• Comment Man (unregistered)

    Sorry, but this story sounds made-up to me. First, he can't convince the dean that these programs are assignments. That alone is hard enough to believe. But then he gets a C because he had to delete the assignments...what? He couldn't just explain the situation to his professor and hand him the assignments? No, not buying it.

  • J (unregistered) in reply to Andy
    3) TRWTF was the network admin who reported me, who was not mentioned in Remy's version. Obviously "The Dean" was meant to take his place as the moron-who-can't-tell-computer-games-from-other-files, and he did so magnificently.

    Here's the problem with storytelling: When you mis-characterize a player in a story, it ruins the story.

    Deans wouldn't waste two seconds talking to a student about something like this unless it was tell the student, "Good luck with your next degree program." And that one line would literally be the extent of the conversation.

    It's a good story, and I don't doubt the that it did happen in some form (it being high school, I'm certain the administrators were as bone-headed as possible). But as laid out here, the freedoms taken unfortunately ruined the story.

    (Oh well, one bad day in three hundred and sixty-five? I wish I could be that consistent...)

  • (cs) in reply to Cheong
    This is unbelievable.

    Given the length of elementry C++ courses at the days, the compiled size tops at 500k even with debug information.

    Is there any network game that students have desire to play, have folder size less than 1 MB? If the network admin cannot get a hint, he deserved to be fired.

    Sounds like we've finally got ourselves a solution.

  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Any CS major in his final year deserves to be immediately flunked for the whole degree for writing a bubblesort. And thence also indelibly tattooed on the forehead with "Unfit to work in IT" or whatever. *Anyone* who still thinks a bubblesort is a cool idea in final year has tantamountly never learned anything since the first semester.
    Wait, so writing a bubble sort is the same as thinking a bubble sort is a cool idea?

    I'm confused...

  • (cs) in reply to Ron
    So it WAS embellished
    Hi, welcome to TheDailyWTF. ;)
  • Comment Man (unregistered)

    Ah, caught up on the thread now. My take: this was a crappy punch-up job. Without it, the story isn't much of a story, but with it, it's impossible to believe. Weak tea. Maybe the problem is that it isn't easy to find a good TDWTF story every day.

  • whiskeyjack (unregistered) in reply to Comment Man
    Comment Man:
    Ah, caught up on the thread now. My take: this was a crappy punch-up job. Without it, the story isn't much of a story, but with it, it's impossible to believe. Weak tea. Maybe the problem is that it isn't easy to find a good TDWTF story every day.

    Well, that's it exactly. It was a weak story to begin with.

    If that ever happened to me (taking the write-up at face value) I would immediately be having a conversation with the professor and maybe even bringing him in to see the dean with me to clear my name. At the very least I would explain it to the prof and hand in those assignments another way. The one thing I would NOT do is roll over and take the hit (which, as we learn from the comments, neither did the originator, as that part was what was made up).

    However, my observation of people's apparent (lack of) social skills these days suggests that there might soon come a time when just this sort of thing will happen because people are just too intimidated to speak up for themselves or go actually talk to people instead of ranting in anonymous forums.

    Something (vaguely) similar happened to me when I was in grade 7 and I used a school Apple ][ to present a slideshow for a science fair presentation. I had essentially written my own crude sort of PowerPoint to display a bunch of graphs and I needed to wheel one of the Apple ]['s from the school library to the gym where the science fair was being held. The librarian refused to let me use the computer on the grounds that "this isn't the appropriate time to be playing games". I tried to explain that I wasn't going to play games, I was going to run some programs that I wrote myself -- she didn't believe that either. So I showed her. And she was totally blown away. And I got to use the computer. At least until my disk started throwing up I/O ERRORs. Sigh.

  • Jerry (unregistered) in reply to Comment Man
    Comment Man:
    Maybe the problem is that it isn't easy to find a good TDWTF story every day.
    Yeah. Or maybe we're being punished today for hating on yesterday's story.
  • Not Really Remy (unregistered) in reply to whiskeyjack
    I tried to explain that I wasn't going to play games, I was going to run some programs that I wrote myself -- she didn't believe that either. So I showed her. And she was totally blown away. And I got to use the computer.

