• Glow-in-the-dark (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
        Sleep(8 * 3600);

    ROFL, quality :-)

  • FunnyChauvinist (unregistered) in reply to Franz_Kafka
    So far in the article and comments, we've had people: - claiming that working with an attractive woman 'torments' male developers, and calling the woman 'something' - saying that she should not be offended by her co-worker's obsession with her - blaming the irresponsible behaviour of the male developer(s) on the woman who is the victim - when someone protests the idiocy of the above comments, acting as if she's the one at fault - calling someone 'love' as a diminutive - referring to stalking - a serious issue - as 'loving too much' - pretending to be Rachelle and acting flattered by all the harassment - making an idiotic joke about restraining orders, disrespecting the victims who actually need them and not because they want to 'show they really care' - continuing the above joke with a 'hard to get' comment - googling 'rachelle programmer' and joking about the unattractiveness of the images that come up - and, of course, insisting on seeing pictures to fantasize over, often at the same time claiming that female coders are not attractive, implying that the purpose of women is to be attractive to please men and that unattractive women are worthless, about 15 times.

    I know I shouldn't have expected better from Internet commenters, but I enjoy this site and the level of misogyny expressed here really disturbs me.

    Well, you've totally nailed the humorless feminist stereotype. I suggest you go take a course on humor or something.

    /ps. everything's funny. Every Thing

    Yeah, seriously. Can't you see how hilarious misogyny is? Treating women as inferior is just so damn funny. Not for the women, obviously, but they're inferior anyways, so who cares?

  • Clark Kent (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
    I would not recommend executing this code snippet without proper anti-virus protection.

    You should also be wary of spawning unwanted child processes.

  • Addison (unregistered) in reply to FunnyChauvinist

    Exactly. Now make me a sandwich.

  • (cs)

    At my second job out of school (~22 years ago), we worked in a department of about 35 people, 5 of whom were women. They were:

    • tyranical b---- who took credit for everyones ideas and work, then broke down in tears when she couldn't answer a customers' question (in front of the customer - the guys called us up and apologized for upsetting her, but the women weren't quite so forgiving)

    • homely but incredibly nice girl - reasonably bright, but couldn't program beyond the basics

    • pure managerial type - no social skills whatsoever

    • elder mainframe "chick wannabe"

    • 25-ish really hot, sweet-as-can-be really talented girl, unattached, who ALWAYS ate lunch by herself - daily for 6 years - never socialized with anyone, never heard her on the phone with any guy...

    My brother's a CPA and he meets fellow sexy (CPA) women all the time...


  • Hancock (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
    bool horny = true;
    while (horny);
  • Steve (unregistered)

    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    This is coming from someone who regularly puts 'I like big boobies' into textboxes when testing software.

  • katastrofa (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
        Sleep(8 * 3600);

    And this gets promoted as a "featured comment". How pathetic (and sexist).

  • (cs) in reply to FunnyChauvinist
    Yeah, seriously. Can't you see how hilarious misogyny is? Treating women as inferior is just so damn funny. Not for the women, obviously, but they're inferior anyways, so who cares?

    Actually, yeah, misogyny is freaking hilarious - that's why the chauvinist getting shown up by a talented girl is funny. Really, what is it about radical feminism that turns off your ability to laugh at an offensive joke?

  • Andy (unregistered)

    That XKCD doesn't really apply when the topic of conversation is already making fun of sexists.

    The comic is about seeing a girl and only being able to think of sexist jokes, so you make jokes about the jokes to prove you're not sexist. (Because you are sexist if you see a girl programmer and all you can think of is the fact that she's a girl.)

    But ... if the whole point of the conversation is making fun of sexists that's different.

    Bringing up that XKCD in a discussion that's legitimately about laughing at sexists is like trying to bring Godwin's Law into a conversation about WWII.

  • (cs) in reply to noname

    I call BS. No way the Boss's daughter is competent. That's cardinal rule #1, family members are only there to be terrible at their job and yet still get raises and promotions because their daddy/uncle/whatever is the boss.

    Addendum (2008-10-20 15:49):

    Now, that's something I've never seen. A hot AND competent programmer? Must be a hoax.

