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@accalia approves of this spellaring!
Not spellaring. The file was owned by root.
hmm... not specified in story..... but plausible given story....
I'll accept that weasel explanation. ;-)
so long as @remy, et. al. doesn't edit the article to change the word used before (or just after) it goes live
Never expected to see an article which shouldn't be public until two days later...
http://what.thedailywtf.com/t/how-to-validate-a-url/7745?u=aliceif yw And according to UTC, it was actually already visible for me yesterday. Which means, 4 days ahead.
paula bean is further ahead than usual right now.
seeing the articles early is a little perk we who set the articles category to watching get. we see articles early. :-D
My brain seems to be stuck in my local time (UTC +8... or is it GMT +8 again?). I think maybe I should switch to Joda-Time.
Both are, to within a second, the same all year round.
I'm trying something a little new. I personally prefer to get the queue set up for the week all in one go, but that means people who watch the forums get "sneak previews". I'm not sure if we'll keep doing it this way or not, but we'll see.
Frist! Kind of...
If you aks me the WTF here is that he took that kind of crap and "scurried" away. What a bunch of morons.
From the article you linked:
I didn't know English-French mutual hatred lasted even in 70s...
Tasty time!
You seem to be implying it stopped...
I... I'm sorry. But I'm hardwired to do this!
BTW, I think CUT would be better acronym than UTC. Especially if they insisted on pronouncing it as "cute".
It was visible to me five minutes after I got the approval for submitting it ;) Though it used to say "Not scheduled" and now it has tomorrow's date. Seems like the security needs tightened...
Ah, nope :) I was running late getting out the door and didn't finish reading. Mea culpa
TRWTF is not being a Luddite who only uses interoffice mail, but using it as an excuse to not respond to memos.
The concept of "Not Listed" in discourse doesn't seem to mean what the words mean. I know we've talked about this before.
So Brandon communicates as tersely as possible, but leaves incriminating notes in a shared spreadsheet? Most odd.
I saw a variation of this one time. Two bosses: Mr. F, and his boss, Mr. B. Mr. B hired Dean and then informed Mr. F that Dean was on his team. Mr. F didn't like that a bit, and made it pretty clear by assigning various scut work for Dean to do.
About two months later, Mr. B resigned after a customer dispute. Dean got his pink slip from Mr. F the next day.
One of the best feelings in the world:
Knowing that if I were in that situation, I could pick up my things, head for the door, and move on with my life.
Shouldn't clive have escalated those issues to management if his boss wasn't allowing him to do his job?
oh...... he did..... :frowning:
i liked the other spelling.
Email from Brandon: "See me." "Senior management says you’re harassing them. They have no interest in your trivial problems.”
I’m just imagining the fun Dutch-speakers would have with the pronunciation of that abbreviation.
That would likely happen, yeah.
if he harasses senior management enough he might actually be able to get fired for doing his job :P
Coordinated UNiversal Time?
That is assuming he knew who management was ... Brandon never told him, yeah?
I wonder where he could find that info...
I'm still amused by the major world leader whose name sounds like "pootin'."
No, they where founding members but left the operational military part (SHAPE) in the 60ties after France developed their own nuclear programme. They did remaining active in the diplomatic part. But SHAPE and NATO HQ where forced to move from France to Belgium. OTAN is Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord or the literal translation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Just like the UN is Nations-Unie in French.
UE is backwardized, too
It doesn't matter all that much in summer either. Except it's warmer.
Not to forget the small contretemps between 1337 and 1453, which, due to the limited understanding of arithmetic in thsoe days, became known as the 100 years war.
No, it doesn't. It turns into BST.
Protip: non-ignorant people know what BST is. Ignorants don't.
(While ignoring the context of the post I'm replying to)
GMT does nothing in the summer, and telling ignorant people it goes forward an hour "sometime around Easter" and back "sometime around Halloween" isn't dealing with the ignorance, and is merely perpetuating it.
If I wasn't on mobile, I'd be making a nice little blakeyrant right now. So I'll just say that, even though I absolutely know you're trolling me right now, it's very mean to not listen to someone, especially to not listen and make remarks meant only to put the person in bad light. I mean, putting in bad light isn't a bad thing in itself, but only if it's truthful and relevant to discussion. Yours is neither, and it makes me sad, sad panda.
This inspired a trivia question that I contributed a few years ago to a Usenet quiz. Let's see if I can reconstruct the way it was worded:
I do love being ignorant. For my whole life I've been convinced that BST was GMT+1 hour. Please could you update this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Summer_Time which was obviously written by people as ignorant as myself, misled by the words of the British government who defined the start and end times of BST in terms of GMT, and then the whole world won't make the same mistake?
The sole fact that you heard about BST makes you non-ignorant in this case.
What PJH means is, GMT is always the same time. The UK's observed timezone changes from GMT (= UTC) to BST (British Summer Time = UTC + 1) in the summer, while GMT continues being the same as UTC, but the UK is no longer using it.