• (disco) in reply to kupfernigk
    Not trolling, but someone who has real world experience of management, not just an armchair CEO. You obviously have never had to manage real world cleaners.

    I would like to imagine that nothing you said below what I quoted precludes a person from putting my trash can back where they found it.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    I would like to imagine that nothing you said below what I quoted precludes a person from putting my trash can back where they found it.

    That depends, it might be part of the ISO 9002 spec for your location.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    I'd like to know why it's so hard to put the trash can in my office back where it was, instead of leaning against the wall at an angle (as in, one bottom edge is actually on the wall, not the floor), or on a different wall, or under my desk, even if I put my chair right exactly where the can was the last time they tried that, so this time they had to MOVE THE CHAIR TO AVOID PUTTING IT BACK WHERE THEY FOUND IT!

    Why yes, it tasks me.

    My group has three people, and in our area, about 20 feet away, there's a fridge. We each have a trash can, and when the cleaning crew comes each night, one of our trash cans will end up by the fridge. It's usually pretty random, but it happens every night. With one of our members out on maternity leave for a while, we decided to put her trash can near the fridge so that the cleaning crew doesn't take one of ours.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    I had a SCSI zip drive because duh.

    I have one of those... I also got one of the usb zip drives. Those, and a dozen zip disks, are just gathering dust now... (probably still works, can't be bothered to check)

  • (disco)

    I had the parallel ZIP drive.....used to have an HP Pavilion with zero internet access, but my grandmother's computer did, so I'd fire up Napster at her house, put the songs on the ZIP drive, and listen to them at home.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    they should just imagine putting the can in the wrong place, too, and save us all the bother.

    Nah, that's no fun at all!

    because they sometimes forget to actually EMPTY the cans.

    Cleaner troll level: Advanced

  • (disco) in reply to another_sam
    >FrostCat: they should just imagine putting the can in the wrong place, too, and save us all the bother.

    Nah, that's no fun at all!

    I don't know why it annoys me, but it really does. Especially since every once in a while they'll start putting it under my desk again, so I'll put my chair there.

    If you have to PULL MY CHAIR OUT to put the trash can there, you should be able to figure out that you didn't get the can from there in the first place! Next up, I'll tether the gorram thing.

    Cleaner troll level: Advanced

    Sure, if you wanna risk getting fired.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    What you do of course is contact the office facilities department and lodge a request with them that the cleaners are required (as a matter of common courtesy) to put the trash cans back where they were found. If your problem continues, then raise the specific issue as a point of sheer curiosity. Maybe the cleaner is just passive-aggressive.

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood

    I'll admit, it's an annoyance, but a minor one. I don't know what they'd be passive-aggressive over, unless it's just in general.

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood

    Don't get a minimum wage person in trouble because you have to move a trashcan 5 feet once a day. Sheesh. Hey, here's an alternative suggestion: how about you buy the cleaners a nice Christmas present? Because working minimum wage sucks.

    This whole forum's full of sociopaths.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    This whole forum's full of sociopaths.

    You just found that out now?

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    Don't get a minimum wage person in trouble because you have to move a trashcan 5 feet once a day. Sheesh.

    Recalibrate your shoulder aliens. I never said I was going to do that. As a matter of fact they've been doing this on and off for about 6 years now, and I haven't said anything to the maintenance people yet. I just gripe to my coworkers from time to time, which is how I discovered every once in a while they fail to empty a can, which is quite a bit worse.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    Recalibrate your shoulder aliens.

    Recalibrate your "in reply to" sensors... OH LOOK even Discourse didn't fuck that up, it says "Matt_Westwood" not "That Idiot FrostCat".

  • (disco) in reply to ben_lubar
    You just found that out now?

    No, he's pretending to be stupid again and acting like I would actually try to get someone fired for something so trivial.

    I was just venting that someone could fail to maintain the state of mental acuity where they could remember where they picked the can up from 2 seconds earlier, let alone physically move my chair to put the can where I don't want it.

    Would YOU move someone's chair to put a can somewhere? I would think it is obvious it wasn't wanted there or it would have already BEEN there.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    Recalibrate your "in reply to" sensors... OH LOOK even Discourse didn't fuck that up, it says "Matt_Westwood" not "That Idiot FrostCat".

    Who cares. You're still pretending to be a psychopath.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    Who cares. You're still pretending to be a psychopath.

