• Industrial Automation Engineer (unregistered)

    what happened to the policy: We don't post code of students / hobby projects and kids? that's three strikes in one post. WTF.

  • David-T (unregistered)

    Perl function prototypes are generally best avoided, except in specific circumstances where you want the weird foot-gun effects.

    The documentation tells you to use shift, as that's the idiomatic way of doing it.

  • (author) in reply to Industrial Automation Engineer

    I would argue that the code isn't the WTF- but the circumstances which led to it. Lars is TRWTF.

  • (nodebb)

    The same condition on both branches of OR is probably is a remnant from a previous version - once they were different, but then something changed, and there was the possibility it would change again. Thus OR remains just in case, but neutered. Yes, I'm guilty of the same thing.

  • Maia Everett (github) in reply to Industrial Automation Engineer

    what happened to the policy: We don't post code of students / hobby projects and kids? that's three strikes in one post. WTF.

    From what I understand, the code wasn't written by students. The students were hired later to work on this pre-existing code.

  • (nodebb)

    Not using signatures could be because they were using an old-enough version of Perl that the feature didn't exist then, or was still marked as experimental. Someone who cheaps on hiring decent developers isn't going to spend money on keeping their stack up to date, after all.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Industrial Automation Engineer

    This was code written at a company, not a student project at their school, nor a hobby project. And I'm also not sure that I would consider them to be kids when they are preparing to enter the workforce; they aren't in highschool.

  • (nodebb) in reply to David-T

    Prototypes and signatures are two separate things in Perl. The latter is where function parameters are specified, which is the modern Perl way, rather than using the special @_ variable to get at arguments.

  • David-T (unregistered) in reply to gordonfish

    Oh, ok, apparently Perl has moved on since I... moved on.

  • Oracles (unregistered)

    I particularly love this line.

    my $body = 'operation:' . ' ';

    "Oh, no! I forgot the space at the end, I'd better concatenate one!"

  • Duke of New York (unregistered)

    Perl as a whole is generally best avoided. Just look at what it did to gordonfish.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Duke of New York

    With all due respect, Perl is a useful language with a massive repository and a rather unfair reputation. I conceed that it is easy to write some seriously unreadable and downright ugly code, but given all that's been shown on this site, this is true anywhere. Modern Perl can really be a thing of beauty. Like anywhere else, it's on the programmer to not write eye gouging atrocities.

    I guess all I want is for people to stop acting like it's still 1999 and acknowledge modern Perl in an informed manner. It's not perfect but it has come a really long way.

  • (nodebb) in reply to gordonfish

    It's not perfect but it has come a really long way.

    Has it come long enough way to seriously consider it as opposed to (say) Python 3?

  • (nodebb) in reply to jeremypnet

    Most definitely yes. Both languages that you mention have their strengths, and personal tastes can be a factor, but yes modern Perl brings a lot to the table that really is worth taking a look at. What I dislike is evaluating anything based on 20+ year old criticisms that are horribly out of date.

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