• Calli Arcale (unregistered)

    What made the Teamcenter one even sillier is that the password change utility works exactly as it ought to -- it's just the error message that is entirely, bafflingly wrong. What had really happened (and I've run into the same error since then, so I know it's true) is that I hadn't retyped my new password the same both times.

    Incidentally, if you do enter the same password for old and new passwords, it sensibly complains that old and new passwords cannot be the same. ;-)

    I really don't mind Teamcenter, though. It's easier to use than what we had before, and little "quirks" like this provide a great deal of amusement during the work day. What can I say -- I'm easily amused. ;-)

  • CynicalTyler (unregistered)

    Sorry Proton Australia: no deal! No car is worth having to use PHP!

  • (cs) in reply to parris
    The "normal aircraft movement" one is a standard error message - the plane is turning or bouncing (but that's normal! it doesn't mean the airplane is crashing!), and their satellite TV equipment is unable to keep up and point at the satellites properly. I've seen that error a lot on JetBlue as well under those circumstances, and never found myself wondering WTF before...
    I think they just write "normal" to ensure passengers that their channel isn't gone due to something abnormal.
    The implication is that if you could just get some abnormal movement, reception would be just fine. This is by design. As the airliner plummets earthward in a literal flaming death spiral, it tries to distract the passengers with some great programming. --Rank
  • (cs) in reply to Satanicpuppy
    The old and new comments are not the same.

    That is quite a horrible car - but you have to admire them for coding the image like that.

    I was thinking the same thing. Dynamic image processing with php? Not too shabby. I've never really fiddled with the GD libs myself, so I don't know if it was a code error, or if they tend to be a bit buggy.

    It is quite exquisite, isn't it? Makes you almost long for more errors along the same lines.

    Mind you, it would be funnier as "Ewwoah* ... Lithp."

    And what's the deal with slash-colon? Shouldn't he or she be on an entirely different web-site, which may or may not include the word "fuck" in its title?

  • strimpster (unregistered)

    Ok so if that car website couldn't get any worse. I thought it would be funny to let them know about the price error and what do you know... there is an even better error when that happens. See the following image:


    I'm starting to wonder if they even filter their input so someone couldn't do an SQL injection attack lol.

  • (cs)

    Anyone else notice that all Proton's models are the same cost at the moment? Bargain!

    As for the actual cars... I'm so glad I didn't buy a Jumbuck a few years back. I plead temporary insanity for even considering it.

  • LordLandon (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous Cow-Herd
    Anonymous Cow-Herd:
    For everybody who still doesn't get the FedEx comment: The picture is from Castaway, a movie starring Tom Hanks (CEO of FedEx) and a volleyball, who have crash-landed on an island. So I guess the image correlates really well: It's FedEx, and it's crashing.

    Someone uploading the wrong image is not a WTF. If there were some reference which an automated query got wrong (like a picture of the general showing up next to the Wonderland trial), it would be a WTF.

    But it's google news, it's completely automated...

  • FatherStorm (unregistered) in reply to Vollhorst

    Actually, the majority of ESPN broadcasted sports are governed by DMA rules. Any given NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA games can only be shown in areas that the teams do not reside except in (most cases) when the game is 100% sold out. Because of this, games cannot be shown on receivers that are not stationary in such a way that the DMA rules can be enforced. Same rule applies to DirectTV and DISH receivers that are registered as bveing installed in RV's or any form of transportaton. (I used to be lead tech for a now defunct DirecTV provider...)

  • John (unregistered) in reply to FatherStorm
    Actually, the majority of ESPN broadcasted sports are governed by DMA rules. Any given NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA games can only be shown in areas that the teams do not reside except in (most cases) when the game is 100% sold out. Because of this, games cannot be shown on receivers that are not stationary in such a way that the DMA rules can be enforced. Same rule applies to DirectTV and DISH receivers that are registered as being installed in RV's or any form of transportaton. (I used to be lead tech for a now defunct DirecTV provider...)

    Or ISPs who get a new block of IPs that the DMA (or whoever) doesn't recognize as being within a certain geo area yet... :-(

  • Vermis (unregistered) in reply to Bobble
    Today's word is Pedantic.

    Can you all say Pedantic?

    Potato! (I do good, no?)

  • Andrew (unregistered)

    The reason the plane one is a WTF is because if normal plane movement causes the station to go down then when would it ever work? Yes, the reason behind it is pretty clear, it's due to turbulence or something and they don't want anyone to worry, but since when has that mattered? It's almost always obvious what the error was supposed to mean, that doesn't stop us from making fun of it.

  • Terence Eden (unregistered)

    Thanks for publishing my image. I hope you all like the wooden table :-)

  • Rhialto (unregistered)

    The Real WTF is that the car ad is in Flash and that they don't realise that many people can't see it (due to no Flash plugin existing for their system). Not that I'd want to...

  • Josh (unregistered)

    The car price is not being generated by GD. It's Flash (they get bonus points from me for enabling deep linking into a Flash movie).