    Hmmm, that sounds plausible but it needs punching-up... How about this:

    "I tried to explain that I wasn't going to play games, I was going to run some programs that I wrote myself -- she didn't believe that either. So I showed her. And she was totally blown away. And I got to use the computer... Unfortunately, while I was doing this, the librarian arranged for all my family to be killed."

    There, that's better -- Remy

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Any CS major in his final year deserves to be immediately flunked for the whole degree for writing a bubblesort. And thence also indelibly tattooed on the forehead with "Unfit to work in IT" or whatever. *Anyone* who still thinks a bubblesort is a cool idea in final year has tantamountly never learned anything since the first semester.

    So if you were working in an environment where no sort function was available in the library, and you had a problem where you had to sort what you knew would be a max of 10 or 20 values in real life, you would write and debug a complex but more efficient sorting algorithm, because bubble sort is beneath our dignity? Sounds like a big waste of time to me.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Oh, here we go again. "This story can't possibly be true, because for something like that to have happened, a person in authority would have had to do something stupid and then refuse to admit his mistake. Or that a person wrongfully accused of breaking the rules would meekly accept an unjust punishment. And the idea of anything like THAT happenning is just unbelievable."

    My next rebuttal will be on those crazy stories about this supposed Hitler person. Like, you really expect me to believe that there are people in the world who are not nice and sweet and loving? How absurd!

    I love his multiple performances as "The Tramp". It's a shame that Bill Cosby bought the rights to all those films and refuses to let anyone purchase or play them.

    Hah hah! This has got to be material for a great conspiracy theory! How can you say that you believe this was a real person? We have the actor who played him right here! Or are you next going to tell me that before Hitler became a dictator, he was prospecting for gold in Alaska?

  • Foo Bar Bazil (unregistered)

    (1) Personally, I don't know how a "BubbleSort.exe" can be considered an assignment without turning in some source code. If I had to create an assignment to do a bubble sort and just turn in an executable, what's to stop me from using any old sort method? Sounds suspicous. (2) The network policy actually lets students post .exe files on the network? sounds like a receipe for virus infection. (3) The network admin scanned the folder, found .exe files, but didn't look at the file sizes? If this is an intro-level course, the 3 game assignments probably would not have been very complex and resulted in trivially small .exe files. Alternatively, if these were full-fledged graphics-and-animation-and-sound effects games, that's rather beyond the scope of an introductory level programming course.

  • (cs) in reply to Jay
    So if you were working in an environment where no sort function was available in the library, and you had a problem where you had to sort what you knew would be a max of 10 or 20 values in real life, you would write and debug a complex but more efficient sorting algorithm, because bubble sort is beneath our dignity? Sounds like a big waste of time to me.
    Think about it though. If you just spent the extra time to construct a quick sort or merge sort in this hypothetical-but-still-business-specific-with-many-possible-caveats environment, the total number of unnoticeable nanoseconds that the more-complex algorithm would save over a bubble sort in the lifetime of the application might almost add up to just barely more than the total amount of time you spent farting around with the implementation and maintenance of said complex sort.

    So in the end, wouldn't that make it all worth it?

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    I had a AP Computer Science class that ran the same way. We called it AP Quake 2.

  • H.P. Lovecraft (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Matt Westwood:
    Any CS major in his final year deserves to be immediately flunked for the whole degree for writing a bubblesort. And thence also indelibly tattooed on the forehead with "Unfit to work in IT" or whatever. *Anyone* who still thinks a bubblesort is a cool idea in final year has tantamountly never learned anything since the first semester.

    So if you were working in an environment where no sort function was available in the library, and you had a problem where you had to sort what you knew would be a max of 10 or 20 values in real life, you would write and debug a complex but more efficient sorting algorithm, because bubble sort is beneath our dignity? Sounds like a big waste of time to me.

    Yes. Total waste of time. Of course, using the cheapest, easiest solution that will never scale is the best way to do things. That way whenever you need to utilize the code again for a different or larger list, you're screwed and need to write a new sorter for that list. Then again the next time, and the next..

    There are many sorting algorithms that are as easy to write and debug as a bubblesort, but work much better. Even a simple insertion sort is a better option, and can be done with the same amount of code. Hell, a shell sort isn't much more complex and at least will yield o(n^2) performance.

