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I love it when the joke is explained to me.
It is obvious that Paddy Robinson-Griffin didn't pay attention in maths class, or he would know that this app is using complex numbers:
null + null + 80 + 20 + null = 3null + 100
null + 100 + null = 2null + 100
See, neither is just "100". He must input 0 in the other boxes for it to be plain 100.
That's nice. However, when I see a directory listing, I do want to have an inkling of what's contained in it.
Last time I checked, even Linux still has stuff like: file.c file.h file.py file.rb file.log file.tar.gz file.conf
And so on and so forth. Weird, huh? Obviously, file extensions do make sense.
Because having a unique icon for the file type and a file type description column makes them a redundant detail that clutters up the view of the file name?
I've seen this so often. They figure you have to put numbers in each box, even if some of them are out in left field. I'm thinking in particular of the government-mandated "trip reduction survey" that wanted to know how often in a typical week you got to work by various means. Didn't matter if it was 100% "drove own car", you had to fill in zeroes for "took the bus", "walked", "rode with someone else" and if they'd thought of them, "tunneled like a gopher", "used my teleporter" and "flew in by zeppelin".
Macs can have slashes in file name. Actually they can have any character in file name (including NULL and friends).
Good thing they show when you edit the filename trying to change the extension. oh wait, they don't. so this redundant detail is not that redundant after all.
The "yes, quit" is a decent method for preventing accidental clicks. I've seen other programs take it further, burying the option under two or three submenus, e.g.: Erase all data > Really erase all data? > Yes, erase all data
I saw similar on a phone programming menu: Really erase all data?
As for the oatmeal cookies, at first I thought the WTF was that oatmeal cookies have so many ingredients, some of which sound more like chemistry than cooking. It's a cookie, not a science experiment!
Except you are wrong. There is no such thing as a file extension. Just filenames, and the dot (.) is just another char you can use in the name if you want. Real operating systems let you name your files whatever you want, and completely ignore extensions. Only OSs meant for stupid idiots like windows and osx do this extension bullshit.
Clockworkmod uses that yes-buried-in-many-noes method. Nice the first time, horrible when you need to clone the same image to 50+ android tablets like I had to do last week :/
TRWTF is people who don't know the difference between MAC, a Mac and a mac, amirite?
Some people really do have the concept of file extensions so ingrained that it's impossible to see any other way.
Files should not be scanned. The mime type should be stored along side the filename, but not a part of it. It's an abuse if the file name field to use it to store file types too. A hack which presumably stems from having a fat without a dedicated place for the type
Finally having the type stored separately to the name doesn't mean that programs are banned from displaying it! Why do people think this? Finder, explorer, Dir or ls can be updated to show the file type just like they show other metadata such as date modified, owner, etc
I once taught two students how to code HTML. One used Windows, the other a Mac. We had so much trouble trying to get the Mac to save an HTML file as something.html that we finally gave up and he switched to Windows.
Was it MS Word?
TRWTF is that people browse the web without having Javascript disabled by default.
TRWTF is that people use mainstream browsers on Windows with security flaws in JS engines, therefore necessitating Javascript to be disabled for safe web browsing.
One of the things I work with quite a bit is .csv. It is amazing how many files out there are not really true CSV, but are constructed by "pseudo-CSV" code such as this:
Now that might look good enough, but if lastName() should contain a comma (Doe, John) or one of those infernal nicknames (John "Bob" Doe) then the resulting psuedo-CSV file is broken.
Maybe the Mac knows his file is broken and that's why he can't save it as .csv?
And how, pray tell, do you send said metadata when transferring files betweens systems? Because there are a whole raft of communication methods that predate the invention of mime types, so you can't use that. Indeed the only thing you can rely on being able to use is a filename.
There's a reason that the Mac changed from the old Creator/Type info into using file type extensions. And it wasn't that Apple thought they'd make it a bit more Windows like.
Of course, if you really believe that a "real" OS wouldn't do something as stupid as storing metadata as part of the filename, then you presumably also think it would be ridiculously stupid to make a file hidden simply on the basis that the filename begins with a "." character. No "real" OS would do that, would it?
Correct extension for the CSV file is what I - user - think is the correct extension. Oh, well... Maybe I just tend to think too independently...
TRWTF. Mac people at work often create filenames with "/" or "*" or other characters that are illegal in Windows. Those files actually do work over SMB (Windows users sees garbage filenames) but if you try and copy them onto a USB stick they just fail without any error message or anything.
I'm OK with dyglyceeeeeerides and cinnqmon in my food. TRWTF is the partially hydrogenated soybean oil, though I think the package comes with a coupon for a free angioplasty.
Ergo, I will cease this nonsensical debate (ie no longer there).
I find it odd that I haven't seen C-Octo here today, and yet with some of the idiots around I could well believe he is here under a different handful of names...
Oh - did I open a can of worms?
Captcha: pecus - there are a lot of pecus on the forum today
Except, when I name my file (eg where I keeps all my super secure passwordz) after my name (Fred.Bob) it seems to hide Bob....
Has anyone mentioned that Mac OS (and other OS's) let you use any character (including slashes and NULLS) in a filename
What kind of an idiot can't run vi or emacs? Or, if you must stay in pointy-clicky-picky-my-nose world, there is a simple text editor that's called, oh, what is it called, oh, yes, "TextEdit", which offers .html as one of the default options on "save as".
Sounds like the poor students had a useless git for a teacher. I hope they didn't take you too seriously.
As for the "windows roolz, mac droolz" crowd: the way this error is produced is by selecting "text" as the file type and then trying to add an extension. The only wtf here is that TextEdit doesn't have ".csv" as one of the allowable extensions. However, the whole problem is easily avoided (as I found out in about fifteen seconds by starting up the program and opening the preferences pane) by un-selecting the check box that says "automatically append .txt to text files".
Done. User idiocy, equally a problem with windows users. Actually, more of a problem with windows users, since they bought a damned broken machine in the first place - how dumb can you be?
TRWTF is Stargate Universe not being renewed for a third season.
Actually, while questioning your ethnicity or sexual orientation would be retarded, your religion is entirely your choice, and I would therefore say that it is fair game for questioning.
I knew you really loved me...
You're welcome to believe whatever you like.
TRWTF is that Akismet doesn't like this comment. >.<
I disagree: the real WTF is Mac users.