    You could just leave one lie for once. Especially when I'm not even fucking talking to you. You're the one stalking me on this forum, not the other way around.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    You could just leave one lie for once.

    You'd like that, wouldn't you? Then you could complain later about how everyone here was such a rotten person even when you know it's not true.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    I. Was. Not. Even. Talking. To. You. You BUTTED IN. Oh fuck it, I give up.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    I. Was. Not. Even. Talking. To. You. You BUTTED IN.

    Ah, so suddenly, without warning, only some people can participate in random parts of the conversation. Would you care to provide a map to who can talk when?

    Oh fuck it, I give up.

    Oh, guess not. You're going to abandon thread again when it becomes apparent you're being spastic.

    You're the one stalking me on this forum,

    Also, just because you say shit like this, doesn't make it true.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat
    I. Was. Not. Even. Talking. To. You. You BUTTED IN. Oh fuck it, I give up.

    He butted in to a conversation he was already a part of? @Matt_westwood would not have made the comments you replied to if not for the scenario that @frostcat first brought up. Your "private" conversation already included @frostcat.

    Also, if you want a private conversation, don't have in a public topic. That's what PRIVATE MESSAGES are for.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    Now you're "stalking" him, too!

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    Sorry guys, I had stuff to do, I'd forgotten about this conversation. Was I expected to reply to anything?

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood

    Not really.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Ohs noes!

  • (disco)

    Get a room, you two.

    blakey needs a bunch of rooms, evidently

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    From the lack of context and "Reply to" in your post, it is unclear who "you two" is referring to. Please clarify.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    From the lack of context and "Reply to" in your post, it is unclear who "you two" is referring to. Please clarify.


  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev


  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    hi tartarsauce! nice weather today, no?

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    Mozilla's MOST ADVANCED USER very satisfied!

  • (disco) in reply to accalia


  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Best YTMND ever

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev


    I don't get it.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Not what you were referencing?



  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    Not what you were referencing?

    Beats me. I'm not sure why she's calling you that this afternoon.

    Unless it's related to your video clip, which I haven't watched yet.

    Edit: skimmed it, was not enlightened. What movie is that from?

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Who's calling me what?

    It's from the Weather Man. Someone took the audio and Cage's face and put it over Spongebob for that YTMND (a site that you can find a description of through the Googles).

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    I know about the YTMND--when you mentioned it a few posts above, I just type "tartarsauce.ytmnd.com" to see if anything was there. That didn't enlighten me as to why @accalia's calling you tartarsauce this afternoon.

    I was actually originally making a joke about how SpongeBob uses "tartar sauce" as a cuss word.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    That didn't enlighten me as to why @accalia's calling you tartarsauce this afternoon.

    grumpycat's real name is tartarsauce.

    ... that's about it. and i was calling @abarker that in this thread (because he posted grumpycat)

    have a flying badger :triangular_flag_on_post:

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    That didn't enlighten me as to why @accalia's calling you tartarsauce this afternoon.

    Actually, in this thread, she was replying to my post:


    Tardar Sauce is Grumpy Cat's name IRL.

    Have this for your efforts:

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    grumpycat's real name is Tardar Sauce.
  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek

    ah... whoops. sorry used the local spelling of the condiment rather than the correct name.

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek
    grumpycat's real name is Tardar Sauce.


    No flag for you.

    Filed Under: Fish in a barrel

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    if it weren't for Tardar Sauce announcing the flag i'd call hanzo on this one. ;-)

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Yeah, I saw your post just before I posted. I figured I'd keep it all there since I was flagging.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    Tardar Sauce is Grumpy Cat's name IRL.


  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    if it weren't for Tardar Sauce announcing the flag i'd call hanzo on this one. ;-)

    And I still got credit!! Haha!! I shall call this: the Reverse Hanzo!

    Tardar Sauce is Grumpy Cat's name IRL.


    To the Discopædia!!

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    Have this for your efforts:

    I'm not worried because you won't find two other people to flag me.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat
    I'm not worried because you won't find two other people to flag me.

    only need one more. cause i flagged as well

    EDIT: I know! we'll ask @chubertdev. not only did he witness the woosh but he was involved in it via misattribution!

  • (disco) in reply to accalia
    EDIT: I know! we'll ask @chubertdev. not only did he witness the woosh but he was involved in it via misattribution!


  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    ... not using Brillant or posting a meme of the guinness guys....



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