• (cs) in reply to user

    See? All those commenters just didn't believe it! We told them: "It's just a joke...look at the filename for the new logo, it's 'logo_joke.gif' for chrissake. Just wait, it'll all be good soon."

    But noooo, noone listened. They all just screamed and cried. So here's a big fat "We told you so" for all the saps out there.

  • Kirk Palmer (unregistered)

    My conspiracy theory... Alex was hoping for some sort of bigger & better joint media venture and felt pressured to make the site more PC, that fell through and now its back to the old name.

  • Seb (unregistered)

    I find this amusing.

  • (cs) in reply to Dave
    What will grandma think?

    I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same thing as me.

    Fuck Yeah!

  • (cs)

    I liked "Worse Than Failure" better. I didn't blush when telling people the name of the site. There are still some people who don't know what "WTF" means, and I hate to be the one to explain it to them.

  • DavidN (unregistered)

    Well, that'll be one of the endlessly repeated comments eliminated - just "Frist", "Captcha:" and "The real WTF is..." to go.

  • (cs) in reply to anitra
    There are still some people who don't know what "WTF" means, and I hate to be the one to explain it to them.

    What The Fark? What The Fudge? What The <insert your F-word replacement here>

    I simply leave off the F part when "explaining" it. In fact, I'm trying to cut back on my verbal profanity (as a measure of self-control since I have IED), so I simply say "WHAT THE ....?!". The listener automatically knows what goes in the empty 3rd part.

  • Greg (unregistered)

    "The Daily WTF" makes me shiver in my boots, it sounds so... I don't know, I just don't like it. If people HAVE to have "wtf" in the title, at least don't stick "The Daily" in front of it. There has to be something better you can stick in front of "wtf," or, at the very least, just keep it as vanilla "wtf." One thing is for sure; I'm keeping my bookmark linked to "http://worsethanfailure.com"

  • mfg (unregistered) in reply to Cochrane
    But "Worse than Failure" or "The Daily Worse Than Failure"? That title doesn't say anything, at least not as close and short as TDWTF

    BUT... Alex has just registered the tdwtf.com domain (December 7th). The saga may not yet be complete!

  • Chris (unregistered)

    Hahaha. Well, the description of what went wrong wasn't very... descriptive. It sounded a lot like a "process document". The only thing that was missing was some nice management buzzwords like "synergy".

    Alex, apparently you have multiple personality disorder; but at least you know it. That's a good thing. There are a vast number of people that act like they've got MPD but yet claim innocence when they act bizarre and completely contradictory. Be glad this is not you. ;-) And remember: you cannot please all of Alex all of the time.

    As for the name change itself, I'll just say congratulations -- I like the New, New, New name. My guess is that it was changed back due to the site being best known by the old name [SEO considerations].

    Cheers! -- Chris

  • (cs) in reply to Eff Five
    Eff Five:
    I never knew a web site could jump the shark until the name change.


    That's what I'm thinking.

  • (cs) in reply to anitra
    I liked "Worse Than Failure" better. I didn't blush when telling people the name of the site. There are still some people who don't know what "WTF" means, and I hate to be the one to explain it to them.

    You could always pronounce it "The Daily Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", and when asked to explain, fall back on the good ol' "What The Fudgebucket?" (Or your favorite colorful replacement.)

    Or you can say WTF stands for "What the Heck!?", and if they are dense enough to call you on the f-h mismatch, glare.

    If all that doesn't work, stop talking. I would think you really don't want to be the one to burst that little bubble.

    Sometimes, avoiding profanity can be more fun than dropping a well placed f-bomb.

  • Seraph (unregistered) in reply to quamaretto
    Thought you could outsmart us, eh? It didn't work for KFC, and it won't work for you!


    For those who arn't aware: In the states there was a resturant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken" which served fried chicken (who'd have guessed!). When eating healthy started to become a big thing, someone decided that having the word "fried" in your name was probably a bad thing, so they changed their name to "KFC".

  • Jax (unregistered)

    There is not a big enough smiley to express the pleasure this anouncement brings me.

    I'll give you this one but it seems somehow insufficient. :D

  • 8879Factor (unregistered)

    Great! This joke ended. The real world finally matches the virtual world I had created by adding these few lines in my user CSS:

    div#Header a[title=Home] > img{ display: none !important; } div#Header a[title=Home] { display: block !important; width: 488px !important; height: 70px !important; background-image: url(http://worsethanfailure.com/Resources/Images/Primary/logo.gif) !important; }

    The daily WTF, the name that attracted me to this site, came back, better than ever!