    The strange thing is, the site loads in a different Flash SWF for each page, but no external content (like XML price data). I'm guessing the SWFs are simply generated by a back end system somewhere with the price already baked in. The server just serves them as static content and uploaded.

    The server isn't even running PHP. Check the headers:

    Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
  • Rocketboy (unregistered) in reply to Andrew
    The reason the plane one is a WTF is because if normal plane movement causes the station to go down then when would it ever work? Yes, the reason behind it is pretty clear, it's due to turbulence or something and they don't want anyone to worry, but since when has that mattered? It's almost always obvious what the error was supposed to mean, that doesn't stop us from making fun of it.

    Welllll..... that would be if it was due to turburlence. So although you think 'the reason behind it is pretty clear', you're wrong. Kitchner to Calgary, one of the channels was shut down the whole way. The plane was not performing evasive manuevers the whole flight. The message is a polite way of saying "You can't watch this right now. Tough S#!+, quit bothering the flight attendants.".

  • Chrissei Brown (unregistered)

    With J2EE, this would never have happened!

  • captain obvious (unregistered)

    I also don't understand the issue about the finance one. I don't live in US and even I know about the Fifth Third Bank so I doubt someone though that was the problem. I was expecting some contradicting or incorrect info but didn't find anything. And don't say "look at the picture" again :D

  • (cs)

    Wiiiilllson! Come back! I'm sorry...!

  • (cs) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:
    I guess Teamcenter has the same definition of "change" as McCain's recent appropriation of that term!
    Yes, following Dubya's lead.

    Bush: war == peace McCain: status quo == change

    Obama: community organizer == governor 3% of primary vote in home state == running mate same old Democratic party talking points since Jimmy Carter == change Obama == Jesus Palin == Pontius Pilate (who was not a governor, but a Prefect, BTW)
  • FatherStorm (unregistered) in reply to Josh

    PHP can run on IIS with ASP just fine. I do it a fair amount for times when I need to do image based things, or generate PDF's or .xml files. PHP makes image and PDF work easy, ASP classic makes it nigh on impossible.

  • (cs) in reply to Tom Hanks
    Tom Hanks:
    Tom Hanks:
    I disagree with you.

    BTW- this is a reply to

    Fifth Third is a bank, so I'd say this one isn't a WTF.

    Please forgive me; I've been out of the loop for a while.

    O Great Moderator, I beseech thee, please make the above post blue...

  • awefawef (unregistered) in reply to FatherStorm

    Thing is, that's a WestJet flight, and therefore Canadian, and they don't use DirectTV - they use Bell ExpressVu. The other thing is, I was on a flight last week with them, and most of the channels didn't work, not just ESPN. And there waas no turbulence to speak of. And we were above the clouds.

  • mmm... pi (unregistered) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:
    I guess Teamcenter has the same definition of "change" as McCain's recent appropriation of that term!
    Yes, following Dubya's lead.

    Bush: war == peace McCain: status quo == change

    Ah yes, Bush's famous campaign slogans: "War is Peace Ignorance is Strength Freedom is Slavery"

  • (cs) in reply to Vollhorst
    "Normal Airplane Movement" could be the movement along the normal vector of the earth? At least Normal is written with a capital N...

    Well, that would put it in gimbal lock, and I'd think there would be slightly more to worry about than bad TV reception if that were the case.

  • Markku Uttula (unregistered)

    Just ask google... "Error* PHP in USD" is "0.021673Error* USD".

    Hope this helps.

  • Physics Phil (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous Cow-Herd

    SBS News in .au recently used the wrong picture when announcing that Sarah Palin had been picked as a VP candidate. They apparently searched for her using Google image search, and used one of the results without checking that it was actually of her. They were caught by MediaWatch, a programme on the otehr public channel, as reported here:


  • (cs) in reply to captain obvious
    captain obvious:
    I also don't understand the issue about the finance one. I don't live in US and even I know about the Fifth Third Bank so I doubt someone though that was the problem. I was expecting some contradicting or incorrect info but didn't find anything. And don't say "look at the picture" again :D

    When I found this picture Tom Hanks didn't come to mind at all. I just thought it was hilarious that picture was associated with that story. I thought, "Man, I didn't know things were that bad!" Sure the economy is tumbling, but I don't see people out on the street trying to cook up rocks.

    I have to admit that I laughed at the Wilson remark though.

  • dom (unregistered)

    I think the airline one is just a fancy way of saying "NO SIGNAL"

  • TheCainer (unregistered)

    omg... this article is more than 4 months old... yet the error on the Savvy-website is still there! xD

  • (cs)

    GOOD GOD, the Savvy car one is STILL LIVE! WTF?

  • Alargule (unregistered) in reply to joemck
    GOOD GOD, the Savvy car one is STILL LIVE! WTF?

    Yup, it STILL is...(03/27/09)

  • Hmm (unregistered)

    So the Guyver was in this?

  • Jay911 (unregistered) in reply to DrYak

    WestJet uses Bell ExpressVu (ack, Bell TV it is called now) which has channels on two different satellites. So yes, some channels can be down and others up.

    I fly WJA more than any other airline and routinely see that message at least once a flight.

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