    Not so. I worked with one. She was also the Boss's daughter.

  • (cs) in reply to katastrofa
    And this gets promoted as a "featured comment". How pathetic (and sexist).

    It's an old joke, but it still has some miles left; shouldn't you be on Iblamethepatriarchy deleting dissenting views or something?

  • (cs) in reply to Franz_Kafka

    Yet another thread derailed by trolls.

    Can a mod please close/lock?

  • (cs) in reply to AboutToFly
    So far in the article and comments, we've had people: - claiming that working with an attractive woman 'torments' male developers, and calling the woman 'something' - saying that she should not be offended by her co-worker's obsession with her - blaming the irresponsible behaviour of the male developer(s) on the woman who is the victim - when someone protests the idiocy of the above comments, acting as if she's the one at fault - calling someone 'love' as a diminutive - referring to stalking - a serious issue - as 'loving too much' - pretending to be Rachelle and acting flattered by all the harassment - making an idiotic joke about restraining orders, disrespecting the victims who actually need them and not because they want to 'show they really care' - continuing the above joke with a 'hard to get' comment - googling 'rachelle programmer' and joking about the unattractiveness of the images that come up - and, of course, insisting on seeing pictures to fantasize over, often at the same time claiming that female coders are not attractive, implying that the purpose of women is to be attractive to please men and that unattractive women are worthless, about 15 times.

    I know I shouldn't have expected better from Internet commenters, but I enjoy this site and the level of misogyny expressed here really disturbs me.

    you missed:

    • with no sense of humor
    • who don't understand sarcasm
  • George (unregistered) in reply to AdT

    Best comment ever!

  • AboutToFly (unregistered) in reply to Franz_Kafka
    Well, you've totally nailed the humorless feminist stereotype. I suggest you go take a course on humor or something.
    Wow, you've totally nailed the stupid anti-feminist stereotype. I laugh at most of the articles here, I just didn't enjoy this one, or the comments. How does that make me humorless?
  • AboutToFly (unregistered) in reply to Steve
    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

  • (cs) in reply to Sven
    True, and as someone pointed out, nullable types are implemented using Nullable<T>, which is defined as:
    public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct, new()
    For those not familiar with C#, that puts a constraint on the generic type that says that T must be a value type (and have a parameterless public constructor, but that's not relevant here). So if you try to use Nullable<T> with a reference type (that also goes when using the ? syntax), it will not compile.
    Bleah, I stared at the docs for a while and still didn't pick that (the constraints and the magicalness of Double, not the rest of it) up. All the info was there, but it was rather squirreled away and gnostic. (Why do they put the type in with two different names?! That ranks with PHP's ‘===’ or Perl's number handling for sheer oddness…)
  • AC (unregistered) in reply to AboutToFly
    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

    Whoa, I didn't know I was a feminist.

    Don't you (americans) have equal rights written out in the Constitution ore something?

  • Monso (unregistered) in reply to Lincoln Spendthrift

    I don't think posting a picture of an attractive female coder is a good idea, the internet's bandwidth wouldn't be able to handle it.

    Please don't, have some consideration for everybody else on the net.

  • (cs) in reply to AboutToFly
    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

    I think the poster you quoted was referring to the more radical definition of feminist which is "wanting equality where women are behind but not where they're ahead" rather than the real definition of "wanting equality of the sexes in all cases"

  • (cs) in reply to AC
    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

    Whoa, I didn't know I was a feminist.

    Don't you (americans) have equal rights written out in the Constitution ore something?

    The constitution guarantees the "Equality of rights under the law" That's been interpreted several ways, however most common sense people view it as requiring actual equality by the government.

    On a side note, there's absolutely nothing illegal about someone hating women, the same as there's nothing illegal about hating minorities. Stupid and block headed? Yes. Illegal? No.

  • conio (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
        Sleep(8 * 3600);
    Sleep(8 * 3600 * 1000); // Millisecond Dude
  • (cs) in reply to hatterson
    On a side note, there's absolutely nothing illegal about someone hating women, the same as there's nothing illegal about hating minorities. Stupid and block headed? Yes. Illegal? No.

