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And what the hell is up with these unicorns???
Linked to on the same page: Large condoms for S African men
Interestingly, One in three South African men admit to rape, survey finds.
<racism>German Cars > American Cars</racism> <translation>Germans have better engineering minds than Americans</translation>
<racism>American Aircraft Carriers > Indian Aircraft Carriers</racism> <translation>Indians cannot comprehend transportation the way Americans can.</translation>
<racism>American Code > Indian Code</racism> <translation>All Americans are smarter than all Indians.</translation>
Your not too bright, are you?
For someone who keeps saying "not too bright..." comments, you would think that EVENTUALLY you would get the spelling of you're corrent. Unless of course this is a trolling attempt, and in that case, good job.
if "format x: /q" doesn't indicate the Microsoft world, I don't know what does. Microsoft, in the 90's, wasn't exactly known for its security - even in NT.
or quakelive, for no money!
Dear Earnest,
In case you can’t tell, this is a grown-up place. The fact that you insist on playing Quake on company time clearly shows that you’re too young and too stupid to be starring in B-grade comedy films.
Go away and grow up.
Sincerely, Bert Glanstron
Not a grammar nazi, I just like to call out people when when they're being a douchebag, that's all.
Ah, back in the day everything was so cool. Quake, and IRC and dial-up Internet access etc. Oh, and floppy drives - almost forgot we even had those :) For me as a programmer and Internet user things have evolved a lot, too. I cannot even remember what pre-Google world was like - how did we even live without search engines? How did we live without Facebook, LinkedIn, Groupon, sharing news and pictures and videos and so on?
Unreal Tournament, released in 1999
That would of course be Battlefield 1942, with the Desert Combat mod :D
You have great faith in managers (particularly to remember how good it was with competent staff - who they clearly didn't recognise as exceptional, or they wouldn't have shipped offshore).
Managers WILL (probably) realise that crap is being produced. Managers MIGHT throw more money at the problem to fix it, but this will most likely result in MORE developers not BETTER developers being hired. This is a recipe for disaster. More incompetence is a bad thing (any which way you look at it). I seriously doubt that managers will ever see that the problem was caused by moving offshore - they would justify increasing costs of hiring more developers easily ("Imagine what it would cost to hire the extra people we need at home...").
Once things go offshore there is little hope of return unless it appears (not necessarily is) cost-effective. For a manager with a brain the size of a pea (rather large, by their standards) this means lower wages at home. How many of you are prepared to work for a couple of dollars a day?
As many have said before, if a better product were available overseas, we would be shipping talent in, not shipping work out. The bottom line is the bottom line, and when the end product is crap, that will simply become standard (after all, everyone is doing it).
This isn't about security. Networked file systems work with files, directories etc, whereas formatting requires a networked block device. I don't think that Microsoft ever implemented such a thing (until iSCSI).
Great story.... but how do you format a mapped drive?
And we have an example of racism. Schooling in America is probably different than in India (because the cultures are very different). A white kid (because only America has those...) in an Indian school may struggle, but an Indian kid in an American school may struggle equally.
Look up "Srinivasa Ramanujan" on wikipedia (or your resource of choice). Much of his work was quite unique - and his ability to approach problems from left field is often attributed to the fact that he wasn't constrained by Western education.
The point is, different cultures educate differently, and it is difficult to compare which is better (beauty is in the eye of the beerholder). We think our system is 'better' because we understand it and would struggle in other systems. Various research has shown that intelligence testing (the accuracy/point of which is often questioned anyway) can be skewed based on culture. This doesn't mean that some cultures are necessarily less intelligent, it just means that they don't think the same way, or are not as adapted to testing as we are. I'm sure other cultures could equally provide tests that the most intelligent of us would struggle with.
That said, I think offshoring does tend to produce bad code. The biggest reason, though, is that the better programmers (or workers full stop) will naturally seek the better wages, and is more likely to move overseas (or in another career). The problem is firstly that businesses think that they can get something cheaply and secondly that with populations the size of India or China, you will naturally have masses of people willing to work in IT, and many (usually the bottom of the bag) at minimal wages. For some (even highly skilled) it may not be feasible to move to chase better paid work, but I would think enough would be able to to make a big difference in the quality of the workforce available. Comments by some OP about the quality of Indians working in America vs Indians working in India certainly seem to support this view...Ultimately, most of the time, you will get what you pay for.
I'm not quite sure how this constitutes "an example of racism," especially when your explanation doesn't address what I actually wrote in the slightest. In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't talking about people struggling in school; I was talking about someone being raised and immersed in a certain culture, doing just fine in school, and then comparing the finished products. My point was that race is irrelevant; what matters when training knowledge workers is the quality of the knowledge that they're trained with.
Egypt vs the government, kinda one sided but hey so was Quake
Perhaps more to the point the employment that Certification creates (trainers, examiners etc) keeps our unemployment rates down (well, not in the Us perhaps, but...).
I did laugh some years ago when I drove Public buses and was later hassled by a learning institution to complete a "Certificate III in Transport and Distribution " that I had apparently completed about 75% of through my work....
I love Job titles: Bus Operator (not driver??) Waste Management Engineer (wow - I'd love to drive a truck and be called engineer) Sandwich Artist (what's artistic about making lunch?) etc....
I love that we have :
We seem really big on making jobs sound special, and creating departments to ease the burden of non job-specific tasks, but all we seem to do is have the same positions and increased red-tape/bureacracy. Perhaps it's little wonder that the same job can be done cheaper in China - they may not have the same organisational overheads.
HR (a particular gripe of mine) must have been a good idea to begin with, but how long did it take them to realise that HR can't hire people unless they understand what jobs are required (and what skills on people's resumes mean). Does anyone know what HR actually does?
EDIT - nevermind. Jimbo is no idiot (see below); he was just confused.
Oh, I get it now.
Race is irrelevant, it's just that American schools produce better results than Indian ones.
My Bad.
Quite simply, you failed to type check "Indian". It could refer to a nationality or a race. You assumed the latter, when I meant the former.
Racism has been defined as interjecting race where it is not relevant. You, sir, are the racist.
Spoken like someone who hasn't experienced outsourced indian code.
No actually it is correct as before. In order for Indian Code to be shit, you have to assign shit to it (which is what Indian programmers do... assign shit to Indian Code). Thus, you can then apply the 'equals' operator (==) on the Indian Code to test for shit. So really it should look like this:
Indian Code = shit; print( (Indian Code == shit) ? "Indian code is shit" : "Indian code is ingenium" );
captcha: ingenium
Haven't you figured that out yet? HR exists to protect the company from the employees. Nothing more, nothing less.
They do, actually, and the general environment is more conducive to a motivated kid - 24/7 power, AC, lots of calories, and easy access to all the info you could ever want.
or were you being sarcastic? It's so hard to tell sometimes.
Unreal Tournament 2004
Oh yeah, I forgot, resources are meant to be exploited, right?
Hasn't anybody picked up on the Axe in Quake? I never had an axe as a weapon...
Ah well. With all pleasure you can write your own operating system.Coz... any OS you pick... contains that sht. May be you should reinvent lot of tools, apps and games you use 24/7. Coz.... they have lot of that same sht. Good luck.Hope the world won't get into any of your sh*t.
Team Fortress 2, of course.
It's not wrong when you actually are better than someone else.
Black Ops for a fast-paced arcade shooter, & Battlefield 2 for more realistic combat.
RPC's, not NFS.