  • Brett (unregistered)

    I suggest www.wtfitsthedailywtf.com

  • (cs) in reply to rd
    Do you really expect us to believe that "Alex of early 2007" and "Alex of late 2007" are two entirely separate people, one of whom is no long with WTF? I hereby charge that they are indeed one and the same person and that this is all just an elaborate scam perpetrated by "Alex" just to cover up the fact that yet another new new new new new name will be revealed soon: "Whimsical Technology Foibles."
    I agree. Will the real Alex please stand up?! [image] "Roses are red Violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic... and so am I"
  • (cs)

    And to think, all this time, that my RSS feed was pointed at the Old Name...which is now the New, New, New Name...couldn't we just call it the New Old Name? Or the Old New Name?

    My head hurts. But at least the "Worse Than Failure" sticker was suitable for workplaces where such acronyms as WTF are frowned upon for their presumed meanings.

  • halber_mensch (unregistered)

    I'm virtually to agree in the QA deficiencies.

  • CoyneT (unregistered) in reply to anonymoose
    So does this make my "Worse than failure" sticker worthless or a collectible?

    Note from Alex: As is policy with all Site Renamings, if the New, New, New name remains in production for a week, there will be another Free Stickers week to celebrate!

    No, it means that Alex needs to release an incremental "The Daily" sticker upgrade. When you apply this incremental upgrade to your previous sticker version, your install will have all the features of the current version.

  • (cs) in reply to Seraph
    Thought you could outsmart us, eh? It didn't work for KFC, and it won't work for you!


    For those who arn't aware: In the states there was a resturant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken" which served fried chicken (who'd have guessed!). When eating healthy started to become a big thing, someone decided that having the word "fried" in your name was probably a bad thing, so they changed their name to "KFC".

    Actually, no, they always used the acronym KFC, but they changed their name from "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to "Kitchen Fresh Chicken"

  • Brett (unregistered) in reply to Seraph
    Thought you could outsmart us, eh? It didn't work for KFC, and it won't work for you!


    For those who arn't aware: In the states there was a resturant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken" which served fried chicken (who'd have guessed!). When eating healthy started to become a big thing, someone decided that having the word "fried" in your name was probably a bad thing, so they changed their name to "KFC".

    In that vein... http://www.theonion.com/content/from_print/kfc_releases_new_family_size

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    Worse Than Furries? Nah, scratch that. Nothing can be worse than furries. Although the drama does strike a parallel... Anyway, I'm glad the old name is back, even if Alex says it isn't. I really couldn't bring myself to say the old new name; the implied self-censorship made me feel dirty.

  • (cs) in reply to Seraph
    Thought you could outsmart us, eh? It didn't work for KFC, and it won't work for you!


    For those who arn't aware: In the states there was a resturant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken" which served fried chicken (who'd have guessed!). When eating healthy started to become a big thing, someone decided that having the word "fried" in your name was probably a bad thing, so they changed their name to "KFC".

    I always assumed it was because they don't actually serve real chickens, and "Kentucky Fried Processed Meat Products" just doesn't have quite the ring...

  • Bob (unregistered)

    Woo hoo!

    PS: You should start selling that post-mortem technique - awesome consultancy skills.

  • Ror (unregistered) in reply to Seraph
    Thought you could outsmart us, eh? It didn't work for KFC, and it won't work for you!


    For those who arn't aware: In the states there was a resturant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken" which served fried chicken (who'd have guessed!). When eating healthy started to become a big thing, someone decided that having the word "fried" in your name was probably a bad thing, so they changed their name to "KFC".

    Wrong, and here's the link that lists the name change, yet again:


  • pl (unregistered)

    Hmm may be you should rename the site to TheDailyNameChange.com

  • Zylon (unregistered) in reply to Greg
    "The Daily WTF" makes me shiver in my boots, it sounds so... I don't know, I just don't like it. If people HAVE to have "wtf" in the title, at least don't stick "The Daily" in front of it. There has to be something better you can stick in front of "wtf," or, at the very least, just keep it as vanilla "wtf." One thing is for sure; I'm keeping my bookmark linked to "http://worsethanfailure.com"
    I, on the other hand, not being a failure in life like people who get freaked out by "WTF", never changed my bookmark. It's always pointed to thedailywtf.com, and as long as it resolves, it always will.
  • Aidan (unregistered)

    string name = 'name'; for(int i=0 ; i<1 ; i++) { name='new, ' . name; $i-- } cout<<name;

  • fizze (unregistered)

    Actually the analysis misses one point: The renaming wasn't enterprisey enough - which is why it failed of course!

  • mudkip (unregistered) in reply to AbbydonKrafts
    There are still some people who don't know what "WTF" means, and I hate to be the one to explain it to them.

    What The Fark? What The Fudge? What The <insert your F-word replacement here>

    I simply leave off the F part when "explaining" it. In fact, I'm trying to cut back on my verbal profanity (as a measure of self-control since I have IED), so I simply say "WHAT THE ....?!". The listener automatically knows what goes in the empty 3rd part.

