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100% AGREED!
I don't remember the last time a potential employer asked to see a transcript ... I think it may have happened once in my entire life, and only then for a co-op job.
And I certainly don't ask for transcripts when interviewing people for my day job. We go based on ability, and ability to demonstrate ability,, not artificial metrics or prejudices. That, and most people in the real world recognize the artifice of academia.
Here is my take on the case of Tattoo-Scott:
TRWTF is that the company has an ex-con (because only ex-cons have tattoos) interviewing job applicants ....
I feel obligated to point out that you've just been had by a troll. Got to be careful on that one.
"the money is distributed where there is a need"...are you trying to say, from each according to their ability, to each according to their need?
Yes, the principles of welfare can and do often intersect with the tenets of communism. Because communism isn't engineered evil, this is to be expected.
The ACLU are a bunch of morons.
Absolutely NOT TRUE. A good number of current convicts have tattoos.
Refusing to take a drug test does not mean you use drugs. I won't work anywhere where I'm treated like a criminal even before I sit down for an interview. If you don't trust your people to act responsibly, then they shouldn't be working for you. If someone says they don't use drugs, then that should be enough, until their performance suffers.
Of course, rating performance is hard, reading a drug test report is easy.
Also, alcohol is a drug, should I be fired for having a beer on the weekends? Nicotene is a drug, should I be fired for smoking a cigar on my own time? Both are 'drugs of abuse' along with the usual suspects, and can have just as serious (if not more so) repercussions on one's livelihood.
But, if thinking that everyone who has used a substance is therefore permanently branded as a bad person helps you sleep at night, go for it.
A publicly funded health care system would be free for everyone at the point of use. Nobody's saying there's no money involved.
In fact, pregnant women run into this form of discrimination all the time. It's technically illegal in the USA to fire an employee or refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant... but the onus of proof is on the pregnant woman to prove the discrimination. The company can usually get around it simply by saying "She wasn't a good fit [because she was pregnant and another candidate wasn't]" or "She wasn't performing her job adequately [because we don't expect our employees to actually use their sick time]".
I've heard all kinds of bad stuff about how long you have to wait, but I had no idea it was THAT bad.
As I understand it, in the US, all questions about marriage and children are off limits until an offer of employment has been made.
Both of which are irrelevant when the student is a senior in his final semester looking for a job. He's hoping to get the offer before he graduates so his final grades won't be known yet (as long as he does well enough to graduate), and it's too late to be getting any more scholarships.
I hope you guys explained to him/her what they said and what it means. I worked with a young woman from India and during a conversation about food she asked our boss (who is also female) if she liked cock. I just slowly turned my chair around to face a different direction. I excused myself from the room while my boss explained the double meaning of the word.
You c*nt understand engrish?!
Of course, I would argue that they are fixing the inequity in the wrong direction, but that's just me..
I disagree (with your characterization of the US, not necessarily your post as a whole). I think the prevailing opinion of those Americans who oppose government health care is "It's not the government's job, find someone else to help you". Americans are willing to go pretty far to take care of those who can't help themselves, but many (myself included) would prefer this be done through charitable organizations, religious institutions, or individual generosity rather than the government. The whole "let them get a job" spiel is mostly a straw man.
Further, it's much easier to unindent when ending a block than it is to deal with braces. Your mind's often already onto the next idea, and when the only language "cruft" is indentation and a colon after control statements, it's uncommon to make dumb mistakes as you code. In PHP, you have braces, semicolons, inconsistent naming conventions, and $ prepending variables, amongst other conventions. And as many Python people say, a good developer indents code anyway, and I'm very precise with indentation in languages for which it doesn't matter beyond readability.
I work with a ESL guy (Indian) who pronounces GUID "Jew ID". It brings to mind concentration camps. I can't figure out if I should tell him or not...
If you follow the French pronunciation rules, he was saying facade instead of façade.
Don't be a F-A-C-A-D-E. In this context Free has nothing to do with the ultimate cost of the service or who pays. Free means freely available, as in unfettered by f*ckhead beancounting HMO trolls who override the best judgement of doctors as to who will receive treatment and who won't.
Socialized medicine is also not without its faults but there are far fewer people who are bankrupted by the cost of their healthcare or die because treatment was not approved by some corporate troll.
Not sure if this is on topic but a friend of mine who occasionally smokes pot was interviewing for a position as a secretary at a car insurance (not sayin who) office in town. She was worried about a drug test even though she hadn't smoked in a while and was wondering if the offices tested but didn't want to ask outright "Do you test for drugs?"
