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Also, remember [thanks Scott M.] the "minimal-yet-complete" paradigm and the "OCP" [thanks Bob M.] -- what is the (hopefully documented and accessible) design paradigm for this class. Since it has a protected member, it must have been designed for some future inheritance [Right?!?] otherwise there would be no protected and the class would be sealed.
Did you check git blame? Was it Jim Morrison?
I don't think we'll need to wait too long for the end...
This signals the end of the era of the egregious WTFs (TM), and the beginning of the era of the egregious mega-WTFs++ Service Pack 5 Pro, Enterprise Edition, Unlimited, Enhanced by Artificial Stupidity (TM).
Brace yourselves!
Obviously, the developer knew his code was crap so he offered the users a way out!
kill( getpid(), 9 ); -- how a paranoid and clueless programmer exits
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Also how a vi(m) newbie exits the editor :-P
Whereas a paranoid and clueful programmer would use "raise (9);" which is moar efficient too!
This Stupidity isn't Artificial at all, methinks...
Killing yourself with 9 is fast way to exit program without any cleanup. Surely _exit() does the same but that's too easy.
Ugh, I don't even want to try to remember the semantics of exit w.r.t. finally blocks, global destructors, and whatnot.
Come on, the Doors didn't come to your mind? You're way too young
This is just a sampling of what's on my Plex server. I do have some Doors, but mostly their Live in Pittsburgh album, which is a real treat for hearing angry Yinzer show promoters trying to get the crowd to leave the venue at the end of the album.
I remember a coworker who had gotten used to log out with
kill -9 -1
. One day he forgot he had switched to root and killed every process on the server.Admin
i seem to remember a story about a programmer who had apparently never heard of a "stop" function, or and "end" function, so he used an intentional "division by zero" error every time!