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As we say here: you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. And you may have 24 hour electricity, working 12 hours a day, being undereducated, having no idea of how western culture works and not speaking the same language ultimately leads to disasters. Meaning: offshoring does not work, the people have to be brought in house. Wether they are Indian, RUssian, Rumanian or Martian.
The audit software was being toted around on a floppy. by remotely formatting that floppy the instant it was inserted, they were able to remove the audit software and prevent the audit from running.
As someone has already pointed out, that unless outsourcing (off-shoring) firms starts actually creating quality products, the managers of these westerns companies will eventually notice that this lack of quality is actually costing them more than keeping the talent in-house (or even in-country). I'm not against free-market, but if the product is consistently sub-standard, people will begin to notice. Now when this will happen is another question. People don't learn very quickly, so I'd say at least another 5-10 years before off-shoring becomes a thing of the past (IMHO).
Then again, there are lots of people who are ok with it "just working, for now", so who knows? This trend could go on forever-more...
BTW, your client is not delighted with the work. What they are delighted in is that it only cost them 1/50 what it would cost to create that garbage at home. Now they can spend some of the money they saved to hire a few senior developers to make the code work correctly.
Perhaps an analogy will point out the fatal flaw in this reasoning.
German Cars > American Cars
What about this statement is racist? How about this:
American Aircraft Carriers > Indian Aircraft Carriers
Am I racist yet? Okay, one more try:
American Code > Indian Code
(I've got lots more of these).
Because what I'm getting from this conversation is that I have a choice between either "racism" or intelligence.
If there's one thing I've learned from the Daily WTF, it's that outsourcers NEVER learn that lesson. Code is code, and if some other company says they can do it for cheaper, then obviously your current employees are just ripping you off.
Hey, I'm white, and I can jump. I can still touch the rim at 40+ years old. I am going to go watch reruns of 'All in the Family'
Oh, yeah, German cars are fantastic. Ask me how many coil packs my VW's burned out so far.
My choice in best deathmatch would be Quake 3. It may be a little too cartoony for some, but I liked it. Unreal Tournament is also very good. I excelled at both, but never did go pro.
The rocket jump is never out of style. The rocket jump (and conc-blast) are the best in Team Fortress.
That is utterly ridiculous. What we call "races" are simply groups of people sharing a set of genes that tend to result in something distinctive about their appearance. Skin color, nose shape, eye shape, etc. You are proposing that the same set of genes can NEVER be associated with non-appearance characteristics such as intelligence, fast-twitch/slow-twitch muscle fiber ratios, cardiovascular capability, height, weight, vulnerability to certain disceases, etc. Both the scientfic and common sense evidence completely contradict your position. Or do you actually believe, for example, that it's racist to say blacks are more vulnerable to sickle-cell anemia than whites?
The key word there, that you seem to be overlooking, is "inherently." While I agree that all men are created equal, we don't tend to stay that way for long, and coding is a learned skill, not an inherent talent. This means that the quality of the learning process and the surrounding culture has quite a bit of influence on the finished product.
Take a white kid, raise him in India in the Indian school system, and he'll be a heck of a lot more likely to produce really crappy code than an Indian kid of equal intelligence raised and educated in America.
Personally, I think I would've chosen a network drive letter that wasn't adjacent to the letter 'c' when hurriedly doing a quick format at a Windows command prompt.
While, if you've never made love to a hispanic, you wouldn't know that white people are not as good...
While, if you've never made love to a hispanic, you wouldn't know that white people are not as good...
Quake 2 or Quake 3?
I suggest you come back when you have some sort of tangible argument, instead of this embarrasingly predictable hyperbole.
Oh for fuck's sake Larry, I just wrote that whole thing thinking you were serious! I should have read the name sooner, didn't realise it was a troll (and neither did anyone else by the looks of things). Another subtle troll from the unsung super-troll of TDWTF. Great work Larry but maybe you should try making some serious comments now and then? You might actually like it.
TRWTF is this comment thread.
now that everyone has let out their angsty "i didn't get any last night for valentine's", resume civilized discussion.
Resume civilized discussion? I think you're lost... This is TDWTF.
And the only angst that is being expressed here is good, hard-working developers having to compete and lose jobs to shitty, lowest bidding companies who are "CMM level 5" certified, which is about as meaningful as a MCBF certification (McDonalds Certified Burger Flipper).
Perhaps the part where people are treated as commodities?
This totally isn't what I expected. I expected howls of outrage as people realized that Earnest had accidentally formatted the development server.
Thinking you're better than someone else for whatever reason is wrong, but political correctness is just a masking term for Marxism.
...and we all know how inferior those Marxists are, right?
We have communist party of India (M) who are Marxists. They never get anything done. All they are good for is doing strikes.
First of all, there is nothing wrong with socialism, just the crooked humans who try to implement it.
Second, PC is not socialism. It's everyone being too damn polite and stupid to realize their own countries identity being ripped out from underneath them to appease <1% of the population...
Sorry, you know that saying "liberal at 20, conservative at 50?" Yeah, well...
I got one of those! Are you saying that I don't know how to flip burgers?
Certificates are important you know. Without them, how would we trick people into buying things they don't need or doesn't work? It's what makes the economy go round.
Which is why I am still unlisted.
I was too lazy to read the source, so I hacked together this: function remify(){if(window.remified)return;var ch=document.getElementById("MainContent").children;while(ch.length){var c=ch[0];if(ch.shift){ch.shift()}else{var chs=new Array();for(var i=1;i<ch.length;++i){chs.push(ch[i])}ch=chs}if(c.nodeType==8){var cn=document.createElement("span");cn.style.backgroundColor="lightgray";var remy=document.createElement("b");remy.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Remy: "));cn.appendChild(remy);cn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c.data.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g,'')));c.parentNode.insertBefore(cn,c)}else{var chn=c.childNodes;for(var i=0;i<chn.length;++i){ch.push(chn[i])}}}window.remified=true};remify();
Adding this as bookmarklet (with javascript: in front) remifies the current page... ;)
Grenades? Fun Quake II story. We liked to play the Weapons of Destruction mod- it added the best Q2 grappling hook and gave every weapon a ridiculous alt-fire (the chaingun, for example, would fire shotgun shells). It also added the cataclysm device- a grenade that could clear a room.
Because I was a giant jerk-face, when we death-matched, I'd run into a room with other players in it, and set off a cataclysm device. Yeah, I'd die, and get -1 to my score- but they'd all also die, adding points to my score.
//And when they complained, I proceeded tear them up with the buzzsaw.
I never heard of a network file system that allowed for remote formats. This story is bunk.
That's how the university system was founded!!!
I thought it was just a phase, but ol' Remy Martin continues to hold on to his unicorn and rainbow fetish.
So you're saying that you don't need an education to code in CMM 5 certified shops?
captcha: caecus - OutsourcedCode == Caecus
WRONG: What I said is that the university was found on this principle. You come, get educated and get a certificate. Then you pay the university to give you that certificate. Do you understand now?