Lyle Seaman

networking, security infra and filesystems kernel hacker turned application programmer, SRE and engineering manager, Lyle traded tilting at windmills for viking at Vikings but couldn't catch any.

Mar 2022

Dirty Deeds ... cheap.

by in Error'd on

I saw my doctor this week and he told me I needed to go on a new diet. So here you go: all natural, no snark added.

Overachiever Bill T. reflected on his life achievements:
"I had to fill out demographic information - but is this really a cognitive test in disguise? Find your level of education!"


by in Error'd on

Due to a chance astrological alignment, two famously alcoholic holidays collided Thursday. Your editor, along with scores of ecumenicists, atheists, heretics and other drunkards, took the opportunity to get plotzed, plastered, schnockered or fershnikit in every tradition possible. This poor column is the proof.

Ruleoneian Colin has an interest in travel to far-off places, musing "I wonder what the currency in Rule-6 is."

Past Time

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This week we're throwing a bone to all the antipunsters in the audience and declaring a unilateral cease-fire on all alliteration, wordplay, jabs, jokes, or other japery. Starting now.

Allie shares a redundancy that I think we've seen here before, saying "It may be _technically_ right, but I don't have to like it."

The Hardest Problem

by in Error'd on

It has been infamously stated that the two hardest problems in computer science are naming, caching, and off-by-one errors. Mixing and matching arrays indexed from 0 with arrays indexed from 1 could be a special-case of the off-by-one error.

The zeroth of a sudden rash of anonymous posters spotted this initial example, coughing "Pre-increment seems somehow inappropriate here."