    Actually, I would disagree with you there. Google "hate crime laws." If you commit a crime, you get a punishment. If you did it because of "hate" you get a worse punishment. Sounds like it is illegal to me

  • SomeCoder (unregistered) in reply to campkev
    On a side note, there's absolutely nothing illegal about someone hating women, the same as there's nothing illegal about hating minorities. Stupid and block headed? Yes. Illegal? No.

    Actually, I would disagree with you there. Google "hate crime laws." If you commit a crime, you get a punishment. If you did it because of "hate" you get a worse punishment. Sounds like it is illegal to me

    Actually, the post you quoted just said "hating". Acting on the hate, yes, illegal and worse. Just hating is not illegal.

  • (cs) in reply to campkev
    On a side note, there's absolutely nothing illegal about someone hating women, the same as there's nothing illegal about hating minorities. Stupid and block headed? Yes. Illegal? No.

    Actually, I would disagree with you there. Google "hate crime laws." If you commit a crime, you get a punishment. If you did it because of "hate" you get a worse punishment. Sounds like it is illegal to me

    Right, there's laws against acting on that hate, but there's nothing illegal about actually hating someone. Legally, I'm 100% free to say that I hate women as long as I don't actively discriminate against them or incite others to do the same.

    Similarly a woman is 100% free to hate me provided they don't discriminate against me or incite others to do the same.

  • HeadItAllBefore (unregistered)

    Women ALWAYS want equality until it comes to something negative or difficult. Then all of a sudden it's perfectly acceptable for them to receive special treatment because they're female.

  • Serhiy (unregistered)

    In my opinion, the real WTF is in the comments, not in the story itself.

    Some guys over here seem to treat the article as challenging their masculinity and requiring an immediate response. As if writing down stereotypical steps of foreplay (or foredrink, for some) has ever made anyone a real man.

    Children. :D

  • AboutToFly (unregistered) in reply to hatterson
    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

    I think the poster you quoted was referring to the more radical definition of feminist which is "wanting equality where women are behind but not where they're ahead" rather than the real definition of "wanting equality of the sexes in all cases"

    Yes, but using "feminism" to refer to "sexism against men" is inaccurate and is based on a negative stereotype of feminists.

  • (cs) in reply to hatterson
    Right, there's laws against acting on that hate, but there's nothing illegal about actually hating someone. Legally, I'm 100% free to say that I hate women as long as I don't actively discriminate against them or incite others to do the same.

    Um, yeah. Try this. Go out and start your own company. After you've built it up to the point where you have dozens of employees, start walking around the office, talking about how you hate women. See where that gets you.

  • tbrown (unregistered) in reply to dkf
    True, and as someone pointed out, nullable types are implemented using Nullable<T>, which is defined as:
    public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct, new()
    For those not familiar with C#, that puts a constraint on the generic type that says that T must be a value type (and have a parameterless public constructor, but that's not relevant here). So if you try to use Nullable<T> with a reference type (that also goes when using the ? syntax), it will not compile.
    Bleah, I stared at the docs for a while and still didn't pick that (the constraints and the magicalness of Double, not the rest of it) up. All the info was there, but it was rather squirreled away and gnostic. (Why do they put the type in with two different names?! That ranks with PHP's ‘===’ or Perl's number handling for sheer oddness…)

    double - for backwards compatibility with C/C++ code. Is really...

    Double - short for System.Double, the actual .NET value type. Since the System namespace is usually in use you would rarely have to type it explicitely.

  • (cs) in reply to AboutToFly
    Well, you've totally nailed the humorless feminist stereotype. I suggest you go take a course on humor or something.
    Wow, you've totally nailed the stupid anti-feminist stereotype. I laugh at most of the articles here, I just didn't enjoy this one, or the comments. How does that make me humorless?

    Nah, I'm not antifeminist, I'm antifeminazi (aka Dworkinites), but that's to be expected; there's a difference between equal rights and 'a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle'. I actually thought they were one of Limbaugh's mad hallucinations until I ran into one that called herself Biting Beaver - angry, humorless, and immune to foreign ideas or plans of action - she just loves to rail against the man and silence dissent.