    We used to have one of you guys at my old job. We made him our gopher guy. Eventually, we started beating him up for his lunch money. Then we would eat our fancy steaks in front of him while he tried to hold the rage back. (He was on a short leash over California's three strikes law).

  • AndyC (unregistered)

    To avoid this, future name changes need to be more enterprisey! If it doesn't involve BizTalk and XML, it just isn't going to work.

  • Jay (unregistered)

    Yey! My original bookmark (http://thedailywtf.com) still works.

  • my name is missing (unregistered)

    I hope the people responsible for sacking the people responsible for sacking the people responsible for renaming the site were sacked.

  • (cs) in reply to mudkip
    We used to have one of you guys at my old job. We made him our gopher guy. Eventually, we started beating him up for his lunch money. Then we would eat our fancy steaks in front of him while he tried to hold the rage back. (He was on a short leash over California's three strikes law).

    How nice.. a bully. So you intentionally provoke impaired people for fun.

    Well, I don't have that problem here. I'm highly respected among my "peers", as well as by my immediate supervisor. Also, I do not have a criminal record, and my driving record is clean.

  • Ben4jammin (unregistered)
    Deficient Tools One can’t do something right unless he has the right tools, and in this case, we had deficient tools. Without the latest and greatest tools and technologies in Site Renaming, it’s virtually to implement such an undertaking in today’s competitive market.

    It is a poor artisan that blames his tools

  • (cs) in reply to my name is missing
    my name is missing:
    I hope the people responsible for sacking the people responsible for sacking the people responsible for renaming the site were sacked.

    We need a llama in the credits.. or maybe logo.. nah.. Nullsoft wouldn't like us then.

  • Micirio (unregistered)

    It's nice to have you back, thedailywtf :-)

  • (cs) in reply to rd
    Do you really expect us to believe that "Alex of early 2007" and "Alex of late 2007" are two entirely separate people, one of whom is no long with WTF? I hereby charge that they are indeed one and the same person and that this is all just an elaborate scam perpetrated by "Alex" just to cover up the fact that yet another new new new new new name will be revealed soon: "Whimsical Technology Foibles."
    Wow, there's no pulling the wool over your eyes, huh.
  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    About time.

  • mudkip (unregistered) in reply to AbbydonKrafts
    We used to have one of you guys at my old job. We made him our gopher guy. Eventually, we started beating him up for his lunch money. Then we would eat our fancy steaks in front of him while he tried to hold the rage back. (He was on a short leash over California's three strikes law).

    How nice.. a bully. So you intentionally provoke impaired people for fun.

    Well, I don't have that problem here. I'm highly respected among my "peers", as well as by my immediate supervisor. Also, I do not have a criminal record, and my driving record is clean.

    Yes, he was very fun to "bully". We all knew how to push his buttons.

    He disappeared suddenly one day. Last I heard he was serving life for striking an elderly woman who asked for change. LOL that's how we asked for his lunch money.

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous Coward
    Wait, the site name changed? I been coming here from www.thedailywtf.com the whole time. There was no new name.
    Anonymous Coward:
    YES! This site has never been anything but The Daily WTF!

    Oceania is at war with Eurasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

  • Blaufish (unregistered)

    I loved the name Worse Than Failure and will miss it. (honestly, The Daily WTF is a much more boring name)

  • Jonh Robo (unregistered)


  • Craig (unregistered)

    What the Fuck Yes!

  • Eyrieowl (unregistered)

    Thank goodness! God Bless The W.T.F!

  • Eyrieowl (unregistered) in reply to anitra

    but now, courtesy alex, you have an answer: "Grandma, WTF means Worse Than Failure". natch.

  • Barf (unregistered) in reply to fizze

    How about The Daily WTF 2.0?

    I mean at least then we can have some loosely based ideas of progression.

  • mx5ringer (unregistered)


    What a great idea.

    Congrats Alex for letting common sense final win over.

    (love the site even more now!)

    Captcha: nibh Just got to fix these captchas now!

  • vt_mruhlin (unregistered) in reply to anonymoose
    So does this make my "Worse than failure" sticker worthless or a collectible?

    Alex, you should deploy a patch for this. As an interim fix, yu can just remove the "orse" "han" and "ailure" binaries, relink the application. NOTE: This action is not officially supported and is only intended for urgent scenarios. Please contact support if it fails.

    Seriously though, while I was writing this up, I realized that Free Patch Week would be cooler for two reasons:

    1. It's more appropriate to the site's content.
    2. I ride a bike to work. Patches on my backpack would be much more visible than bumper stickers on my car.
    3. It would cost more for mostly frivalous reasons, but you could feel free to lay off 75% of your development staff to pay for it.

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