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[Quote]TRWTF is that there's an innate assumption in these comments that people can just afford to quit a job because it sucks without first having another job to go to. [/Unquote]
Unless you are just starting out, or have recently had a major disaster, one should have at least six months living cash on hand..with nine to twelve months preferred.
People think this is difficult, or "impossible" but it is actually quite easy to build up this type of buffer.
I actually treat that line as a minor warning flag when I see it in a job description. The reason is that if the company does any sort of performance-based compensation, work that falls into that bucket is best-case worthless to you, and worst-case actively harmful to you. After all, if you're measured on meeting a deadline, but you've been "other duties"'ed into mopping floors for four hours, you know that if you're two hours overdue they won't credit you mopping time. (I haven't been mopping floors, but I have missed out on bonuses because my boss had me doing everything but what I was measured on. And the boss that's all for "versatility" and "agile" when he needs something done becomes terribly by the book when there's money to be handed out.)
In the same way you're not supposed to have a misc. file (because everything ends up in it), you should try not to have a "miscellaneous" category on your job profile.
Unless you're running plumbing to each desk, you'll still be running back and forth for water to feed the coffee maker. (I have a press at my desk, but I don't really save time - I just get better coffee.)
Joel Spolsky wrote an interesting article that mentioned a slightly-new breed of young Silicon Valley startup entrepreneurs that are trying to be the next Steve Jobs. So they have basically adopt some of SJ's less-regarded traits, i.e. the rude, no-nonsense, arrogant personality, etc.
Also control-freak psychopathic management style -- this may or may not be really emulating Jobs, but it's what they perceive. I guess the thought is that if they adopt those traits, then they too will have the same success.
High-level cargo-culting.
Well, regardless of the fact that you are a no hire anyway, that'd be a minus on your yearly bonus.
In the contracts in my country, the employers mostly write in job descriptions: "blabla to work as a Software Developer and to conduct any other just and reasonable tasks". And trust me, wielding a mop is a just and reasonable task for anyone. For the boss as well as for the employees. I wouldn't ask any employee for anything I wouldn't do myself. And if I can wield a mop and you bitch about it...well, minus on your bonus.
Well, Frank isn't providing them, because that would waste money and time (taking fingers off of keyboard to drink). Bringing your own would be a violation of the workspace personalization policy.
But I want them to mop the floor...
If he did all those interviews himself, he wouldn't have time to run around the building and make everyone's life miserable.
NEVER use the musicians union as an example of anything good. I played with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. We were on a train to Alice Springs (about 9 hours) for a tour when they had to stop the train because of a union stipulation that the musicians need to be stationary for their meal breaks. Hate to think what would have happened if we were flying.
OK, I can give you a good example why people like Frank should never get anything that is not in your job description. My friend was working in a truck dealership, his hob was to take and deliver new/repaired/etc truck to and from companies client. His boss asked if he could maybe wash one of the trucks before delivering it. Allright, no problem, job done. Then the second time came, the third and suddenly it was as if it was his job to do. He refused once and that wasn't met nice. During the long period in that company he got lots of nice "promotions" without actually getting any pay rise and or new/updated job contract signed.
What I want to tell you is that this: it is nice an all to be a good person and help your colleagues and do out-of-job type of support. But company is not a person, the point lots of people tend to forget. In this story company=Frank. If he does not have people skills that is his problem, someone needs to tell him to f***-off. The worst thing you can do to others is to not point them their shortfalls. No bitching or anything like that...
Wow, the corporate apologists are coming out of the woodwork today. F--k Frank and anyone who thinks any boss has the right to behave that way.
I'm a damn good developer and I make more than enough money to fund a lifestyle I enjoy. I'm good because I use my mind. Yes, I am a special little snowflake, so suck it all you mindless drones. I've trained long to do what I do and I don't want to mop floors. It's not about being elitist - I don't want to do neuro-surgery either - it's about doing what I WANT TO DO. It's as simple as that. Life is too short to do things you don't want to just to boost someone's ego, or bottom line.