    Anyway, you're humorless because, beyond not liking the jokes, you didn't recognize them as jokes and took them at face value.

    Yes, but using "feminism" to refer to "sexism against men" is inaccurate and is based on a negative stereotype of feminists.

    Maybe if feminists disowned their more radical fringe that wouldn't happen. Anyway, it's no worse than the eternal tirade against 'liberals'

  • Alex (unregistered)

    This is nuts. Honestly, it's a little creepy. I mean... The guy actually used both curly-brace styles (opening brace at end of current line, opening brace on it's own line) in the same code!

    Clearly, there was something off about this guy.

  • (cs)

    At least he didn't create a Rachelle class, women hate to be thought of as objects.

    As for all the sexist comments: relax people, we chide guys who are too socially inept to work with hot women, we chide hot women for... being hot women, no one is "one up" and no one's "one down" we're all just a bunch of monkeys that see the humor in it all.

  • [email protected] (unregistered) in reply to AdT
    private drool Rachelle(string tanga)
        Sleep(8 * 3600);

    Take you fucking lame .Net coding conventions and shove them up your anus, bitch!

  • Anonymous Coward (unregistered)

    I'm offended by people being offended by people being offended about being offended. I post this in hopes of offending people who are or are not easily offended.

    I will give a free Anonymous Coward sticker to anyone who lets this worthless series of comments die in a fire.

  • Steve (unregistered) in reply to AboutToFly
    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?

    By that definition, I am a feminist too.

    I think a lot of 'righteous' movements have been hijacked by powerful groups with an agenda which has nothing to do with what the movement is supposed to be about, giving said movement a bad name. Enviromentalism would be another example.

    I am not a fan of those who would use a righteous cause as cover to perpetrate evil. Obviously, the vast majority of feminists do not fall into this category and genuinly have good intentions. Unfortunately, with any cause, there are a lot of well-intentioned people who have been mis-guided by very smart and powerful people with bad intentions.

  • Dirk Diggler (unregistered) in reply to AboutToFly
    I wholeheartedly agree with Carolyn and AboutToFly.

    And this is coming from someone who believes that feminists are worse than commies (I do not think that the comments made by Carolyn or AboutToFly make them feminists).

    No, the fact that I believe women and men should have equal rights and that people should not be discriminated against based on their sex makes me a feminist. Care to explain why that's so bad?
    Steve, sucked up, trying to play the sensitive male. Got called on it 'cause callin' a feminist a feminist is not a bad thing, my boy got no game. AboutToFly, get in the kitchen an make a sandwich then put on somethin' nice.

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to AboutToFly
    So far in the article and comments, we've had people: - claiming that working with an attractive woman 'torments' male developers, and calling the woman 'something' - saying that she should not be offended by her co-worker's obsession with her - blaming the irresponsible behaviour of the male developer(s) on the woman who is the victim - when someone protests the idiocy of the above comments, acting as if she's the one at fault - calling someone 'love' as a diminutive - referring to stalking - a serious issue - as 'loving too much' - pretending to be Rachelle and acting flattered by all the harassment - making an idiotic joke about restraining orders, disrespecting the victims who actually need them and not because they want to 'show they really care' - continuing the above joke with a 'hard to get' comment - googling 'rachelle programmer' and joking about the unattractiveness of the images that come up - and, of course, insisting on seeing pictures to fantasize over, often at the same time claiming that female coders are not attractive, implying that the purpose of women is to be attractive to please men and that unattractive women are worthless, about 15 times.

    I know I shouldn't have expected better from Internet commenters, but I enjoy this site and the level of misogyny expressed here really disturbs me.

    Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

  • Shahar (unregistered)

    Nullable is a pretty new feature in CLR/C#. "years later" makes this a suspect story for me,

  • :) (unregistered) in reply to CAPTCHA: eros
    CAPTCHA: eros:
    100% fairy tale. Everyone knows beautiful programmers don't exist in reality.

    BTW: Even if she existed, they should fire her. Causing coworkers to have naughty thoughs against their will == sexual harassment.

