• Brad (unregistered)

    We were unable to deliver a FRIST to you.

  • (cs)

    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    edit: oops, I see that is 'R', not '$'.

  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    The IPS is being much more efficient than this. Because of lacking roads, packages can be carried only by airplane or by elephant!

  • (cs) in reply to @Deprecated
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.


    oops, I see your oops and unreservedly apologise !

  • Master Developer (unregistered) in reply to @Deprecated
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    Yeah, once someone asked me about this in an interview. I flipped him the bird and got up and left. I mean, if they're not going to respect my 50 years of Java experience, they can hire the next chump who walks in the door.

    I don't have a degree, but WTH? Every person I've ever met who had one was utterly incompetant and not even qualified to operate a light switch. The same goes for everyone I've ever met who had a certification.

    I didn't even graduate HIGH SCHOOL. Secondary education is for losers. I must be the brightest person I know.

  • Ralph (unregistered) in reply to SenTree
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.


    Darn, now that R100,000 holiday of a lifetime doesn't seem quite as appealing.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to SenTree
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.


    Real WTF is other countries besides India.

  • boog (unregistered) in reply to Ralph
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.


    Darn, now that R100,000 holiday of a lifetime doesn't seem quite as appealing.

    Who cares?

  • (cs)
    "This came in the mail the other day," writes Tully, "so... do I send a negative check? How exactly do I pay this on time."
    Well, it's a credit, so you probably can't get straight cash for it, only $1.25 off your next bill.

    Still, I'd send them a zero check. It's not too often you get to write out a check for "ZERO AND NO/100". Then wait and see if they actually cash it without looking. Have some fun with it.

  • iogy (unregistered)
    "Wells Fargo a pixel image in its emails to track when they've been opened," notes Andrew

    Wells Fargo accidentally the whole image? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to iogy
    "Wells Fargo a pixel image in its emails to track when they've been opened," notes Andrew

    Wells Fargo accidentally the whole image? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    This not making sense to Nagesh. Can you plz explane for the clearly?

  • Blecki (unregistered)

    The USPS one isn't a wtf. The package got sorted wrong. Big fucking deal.

  • (cs)

    That's what you get when you select 3-5 day shipping instead of 2.

  • Arne (unregistered) in reply to @Deprecated

    I'd say TRWRF is them being unable to spell "mouse". First they tried "MOUS", and when that looked wrong, they tried "MOSE".

  • Machtyn (unregistered)

    Must not go on union rant ... must not do it ...

    whew! ranting averted.

  • jarjams (unregistered) in reply to Brad

    #1: Not a WTF. What is quickest for you, may not be cheapest for them. If you want something delivered to an address 10km away, go for a walk.

    #2: Not a WTF. The phone has learned something you typed whilst drunk. Blame your low tolerance to alcohol, not the phone.

    #3: WTF. That is very poor coding.

    #4: Not a WTF. reuse of a control may not always yield optimal results, but leads to a consistent and user friendly interface. It also simplifies maintenance and reduces dev time.

    #5: Wrong WTF. There are no claims that the discount is spectacular so just be happy that you are getting any savings. TRWTF is a $400 mouse and you don't even get a cord.

    #6: Yeah that's a WTF.

    #7: Wow - huge wtf. Wells Fargo be ashamed.

    #8: LOLTF - 3% of what?

  • (cs) in reply to boog
    boog (lackluster lookalike):
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.
    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.
    Darn, now that R100,000 holiday of a lifetime doesn't seem quite as appealing.
    Who cares?
    Who doesn't?
  • ALapeño (unregistered) in reply to Blecki

    I doubt the package even got sorted wrong... it got sent to the nearest bulk sorting center, which then routed it to a local sorting center. The transportation was essentially free as it's on a truck that's already going there anyway (if we assume 95% or more of packages aren't shipped locally). The cost for the USPS of doing up front local sorting, and route management are greater than the cost of putting it on a truck to go a little out of the way.

    If you evenly distribute the carbon footprint across all packages, sure, it seems unreasonable vice just sorting locally, but realizing that the emissions were generated regardless of the presence of the package in transit to the more distant sort facility, it's more reasonable.

    ...on other submissions, must have been a slow day for Error'd, nothing really that out of the ordinary or hilarious. Not complaining, just observing.

  • JR (unregistered) in reply to Blecki
    The USPS one isn't a wtf. The package got sorted wrong. Big fucking deal.
    Most of these aren't.

    iPhone: Type nonsense, and you're going to get a nonsense suggestion. E-Mail: Obviously a problem caused by using Thunderbird More Choices: They got more choices. Duh. Mouse: Someone said before, it's not USD. IT: Maybe in the trusted domain, but banned for another restriction. Wells Fargo: Multiple email addresses Bill: Lost in the mail. Duh.

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to iogy
    "Wells Fargo a pixel image in its emails to track when they've been opened," notes Andrew

    Wells Fargo accidentally the whole image? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    My thoughts exactly.