  • ÃÆâ€℠(unregistered)

    i can haz new wtf?

  • anonymous (unregistered)

    Hrm, the fake story isn't believable. The real story isn't surprising.

    a) high school is filled with "bird" classes. Typically, even if you attempt to take all of the hardest classes, you still end up taking quite a few.

    b) high school network admins are idiots. all of them. This must be where you go after graduating from ITT Tech and you can't get a job anywhere else.

    c) Who didn't play computer games in their high school programming class? We played unreal tournament and.. achaea/aetolia.

    d) TRWTF: What kind of school buys zip disk drives?

  • LOL Chinese Restaurateur (unregistered) in reply to ÃÆâ€â„Â
    i can haz new wtf?
    HAI noe. but, i can haz chicken.
  • anonymous (unregistered) in reply to H.P. Lovecraft

    "Hell, a shell sort isn't much more complex and at least will yield o(n^2) performance."

    I hope thats a typo... seeing as bubble sort will also yield O(n^2) performance.

    Also, do you guys not realize that qsort is in stdlib? http://www.manpagez.com/man/3/qsort/

    There are very few situations where you should have to write your own sort outside of school.

  • (cs) in reply to anonymous
    There are very few situations where you should have to write your own sort outside of school.

    Truth^^. Your much more likely to have to implement comparison functions for use in library provided sorts.

  • Professional Rule Bender (unregistered)

    I had something similar at college, got called up over .exe files i'd created myself in my network storage (not an assignment, however the rules only banned external software so technically allowed)

    the network admin was clearly trying to find some way to justify telling me off for it, so i helped him out by asking why it was the tiny .exe files they noticed, rather than the 20+ requests/second hitting the proxy servers for hours on end (remote desktop control, polling for updates), which allowed a "umm ok, don't do it again and let's just leave it at that" type resolution

    although we did have a networking class where the tutor had a pile of Quake 2 CDs for "network load testing with real world traffic", we came up with lots of ideas for different network configurations that needed extensive testing...

  • (cs) in reply to Remy Porter
    Remy Porter:
    Am I the only one that thought this was related to diablo 2?

    Right publisher, wrong game. You get half credit for your "Obscure Video Game Reference" thread.

    Actually he's correct, there IS a cow level in D2.. And I guess those guys must have had some fun with a few crates of beer first before thinking that one up and recording the 'moos' .. :-)


  • The Dude (unregistered) in reply to Samuel Henderson
    Samuel Henderson:
    This is like Al Capone being brought in for tax evasion. Yeah, the things that he was busted for were not games, and yeah, the Dean didn't listen. But there was an eyewitness to the actual rule violation, for which there were no real consequences, and he got a C-- rather than an E for doing nothing at all in the class...insert your own <the real wtf> here.

    Except he didn't break any rules and he actually did do his work.

    But really, what kind of a student would just give up that easy (especially when it means going from an A to a C). Surely it would have been easier to get his teacher to step up for him and explain that those programs were all assignments... Easier still would be to just rename the files.

    Obviously the guy wasn't as good as he thought he was. If you spend all your time playing vid's, do you really expect to pass with full marks?

    Even when I was at Uni (which was ages ago) they had an assignment submission system. Nothing too fancy. It would copy your source, compile, run, check outputs and timestamp when you submitted the assignment. The fact that a student is expected to leave files in their home directory is what makes it sound like a fake.

  • (cs)

    ... that's it?

    Where's the part where he raised a stink and got the dean reprimanded for being an idiot, ignoring plainly evident facts and interfering with legitimate class requirements? Are college administrations actually this bone-headed in the States?

    In that case, I didn't even realize how good we have it.

  • dsag (unregistered)

    Doesn't really ring true, though, does it?

    Wouldn't he have left a whole bunch of cpp files for his professor to see? I don't think the professor would be interested in the exe's - he could compile them himself if he wanted anyway.

    Eityher Andy was an idiot, or this story has been exaggerated (or even made up) to a point where it is no longer identifiable...

