Pub Kick
by Lyle Seaman
in Error'd
on 2022-09-02
Last week's article nearly exposed to the public the lowest-key
techreligious war
that has been waging for decades. PEBKAC versus PEBCAK
completely underwhelms
the emacs vs vi war, the GUI vs CUI massacre, the tabs vs
spaces schism, and even the -- + // alliance against the
/* and (* comment markers. Scratch a PEBCAK partisan and
all you'll find is a bit of blood and a response of "OW!
Why did you do that?! There isn't any war!!" Even the
partisans deny it exists but it simmers. It's PEBKAC, I
tell you. PEBKAC! Wait, I forgot. Which did I use in
last week's article?
Plotzed publican Peter G.
has tired of his local and decided
he'd rather pop round to
das Lokal for a schnitzel. Researching
reviews, he was surprised by an unexpected mountain PICNIC
(Problem In Chair Not In Computer).
"Dumont Travel seem to think the Anschluss is still in effect,
or at least this is what you get when you ask for travel
info for Austria (Österreich)."