• Ignacio (unregistered)

    First captcha:jugis

  • (cs)

    Thoyn fxt ztty*nb!

  • (cs)

    This is a comment. It's not frist, but it is a comment.

  • JJ (unregistered)

    Cuidado! Llegals!!

  • Doug (unregistered)

    Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore ... in bed.

  • (cs)

    Someone hasn't quite got the gist of using a spell-checker.

  • AerieC (unregistered)

    Best fortune cookie ever. I usually get something entirely vague and unhelpful like, "An opportunity may present itself"; at least this fortune cookie gives you some options!

  • pa (unregistered)

    At least, we know that the singer is a player that want a boy for Christmas.

  • derk (unregistered)

    the CIA coded message found in that newspaper article is most disturbing :(

  • (cs)

    That first Error'd is brought to you buy the simpletons at NullsAreEvil.com.

    Placeholder objects For The Lose (FTL)!

  • Zac (unregistered)

    Looks like a simple substitution cipher. "ynk" is probably "the", "g" appears alone, so likely "a", which would make "gtj" become "and".

    I think I found something to occupy my afternoon.

  • Julius Caesar (unregistered)

    Looks like that newspaper decided to do a mix of a ROT-5 and ROT-6 in ASCII. Some characters got shifted forwards by 5, others by 6, with no obvious pattern. For example the sentence at the top of the second column decodes as follows:

    Thnkt xnk nkgwx nkw xutmx ut ynk wgjou3
    ????? 566 66655 665 56665 66 566 566665   <-- shift values
    ????? she hears her songs on the radio.
  • eVil (unregistered)

    I actually GOT a boy last christmas! It started to smell though, so I had to put it down.

  • asdf (unregistered)

    So that's not just a stage light -- it's actually a digital projector on a pan/tilt head with an onboard media server.

  • (cs)

    WTF has been found: Abort, Retry, Ignore?

  • (cs)

    Whoosh! Fortune cookie message was an intentional joke.

  • Greg (unregistered)

    Google translate to the rescue! The newspaper article actually says:

    "If this product were available at nested recursive translation error: infinite loop detected"

  • YF (unregistered)

    The fortune cookie was intentional. Period.

  • Carl (unregistered)

    TRWTF is this site, as usual. The newspaper article picture should have an ALT tag containing the article text, for the blind.

  • Kaine (unregistered)

    Now I know what to call that gray area between legal and illegal: "llegal"!

  • Warren (unregistered)

    Of course if the lights were running iOS, they'd be half the size and twice as bright, but twice the price and you wouldn't be able to put your own gels on the front.

  • Thayla (unregistered)

    I love the fortune cookie. Accurate and to the point for my day today.

  • Frankie (unregistered)

    For anyone pondering the cryptogram, the plain text is readily available by Googling "Local singer set to Fly". The encoding function appears to affect lowercase, uppercase and punctuation differently. Maybe something to do with ASCII values?

  • Bob (unregistered) in reply to eVil
    I actually GOT a boy last christmas! It started to smell though, so I had to put it down.
    I actually got a boy several Christmases ago. However, he had a condition which was no laughing matter.
  • grumpy (unregistered) in reply to Frankie
    For anyone pondering the cryptogram, the plain text is readily available by Googling "Local singer set to Fly". The encoding function appears to affect lowercase, uppercase and punctuation differently. Maybe something to do with ASCII values?
    Or maybe even a non-functioning EBCDIC-to-{ASCII|UNICODE} converter? Been a ton of years since I saw one of those[0] but you never now.

    0: A non-functioning one. The functioning ones are an everyday occurence.

  • Dani (unregistered) in reply to Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar:
    Looks like that newspaper decided to do a mix of a ROT-5 and ROT-6 in ASCII. Some characters got shifted forwards by 5, others by 6, with no obvious pattern. For example the sentence at the top of the second column decodes as follows:
    Thnkt xnk nkgwx nkw xutmx ut ynk wgjou3
    ????? 566 66655 665 56665 66 566 566665   <-- shift values
    ????? she hears her songs on the radio.