  • James (unregistered) in reply to billy bob
    billy bob:

    my daddy named me william robert but all my frends call me billy bob. everyone says yall are right bollum smart. id like to get that innernet. can you help me get some of that interenet. i really would like that intnet cuz then i could send stuff to my babys mommas and do the ebay and whatvevr.

    thanks so much

    billy bob


    dunno how it fits in, but hahahahhahahahhaha

  • Slow (unregistered) in reply to x-sol
    That, and a written apology, emailed to my office, and I think we can put this whole ugly incident behind us.
    I would have considered sending a letter of apology saying "I am sorry that I did the course assignments".

    Totally would have considered it.

    Writing is the real WTF:

    WAC 434-610-025 No agency filings affecting this section since 2003 "Writing" defined.

    "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photographing, and every other means of recording any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, symbols, or combinations thereof, and all papers, maps, magnetic tape, punched cards, discs, drums, and other documents.

    Call me slow, but.... ...and every other means of recording any form of communication ....magnetic tape, punched cards, discs...

    Did I miss something? Have I gotten the total wrong end of the proverbial stick? Maybe I'm having a slow day?

  • Geronimo (unregistered) in reply to Matt
    American Maid:
    English Man:
    I got into computer programming because I wanted to make games, and I'm sure a lot of these kids were the same. So in a way, this is a bit like English students being told off for reading books.
    I learned more about how computers "think" (pedantic, stubborn, but obedient) from playing games than from my professors' assignments. But hey, we're not there to learn, are we? Just march through the mill and get your rubber stamp, so that future employers will know you are willing to march through their mill.
    You're supposed to self-study at college. Reading books or playing games might be valuable but do it on your own time... college-scheduled time you pay for is for structured work alongside your self-study.

    That may be how you blokes do it at your fancy English Universities like Oxford or Yale, but we Americans like to multitask our way through courses. Why else would they encorage us to bring out laptops to every class?

    Agreed (I'm commenting on this from my laptop in my CS "Intro to Data Structures" class. We're about two thirds of the way through the course and I'm finally starting to pick up material I didn't know already. I guess programming for five years prior will do that.

    I call shenanigans. I'd imagine five years programming would give you far more knowledge than is included in any Data Structures course. You might get to some data structures you don't use very often in the workplace, but I'd be surprised if someone with 5 years experience wasn't at least vaguely aware of them (which is about how thoroughly they seem to cover them)....

  • Johnny Walker (unregistered) in reply to danixdefcon5
    Reminds me of a lot of things: <snip> Now ... at college:
    • We had one class that was 3 hours long, and it mainly consisted in (not) learning how to use Macromedia Director, which isn't quite Flash, but more like that VideoWorks app I used on the Mac back in the 80's. Most of the first month was actually spent by most of us playing Quake2 matches... until one day, one of the dudes fragged the guy who was leading the match, and jumped from his seat shouting "GOT YA, MOTHERFUCKER!!!"

    ... needless to say, he lost 10 points from his grade. The teacher then got much more suspicious, and the Q2 matches were no more.

    That reminds me of a TV ad that they used show during the cricket.....

  • Bill G (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Matt Westwood:
    Any CS major in his final year deserves to be immediately flunked for the whole degree for writing a bubblesort. And thence also indelibly tattooed on the forehead with "Unfit to work in IT" or whatever. *Anyone* who still thinks a bubblesort is a cool idea in final year has tantamountly never learned anything since the first semester.

    So if you were working in an environment where no sort function was available in the library, and you had a problem where you had to sort what you knew would be a max of 10 or 20 values in real life, you would write and debug a complex but more efficient sorting algorithm, because bubble sort is beneath our dignity? Sounds like a big waste of time to me.

    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.

    Also, never, ever, ever, even when you are certain that nothing will ever change, assume that nothing will ever change. Incompetence in IT often comes from the fact that people are short-sighted (often consciously) - "Now this wouldn't be efficient if we had 10s of thousands of people using our site, but it's only ever going to be a few at a time". Things change! Programmers have to find a balance between programming with the possibility of change and creating bloated code with plenty of 'future proof' features, that allows enough future use without impacting significantly on development time, resource consumption or supportability....

  • Mike (unregistered) in reply to whiskeyjack
    If that ever happened to me (taking the write-up at face value) I would immediately be having a conversation with the professor and maybe even bringing him in to see the dean with me to clear my name. At the very least I would explain it to the prof and hand in those assignments another way. The one thing I would NOT do is roll over and take the hit (which, as we learn from the comments, neither did the originator, as that part was what was made up).