  • Unsupported global dynamic element (unregistered)

    I think Ben got an email that was meant for me.

  • (cs)

    Hmmm... $.46 after the due date, $-1.25 before? Wow! You just got to love a 372% discount.

  • trtrwtf (unregistered)

    The real wtf is that the clerk at the post office didn't just take the package and drive it down the road and deliver it personally. Damn lazy union workers.

  • Anon (unregistered)

    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?

  • Leftards lol (unregistered)

    The real WTF is thinking that the skilled workers the middle class should be composed of need unions (or that the American Dream is for people so lazy they need others to negotiate for them)

  • Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?
    Unless I'm mistaken, that's English. What other currency would it be in, other than USD?
  • Son of King of Nigeria (unregistered)

    Does Andrew know anything about phishing?

  • trtrwtf (unregistered) in reply to Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work
    Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work:
    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?
    Unless I'm mistaken, that's English. What other currency would it be in, other than USD?

    Oh, you're good.

  • (cs) in reply to Arne
    I'd say TRWRF is them being unable to spell "mouse". First they tried "MOUS", and when that looked wrong, they tried "MOSE".

    Judging from the "C/LESS", I'd say the label has a limit on the number of characters that can be printed on it. I don't know about the MOSE, but it's probably a code or something.

  • c (unregistered) in reply to Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work
    Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work:
    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?
    Unless I'm mistaken, that's English. What other currency would it be in, other than USD?
    English currency! Or the currency of any ex-English colony... wait a minute?
  • Dazed (unregistered) in reply to jarjams
    #4: Not a WTF. reuse of a control may not always yield optimal results, but leads to a consistent and user friendly interface. It also simplifies maintenance and reduces dev time.
    It's not awful, but it's still pretty careless coding. It would take probably one whole extra line of code for the control to handle this edge case correctly.
  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work
    Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work:
    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?
    Unless I'm mistaken, that's English. What other currency would it be in, other than USD?

    Maybe it's one of those countries where the foreigners aren't too lazy to learn English?

  • (cs)

    Shouldn't that be "right wing-governors'"?

  • Dave (unregistered) in reply to Anon

    "Dear Unsupported global dynamic element: index=1, parameter=first_name...right-wing governors' assaults on the middle class and the American Dream."

    At least the left finally admits they don't support you, the average Joe.

    Captcha: esse, the only votes they care about

  • trtrwtf (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Maybe it's one of those countries where the foreigners aren't too lazy to learn English?

    Silly rabbit, all foreigners are too lazy to learn English. That's why I have to shout at people when I'm in other countries like Canada. They understand you better if you shout.

  • ifrikiner (unregistered) in reply to Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work
    Someone who can't be bothered to log in from work:
    What's the over/under on how many people will post something like "TRWTF is a $400 mouse" because they are a) too stupid to realize that it's not in USD and b) they are too lazy to notice that several idiots have already posted the same thing?
    Unless I'm mistaken, that's English. What other currency would it be in, other than USD?

    Seth Ifricin rinds.

  • (cs)

    Wow, a $400 mouse better make me breakfast for that price.

  • (cs) in reply to ALapeño
    I doubt the package even got sorted wrong... it got sent to the nearest bulk sorting center, which then routed it to a local sorting center. The transportation was essentially free as it's on a truck that's already going there anyway (if we assume 95% or more of packages aren't shipped locally). The cost for the USPS of doing up front local sorting, and route management are greater than the cost of putting it on a truck to go a little out of the way.

    If you evenly distribute the carbon footprint across all packages, sure, it seems unreasonable vice just sorting locally, but realizing that the emissions were generated regardless of the presence of the package in transit to the more distant sort facility, it's more reasonable.

    This is correct. UPS uses a hub-and-spoke design. It does not have special handling for packages that could take a short direct route; it sends them all to a hub.

    The USPS has a post office in every Zip code which functions as a local sorting center. Letters to the same Zip code are delivered directly, not sent to another sorting facility. UPS does not have local sorting centers in each city. They are more like regional sorting centers covering a number of cities and towns. Your local "UPS Store" is just a drop-off point.

  • Naked Jaybird (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    "Wells Fargo a pixel image in its emails to track when they've been opened," notes Andrew

    Wells Fargo accidentally the whole image? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    This not making sense to Nagesh. Can you plz explane for the clearly?

    What we really need is a Grammar Nazi should provide assistance.

  • (cs)

    That iPhone must be Welsh.

  • airdrik (unregistered) in reply to Naked Jaybird
    Naked Jaybird:
    "Wells Fargo a pixel image in its emails to track when they've been opened," notes Andrew

    Wells Fargo accidentally the whole image? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    This not making sense to Nagesh. Can you plz explane for the clearly?

    What we really need is a Grammar Nazi should provide assistance.

    Yes, a Grammar Nazi that the posts are correct.

    to Fargo - to attach in such a way that it makes it through the treacherous distances and securities that span the interwebs, only to be filtered out by your local e-mail client.

