• Steve (unregistered)

    Well, they're hardly going to allow HTML in their message box!


  • (cs)

    I'd pay $70 for Legos. I don't care. Call my crazy, but I'd do it.

    What is that anyway? A spaceship? So cool...

  • (cs)

    Real geeks use ❤.

  • Kluge Doctor (unregistered)

    This comment should only be read on the second Thursday of each week.

  • JD (unregistered)

    The Yahoo Messenger one is pretty obvious - the little yellow guy is happy that, since the installation failed, his computer is not infested with crappy Yahoo spyware. I'd be happy to, after coming so perilously close to actually installing that junk.

  • Mike (unregistered)

    Real geeks use ASCII art (and have a lot of misplaced love):


  • (cs)

    Presumably that HSBC page would have:

    1. A list of contact numbers/email addresses/etc.

    2. A form to email queries.

    Why deny access to either when they are out of hours (I'm ignoring the obvious WTF about the times)? It makes no sense.

    Any comments about the URL of this article?

    Addendum (2008-10-23 08:19): Presumably that HSBC page would have:

    1. A list of contact numbers/email addresses/etc.

    2. A form to email queries.

    Why deny access to either when they are out of hours (I'm ignoring the obvious WTF about the times)? It makes no sense.

    Any comments about the URL of this article? I'm still waiting to see what 603 is.

    Addendum (2008-10-23 08:19): Damnit, my bad, too clicky.

  • (cs)

    This comment can be read between 0am and 0am.

  • Warp (unregistered)

    What do you mean there's something wrong with <3? That is the uber-geeky way of expressing your love to your geeky gf.

  • (cs) in reply to Warp
    What do you mean there's something wrong with <3? That *is* the uber-geeky way of expressing your love to your geeky gf.

    Everyone knows it's a good idea to entity-encode all doubtful characters to avoid any ambiguity or errant control characters in the gender-to-gender transport layer.

    TRWTF is he didn't use unicode.

  • Easy Bud (unregistered)

    All this fuss about proofreading suggests you must have lived back in the time when people actually did things. Now, writers pretend to write books, publishers pretend to publish them, teachers pretend to teach, and students pretend to read. But no one bothers to actually do anything. So relax already.

    And tell everyone you're going to vote for the guy who acts like he will actually have any power to do anything once he gets in. But stay home and sleep in. No one will know.

  • buffalo cobol (unregistered)

    The refractive index is equal to the ratio of the wave speeds in the two media. That is: Error!

    Interesting way to teach.

  • (cs) in reply to Warp
    What do you mean there's something wrong with <3? That *is* the uber-geeky way of expressing your love to your geeky gf.
    I agree. If she understands it, marry her NOW.
  • Tobias (unregistered)

    Actually, the "<3" in the title shows up as <3 in the RSS-feed, too =)

  • Someone (unregistered)

    The smiley face seems to be spewing those ribbons from its mouth... maybe it's sick over the failled install.

  • (cs) in reply to jordteic
    I'd pay $70 for Legos. I don't care. Call my crazy, but I'd do it.

    What is that anyway? A spaceship? So cool...

    What would you do with a SENTAI FORTRS? I'd rather go for the MNDSTRM. At least it can be programmed.

  • (cs)

    An mp5 player? Oohhh...I've always wanted one of those.

  • Captcha alert (unregistered)

    Our friend "wholesale" is trying, in its own braindead way, to inform us that having a 4-character lower case captcha with a vocabulary of only about 200 words is a WTF of its own.

  • Andrés (unregistered)

    But objects cannot be created from editing field codes. It's been tested in the lab. That's good physics.

  • zaphod (unregistered)

    See? That's what happens when you make creationist revisions to school text books.

  • Abby (unregistered)

    I don't get it. What's wrong with the book? Is it missing an apo'strophe?

  • causa (unregistered)

    True geeks would have sent:


  • Gorfblot (unregistered)
    Are you looking for Wholesale Specials every week?

    I suspect this was a poor choice of forums to spam.

  • Dirk Diggler (unregistered) in reply to spxza
    An mp5 player? Oohhh...I've always wanted one of those.
    I want an mp11.
  • saepius (unregistered)
    ...Eight out of ten Spaniardscheap digital camerasdigital camera storesbought tickets for the lottery...

    you know, that is always good to know... WTF don't these spammers READ what their programs output? This is TRWTF®

  • Ken B (unregistered) in reply to rbonvall
    What do you mean there's something wrong with <3? That *is* the uber-geeky way of expressing your love to your geeky gf.
    I agree. If she understands it, marry her NOW.
    For my 32nd birthday, a female co-worker got a cake with "Happy $20th birthday" on it. (It really confused the guy at Carvel. She told him "don't worry about it, just do it".)