    You're near graduation and were seen by a network administrator breaking school policy by playing games on the school network. Do you:

    a. Get your professor and dean together for a meeting. During the meeting you explain the file name misunderstanding. Further, you provide an brilliant explanation of how you weren't technically breaking school policy, because Starcraft and Quake 2 were stored on a network folder. They recognize your cleverness, willingness to change the rules to fit your desires, and the enterprising approach you took to blowing off a class. You receive an A and are invited to receive an honorary doctorate for your courage.

    b. Get your professor and dean together for a meeting. During the meeting you explain the file name misunderstanding. When they point out you were seen playing Quake 2 on the same machine, you cleverly point out that you weren't technically breaking school policy. They then realize that you weren't just corrupting one machine, but instead, by putting them on network storage, you were corrupting the whole network! Buh bye, and good luck paying the $(X)XX,XXX in college loans.

    c. Suck it up and graduate. Learn lesson about what not to do.

  • Mike (unregistered) in reply to Bill G
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.
    for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
      for( j = i + 1; j < length; j++ ) {
        if( arr[i] > arr[j] ) {
          swap( arr, i, j );

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)

  • (cs) in reply to Bill G
    Bill G:
    Also, never, ever, ever, even when you are certain that nothing will ever change, assume that nothing will ever change.
    That's easy; if I am certain that nothing will ever change, I won't have any need to make such assumptions.

    If I know I don't need a complex solution, I don't waste time designing a complex solution. There's no sense in designing/coding for requirements that don't exist.

  • (cs) in reply to Geronimo
    I'm commenting on this from my laptop in my CS "Intro to Data Structures" class. We're about two thirds of the way through the course and I'm finally starting to pick up material I didn't know already. I guess programming for five years prior will do that.

    I call shenanigans...

    Really? And exactly what does he have to gain by deceiving us?
  • Matt (unregistered) in reply to Geronimo
    ]Agreed (I'm commenting on this from my laptop in my CS "Intro to Data Structures" class. We're about two thirds of the way through the course and I'm finally starting to pick up material I didn't know already. I guess programming for five years prior will do that.

    I call shenanigans. I'd imagine five years programming would give you far more knowledge than is included in any Data Structures course. You might get to some data structures you don't use very often in the workplace, but I'd be surprised if someone with 5 years experience wasn't at least vaguely aware of them (which is about how thoroughly they seem to cover them)....

    Perhaps I wanted some nice, easy credits to offset my slow death in annoying gen. ed. classes? Being a good programmer says nothing about my ability in chemistry, third-semester calculus, etc, all of which I simply hope to pass so I never have to take them again.

  • jason (unregistered)

    i call bs on this story

  • Wha? (unregistered) in reply to Matt
    ]Agreed (I'm commenting on this from my laptop in my CS "Intro to Data Structures" class. We're about two thirds of the way through the course and I'm finally starting to pick up material I didn't know already. I guess programming for five years prior will do that.

    I call shenanigans. I'd imagine five years programming would give you far more knowledge than is included in any Data Structures course. You might get to some data structures you don't use very often in the workplace, but I'd be surprised if someone with 5 years experience wasn't at least vaguely aware of them (which is about how thoroughly they seem to cover them)....

    Perhaps I wanted some nice, easy credits to offset my slow death in annoying gen. ed. classes? Being a good programmer says nothing about my ability in chemistry, third-semester calculus, etc, all of which I simply hope to pass so I never have to take them again.

    What on earth are you talking about?

    Of course being a good programmer says nothing about Chem, Calc etc, but I would think being a good programmer would have some reflection on your knowledge of Data Structures.

    Or maybe you didn't read either post....

  • George (unregistered) in reply to Mike
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.
    for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
      for( j = i + 1; j < length; j++ ) {
        if( arr[i] > arr[j] ) {
          swap( arr, i, j );

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)

    Most Intuitive? I think the OP was suggesting that if you don't care about efficiency, there might be equally simple ways that are more obvious (eg iterate through array repeatedly, removing the lowest value and adding it to another array). Good? No. Easy? Yes. Easy to follow (inuitive)? Yes.