Work is a team activity and productivity is highest when team members have mutual respect for each other. People like Frank are a liability. I've had great jobs, and bad ones. I've even worked with people like Frank before (I'll get to that in a bit).
I move on from jobs after a while(even good ones), when I feel I can't learn anything new, as I get bored quickly otherwise. I work for money, but also for my own education and occasionally even my own entertainment. It's my life and I'm not about to waste it on someone else's bulls--t. When faced with someone like Frank, my reaction would depend on my mood and what other jobs are available at that moment. I'm ALWAYS looking at potential jobs. Anyone who isn't is giving away too much of their power.
I can think of two instances in the last 15 years where I had to deal with someone like Frank. In one case, he took over from a previous manager who was good. After he screamed out his little tirade about how things 'were going to change' to us, I simply quit and walked out the door in the middle of the day, saying my goodbyes to coworkers as I went. I was in a good mood that day. Another time both a manager and the company owner REALLY pissed me off. I played the good little soldier long enough to set several things in motion so that the day I did walk out, not only did the manager get fired a day later, the entire company went under six months later. I didn't do anything illegal, I just set them up to fail in the best possible passive-aggressive manner.
Good developers are good because they are smart and creative. Don't let the drones convince you of anything different.
Holy shite that Frank guy sounds like A-class assburgers case. I've had the misfortune to meet a few in work setting
Hey, here in Uhmerrca we have a cleaning-crew caste as well, only they speak Spanish instead of Hindi. Unlike India though, our untouchables are at the top of the heap, not the bottom.
Yes, "American" is the perfect term for people from the US, since everyone knows that America contains only one country and the rest of the double continent is uninhabited.
No need for elevators. He slipped on the freshly mopped stairs.
You mean I have to let Tina go? Naomi and Roxanne will miss her very much.
Wow....this company should have been great in countries where democracy is flourishing...like China ! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA trollface
Hi Jeff - I know this is a troll but here we go anyway. What you are describing is not being a team player - it's called Stockholm Syndrome (GoogleTM it)
I work very hard these days. But I'm also very exhausted at the end of the day...
Meh . when someone asked me why I was outside smoking I told them I was busy thinking about the software design and just had a great idea - which was actually true.
Apart from that, I woudldn't ever work with the company provided mouse and mousepad to begin with - and would leave if anyone insisted I did so /
The only reason you wouldn't jump the boat is if you're stuck between hammer and anvil - I'm not and I don't think i'll ever be, after all there are IT jobs aplenty and I can do most of em quite nicely.
"squirrelly", thanks you made my day.
BTW I am quite often fully focused for hours on end, and I believe that happens to most devs - now I might have issues after 15 minutes of meeting but w/e who cares.
Personally, I accept the lowly dev wage for only one reason : because I have fun developing . There's no way I'd do boring stuff for that price if I can avoid it, and I can - yeah I'm a lucky asshole and I love it.
Nah . else they'd have to require decent oxygen flow, happiness @ work, etc. etc. - google seems on the right track but they aren't there yet
Real Rockstar devs are worth their arrogance, and much much more, learn to take advantage of their weaknesses (attitude and such)and you'll make much more out of it.
Thirdly, devs are not higly paid individuals, owners and CEO's are.
Google is the latest fastest growing IT company in the world, it has achieved that mostly by going the Acme route, by going with young ideas rather than the usual old senile management way, and showed that it works.
Only a matter of time before employers start following after google and several others show the way.
Nah . drug lab workers aren't dressed at all and it's all medical sanitary . more or less.
Geoff has successfully trolled you, good stuff.
Teamplayer is a word employers and bosses like to use to define work-slaves, the kind of idiot who will accept anything because he thinks he owes the company everything.
Also, don't feed the trolls goddamit !
I've read this way too much in these comments. The price as the only thing consumers care about ?
seriously, all those people buying iPhones, samsung Galaxies, Philips TV's, Scottex, Mars, Coca-Cola, etc. etc.
