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I thought everyone had a My Computer icon in OS X. It's the one you enable by going to Terminal and typing "rm -rF /" right?
Frist! The first one clearly shows a lack of genius. It was objviously a keyboard issue.
Can someone plz give me the number for the internet so I can have all my stupid comments removed? Thx.
After reading today's WTF, I tried searching the internets for my name. I got like a bazillion hits. Who do I call to get my name taken off the interwebnettubes?
The Internet is located at
Sheesh, I thought everyone knew that by now.
I use Dvorak. Seriously.
We can easily resolve Mr. James' problem with just a few simple additional steps:
I'm sorry. :P
I tell you, it's not just my name that comes up on an internet search. I've had results for my home town, porn and thedailywtf.com. Please could you arrange for these to be removed from the internet. Thank you.
TRWTF is calling a helpdesk drone a "genius". But kudos to Apple, they sure do know how to sell junk to morons. The term "genius" doubtlessly appeals to the cluelessness of their customers.
Dvorak? Not Dvořák? (Just wondering…)
No it isn't! The Internet falsified its renewal!
How is that possible? I'm using QWERTY but I can still read what you said.
Me too.
I like it. I'm not going to get religious about it, though- the scientific evidence that it's actually superior is rather poor. Any advantages to it are rather minor, at best. But I like it, as a matter of personal preference.
The day I decided to switch, though- it was like I had a stroke or something. My brain railed against it, "I used to know how to do this, and suddenly I've forgotten how to type! ARRRRRRGGGGG"
It was unpleasant, for about a week.
For all future tech support jockeys out there, the phone call should have gone like this.
Tech: Oh, your internet isn't working? Customer: No Tech: Ok - do the following steps Customer: Ok Tech: Now what I need you to do is reboot your computer and call me back if it doesn't work. Go outside for a smoke. The customer will get another tech and it's not your headache anymore
CAPTCHA: capio - A large surgical device used to remove fluid from the knee.
You can hardly blame the first guy. He's a mac user, so he's obviously computer illiterate and doesn't know what the setup steps mean.
He was probably awestruck that his computer knew his name. Quite the "magical" device, indeed.
I tried to renew it correctly, but I had a flat tire.
BTW, oblig IT Crowd:
While I am becoming increasingly skeptical of Apple's attitude lately, I really did love my 12" PowerBook G4 and my current 15" MacBook Pro (2007 model, one of the last revisions before they went to the ugly full-black bezel, glossy screen, non-replaceable battery, and silly buttonless trackpad).
I don't know, however, if I would buy any of the current Macs given that I don't like all those "features" I listed above.
A Mac Genius was stumped by a keyboard typing gibberish? I can see why he isn't a Genius anymore... lol
I'm not big into the black bezel, but I adore the button-less trackpad. I'd adroe it more if my cat hadn't drowned it with my martini one afternoon a few weeks ago, thus making it register clicks a smidge inconsistently.
//There's nothing wrong with using a Mac. //They also aren't magical devices. //They run EMACS and VI just as well as anything else.
How to count in Dvorak:
7 5 3 1 9 0 2 4 6 8
Excuse the pun, but you can count me out!
To remove information from the internet....
$ rm -r -f www..
// I'm sure someone will rehash the old Xzibit meme now. // But I'm not stooping to that level, thank you very much.
Ahhhh. You must work for Oracle.
Standard answer is issue some command your OS doesn't have, then call us back later.
Gotta give Bowytz credit for not spoiling the first story in the title this time ...
Well, I can't very well rehash it now.
Never mind. I retract my request, just to annoy Steve.
Quite one of their best sketches..
The Dvořák incident occurred to me right from "Whenever he tried to type, seemingly random...".
Wouldn't need a "Genius™" for that - only a seasoned nerd. Apple sometimes is too glossy for my tastes...
I'm not quite sure why....but that actually made me LOL.
Thank you good sir.
I totally agree. My very first thought was keyboard settings. Any idiot who doesn't know how to change keyboard settings is not a "genius" especially in relating to computers. Macs or neigh, that's some disappointingly worthless helpdesk "help".
http://thedailywtf.com is unaffected
Kids these days...
As someone else mentioned, all it would take is someone who is either sufficiently nerdy, or sufficiently old to remember (or just be aware of!) the days when QWERTY vs Dvorak was actually a real choice that people could make. Now that computers are so completely ubiquitous, and 99.99999% of them have QWERTY keyboards, it would be easy for a young'n to grow up never realizing that there was ever any other way.
Really? You're telling us about how your cat spilled your martini while you were using your mac?
Was the dry cleaner able to get the stains out of your sweater vest and mock turtleneck?
That would not help, since the issues where on Macos and not windows. When booting back to mac, the dns would not have been flushed there.
Unfortunately, no. Muffy and I were terribly upset, since it was a gift from the Jacobsens. Fortunately, I have one just like it in our summer home in the Hamptons.
Actually, about 10 years ago I was doing tech-support for a Dial-Up ISP. Windows ME can DIAF
CAPTCHA: immitto - ???
Still "I clicked around until I found the keyboard layout"? At a Genius Bar? I call bullshit on the story.
Man, I feel the last guy pain. Once, an HP drone wanted me to think that because I had Linux, my warranty voided. Oh! And calling some ISP Help Desk and not using Windows is useless. Better save the pennies.
That only works if they hang up for the reboot. (If there internet isn't working, then they aren't talking to you via that computer.)
Also to give the guy credit, the only bit that really matters is steps 7-9 and you should be able to do that on a Mac. The rest was just overly detailed direction on how to find where to do the last steps. (Still, not a good sign.)
1060 West Addison?
I just watched the Blues Brothers the other night. Good one.
You've got to be able to get past the flowchart part of tech support to survive in today's world.
The correct response to the "try this impossible thing" request is to pretend to do it and then say "OK, I tried it but I'm still getting DNS issues."
James Asshole?
I always enjoy it watching IT guys bash the only company / machine to successfully put UNIX on the desktop in front of millions of users ... AND make it look and function great. Shows me who actually understands out purpose in the world of business and who just enjoys playing with the technology.
I may start asking people what they think of Apple during interviews ...
Duh. On the Mac its iComputer, not MyComputer.
Ok ... I just had to. I typed Internet into Google Maps and the top result was ...
Apple Computer 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014
How does Steve Jobs DO this?!?
//Hey Dawg, I herd you like comments so I put a comment in //your comment so you can comment when you comment!