• (disco) in reply to another_sam
    The schema is built incrementally over many releases, so you can't really keep it in the repository. You can keep the SQL that was used to build it at the time(s), but that's a different thing.

    That's what I meant: a textual (or whatever) representation of the schema. Enjoy your :flags:

  • (disco) in reply to Groaner

    I'm not quite sure if "refusing to follow the coding conventions" should be a firing offense or not.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    If you ask me it is certainly cause for corrective action, which could include termination... Alias without prejudice...😝

  • (disco)

    As far as I'm concerned this is TRWTF:

    coworkers pulling a weekend shift to repair the testing environment.
    Never mind how easy it should or shouldn't be to set up the test environment. It *is* only the test environment, not production; couldn't it have waited until the working week?

    (Actually I was expecting it to have been the production environment, and was quite surprised to read that it was only the test environment that got screwed up. But maybe that just means I read TDWTF too much.)

  • (disco)

    I see a lot of code cleanup, yes. But, honestly, I don't see a lot of productive work on his list.

    I kind of get the impression that, "I haZ read a book!" but as to doing anything useful, he's on Paula Bean's level.

  • (disco) in reply to powerlord

    As another_sam writes, cleaning up is something you do to increase the quality of the codebase. I can hardly see any WTF here, except that you don't commit stuff that breaks the application. Wanting to adhere to coding conventions can hardly be called a WTF.

  • (disco) in reply to another_sam
    Why not do it right the first time?

    As long as you do it by the end of the transaction, it is the “first time”…

  • (disco)

    Hmm, I have fixed code like that, to make it compliant with the standards. Because yes, I made the Java guidelines a requirement where I work. In my experience, there's a direct link between sloppiness of the code and bugs. This is not to say that neat code necessarily works better, but at least anybody looking at the code (including the original developer) has a better idea what's going on, if you know what to expect. If something starts with a capital, it's a class. If it starts with a lower case letter, it's an instance. If it's all caps with underscores, it's a static final ("const" in C parlance). One way of tackling bugs is to strictly adhere to conformity. I don't believe in "creativity" when it comes to developing: it's strictly a craft.

  • (disco) in reply to boomzilla
    You both suck. His has ordering problems and yours means I can't see the definition of a table in one place.


    That's OK, boomzilla, it would be a boring world if we all agreed. Somewhere else some people are having arguments over iOS vs Android, naturally aspirated versus turbo, square versus round watch faces, and probably Pepsi versus Coke. The trick is to realise that everybody is wrong in some way, and that includes me. As T S Eliot put it, the only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility.

  • (disco) in reply to sloosecannon

    TRWTF is not that he broke the "drop everything and rebuild the database from scratch" script, it's that he decided it'd be a good idea to test that script on production data and without even backing it up first.

    edit: ok, I guess he just nuked the testing environment. Still.

  • (disco)

    A better title for this article would have been "THE PORCINE COSMETOLOGIST".

    Because Java. Bleargh.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    yes. because it can be a pain in the ass to define a circular FK relationship without that sort of thing.

    if you can't temproarily remove constraints you have to issue an ALTER TABLE statement later.... and remember about it, to get the relationships right.

    Hah. And now bolding in quotes doesn't work. @discoursebot How does stuff seriously get fundamentally broken, @codinghorror, when I go away for a week? This is pathetic.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    @chubertdev - Days Since Last Discourse Bug: 0

    <!-- Posted by SockBot 0.13.0 "Devious Boris" on Fri Jan 16 2015 19:53:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)-->
  • (disco)

    Do companies exist where someone would not yell at you for changing code that doesn't directly improve how much cash is directly coming in to the company?

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    Not sure about other companies, but other devs certainly will if you make them have to manually merge changes because of it.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    Do companies exist where someone would not yell at you for changing code that doesn't directly improve how much cash is directly coming in to the company?