    BTW, I'm now married to her.

    And BTW, 2 is "<3".

  • Ken B (unregistered)
    Anyone here who can delete that post?
  • Ken B (unregistered) in reply to Dirk Diggler
    Dirk Diggler:
    An mp5 player? Oohhh...I've always wanted one of those.
    I want an mp11.
    There are 10 types of people in this world...
  • SysKoll (unregistered)

    "objects cannot be created from editing field codes"

    Aaaand that's why you should not use MS-Word for complex projects. It offers so many way to screw yourself up.

  • saepius (unregistered) in reply to Ken B
    Ken B:
    Anyone here who can delete that post?

    I say remove the links and blue hilight it! it's the funnier than the artical if you try to read it <3 ;)

  • Abby (unregistered) in reply to Ken B
    Ken B:
    For my 32nd birthday, a female co-worker got a cake with "Happy $20th birthday" on it.

    BTW, I'm now married to her.

    So I guess she got her $20 worth?

  • Bill Himnotme (unregistered) in reply to SysKoll
    Aaaand that's why you should not use MS. It offers so many ways to screw yourself up.
    Fixed that for you.

    Plus, if you don't screw yourself, it offers so many ways for everyone else on the internet to do you. What is it now, 130 critical patches for "our most secure OS yet"?

  • Frost (unregistered)

    So what's the WTF with the legos, the fact that "Save $-49" isn't accurate?

  • Machtyn (unregistered) in reply to Kluge Doctor
    Kluge Doctor:
    This comment should only be read on the second Thursday of each week.

    The 2nd Thursday of each week?

  • (cs) in reply to Someone
    The smiley face seems to be spewing those ribbons from its mouth... maybe it's sick over the failled install.
    I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who thought the smiley was spewing.
  • notme (unregistered) in reply to spxza
    An mp5 player? Oohhh...I've always wanted one of those.

    "MP5-player"? Is that some fancy euphemism for a trigger-happy soldier?

  • HughG (unregistered)

    I saw the following grafitti on a lamp post near my house (Edinburgh, Scotland) recently, written as a single column of characters, in black marker pen:

    X Y < 3 A B

    (initials changed to protect the guilty)


  • Arlen (unregistered)

    I'd argue that is more geeky, and hence, more romantic.

  • (cs)

    This article should've been titled "I <3 WTFs."

  • someguy (unregistered) in reply to spxza
    An mp5 player? Oohhh...I've always wanted one of those.
    that's supposed to be "an mp5, playa."

    captcha: vindico

  • (cs)

    What the hell is a Boxing Day? A holiday in which everyone can wear huge gloves and punch everyone else on the face? Maybe it's the day everyone put assorted junk from their home and work in boxes?

  • scav (unregistered) in reply to Smash King
    Smash King:
    What the hell is a Boxing Day? A holiday in which everyone can wear huge gloves and punch everyone else on the face?

    In Scotland, yes.

  • (cs) in reply to scav
    Smash King:
    What the hell is a Boxing Day? A holiday in which everyone can wear huge gloves and punch everyone else on the face?
    In Scotland, yes.
    You need special days for that in Scotland?
  • (cs) in reply to Ken B
    Ken B:
    For my 32nd birthday […] "Happy $20th birthday" […]
    I will be celebrating my 100000th birthday in two months. :)
  • (cs) in reply to Ken B
    Ken B:
    For my 32nd birthday, a female co-worker got a cake with "Happy $20th birthday" on it.
    Hexing your cake and eating it too?
  • Stewie (unregistered) in reply to JD
    The Yahoo Messenger one is pretty obvious - the little yellow guy is happy that, since the installation failed, his computer is not infested with crappy Yahoo spyware. I'd be happy to, after coming so perilously close to actually installing that junk.
    I thought maybe the purple streamers coming out of his mouth was puke.
  • mauhiz (unregistered)

    Real geeks don't even have girlfriends to send whatever geekiness to :(

    Though it would be so lovely to receive a message like '%love%'

  • Bez (unregistered)

    "Hexing your cake" snort C|N>K

    I suppose there's several religious groups that would seriously object to your wife-to-be hexing your cake....

    Captcha veniam. Veniam? From venio, "I come/approach"? Hm...

  • (cs)

    Christ. Considering the exorbitant prices of textbooks, I would definitely contact the publisher of that book and demand either a refund or a corrected version.

  • (cs) in reply to Bill Himnotme
    Bill Himnotme:
    Aaaand that's why you should not use computers. It offers so many ways to show how stupid you are.
    Fixed that for you.

    Plus, if you don't show how stupid you are, it offers so many ways for everyone else on the internet to know how stupid you are. What is it now, 130 times I've senselessly and needlessly bashed MS for my own stupidity?


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