many a lost cause, but this is just one I can't get too het up about.

  • TheMonkey (unregistered)

    +1 for still using self closing tags. To me, the tag is not properly formed if isn't closed.

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered)

    There is something important missing, Bob from QA said: In order to center the text on the screen, it needs several                 just as he had learned in his Business Design Master class.

  • (nodebb) in reply to PedanticRobot

    HTML is XML

    No, it's neither XML nor, any longer, SGML. Per https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing:

    While the HTML syntax described in this specification bears a close resemblance to SGML and XML, it is a separate language with its own parsing rules.

  • (nodebb)

    Per the Mozilla docs: Self-closing tags (<tag />) do not exist in HTML.

    Fun programming workaround: I've got a little app on the Windows store for EPUB type e-books. An EPUB book is just HTML in a ZIP file with some other bits and bobs. Recently, a major publisher (project gutenberg) decided that every single new EPUB book would include the string <pre /> at the start. Per the Mozilla docs, when this is shown as HTML, the last slash is removed, turning every single new EPUB into a "PRE" formatted book, which looked absolutely awful. My workaround was to search all of the HTML for that particular string and remove it.

    Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Void_element

  • Duke of New York (unregistered)

    If this represents the worst of the code, Marco had better hold onto the job however he can.

  • (nodebb)


    Change request: The banner tag should be banner sized. Later: It's still not banner sized, it changes size...

    Later Incident: The banner area is broken. Lots of discussion later: The banner area is all white. It's broken!

    After years in support and development, I see this one coming a mile away...

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered) in reply to Officer Johnny Holzkopf

    Missing: several "and-n-b-s-p-semicolon"s. For horizontal alignment, you know...

  • DJ Dizzy Spudplucker (unregistered) in reply to jkshapiro

    @jkshapiro, is this where I suggest parsing HMTL with Regular Expressions?

  • PedanticRobot (unregistered) in reply to jkshapiro

    I stand by my statement. HTML5 has tried very hard to gaslight the world that it isn't XML, even going so far as defining their spec specifically to break XML rules, I'm looking at you void elements and boolean attributes. Regardless, the fact remains, HTML is XML and there is no ration reason that it shouldn't be.

  • Duke of New York (unregistered)

    And I stand by the statements I now make, that XML was a gimmick of little long-term consequence and XHTML in particular was a vain attempt to rewrite history.

  • React Aficionado (unregistered)

    TRWTF is using jQuery, obviously.

  • (nodebb)

    I know web browsers have to be flexible in their HTML parsing, but come on, parsing and rendering structured text content inside an image tag is just totally bonkers.

  • (nodebb)

    We will live the rest of our dev lives in the rickety tent camp called HTML that was hastily erected by idiot farmers & untrained factory workers who'd joined the mad gold rush that was the original WWW. If only we would / could not only build a shiny but separate new city nearby, but also get up the gonads (of either sort) to burn the tent city to the ground. Then we could live in nice surroundings again.

  • (nodebb) in reply to PedanticRobot

    I stand by my statement. HTML5 has tried very hard to gaslight the world that it isn't XML, even going so far as defining their spec specifically to break XML rules, I'm looking at you void elements and boolean attributes. Regardless, the fact remains, HTML is XML and there is no ration reason that it shouldn't be.

    You're saying "Java is C. Python is C." This is not the case. While both of those languages utilize what we all call "C syntax" they are not C. Just like HTML is not SGML is not XML.

  • kythyria (unregistered) in reply to PedanticRobot
    Comment held for moderation.

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