• Scragar (unregistered)

    I assume th cashback bonus thing is because of refunds/chargebacks?

    If you were given cashback in December, then refunded the charge in January it'd be logical to assume you'd need to repay the cashback too for everything to balance out(otherwise it'd be free money to just constantly refund things after getting the cashback).

  • (nodebb)

    The negative cash back would make sense if a refund occurred. Most (all) credit cards "revoke" your points when transactions are reversed or refunded.

  • (nodebb)

    The sorting one is pretty easy - it's a locale issue. More likely, the values are returned with comma as the thousands separator, but the sort is using comma as the decimal separator. Less likely (though it would be a much bigger WTF) is that somehow the value being returned really is approximately 1 and a half.

  • MightyBantam (unregistered)

    Ugh, that apostrophe in "client's" triggers me more than the Latin!

  • Randal L. Schwartz (github) in reply to MightyBantam

    Ugh, that apostrophe in "client's" triggers me more than the Latin!

    Ditto. I can deal with Lorem, but just deliberately doing the wrong thing is annoying.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Dragnslcr

    I thought the same first, but that document is brand new, from January 22nd. It must be a super exciting read to get one and half a thousand views within a day or so when the other documents are viewed only few times within several months.

  • Registered (unregistered) in reply to MightyBantam

    Ugh, that apostrophe in "client's" triggers me more than the Latin!

    "What our client's {blanks} are saying"

    Fill in the blank

  • Officer Johnny Holzkopf (unregistered) in reply to Randal L. Schwartz

    It's a quite common thing in Germany called Deppenapostroph, where an apostrophe, or a single quoatation mark or an accent, is used to (a) indicate that a 's' will follow, (b) a 't' will follow, (c) the word ends here, or (d) the word is interrupted. So wha't client`s say iss very imp‘rtand to our maneger's and our Lartin customer’s !!

  • (nodebb) in reply to Dragnslcr

    What are fractional views?

  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    Last week my Xfinity service was down until midnight, at which point they sent me a text saying “Congratulations, your Xfinity service was restored at 4:30 PM.”

  • (nodebb) in reply to MightyBantam

    A search turns up multiple instances of that specific chunk of boilerplate, including Mary Beth and her two friends. One of them talks about "Member's".

  • (nodebb) in reply to emurphy

    'Sfunny, but the photo of Mary Beth doesn't look anything like the Mary Beth I knew at college. It's possible that there are multiple Mary Beth's (<<== did you see what I did there?) in the world, I suppose, or even that this one in the screen shot is completely fictional, but ...

  • matt (unregistered)


  • (nodebb)

    I don't think we found a catchy name for this category yet. I'm leaning towards assortment.


  • Klimax (unregistered) in reply to Gurth

    Stringsort. Or Maybe Strnumsort...

  • (nodebb) in reply to Barry Margolin

    Maybe the connection was interrupted before the article finished loading?

  • (nodebb) in reply to Scragar

    I assume th cashback bonus thing is because of refunds/chargebacks?

    If you were given cashback in December, then refunded the charge in January it'd be logical to assume you'd need to repay the cashback too for everything to balance out(otherwise it'd be free money to just constantly refund things after getting the cashback).

    That's what I would assume, also. More sensible than what happened to me: Got the points (and in a 3% category!), Covid hit, the plane didn't fly, I got rewards again on the refund.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Barry Margolin
    What are fractional views?

    As I said, a much bigger WTF.

  • (nodebb)

    It's possible that there are multiple Mary Beth's

    Multiple of what owned by Mary Beth? (English uses 's for possessives, not plurals, despite the best effort's of greengrocer's.)

  • markm (unregistered) in reply to MightyBantam

    The apostrophes are bad, but I think the Latin is worse. I expect a company to post their best-ever customer remarks. If your company's last satisfied customer was in the Roman Empire, I don't think you'll be getting my business.

  • (nodebb)

    Fractional views are when you open it up, but can't be bothered reading the whole thing. Seems fairly obvious.

  • ASCIIbetical (unregistered)

    I don't think we found a catchy name for this category yet. I'm leaning towards assortment.

    ASCIIbetical . (Seriously, not a new term.)

  • Mr. T (unregistered)

    Also if the quote by Mary Beth is one they want to highlight on their site, I wonder what the ones not chosen were like. Translated by Google: "He will bend as a lion needs to trigger the arrows of the dignissim. No worries at all. As members of the Bureau, that is the concern. Until I hit the targets, I was not told by my employee."

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