Simplest Implementation

by in Representative Line on

As the saying goes, there are only two hard problems in computer science: naming things, cache invalidations, and off by one errors. Chris's predecessor decided to tackle the second one, mostly by accurately(?) naming a class:

class SimpleCache

On Deep Background

by in CodeSOD on

Andrew worked with Stuart. Stuart was one of those developers who didn't talk to anyone except to complain about how stupid management was, or how stupid the other developers were. Stuart was also the kind of person who would suddenly go on a tear, write three thousand lines of code in an evening, and then submit an pull request. He wouldn't respond to PR comments, however, and just wait until management needed the feature merged badly enough that someone said, "just approve it so we can move on."

int iDisplayFlags = objectProps.DisplayInfo.BackgroundPrintFlags;

bool bForceBackgroundOn = false;
bool bForceBackgroundOff = false;

// Can't use _displayTypeID because it will always be 21 since text displays as image
if (_fileTypeID == 11) // TEXT
    if ((iDisplayFlags & 0x1008) != 0) // Text Background is required
        bForceBackgroundOn = true;
    else if ((iDisplayFlags & 0x1001) != 0) // Text Background is not available
        bForceBackgroundOff = true;
else if (_displayTypeID == 21) // IMAGE
    if ((iDisplayFlags & 0x1200) != 0) // Image Background is required
        bForceBackgroundOn = true;
    else if ((iDisplayFlags & 0x1040) != 0) // Image Background is not available
        bForceBackgroundOff = true;

bool useBackground = bForceBackgroundOn;

// If an object does not have an Background and we try to use it, bad things happen.
// So we check to see if we really have an Background, if not we don't want to try and use it
if (!useBackground && objectProps.DisplayInfo.Background)
    useBackground = Convert.ToBoolean(BackgroundShown);

if (bForceBackgroundOff)
    useBackground = false;

Artificial Average Intelligence

by in Error'd on

I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot of AI WTFerry at this site for a while, and fewer stupid online sales copy booboos. For today, here we go:

Jet-setter Stewart wants to sell a pound, but he's going to have to cover some ground first. "Looks like Google are trying very hard to encourage me to stop using their search engine. Perhaps they want me to use chatGPT? I just can't fathom how it got this so wrong."

Not Exactly Gems

by in CodeSOD on

Sammy's company "jumped on the Ruby on Rails bandwagon since there was one on which to jump", and are still very much a Rails shop. The company has been around for thirty years, and in that time has seen plenty of ups and downs. During one of those "ups", management decided they needed to scale up, both in terms of staffing and in terms of client base- so they hired an offshore team to promote international business and add to their staffing.

A "down" followed not long after, and the offshore team was disbanded. So Sammy inherited the code.

Whitespace: A Frontier

by in Representative Line on

Tim has been working on a large C++ project which has been around for many, many years. It's a tool built for, in Tim's words, "an esoteric field", and most of the developers over the past 30 years have been PhD students.

This particular representative line is present with its original whitespace, and the original variable names. It has been in the code base since 2010.

Device Detection

by in CodeSOD on

There are a lot of cases where the submission is "this was server side generated JavaScript and they were loading constants". Which, honestly, is a WTF, but it isn't interesting code. Things like this:

if (false === true)
	// do stuff

No Limits on Repetition

by in CodeSOD on

Just because you get fired doesn't mean that your pull requests are automatically closed. Dallin was in the middle of reviewing a PR by Steve when the email came out announcing that Steve no longer worked at the company.

Let's take a look at that PR, and maybe we can see why.

Retry Fail

by in Error'd on

Decreasingly hungry thrillseeker Weaponized Fun has second thoughts about the risk to which they're willing to expose their palate. "In addition to Budget Bytes mailing list not knowing who I am, I'm not sure they know what they're making. I'm having a hard time telling whether 'New Recipe 1' sounds more enticing than 'New Recipe 3.' I sure hope they remembered the ingredients."