    :wave: this one.... unless you can't show why it's a good thing you're doing it (like it will make future development faster or will remove technical debt that would otherwise be a problem.... stuff like that. not what this yahoo did)

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    Hah. And now bolding in quotes doesn't work. @discoursebot
    It doesn't work ou**ts**ide of quotes ei*th*er
  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK


  • (disco) in reply to mzedeler
    I can hardly see any WTF here

    Aw, man, this is like the very oldest days of the site. We need a round of all the oldest in-jokes: everything old is new again!

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    Hah. And now bolding in quotes doesn't work.

    Well, first off: it's two asterisks to bold: **like this**. See?

    Second, it's never worked in the middle of a word. You need to use HTML for that.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    You need to use HTML for that.

    Or you can use BBcode style…

  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    Or you can use BBcode style…

    use strong text for great effect

    .... that made more sense when i typed it.....

    it was something about <strong> being better than <b> because it could lift more.....

    something like that.

  • (disco) in reply to dkf

    Yes, because there is so much difference between <b>this</b> and <b>this</b>. BBCode should never have been invented.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    Yes, because there is *so* much difference between `this` and `this`. BBCode should never have been invented.
    So, you *want* to always type out `Google` instead of `Google`? I know which I prefer...

    <Fuck Discourse in the ass with a pitchfork

  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK
    So, you *want* to always type out `<a href="google.com">Google</a>` instead of `Google`? I know which I prefer...

    <Fuck Discourse in the ass with a pitchfork

    And how often do you actually type out either one of those?

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    On here, never; I use the []() syntax.

    On other forums though, I use the BBCode one more often than you'd think :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK
    So, you want to always type out <a href="google.com">Google</a> instead of Google?

    I've typed out anchor tags > 1000000000000000003 times, so I write the former quite a bit faster.

  • (disco) in reply to monkeyArms

    The fun part is when you're using somewhere which requires Markdown. With BBCode and HTML (and even MediaWiki), the link address comes first.

    So, invariably when I have to write MarkDown, I type [http://www.example.com/](Link Text)... which is backwards for MarkDown, which has the link text first.

  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK
    On here, never; I use the []() syntax.

    I do that, but I also do the footnote stuff (though not manually). Highlight, ctrlL,ctrlV,enter and it's done.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    While I agree with you, I don't think it is too bad renaming things that are poorly named in the area that you are working on if it improves clarity or using tools like the Extract Method tool in Visual Studio to break down overly large methods.

  • (disco) in reply to lucas

    Renaming stuff within a module is no big deal. Renaming things that are exposed in APIs, especially publicly-visible APIs… :confounded:

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    Do companies exist where someone would not yell at you for changing code that doesn't directly improve how much cash is directly coming in to the company?

    That's why I'm trying to shovel down the throat of the teams I lead code reviews and strict conventions and rules from the start of the project.

    Everything is defined and documented either in the wiki or in each README of the project from the start. If this conventions/rules aren't met, your PR is not merged.

    And I mean everything, from tabs/spaces to log and compiler warning levels. There's some NASA/JPL 10 rules document which have some good ones.

    Luckily, management has seen that without this, projects are harder to maintain/evolve, specially in our environment with lots of offshore developers.

    I'm not quite sure if "refusing to follow the coding conventions" should be a firing offense or not.

    In our case it's not, but it's another nail in your coffin to kick you out of the project. You hear a lot about 10X developers but I've worked with some that were -10X and they usually were the ones more sloppy on following the conventions.

    Little advice for young developers: when joining a project, don't think that your conventions are better and should be changed. Wait until you have that responsibility to do it. If the team uses tabs, use tabs unless you're told to change them. It's easier to adapt than to look for a new job.

  • (disco) in reply to Eldelshell

    The thing is that too much rule enforcement can be counter productive when teams get smaller and I would imagine I would leave, mainly because it makes me worry to much whether it is correct. But then again I don't like working in large teams and deliberately work at smaller places where it is easier just to go over and say "look can you do this for reasons A, B and C"

  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK
    <a href="google.com">Google</a>

    Why do you have a DOS executable named google on your website?

