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Exactly! Without the metric system they would have executed some bizarre number of people like 1442000!
Maybe beacuse you can in your system... duh!
I guess you would wote for a "standard" system for your monetary system as well:
12 cents in a quarter
3 quarters in a dollar
1536 (or somethin) dollars in a thousand buck
I can handle the two systems (went to school inthe US) but prefer to use the one that is useful...
You really shouldn't have just assumed that he was correct about the growth rate etc. It is not good when you seem to corroborate incorrect statements.
E.g. Ireland Vs USA
GDP growth ~ 5% vs 4%
Unemployment 4.2% vs 5%
Poverty 10% vs 12%
Murder 0.09 per 100 people vs 0.4
Anyway RevMike you are a bad bad man. It may seem funny but it really is just trolling when you upset so many people.
Oh dear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._customary_unit
I won't comment any further, it really speaks for it self.
Perhaps more recent breeding habits have resulted in the majority of us in the civilized world to have 10 fingers and 10 toes, which makes the metric system easier to understand. In the U.S.A., however, there are regions where this is not necessarily the rule. It could imply that 1 foot = 12 inches makes sense.
An interesting corollary is that the same regions in the U.S. correspond to those that benefit from the U.S Electoral College System (cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Electoral_College) and might explain the dominance of Republicans in the U.S. government, and particularly the choice of president.
I was just a young lad when the US made a (futile) attempt to adopt the system of measurement used in the rest of the world (and used in all scientific methods; where accuracy is crucial).
The primary argument I heard was, "The metric system is too complicated!"
Granted, what was really behind this statement was: "It is too complicated to CONVERT between the two systems" because the US system is based on bizarre and variable benchmarks.
My reaction to that statement, regardless, was always, "You don't find any difficulty in counting American money, do you?"
Why do we have so much trouble accepting a system (based on tens) that is already so integral to our daily life?
Sometimes I am not so proud to be an American [:S]
Yeah!, all that 'Democracy" sh·t from the French Revolution!!!, bring the King back!
Agreed. Anyone expressing *any* extreme opinion, in fact.
I take it you aren't aware that the basis for all official measurements in the US is the metric system, then... Has been since the 1800's - and the US was one of the original signatories to the treaty of the metre. US units are defines in terms of their relation to the various SI units.
Ireland in the last decade has done particularly well righting the ship after centuries of complete and total mismanagement. Ireland, however, is a relatively small bright spot in a lackluster Europe.
The unemployment rate in the "Euro Area" as of September 2005 was 8.4% compared to 5.0% in the USA. France was at 9.4%. You are almost twice as likely to be unemployed in France than in the US. September data is not available for the UK, but the UK was at a very strong 4.6% in 2005.
Likewise, the GDP growth rate has consistently outstripped that of France and Germany as well as the UK: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/0/17/19230458.xls.
Come one, surely 295 Kelvin sounds even hotter.
Yeah, because... you can just never get more exactly.
You yanks can't even SPELL metric!
Anyway, the choice of units nicely mirrors the state of the society as a whole - confused & backwards. Oh, and obstinate too.
Uhm, I've driven through Sussex. Care to explain why you still keep up the signs with distances listed in miles? Hmm? Thought so.
Even if the math is right. And what was asked for.
There's a simpler way to solve this formula: x = (p * f) / t = (p) * (f/t) ... find the f/t ratio as a number and muliply the incoming variable by the resultant f/t you find with your pocket calculator. Put the formula to find f/t in your comments. (I've called the return x, the variable pounds p, and the factors f and t respectively.)
I'd still give this a WTF? Why is he making the computer figure out f/t every time? Do they teach Algebra in school anymore?
But 531 Rankine is even hotter than that!
Wrong answer. Thanks for playing!
What an insightful remark. Bravo!
Nobody does that, which is why the "standard" units don't define such a thing.
You buy a loaf of bread - I have never heard of any other unit used to describe bread. Now loafs are often of vary different sizes, there is no standard. If you think one loaf is too big/too small, you buy a different one, but it is still a loaf in size.