What I suggested is after her final interview she simply ask, "I'm not sure if I've asked prior but is there anything else I must submit to your offices to begin employment?" And usually there is a week to two week window after beginning employment (at least in Oklahoma) that you have of when a piss test must be taken.
Perhaps the guy was just bad at planning? Alcoholism isn't a prerequisite for that.
its the same in the US for health issues including pregnancy. Just not for criminal activities.
This is absolutely true. Given two candidates that are identical, why take the one that could be arrested for drugs? Whether you think that drugs are good or bad is not relevant - they are still illegal in the United States. I'd rather not deal with that.
As for drugs making you more "creative", I've seen tons of people who are just as creative and not on drugs.
You do if you haven't graduated yet.
Evidence for this? It doesn't even make sense since American tobacco companies are probably best-positioned of any companies in the world to make and sell joints to the mass-market. It would be a nice expansion opportunity for them, so why would they fight to keep it illegal?
Actually, some companies are starting to invade potential employee's privacy. Many companies do credit checks and full background checks on potential employees. but, as long as it is not illegal and you need a job what are you going to do, say no?
There might be 3 WTFs in that one middle story:
Going to a 4 year school, only having one class that covered resistors.
Only having one class that covered resistors, and applying for a job where (I'm assuming) knowledge of resistors was important.
Not discussing the fact that you are grossly unqualified for the job with the potential employer before traveling to see them for a face to face interview and wasting their time and money.
I thought it was the travel agencies, so they can keep booking trips to places that were much more 'cool'.
CAPTCHA = similis
You're an idiot James.
Health & Safety: Drug testing should only be performed for roles in which someone's impairment would significantly increase the risk of accident or injury to themselves or others.
e.g. if you drive busses, forklifts, work with big body mangling machines in a factory, then yes, it's probably a good idea to be sober. On the balance of invasion of privacy versus public safety, drug testing tips the scale, but only barely.
So retards, please tell me how code monkeys or sysadmins need drug testing. You have code reviews and testing right? Oh forgot .. you're a god and can code production on the fly. Let me bow to your greatness James.
People, and Americans in particular, allow themselves to be subjected to all sorts of crap. Freedom my ass. Silly me I forgot that America throws people in jail for small possession (well only of you're black).
With respect to businesses, they only need to know if you're qualified for the role they are hiring you for. Whatever you do in your own time is your own business. Protect their investment??. They train you so you can do a better job for them, and to retain you (it's a bonus). They don't own you. You're not a chattel. You do work. They pay you. Show up for work pissed or stoned then they have a right to fire your ass because you're in breach of contract.
At least in Texas you sure can - my wife's first job out of college was at this place that did computer systems for car dealerships and they had a zero smoking policy. You couldn't smoke, at all. Not even on your own time. If your boss saw you in public smoking you were fired first thing the next day. All completely legal - there are no safeguards against smoking.
The theory was that they could get cheaper health insurance rates by refusing to hire smokers. Also smokers need fewer work breaks than non-smokers. The company was located near a college so they always had fresh recruits as soon as they needed them every year. Of course they did employ some number of ninja smokers who could hide it well. They also hired almost no black people so my personal theory was that they liked how this was a nice legal way to discriminate.
The drugs, or more specifically, drug a DJ would be likely to be using isn't smoked...
Good question asked by the interviewee in the first one. Great way to determine whether a potential employer is uncool (clearly, yes) and/or has no respect for privacy (clearly, yes). I must remember to ask the same question in my future interviews. I won't ask in the same way, but it's a sensible question to ask.
Actually, as goes the DJing thing, I think I've mentioned the fact that I do (which carries an automatic assumption of "ahh, pillhead" in Ireland, despite that not being the case) in every job interview I've ever done.
And I've been offered every job I've ever interviewed for, all IT but in a range of employer sectors. Drug testing just isn't done here, and nobodies even seemed concerned about the possibility that I could be dropping more MDMA than most of Holland every weekend... wouldn't prevent me being able to do my job, whereas alcohol consumption would.
Nonsense. I call bullsh*t. There is not one iota of evidence to support your assertion. You must first prove cause and effect, which is extremely difficult. In fact, no-one has proven it.
People who perpetuate this kind of rubbish should get a clue.
No, that particular fiasco was caused by a rushed development schedule, poor communication, woefully inadequate testing, and when it was discovered internally, criminal corporate negligence as they attempted to cover it up.
Then again, I might be mistaken, and it might have all been caused by a software developer they failed to drug test.