    Frankly, whacking all the values into a binary tree and removing them inorder would be as little effort anyways (especially in a lanuage where wuch data structures are available).

  • Snotty (unregistered) in reply to boog
    Bill G:
    Also, never, ever, ever, even when you are certain that nothing will ever change, assume that nothing will ever change.
    That's easy; if I am certain that nothing will ever change, I won't have any need to make such assumptions.

    If I know I don't need a complex solution, I don't waste time designing a complex solution. There's no sense in designing/coding for requirements that don't exist.

    If you know that nothing will ever change, you don't belong in IT.

  • (cs) in reply to Medinoc
    Skipped the comments: The real WTF
    Yep, it sure is.
  • (cs) in reply to Snotty
    If you know that nothing will ever change, you don't belong in IT.
    Fair enough, it was a bad choice of words.

    I should have said "...if I am certain that something will never change...".

  • (cs) in reply to Mike
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.
    for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
      for( j = i + 1; j < length; j++ ) {
        if( arr[i] > arr[j] ) {
          swap( arr, i, j );

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)

    qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] qsort [] = [] qsort (p:xs) = (qsort (filter (<p) xs)) ++ [p] ++ (qsort (filter (>=p)) xs)

  • Rewrites (unregistered) in reply to MuTaTeD
    A true story that happened to yours truly In my final year of the CS program at the University where we had Windows based network and exchange emails tied to our accounts, I once forgot to sign out after working in the lab (or may be some stupid program stuck) when going home (I know my mistake not checking if it logged out completely). Anyway a friend of mine sitting next to me at the time noticed and opened my email account and sent an email in which I apparently abused myself to six fellow friends. Any way next morning I come in as we had a lab scheduled and was surprised to find that my account was locked out, I went to the administrator and asked why was it locked, he said mass abusive mailing (one touchly feely guy reported it), By the way I had noticed that the machine i tried to long into, gave me an error that the keyylogger service failed to start.

    Now the administrator said that you mass emailed from your account and I said no, and he said that you gave the password to some one else and I said no and then I said that there are keyloggers installed on machines and maybe thats how someone knew my password and he is like there is no way that a keylogger is installed on any of the computers in his labs and I said I can take you to the machine rite now. So I am with the admin and he asks me to login, I tell him that login your self as my account is locked, remember but he is too afraid so he asks a passing student to login.

    Anyway the same message comes up and now he is like that you are part of the gang that install keyloggers on the network machines and now there is a falling out in your gang and some one has hacked ur account, how else would you know that there is keylogger installed on this system. And tell me the names of all your gang members or else your account is locked for atleast a month and I am also fwding a case for academic waring etc etc.

    So next day I had a meeting with my professor (who happened to overlook all the lab stuff etc) and he asked what happened to the task that I assigned you and I was like my account was locked and told him the whole story, so he calls in the admin and bullshits him rite there with me sitting in the office. Needless to say my account was unblocked instantly...

    Next time around I was searching for some music by I dont even remember who and I felt a tap on my shoulder and lo and behold the admin is standing there and asks me what are you doing and I kept my cool and said just researching for my French class ;) Never had my account blocked again for the rest of my time in the University and the admin left soon after that

    Congratulations, you have just provided the perfect example of why rewrites are required.

  • Spike (unregistered) in reply to Geronimo
    American Maid:
    English Man:
    I got into computer programming because I wanted to make games, and I'm sure a lot of these kids were the same. So in a way, this is a bit like English students being told off for reading books.
    I learned more about how computers "think" (pedantic, stubborn, but obedient) from playing games than from my professors' assignments. But hey, we're not there to learn, are we? Just march through the mill and get your rubber stamp, so that future employers will know you are willing to march through their mill.
    You're supposed to self-study at college. Reading books or playing games might be valuable but do it on your own time... college-scheduled time you pay for is for structured work alongside your self-study.

    That may be how you blokes do it at your fancy English Universities like Oxford or Yale, but we Americans like to multitask our way through courses. Why else would they encorage us to bring out laptops to every class?

    Agreed (I'm commenting on this from my laptop in my CS "Intro to Data Structures" class. We're about two thirds of the way through the course and I'm finally starting to pick up material I didn't know already. I guess programming for five years prior will do that.