Cheese is sold by weight (generally not mass because they use a scale to measure it, not a balance - metric countries just have scales that do the conversion to mass automatically. Though some places to use balances to measure cheese)
Now try the same for 1/3rds. The "standard" system defines easy thirds for things that in the real world are divided into thirds. The measures that are never divided into thirds don't have easy thirds.
Nobody converts miles to feet or yards, so that the conversion is hard isn't important.
How many cm have you driven you car? You don't know, and you don't care.
Base-10 is really nice in that you can move the decimal place around to convert units. However generally you convert units because you are doing other math at the same time, and that other math is often harder in metric.
You're right.
We should all program in machine language and measure things by the length, mass, and volume of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. That would make life much simpler and we wouldn't have such arguments because everthing will be concrete.
NASA isn't a great example of best measurements, they have had issues with metric vs.standard.
"Anyone who voices an extreme opinion on Metric vs. Standard should be shot, in the face."
- I find that a opinion a little extreme :P
Adrienne Clarkson had to publicly appoligize to a high school sudent. He and his class were kicked out by their tour guide after he asked a question about spending.
As for the new one, I had never heard her name, although I had seen her face on TV, before she was announced as the next GG. She seems like a more interesting person tha Clarkson, but even less well suited.
The qualifications for the job seems to be "years of touchy-feely stories" on our state run TV station.
As has been said a couple times, the imperial measures are closely tied to the people (the folk) and the things they do. I've never mastered the system, but when it was the standard, people were able to convert feet to miles and other such things.
Metric is much more abstract, based on facilitating conversions and calculations.
As systems of measurement they are equal: A pound is a pound, a kilo is a kilo and the conversion between them is well known
I consider myself relatively fortunate, I'm tall (6'4" , its 1 thing I never express it in metric) and my foot is almost one foot long and the length of the first segment of my thumb is about 1 inch long.
I use feet, inches because they are intuitive but I measure them in metric: I think of an inch as 2.5 cm and a foot as 30cm
The biggest obstacle to the adoption of metric is the fact that everything that is currently sold by the pound will seem twice as expensive when sold by the kilo.
The USA has pretty strong ideas about freedom of choice (even if they can be hypocrits about it) and people will use what works best. Many countries in europe have different ideas about some kids of choice.
The funny thing is that lots of people using "Imperial" mesures are doing so by choice where as metric is used primarily by dictate.
No, he was right. Presure metals (such as Gold) are measured in Troy ounces, while everything else is measured in [I forget the name] ounces.
A troy ounce is 12 to the pound, everything else is 16. Don't ask me why, I don't know. We just do it that way.
Thank god there are people outside the US who understand this. The US is a large diverse country. We also have a rural controlled, tyrannical government. People from highly populated states have much less per-capita representation than those from low-population states. Like anywhere else in the world, people in rural areas tend to have a more narrow world-view than those from cosmopolitan areas. Also, brain-drain tends to take educated people from these low-pop. states and puts them in large-pop. states.
faster than lightspeed??? anyway 100 * 1000 / 3600 = 27,778 metres/second, which is difficult to compute by mind and can result in mistakes, like the one the former guy did. So, actually, he made his point clear...
You are right, however, the troy pound is lighter than the avoirdupois pound (the name you were searching for) so a pound of gold is lighter than a pound of gold even though an ounce of gold is heavier.
Damn, why does the captcha pass when you notice a typo as you press send?
I meant a pound of gold is lighter than a pound of feathers, obviously.
Oops. That's true. However, a pound of feathers (454 g) is heavier than a pound of gold (373 g).
It is C#, and the "m" defines the constant value of the number as a decimal type. I don't really understand why it is needed, since you declare the variable as a decimal in the first place, but I know the C# compiler bitches about invalid casting when you don't use it.
decimal num = 5; (invalid cast)
decimal num = 5m; (now you have a decimal of 5)
Like I said, doesn't make much sense to me, but that's what it is. Maybe someone else knows why?
All of the whining and flaming and confusion, stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it [:'(]
I especially love the 'USA against "the rest of the world" arguments' because they're not really arguments and they help us make fun of them.
