• (cs) in reply to anonymous
    Prosthetic Lips:
    joe boggs:
    winnebago is at http://www.winnebago.com.au/default.asp

    keep refreshing until you get null story.

    Ha, it looks like they fixed it. Now you get a blank area where the story is supposed to go, instead of the word, "null."

    It's still there... Just like shown in the article.

    confirmed as of about 5 sec ago

  • yeah (unregistered) in reply to Nyquist
    Prosthetic Lips:
    joe boggs:
    winnebago is at http://www.winnebago.com.au/default.asp

    keep refreshing until you get null story.

    Ha, it looks like they fixed it. Now you get a blank area where the story is supposed to go, instead of the word, "null."

    It's still there... Just like shown in the article.

    confirmed as of about 5 sec ago

    Sometimes you get a blank area, but there is also the "null" story.

  • Henning Makholm (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Reason # 23,563 not to use XML.
    Yeah, XML is just so difficult to master what with the five reserved entities. I mean seriously, five characters I have to escape? That's just plain unreasonable.
    Plus, I don't think the issue here is with the escaping itself. The problem is probably that somebody tried to upcase the string after XML escaping, but using a case conversion function that cannot distinguish markup from nonmarkup.

    Using a function for a data format it's not designed to deal with => failure, irrespective of the intrinsic qualities (or lack of same) of the format itself.

  • (cs)

    I'm pretty sure that's an accurate description of a trip in a Winnebago...

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to pjt33

    [quote user="pjt33"][quote user="Ouch!"]I love the "1 GB Capacity" on the 2 GB Memory stick :)[/quote]Just wait until you can buy 4GB memory cards with 1GB capacity and RAID 1.[/quote] Fix'd [quote=Wikipedia] RAID 1 mirrors the contents of the disks, making a form of 1:1 ratio realtime backup. The contents of each disk in the array are identical to that of every other disk in the array. RAID 5 (striped disks with parity) combines three or more disks in a way that protects data against loss of any one disk. The storage capacity of the array is reduced by one disk [/quote]

  • hsk (unregistered) in reply to Prosthetic Lips

    I got that blank one too, but I kept refreshing and also got a "null."

  • Xythar (unregistered)

    The so-called USB 2.0 micro memory stick looks more like an SD card to me.

    Captcha was "ludus"? Oh come on, it's NEVER ludus.

  • Axle (unregistered)

    I think the USB stick description came from a disgruntled employee proving a point. They're probably upset that people reviewing description are incompetent or lazy or that the corporate drones never check the description of products when they're meant to.

    Will go unnoticed certainly proves the point that no-one is reading these things.

  • Anonymousse (unregistered) in reply to lolwtf
    Or maybe it's just a typo.

    The real-world WTF is that a while ago, USB sticks were sold in Europe that physically had less than the advertised capacity (both on the device and in its file system's properties). Not sure whether the relevant values were 2 and 1 GB.

    So this pic may show truth in advertising...

  • Rhialto (unregistered) in reply to hsk

    Instead of "null" or empty stories inside a picture, I just get "You need to upgrade your Flash Player" and no picture at all. Which is nonsense, since I don't have a Flash player. It doesn't exist for my OS in the first place.

  • Nix Nada (unregistered)

    If you'd ever vacationed on the Isle of Null, you'd know that no more needs be said.

    (why do all the captchas on here sound like spells from Harry Potter? Inhibeo!)

  • SR (unregistered) in reply to Nix Nada
    Nix Nada:
    If you'd ever vacationed on the Isle of Null, you'd know that no more needs be said.

    (why do all the captchas on here sound like spells from Harry Potter? Inhibeo!)

    And now I have "Null of Kintyre" stuck in my head. Thanks so effin much!

  • angelone (unregistered)

    sure it's lacking polish as stated it shouldn't be localized

  • Jay (unregistered)

    I see you are not yet skilled in the ways of marketing, young apprentice. "2GB" is the brand name for their one gigabyte memory device. When you buy Hebrew National hot dogs, do you expect a citizen of Israel to be included in the package? When you buy a Chevy Nova, do you expect the sun to explode when you turn the ignition key? Of course not. If someone naively assumes that the 2GB brand memory sticks have two gigabytes of memory, well, that's their problem. Certainly not the fault of our marketing department. We were just thinking that this product was "toward Great Britain".

  • C (unregistered) in reply to lolwtf
    As for the "X?", it's simply asking if you have/want an X server installed. Which of those it is can be derived from the context; it continues from a previous sentence. "Do you [have/want] foo installed? bar? X?" Now, why a Windows program is asking about an X server remains a mystery...
    Because checkboxes on the main form (without modal popups) were a big no-no, right?
  • Colton (unregistered) in reply to DannyV

    not tottaly

  • left hand, meet right hand (unregistered) in reply to ping floyd
    ping floyd:
    For the iTunes one TRWTF is that he pays for music

    I'm from the RIAA, expect to hear from us soon.

    We already did.

    Oh, and apparently now I'm a spammer.

  • Paolo G (unregistered) in reply to left hand, meet right hand

    As for the high values of zero, maybe they are actually all values less than 0.50 and have been rounded to the nearest whole currency unit (that is, down to zero), but the total has been given in full.

  • mypalmike (unregistered)

    I love it. The Winnebago families are still talking about "null".

  • rampaging-poet (unregistered)

    I actually had to fix something like that first on before. It turned out to be caused by a field that was included in the grand total but excluded from the price per line.

  • m (unregistered)

    The real w.t.f. is, of course, that they tried to write 'fight club' instead of ‘fight club’…

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