    Now lets see you decode the whole thing

  • My Name (unregistered)

    Doing some people a favor, so they don't have to type all of this ...

    "-" means: couldn't read. "[" means: character error.

    Without warranty.

    Jennifer Roberts

    Knsi* ts Wkn* ahho

    fnkt "uzw0wk roxyktotm yu ynk wgjou ynox Qztkl roxykt igwklzrr hkigzxk "uz somny pzxy nkgw g lgsorogw fiuoik3 Sotmxyut0x u Tht Vgw"2T"tt Wkorl Thnu Thgx wkiumto"kj otykwtgyout2 grr" luw nkw 855C xut--n Daughter's Prayer1 ox hgiq Thoyn g tkTj xotmrR xky yu hk wkrkgxkj Qztk 6 gtj xnk0x wkgj" yu xotm nkw Thg" yu ynk yuv u- ynk ingwyx3 He's a Player ox ynk lowxy xutm lwus Wkor0x tkTh Ia Kr"l gtj ox g lurrghuwgyout ul huynWkor gtj nkw sktyuw4sgtgmkw Ewogt Hurvnl Thnu iu2Thwuyk gtj iu2vwujzikj ynk xutml Thnoin Thgx wkiuwjkj huyn Wgxnfiorrk gtj Sotmxyut3 [Ny0x iuztyw" -[xg"x Wko--ls a Player3 [Ezy ynkwk0x grxu muotm

    Thnkt xnk nkgwx nkw xutmx ut ynk wgjou3 [Ny0x mwkgy-[ xnk xg"x Thoy--- rgzmn3 [Ny0x kffioyotm Thnkt N y-- ut ynk wgjou gtj N nkgw s" xutmx vrg"kj3 Ny0x wkgrr" iuur3[ Wkor Thgx joxiufikwkj gy ynk gmk ul ykt h" Hurvnl gt u Thtkw ul ynk Fgl. Vzxoi Lwuzv ot Ekr2 rkfiorrkl Thnkt xnk Thgx vkwluwsot-- ot g xotmotm iusvkyoyout ot 855B3 cotik ynktl xnk ngx hkkt Thuwq2 -tm ngwjl wkrkgxotm ynk Fnwoxys-- yztk I Want a Boy for Christmas gtj yuzwotm Thoyn Fgtgjogt rkmktj fg"tk buxygj0x Fnwoxysgx ot ynk egrrk" yuzw3 cnk grxu ngx ynk jox2 yotiyout ul jkotm tgskj utk ynk "uztmkxy skshkwx ul ynk Fgtg2 jogt Vzxoi Dxxuiogyout3 [V" rolk ngx ingtmkj ywkskt2 juzxr"[ xnk xg"x4 [N Thgx joxiufi2 --kj ot g xotmotm iusvkyoyout3

  • (cs) in reply to Doug

    I got a fortune cookie once that said "Try Another Fortune Cookie" - but I like this one better. :)

  • d33n (unregistered)
    sudo apt-get install fortune

    TRWTF: CAPTCHA is my sisters name

  • Lighting guy (unregistered)

    That 'light' is a DL3, which is actually a standard video projector and embedded PC in a moving box.

    The first version was the DL1, which had the computer ('media server') as an external unit running Mac OS.

    The DL2 and DL3 put the computer inside the moving box and run the High End Systems "Axon" mediae server software under Windows XP

    They fail quite a lot - the DL1s used to die weekly, DL2s and DL3s are better but still rather unreliable.

  • GotCred (unregistered) in reply to pjt33

    Someone's got no street cred. You choose the def.


  • wes (unregistered) in reply to AerieC

    I've actually received this exact fortune before. Still have it in my wallet.

  • Bananas (unregistered) in reply to wes
    I've actually received this exact fortune before. Still have it in my wallet.
    You'd better check your wallet. Looks to me like Josh swiped it to take a picture of that fortune.
  • (cs) in reply to mott555
    This is a comment. It's not frist, but it is a comment.
    This is the main page, nobody knows what you're talking about- well maybe some people do, but this the main page.
  • (cs)

    Fortune note found: Better than pee-pee in your coke.

