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I really like the new look, it adds quite a bit of energy to the website.
New look fails.
Works fine on Opera 9.5 beta.
It would be decent if it didn't have the lime green bylines and "SUBMIT YOUR WTF".
Ugly layout! Preferred the old one
V1 is greeeeat! I want it!
Sorry, I liked the old one better (mainly because I really liked that one, though).
Also, I find it reads more difficult with navigation on the left. If you feel like keeping this look, it'd at least be appreciated by me if you moved that to the right. In the end, this is the site I have to look at most, so it'd better look good ;)
Hate to be negative, but I'd have to say these looks like a step backwards from the previous design.
On a sarcastic note: thedailywtf needs to be an all flash site, imo.
Get rid of the green before more people see it.
I think you should've gone with a more cutting-edge rounded-corners look. It would really work towards orchestrated full compliance with Web 2.0 Standards©. Though it could potentially repurpose the niches where you're acting, it would also further leverage this site and engage everyone in a much rich collaborative community while also providing ubiquitous and scalable convergence for synergizing deploymentation of contents and commentaries. If you want to succeed and empower your mission-critical e-business, you need to revolutionize your strategic channels. Throw in a little XML somewhere and you're finally like totally enterprisey.
The new look is great! The navigation on the left looks a bit weird.
Ctrl-F5 time!
new look looks like crap with noscript
green bylines look like crap no matter what you have
I'm afraid I don't like the new look. But then, I'm only reading the site via RSS reader anyway, so I don't really care.
Please get rid of the lime! And why are the panels floating mid air?
I'm using Firefox on Ubuntu and there is an issue with the site. For some reason, it looks like someone puked on my screen. The author line and the Submit Your WTF are surrounded by puke. Oh ya, the author line font size is a bit to small as well.
Oh course, this colour scheme is another meta-WTF. Hot Pink would have been a more obvious way to go, but no one would be fooled in that case.
I think the navigation bar ought to be on the right side. And I like green, get rid of those reddish colors instead! 9=]
On the other hand, forum no longer shows today's date as "Today", and it's no longer bold which I don't appreciate of.
New look looks nice except for the green.
For some reason when I first opened the site today, it still had the old look except with the puke green bylines, which looked ridiculous. Had to refresh before the new one appeared. You may want to change the file names around so people don't get things from cache.
Why do I feel like I've stumbled onto H&R Block's website?
I like the look, but the color scheme isn't quite working for me... But you know what? This is just the initial response. Let's give it some time, then we can click that big green "SUBMIT YOUR WTF" button and write in "your color scheme" if we really think it's that bad.
Noticed a large, gray empty area in your final screen shot. Using an ad-blocker to block your own ads?
I have to agree... the green surrounding 'Submit your WTF' is truly heinous.
I preferred the old look, but I could get used to this one.
Personally, I think it looks a little bit like being punched in the face feels.
Yeah the colours are a bit bright and disgusting and look like puke. It could work if not for that.
Preferred the old one, this is too bright and in your face.
I guess that TRWTF is that a developer thinks he can be a designer. Seriously though, red, green and blue look horrible together and I think that even two of them wouldn't look good because of the specific shades (or some need to adjust contrast\brightness (and change resolution, bit depth and browser)).
Erm... well, it's horrible. The colors are awful... maybe put the google ads at the top and the header right above the real content.
this is a bit too colorful.. my eyes are burning :<
I like it.
There should be a space after the "Comment On" though because now I get something saying "Comment OnAnnouncement: Yet Another New Look"
The first version would be way cool though. Needs a tad more wooden table ;-)
Joking aside, I think the first version beats all of it's successors. It'd really set the mood: "WTF? A page where every page has been written with a pen and then scanned?". It would make it clear for every newcomer that the site is not about ridiculing people, but about putting bad practices on display, remind us to code with care, and have a laugh at the same time.
Bah, its not pretty. Odd color scheme and use of chopped corners. Plus, the ad below the header just makes for a blah grey block of color. I say go back.
Works fine on Safari / Mac OS X
Worst. Look. Ever.
I will stop reading the site right now.
I miss the sidebar being on the right, and you should definitely update the comments pages as well.
I like the new look, but the blue and green portions of the header clash. I recommend either moving the colors closer to each other, or severely lightening the green.
Another suggestion: While I know you only have a few people that actually post, as long as you're going to post background colors for the by line, why not assign a person a color? This might not be particularly useful, but it would justify the green/blue contrast.
Sure, if you get more than seven or so posters you'll have problems, but we've all learned that if it's in the future we can ignore it, right?
Another suggestion: Can the square ad below the first post be moved to the side or something? I never actually look at it (my brain registers "there is an ad here" and skips it), but it does cause a nasty break between posts. Setting it to the side would work. (Left side could make it more visible, right side would fit better for layout flow.)
A similar thing happens for the ad right below the header, but that's not as much of a problem.
I run with "disable page colours" and "force minimum font size 18pt"
so do your worst, won't see it 8)
The new look is good, but I liked the navigation on the right hand side. Maybe you could let the user add their own CSS to skin it, or choose from some predefined skins.
Now, go ahead and add XML somewhere.
Well, it may not exactly brigthen your day but looking at the screenshots, I like 0.1 the best.
The diagonal edges may need some getting used to. And red, green, blue, yellow and gray?
Oh well, the content is still great.
I suggest you lose either the green/yellow or the red. That's a lot of bright primaries, it's too loud in my opinion.
Anyone remember when Apple introduced the Key Lime iBook? The one that was bright green? I loved it. (The colour, anyway -- I was never keen on the iBook itself.)
I love bright green, and green and blue go very well together (for those who disagree, do you remember what colour the sky and grass are?)
That said, the blue is pretty dark and the green is pretty light, which is a little over the top, and the blue-on-green for the byline is a little low in contrast. I also have some doubts about the red and green in the sidebar, which looks a touch odd. I've never considered red to be a part of a blue/green scheme. Magenta and purple, sure, but not red.
The navigation being on the left is weird, but I imagine that's just what you're used to. I think it's always been on the right since I first started coming here.
That's simple. You can only comment when announced.
C'mon are you guys color blind? It's ugglyy...
The colors in the previous design matched a lot better.
This isn't one of your "joke" site changes, just like the name change, right?
Color is fine, just put the tabs back on the other side
Install the Stylish addon for Firefox, and change it yourself. Don't have Firefox? Too bad.
It looks like somebody vomited all over everything. Also, they had a lot of strawberries.
That ad below the banner makes it look like a cheap phpBB forum, though.
Missing corners makes sense. So many WTFs arise from cutting them.
For some odd reason it reminds me of a colour-blind version of slashdot. Hmm.
Umm, sorry, but I have to say I really dislike the colourscheme and design of the "new look". :S