    Should work where I do then.

    There is not one but two.

    I love my job :-D

  • (cs) in reply to Steve
    I think a lot of 'righteous' movements have been hijacked by powerful groups with an agenda which has nothing to do with what the movement is supposed to be about, giving said movement a bad name. Enviromentalism would be another example.

    Well yeah, you give someone a way to feel righteous about pushing their agenda on others and a lot of people will jump right on it. For example, MADD.

  • jason (unregistered) in reply to AboutToFly
    So far in the article and comments, we've had people: - claiming that working with an attractive woman 'torments' male developers, and calling the woman 'something' - saying that she should not be offended by her co-worker's obsession with her - blaming the irresponsible behaviour of the male developer(s) on the woman who is the victim - when someone protests the idiocy of the above comments, acting as if she's the one at fault - calling someone 'love' as a diminutive - referring to stalking - a serious issue - as 'loving too much' - pretending to be Rachelle and acting flattered by all the harassment - making an idiotic joke about restraining orders, disrespecting the victims who actually need them and not because they want to 'show they really care' - continuing the above joke with a 'hard to get' comment - googling 'rachelle programmer' and joking about the unattractiveness of the images that come up - and, of course, insisting on seeing pictures to fantasize over, often at the same time claiming that female coders are not attractive, implying that the purpose of women is to be attractive to please men and that unattractive women are worthless, about 15 times.

    I know I shouldn't have expected better from Internet commenters, but I enjoy this site and the level of misogyny expressed here really disturbs me.

    Isn't there some place you should be? Some.. specific.. place? A place where your limited skills and abilities might best be suited? Some place where you might take items in their raw, unprocessed form, mix them together in various proportions, and apply various degrees of heat in which the end result would be something of a.. culinary persuasion?

    Do your part to end world hunger. Shut up and make me a sandwich.

  • return of the spelling nazi (unregistered)
  • Bob (unregistered)

    Yes, you're all so very very funny that I'm surprised you aren't all billionair comedians. Now, please go and graduate from kindergarten, ok?

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous
    Why would you use a nullable with a reference type? They're natively able to be null anyway. This smells of TRealWTF...
    This is not Java - it is the .NET Framework, in which Double in a value type. The dead giveaway is the static Convert class which doesn't exist in Java. However, the coding style is very Java oriented (method names, bracing, all follow the Java guidelines). I'm guessing that this shop had fairly recently moved over from Java to .NET, or they employ a lot of Java coders who can't be bothered to revise their coding style.
    Nah, The Dead Giveaway Is C#'s Annoying Habit Of Capitalizing Methods.

    I have met at least one pretty and capable female programmer, so it isn't impossible to find someone like that. ;)

  • AboutToFly (unregistered) in reply to jason
    Dirk Diggler:
    AboutToFly, get in the kitchen an make a sandwich then put on somethin' nice.
    Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
    Do your part to end world hunger. Shut up and make me a sandwich.
    Way to make the exact same joke three times (which was hardly new before being posted here) to make fun of me for being a humourless feminist.
  • (cs) in reply to AboutToFly
    Dirk Diggler:
    AboutToFly, get in the kitchen an make a sandwich then put on somethin' nice.
    Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.
    Do your part to end world hunger. Shut up and make me a sandwich.
    Way to make the exact same joke three times (which was hardly new before being posted here) to make fun of me for being a humourless feminist.

    Admittedly, the 'make me a sammich' thing is played out, but look at the bright side: you recognized it as a joke. That's progress.

  • (cs) in reply to return of the spelling nazi
    return of the spelling nazi:
    What comes from a person is of that person. So, if a person who lies comes across deception in the future, because he already engages in lies, he finds it harder to know what is true. If a person lies he tends to confuse himself more than anyone else.

    When a person is honest in what he says and does in life, he can more easily see what is honest and true in general.

    Comedy gold!

  • (cs) in reply to Franz_Kafka
    Admittedly, the 'make me a sammich' thing is played out, but look at the bright side: you recognized it as a joke. That's progress.
    Yeah, the fact that I used the word 'joke' several times in my original post is proof that I had no idea you people were joking.

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