  • Veritasiness (unregistered) in reply to JJ
    Cuidado! Llegals!!

    Llegals tiene una cabeza, un corazon, y un peco para comer miel!

  • MRAB (unregistered) in reply to My Name

    If you want to know how well you've done, the answer is here:


  • fritters (unregistered) in reply to Doug
    Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore ... in bed.

    Ignored in bed? Yeah, that's pretty much my fortune alright.

  • (cs) in reply to Frankie
    For anyone pondering the cryptogram, the plain text is readily available by Googling "Local singer set to Fly". The encoding function appears to affect lowercase, uppercase and punctuation differently. Maybe something to do with ASCII values?

    At first, it looked like Klingon to me. But I soon dismissed it when I didn't see any of the grammar Nazis pointing out flaws.

  • Spewin Coffee (unregistered) in reply to AerieC
    Best fortune cookie ever. I usually get something entirely vague and unhelpful like, "An opportunity may present itself"; at least this fortune cookie gives you some options!

    Yes! This is a GREAT idea for fortune cookies in the future. Give the recipient the choice of several fortunes but they are only allowed to pick one.

  • Jay (unregistered)

    Is that really just a light, or is it a projector? I suspect the latter. If it is just a light, the obvious question is why it would need an embedded computer. Not that I'd rule out the possibility, people put embedded computers in bizare things. I once bought a toaster that turned out to have an on-board computer. Why? What did it do? What controls does a toaster need beside how hot and/or how long? By the way, that toaster didn't work very well. At the same setting, sometimes the toast would be fine and sometimes it would be burned. I think the geniuses outsmarted themselves on the "intelligent toaster".

  • (cs)

    As for the light/projection photo:

    "The cake is a lie." "... we cannot lie to you..." "... the people that are still alive!"

  • Your Friend Google (unregistered) in reply to My Name

    Slightly less effort in decoding the paper version by googling the digital one?


  • z00n3s!$ (unregistered) in reply to fritters
    Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore ... in bed.
    Ignored in bed? Yeah, that's pretty much my fortune alright.
    I think you would find it is impossible to ignore me if I'm in your bed.
  • (cs) in reply to JamesQMurphy
    For anyone pondering the cryptogram, the plain text is readily available by Googling "Local singer set to Fly". The encoding function appears to affect lowercase, uppercase and punctuation differently. Maybe something to do with ASCII values?

    At first, it looked like Klingon to me. But I soon dismissed it when I didn't see any of the grammar Nazis pointing out flaws.

    Sorry, only just got here, been eating pizza for the last 3 hours.

    Yep, it's Klingon all right, and yes, it's got a mistake in it, where it says "cnk grxu ngx" it should be "cnk ngxu grnkxu" which is the required multi-plural form. What they put is the simple plural form, which won't do at all in the subjunctive mood.

  • Maxpm (unregistered)

    Why does embedded stuff always run Windows? I've only seen Linux running on them once - on an airplane entertainment system. It ran Red Hat.

  • (cs) in reply to z00n3s!$
    Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore ... in bed.
    Ignored in bed? Yeah, that's pretty much my fortune alright.
    I think you would find it is impossible to ignore me if I'm in your bed.
    I think I'd put you to sleep.
  • z00n3s!$ (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore ... in bed.
    Ignored in bed? Yeah, that's pretty much my fortune alright.
    I think you would find it is impossible to ignore me if I'm in your bed.
    I think I'd put you to sleep.
    You'd wear me out, huh? Yeah, busting a huge load like that always makes me tired. I won't be staying awake for any stupid pillow talk - be warned. Then again, I don't care for grease, so be warned about that, too. ----------------------------------------------- Love me or hate me...
  • z00n3s!$ (unregistered) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Sorry, only just got here, been eating Peter for the last 3 hours.
  • z00n3s!$ (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Fortune note found: Better than wee-wee up your crack.
    This stuff writes itself.

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