The main thing consumers care bout is making the "right" purchase, and oftentimes this is directed by brands and advertising.
Way too serious for TDWTF comments, but this one deserves to be featured / saved - nice ;)
I assist until people take the piss, or take me for granted. I help others out all the time here... but its my choice after all. If I hid behind my job description for everything, I'd definitely not be a sysadmin now as well as a developer.
There is a difference between used as a doormat by your boss, which I'm frankly astonished so many people are happy to do.
It's a two way street, just because your boss tells you to do it, you don't have to. I choose the things that better myself, and never had make the choice to mop the floor or not... there is always something for me to do that is good for the business over mopping a floor, and there is probably a PA somewhere surfing youtube.
That rule probably came about for groups travelling by bus. Touring is hard going, and stopping for a meal (and a piss) rather than having a soggy sandwich in a cramped bus seat is quite a reasonable measure.
As for stopping a train to apply this rule: I don't believe it. When and where (specifically) did this happen?
I agree with the sentiment, but, well, there's only one country with "America" in its name. There are at least two with "United States" (or translation thereof). So "American" is arguably more valid than "USian".
But I do prefer "Merkin".
"Dick" is right.
Clearly, there's only one supplier, blessed by a state-policed and state-enforced monopoly on these products: -
Wet Water (TM) Zappy Electricity (TM) Flammable Gas (TM) Burny Coal (TM) Ironic Iron (TM) See-Through-Glass (TM) The Horseless Carriage (TM) The Telephonic Communicator (TM) The Difference Engine (TM) The Interwebs Browser (TM)
ad nauseam
Please reboot your Irony Detector.
BTW, "self interest" has many facets.
Trade these freely and let me know the rational balance: -
Job stability | security | satisfaction | potential Current salary | potential salary | risk of no salary Short commute | nice office | hot co-workers | long day | Friday off
My primary objection is to the uber-BS assertion that patents & copyright are "enforcement taxpayer funded". Nikola Tesla would probably disagree.
Objection #2 is the utter-BS asssertion that, "no two companies can sell the same product". Plainly they can and do.
Sure, I like the idea that IP can be protected. If anything, it should be state enforced, so Joe Q Public doesn't have to sue Google (or Apple sue Microsoft...) and run out of money before the 10+ years in court are through.
Dagnabbit, I hadn't noticed that. Oh well, at least Merkin et al rolls off the tongue better than USAian would.
I'm confused...
Was this a software development company, or the stage for some modern sitcom?
I'll go you one better; with the dictionary extension for Chrome (or Iron, in my case), all you have to do is highlight the word, and...
"William Lumbergh, commonly named Bill Lumbergh, or referred to as just Lumbergh, is a fictional character portrayed by Gary Cole in the 1999 film Office Space..."
Made me laugh! So many bleep bleep bosses out there and I have had my share of similar mentalities. Nice to see someone was smarter than me, not to stick around to take the abuse for years to come.
I don't think that was the point of the story....... it's just an end to a joke. No analyzing needed.
In real life the reason why the companies run by assholes still exist is because they do just enough to break even, and settle for mediocrity. So while "Acme" is doing great financially, "Bozhead" is just chugging along and putting on a front enough to still get named to Inc 500 and "best companies to work for" and things like that, despite the fact that it's run by idiots. So for all intents and purposes Bozhead appears successful due to smoke and mirrors and marketing BS.
THIS is the major problem with capitalism. All it takes to run a business is enough money to pump into it to stay in business. I've seen it first hand (see previous WTF "Hot Water Costs Money") where the company lost money every year for ten years and only stayed in business because the owner had enough money to put that much back into the business to even things out.
Yes, Very special indeed! That is what really makes the world go round. Controlling AHoles are a dime a dozen, since everyone has one.
All that negative and demeaning structure in jobs is nothing more that CONTROl issues by very self centered OCD personalities that aren't getting laid.
What kind of developers are these lunatics? This is the craziest story I have ever read. None of it makes sense.