  • (disco) in reply to lucas

    Well, most of this rules are conventions (tab or spaces) and the true rules defined are 7 or 8 and are common sense (max 60 LOC functions)

  • (disco) in reply to Jake_Lee
    deleting the backup in an attempt to save disk space

    Let him call version control part of the backup stuff, and the manual repair session is explained. Just not why over the weekend, but there must be a reason too. Probably the deadline, when the testing environment had to be shown to work so it could be sent to prod.

    Somewhere else some people are having arguments over iOS vs Android, naturally aspirated versus turbo, square versus round watch faces, and probably Pepsi versus Coke.

    iOS vs. Android vs. Windouch, or Linsux vs. BSE vs. Windouch, or vegetarian vs. meat, or Java vs. C# vs. whatever, I'm cool with that.

    But Coca Cola instead of Pepsi Cola? NO. WAY. EVER.

  • (disco) in reply to PWolff
    But Coca Cola instead of Pepsi Cola? NO. WAY. EVER.
  • (disco) in reply to PWolff
    But Coca Cola instead of Pepsi Cola? NO. WAY. EVER.

    Yuk. If I'm at a restaurant, I always try to discreetly figure out which brand of cola I'll be served. If it's pepsi, I'll opt for juice instead.

  • (disco) in reply to Eldelshell
    Everything is defined and documented either in the wiki or in each README of the project from the start. If this conventions/rules aren't met, your PR is not merged.

    I worked at a place--using centralized source control, and something ancient like an SCCS derivative, I think, that had enough live branches and developers that there was one guy whose job was branch manager: he would look at code checked in and makes sure you followed the conventions. This was one of those millions-of-lines projects and if you touched anything that wasn't directly relevant to the change for that project, or if you didn't follow the conventions, he'd reject/revert the commit. The part about not touching unrelated code was mainly to minimize the amount of stuff he had to vet.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Yeah well, that's why I hated CVS and SVN and I wouldn't be able to perform the current flow if it wasn't because of the tools we use.

  • (disco) in reply to PleegWat


  • (disco) in reply to tar

    Indeed. And for a while too I prefered cola light, where the coca-pepsi gap is even bigger.

    Honestly I prefer the alternative brand 'first choice' over pepsi.

  • (disco) in reply to PleegWat

    Big red is the best soda.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    That's what I meant: a textual (or whatever) representation of the schema. Enjoy your

    I obviously didn't express myself clearly enough because that's not quite what I meant, but I will enjoy the :flags: anyway. :smile:

  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    As long as you do it by the end of the transaction, it is the “first time”…

    If you're relying on transaction support for DDL... you're gonna have a bad time.

    Assuming transactional support for DDL (here be dragons) you've only made it "the first time" to external observers of the database as the scripts are run. Nobody cares about that. People who have to read your creation scripts are where it matters, and they will still hate you.

  • (disco) in reply to tar

    yes. there is. it's called Moxie*.

    and it is an abomination unto the goddess.... still it is technically a middleground between Coke and Pepsi.

    * - Because it's one soda that BOTH Coke and Pepsi fans hate just as much as they hate the cola that they are not fans of.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Does RC Cola not exist anymore then? Never had it myself; didn't think it was available in the UK, except it seems it was launched here in 2011. Don't recall ever seeing it on the shelves though.

  • (disco) in reply to tar
    We UKians used to have a middle-ground; it was called *Virgin Cola*.

    And it was about as appetising as piss.

  • (disco) in reply to RaceProUK
    And it was about as appetising as piss.

    better than moxie.... i guarantee it.

  • (disco) in reply to tar





    Having not had either in a very long time (I stopped drinking them because of the caffeine, not to mention the sugar) I can tell you they both taste terrible.

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