  • Karl Z. (unregistered) in reply to Blecki

    No, it was probably not missorted. USPS has changed their sorting and processing centers, and the resulting routings can look really odd.

    I track packages coming to me (in NW Indiana) all the time, and I've noticed a big change in how they're routed over the past year. They used to go to New Berlin, WI, and from there directly to me (I'd get them the following day, usually). Now they go to New Berlin, THEN to Belleville, MI (near Detroit), THEN to me, even if they originated in Louisville or Indianapolis or Fort Wayne or even in Gary (and I'll get them a day later). For some bizarre reason, it's less expensive to go hundreds of miles in the wrong direction than to drive a truck here directly. I'd like to see the numbers on that.

  • (cs)

    Cgtegjjhferuhggffdgjk is what you get when you have your language set to rot13'd Welsh.

  • Meep (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    TRWTF is a cordless mouse that costs $400.

    Maybe it does other functions too, like front-end work.

    TRWTF is not noticing the R preceding the price. Assuming that's South African Rand, that converts to about US$60.


    Real WTF is other countries besides India.

    I thought India was a colony.

  • Qw22 (unregistered) in reply to Karl Z.

    The driving itself is probably more expensive, though only marginally: as others have pointed out, there are regularly-scheduled trucks carrying mail from, say, NW Indiana to be delivered in the SE Michigan area. Each incremental package might slightly affect the gas mileage of that truck, but it's not like they are driving with a single package on the passenger seat just for you.

    Where the savings goes is in not having to operate as many sorting and distribution centers, with the associated labor, facilities and equipment costs, utilities, etc. In closing many of these sites, as you say over the last year or two, it inevitably means that some packages end up traveling a further distance than they used to. The flip side is that the cost for shipping the overall mail stream has decreased.

  • trtrwtf (unregistered) in reply to Karl Z.
    Karl Z.:
    No, it was probably not missorted. USPS has changed their sorting and processing centers, and the resulting routings can look really odd.

    I track packages coming to me (in NW Indiana) all the time, and I've noticed a big change in how they're routed over the past year. They used to go to New Berlin, WI, and from there directly to me (I'd get them the following day, usually). Now they go to New Berlin, THEN to Belleville, MI (near Detroit), THEN to me, even if they originated in Louisville or Indianapolis or Fort Wayne or even in Gary (and I'll get them a day later). For some bizarre reason, it's less expensive to go hundreds of miles in the wrong direction than to drive a truck here directly. I'd like to see the numbers on that.

    You don't read so good, do you? Already answered a few times, but here it is again: A truck is already going to a regional sorting center. Cheaper to toss packages from Bumfuck, Indiana onto that truck and sort them at the regional center than to have sorting centers at each local post office.

    The package would travel a shorter distance if you sorted it locally and delivered it by local means, but you'd actually increase the number of vehicle miles AND the number of man-hours required. You can probably do the numbers on that - they come out to "it's more expensive and uses more gas and kills more polar bears to do it the obvious but wrong way".

  • Svenson (unregistered) in reply to Karl Z.
    Karl Z.:
    For some bizarre reason, it's less expensive to go hundreds of miles in the wrong direction than to drive a truck here directly. I'd like to see the numbers on that.

    Each day, there is a truck going from your local post office to the sorting center and back. It can carry thousands of packages.

    You propose to allocate another truck and a driver to carry your ONE package directly from your post office to the recipient's post office? How much did you pay to mail this package?

  • Jay (unregistered)

    Wow, surely the programming error is the least of what's wrong with that crazy People for the American Way letter!

    They want to "put boots on the ground in battleground states"? Wait, aren't these the same people who were accusing Sarah Palin of inciting violence by using the phrase "targetted opponents"?

    Their reference to Wisconsin implies that they believe that an essential element of the "American Dream" is the right to be forced to join a union and pay dues whether you like what the union is doing with the money or not. How can any nation call itself free if unions bosses don't have the right to take money from people at gunpoint?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Wow, surely the programming error is the least of what's wrong with that crazy People for the American Way letter!

    They want to "put boots on the ground in battleground states"? Wait, aren't these the same people who were accusing Sarah Palin of inciting violence by using the phrase "targetted opponents"?

    Their reference to Wisconsin implies that they believe that an essential element of the "American Dream" is the right to be forced to join a union and pay dues whether you like what the union is doing with the money or not. How can any nation call itself free if unions bosses don't have the right to take money from people at gunpoint?

    Nice troll. Well done.

  • trtrwtf (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Wow, surely the programming error is the least of what's wrong with that crazy People for the American Way letter!

    They want to "put boots on the ground in battleground states"? Wait, aren't these the same people who were accusing Sarah Palin of inciting violence by using the phrase "targetted opponents"?

    Their reference to Wisconsin implies that they believe that an essential element of the "American Dream" is the right to be forced to join a union and pay dues whether you like what the union is doing with the money or not. How can any nation call itself free if unions bosses don't have the right to take money from people at gunpoint?

    Nice troll. Well done.

    Is it a troll if he really believes it? (there's the real wtf...)

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