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Are you for real?
Wasn't the SEALED bag as much his property as his coat? Would his coat become property of his company if he put it in his desk drawer? If someone store his wallet in his desk drawer, is it ok for his boss to take it and claim property of its content for the company?
people like you are runing the world
seriously, who hasn't done something like Derek?
If I rent an apartment with furniture, can the landlord snoop in the closet or fridge in my apartment ? After all, he owns the stuff, so it is his fridge.
I know that in France, putting [personal] in the subject of an email (or anything that obviously means personal) makes it illegal for the employer (or anyone else in the company) to read it. I'm just guessing, but the logical deduction would be that the notion of "obviously personal" also applies to a locked drawer in a desk you're the only one to use.
For rented stuff like a flat, it's even more obvious, since there is a contract that stipulates you have exclusive use for it.
I think the general rule is privacy overseeds property. But also I think those are the cases where the judge decides supposedly using his common sense.
The part you are missing : sex is taboo in US
Thanks a lot Mikoangelo, you just made me spit coffee all over my desk! You sir, win some internets.
So we have a situation where one nerd was concerned that a second nerd may be getting more than the other nerds. This despite the fact that the second nerd had to give it to himself to get it. So the first nerd decided to stick his nose in and give the second something he didn't want to get.
P.S. if you give a s*** and got to here then this is hitting way too close to home. Thus the question is who do you identify with? NERD #1: corporate brown-noser NERD #2: pervert
Seems a little odd that they would break open a desk, presumably destroying company property, when the person with the key was available. I can't imagine vandalizing company property before making a serious effort to find a way to get the task done without doing damage.
That's just silly. Sex is beautiful and one should have as much of it as possible. If you're married, that is.
And how long should the moving crew stand around with their [tt]thumbs[/tt] up their [tt]noses[/tt] waiting for someone who couldn't be bothered to clean out his desk before a move, or even unlock it? Cheaper to trash the desk than to hold up the job.
Time is money on this sort of job. I've seen walnut conference tables chainsawed to get them down a dump chute, because the cost of salvage was higher than the salvage value.
Do you feel better yet?
Nothing funny about it. Everyone has their own value system. Korea people love eat dogs. Do you? You like eating beef. I don't. Get the point, smartee pants?
When I hover my cursor over "turkey baster" the tooltip says "Click me". Well I did, and now there are unicorns all over my screen. Really. (I'm using Chrome).
Captcha - delenit
I tried delenit, but the Unicorn still did not disappear. I had to refresh the page.
Just read the source html on the article, and the programmer's comments are every funnier! Thanks for the laughs :)
On the flip side, there was no reason to expect that there WAS anything personal in the drawer until it was opened. And even then, the bag could have held company property. There was no way of knowing until the drawer was open and the bag examined. And he definitely (well, based on the story) had enough notice to know that he should have cleared his desk beforehand.
Only if you're doing it right.
In Norway, employers get of trouble for snooping in email that seems private, and I would assume the same for an opaque plastic bag. Even when it was open, Alistair had a choice, be discreet, or tell the closest manager. When that didn't work, she/he kept telling, like a ten year old telling on its siblings. Damn, Alistair is certainly not the funny one at the office party!
I call SHENANIGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The increasingly lame postings on this site are beginning to make me reconsider coming by here. Was the censoring supposed to be funny? Because all I got was obnoxious.
I knew what it meant and I'm a horrible cook. Have microwave dinners really dumbed down our generation that much?
The uncensored version would have been easy to read, but it wouldn't have been very funny, just a story about finding a dildo in an old desk. Since this is a humor website, they went for the version that was funny.
Oh, and the word "internet" as you are using it is a proper noun, so it should be capitalized.
How so?
how's alex's ass taste? salty?
I'd like to contrast this sort of thing with a place I used to work, which was pretty laid-back. Several guys there were pr0n-collectors, including one guy whose legendary collection consisted of the main lot of pr0n in his home office, the spare pr0n in the attic, and a load of emergency backup pr0n in the garage. He was The Man. We were in awe of him.
The censorship shouldn't have been done. Censoring is a behavior of an opinion of only a part of society. The message loses on value when it's changed. No one should give themselves a right to change it. You grow up, you fucking suck up.
George, you're kissing ass.
Fuck you, motherfucker. That was uncalled for. Dick!
That's not courtesy... That's bullshit. All censorship is wrong and utterly indefensible, be it a blog post or a forum thread. It's not the person who uses explicit language that's wrong, it's the person who takes offense to it. At the very least provide a link to the original version of the post.
surely Derek is the only only that wants to be penalized
Probably he is just North American.
Glad I read all the comments before commenting myself because I thought the same thing. Most of the readers here are engineers, and I am not saying I always like HR or Legal, but there is the real WTF . All these people saying live and let live , have never been on the other end of a lawsuit.
If it's my site, I decide what goes there. Period. You don't like, start your own site and post what you want.
Also note that any post that's submitted is subject to editing for various reasons. That fact that he chose to replace certain words and phrases for humorous effect and/or to prevent his readers' employers from blocking the page completely is not censorship.
So YOU grow up, you fucking simple-minded fucktard fuckity-fuck fuckerballs, and get over you petty indignation over something that doesn't matter and learn the difference between censorship and editing.
There's a difference between censorship and editing, moron.
And no, not all censorship is wrong. Even if this were censorship (which it's not), as the owner of the site, Alex has the right to decide what's acceptable and what's not. You don't like it, start your own site.
you're a retard.
you're a retard. the stuff that comes out of your mouth uncalled for is so filthy that you'd barely be worth the spit that I'd gladly project to your face. go fuck yourself.
One persons freedom ends where another persons freedom begins. Or as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.said: "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." Your freedom to spout whatever you wants ends at my freedom to not have to listen to it. That is why one cannot yell "Fire!" in a movie theatre.
Besides, it was just funnier this way.
Much funnier - muhahahah
TRWTF is the censorship. It was hard to "decode" those replacements. Boring. Why don't you just mark NSFW on the link, so if someone is accessing the site from office, they don't click it.
FYI That is racism. You have no reason to call your culture as being superior to some other culture. Grow up, kid. We don't all live in America.