    I call shenanigans. I'd imagine five years programming would give you far more knowledge than is included in any Data Structures course. You might get to some data structures you don't use very often in the workplace, but I'd be surprised if someone with 5 years experience wasn't at least vaguely aware of them (which is about how thoroughly they seem to cover them)....

    well i don't know about matt's case, but a data structures course usually includes graphs, and graph theory, and how a tree is really a directed graph that doesn't have any links back 'up' the tree (i can't remember the academic term for this).

    I had learned most of my programming on my own before i even entered college, but 5 years of programming pre-school, whether it was an actual job, or self study, is unlikely to expose said programmer to everything in a Data Structures course. I, for example, had never even heard of a directed graph before that class, even though i had read a total of ~5000+ pages of programming text books before even entering college.

    So i can believe it, especially since the only time directed graphs were even discussed during college, was in data structures, and theory of computing.

  • Matt (unregistered) in reply to Spike
    I call shenanigans. I'd imagine five years programming would give you far more knowledge than is included in any Data Structures course. You might get to some data structures you don't use very often in the workplace, but I'd be surprised if someone with 5 years experience wasn't at least vaguely aware of them (which is about how thoroughly they seem to cover them)....

    well i don't know about matt's case, but a data structures course usually includes graphs, and graph theory, and how a tree is really a directed graph that doesn't have any links back 'up' the tree (i can't remember the academic term for this).

    I had learned most of my programming on my own before i even entered college, but 5 years of programming pre-school, whether it was an actual job, or self study, is unlikely to expose said programmer to everything in a Data Structures course. I, for example, had never even heard of a directed graph before that class, even though i had read a total of ~5000+ pages of programming text books before even entering college.

    So i can believe it, especially since the only time directed graphs were even discussed during college, was in data structures, and theory of computing.

    Thanks for that. My programming was completely out of school. I'm mostly self taught, and was on a high school robotics team (where your code is generally pretty low-level stuff - map this joystick axis to these wheels with some PID control maybe) and had an Software Engineering internship this summer. I was familiar with linked lists, stacks, queues, and the like, but not stuff like red-black trees, hashing, etc. I never really needed that in any of my small personal projects or robotics, and at work I'd just use standard libraries.

  • Ben (unregistered) in reply to Mike
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.
    for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
      for( j = i + 1; j < length; j++ ) {
        if( arr[i] > arr[j] ) {
          swap( arr, i, j );

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)


    sort [] = []
    sort (p:xs) = sort [x | xs, x < p] ++ [p] ++ sort [x | xs, x >= p]

    That's quicksort in Haskell. I mean, it's pretty trivial to memorize: you grab your first element as a pivot, then the result is the concatenation (++) of "sort everything less than pivot", "the pivot", and "sort everything greater than pivot".

  • Michael (unregistered) in reply to Bobbo
    There were plenty of birds in my class at school. That's a very sexist word though.
    That's what I thought when I read the words "bird class". I wouldv'e thought it might be hard to find an Ornithology class in college.
  • (cs) in reply to Mike
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.
    for( int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++ ) {
      for( j = i + 1; j < length; j++ ) {
        if( arr[i] > arr[j] ) {
          swap( arr, i, j );

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)

    do {
    } while (!arr.sorted());
  • Anonymous Bystander (unregistered) in reply to American Maid

    TRWTF - no-one commented about the following:

    American Maid:
    That may be how you blokes do it at your fancy English Universities like Oxford or Yale, but we Americans like to multitask our way through courses. Why else would they encorage us to bring out laptops to every class?

    When did Yale University move to England ?

    ( and on the off-chance it refers to Yale College - that isn't in England either, it's in Wales... )

    I'm assuming the post was intented to be ironic, poking fun at some traditional stereotypes, but if no-one comments, doesn't that justify those very stereotypes...

  • (cs) in reply to Mike
    Bill G:
    If bubble sort was the easiest, most intuitive algorithm to implement, I'd say you had a point. I think there are far easier algorithms to implement even in the case where you knew there would only be 10 or 20 elements to sort.

    I'd like to see your simpler algorithm. (And no, calling a library function does not count.)

    Call Vietnamese monks. 

    There beat that.

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