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Could it be that the values were originally correct, but the text labels were changed without changing the numeric values or vice versa?
Also, frist!
You can't make a frist post without making a joke or reference to the article. That's just bad form.
Could it also be that Remy doesn't use spell check? "and clearly breaks the ability to pucrhase debit cards."
Let me guess, "Cadastro" is Portuguese for "catastrophe"?
Even if they didn't screw up the matching between labels and values, naming values with number-words seems very strange.
I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card". ... I won't mention the contradiction in terms that is "pre-paid debit card".
I won't mention either that Nodebb sucks donkey balls.
If I was frist today I would have reported it as "duzentos!"
Where? I don't see it. The rest of the article seems to be written knowing that the American usage isn't standard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_mark); I reviewed all the values and they seem to be written in Brazilian style. Can someone point out my oversight?
there is no code WTF, the page is just automatically generated, the labels were generated before the values. The code generating the values was just tracking inflation in the intervening time. Just need faster processors.
Rather uneven inflation where prices rise by factors from quatro to vinte.
If you don't speak Portuguese you might even be led to think that a plurality of Brazilian currency units was called "Reals".
Values in the labels compared to what is actually selected: cem = 100 ≠ 10 duzentos = 200 ≠ 50 quinhentos = 500 ≠ 100 mil = 1000 ≠ 200 The others below are probably following an unwritten rule since they're not literally actual numbers in portuguese: mil2 ( = probably 1000 * 2 ) ≠ 500 mil5 ≠ 700 mil10 ≠ 900 mil20 ≠ 1000 mil50 ≠ 5000 mil100 ≠ 10000
Please tell me what bank is this. I'm really afraid I might be a client of them, although I don't use prepaid debit cards. A search for that particular title string didn't turn up anything.
AAAgh well done forum software, eating away my line breaks. What's worse, it is inconsistent. Can we nominate it for an article?
Let's try this again. Just in case it doesn't work I'll put semicolons at the end of the lines and it'll be up to the end user to parse them in their head.
Values in the labels compared to what is actually selected:; cem = 100 ≠ 10; duzentos = 200 ≠ 50; quinhentos = 500 ≠ 100; mil = 1000 ≠ 200;
The others below are probably following an unwritten rule since they're not literally actual numbers in portuguese:; mil2 ( = probably 1000 * 2 ) ≠ 500; mil5 ≠ 700; mil10 ≠ 900; mil20 ≠ 1000; mil50 ≠ 5000; mil100 ≠ 10000;
Actually, there is one (sort of) good reason for doing that. Assuming that you don't want to allow people to buy cards with any arbitrary value (the fact that there's a select box strongly suggests this), then the server will check for the value of the select box in a defined array instead of just converting the value to an integer and using that. Of course, you could just do something like "if int(value) in allowed_values then value_to_use = int(value)", but using a hash map of string->integer or even a switch block probably wouldn't have a noticeable performance impact.
No, they didn't mean "they're misusing commas as decimal markers". They meant "this error was not even one of being off by a factor of ten or one hundred, which would at least be understandable, but rather an error of having names which are totally unrelated to the values being selected."
I agree ex-lurker "eating away my line breaks' I don't know what the hell their rules are, although everyone else seems to know. Where's the goddamn "sticky" thread. . At work, Windows/DOS not Linux, I simply Replace(x'0D0A','
') then repeat for only 0D and only 0A (some wacko apps only do a CR or a LF rather than a full CRLF. Works like a charm. What's wrong with these purported Web-Masters? Maybe these nitwads will do it someday as well. And I'll bet my little >BR< (reverse the carats) in my Replace() example gets all frigged up as well.
Here we go......................
Well not TOO frigged up, just disappeared: Replace(X'0D0A','>br<), <------- reverse the carats
Replace the label with label1, label2, label3, etc. and with no more than the article, prove there is a WTF...
I don't see any. Ugly coding, sure, but the little that we are given does not prove that this is not working. And it does not prove the error comes from the strange label names.
Until we see the actual value associated to the labels inside the main body of the software and until we see that there are different values associated to the same label, one value on the web page that differ from the value inside the software, until we are shown that, we cannot say this is the WTF.
Oh my god if you make a list, put some sort of separator character (besides a space) between the items.
Oh you did welp.
That, or they used an Enum, and used the .ToString() representation of the enum as the value for the select (if they use .Net).
TRWTF is that the bank was offering $200 cards for $50 and the OP chose to go to a bank that didn't give out free money.
Steve the cynic: There's nothing contradictory about a pre-paid debit card. If anything, it's tautological - all debit cards have to have funds paid into the relevant account before the card can be used.
A pre-paid credit card, now, that's a contradiction in terms.
I think I'd have bought from a different bank, too. It looks kind of like, well, let Admiral Ackbar say it: "It's a trap!"
Addendum 2016-08-30 19:05: Or... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNLuq0lW50k
Patrick_The_Pedant: A pre-paid credit card may sound like a contradiction if you think of a credit card as a piece of plastic that lets you take out a loan.
However, if you think of it as a product offered by MasterCard / Visa / America Express, then it becomes a valid option. Lots of places (mostly websites) don't accept debit cards, but do accept credit cards, and if you don't want (or can't get) a credit (loan) credit (product) card you can get a debit (anti-loan :P ) credit (product) card.