@RevMike, either you have a terrible sense of humor,satire,etc or you actually believe what you say and that makes americans look very ID-otic to "the rest of the world".
And remember that you owe a lot to the french revolution, as it was a catalyst for many of todays democratic countries, including USA (if anybody can call it democracy what they have over there).
Rankine, what a funny sounding word. But Kelvins are the SI unit for temperature, right?
So because you don't get the joke, that means he has a bad sense of humor? "That's genius, bumpkin."
Wait, whose Mars lander didn't survive?
So, any joke must be a good joke?!?! "That's genius, bumpkin."
And another thing, get a history book, retard. The French revolution was after the American revolution and the American government was an inspiration for the French democracy. The French even gave us this really nice colossus. Perhaps you've heard of it. It's on an Island in the New York harbor area.
No but smart people with a good sense of humor are able to detect jokes whether they are good or not. So not getting the joke just means you are dumb.
So, just because you get the joke, you are smart, the joke is good and made by someone with a good sense of humour, and I am dumb. Nice logic. What are you? an american?
But no, smart people with good sense of humour are able to detect when a joke is too bad to be a joke at all.
I specifically stated the joke doesn't necessarily have to be good. Apparently you cannot follow a simple logical argument. Good luck with that.
So your basic premise is that if you don't understand someone, that means you are smarter than they are? That makes a lot of sense.
A contradiction (joke == not joke) is rarely a good way to prove a point.
True - then again, you wouldn't look that flash either if your head was shoved into parking meters and vending machines millions of times a day...
Ah, the selective memory. Let's look at America's history with Mars.
Mariner 3 (failed)
Mariner 8 (failed)
Mars Observer (failed)
Mars Climate Orbiter (failed, guess what, a software wtf involving...
Imperial to Metric conversion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Climate_Orbiter#The_metric_mixup)
Mars Polar Lander (failed)
Deep Space 2.(failed)
I'll never understand how someone can spew out bigoted remarks about Americans while expressing their supposed moral/intellectual superiority. Bigotry are stupid. You are a bigot. If I had my druthers, we'd tar and feather all the bigots and run them out of town on a rail.
You have a point in that yards and feet are easy to divide by three. But so are 90 cm and 30 cm. It's more about the numbers than about the units.
Apart from being divisible from three, U.S. customary units have no advantages whatsoever. You may say that it's in many cases not important that we can do conversion just by moving the decimal point. But even if it isn't, in those cases where it is it's a big advantage, and in the rest of the cases it's no disadvantage. You may say that your units are handy and more useful in everyday situations and for everyday objects, but that's just because you're used to them. The SI range of prefixes, together with halves and quarters, gives me approximate sizes for just about anything I come across daliy.
No sane person would prefer the "standard" system over SI, given no prior experience of either.
Probably because post too quickly. The captcha fails when you write a long rant and your session times out, I bet.
If so, this post should succeed...
Wasn't the beagle also a software error? My point wasn't that all American spacecraft are perfect, it's the implication that America going to the metric system would prevent all such failures is clearly false.
I don't people like you. You think bashing America endlessly is just fine but if anyone points out a flaw in your reasoning, that person becomes a flag-waving anti-world American jingoist. It's irrational emotional behavior. Don't you see that?
And no engineer worth his/her salt would use anything but SI for anything that mattered.
But in the sceheme of things, does it really matter if I buy fish by the pound or by the kilo? Does it matter if my speedometer has mph instead of kph (actually, all American cars have both.)
So you didn't like my little joke. Are you the dump that didn't get it or is my sense of humour bad? Do you see now how someone overreacts at bad jokes?
Yeah, but Prince Charles in no great catch either (other than the money, I guess.) He looks like the love child of Chuck 'E Chesse and Alfred E. Neuman.
It wasn't a reaction to the joke. It was everything else you have written.
Actually, I have to revisit this. If there's anything I hate more than bigotry, it's gotta be bullshit.
Where did I say anything about reacting to jokes? I only mentioned detection of them. This is more of the illogical crap that comes from unsupressed bigotry.