Jake Vinson

Sep 2007

Your CAPTCHA Hates You

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Brandon got it wrong the first time when it was "UIDIOT":

Taking a Long Trip

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Hopefully Nicole had a good time on a long trip she took:

Pay the Bills, Bill

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Joe A. recently had some troubles at work. Joe works for a company that runs scrolling marquee signs using a markup language similar to HTML. It's a small company, run by two guys we'll call Tom and Bill.

Tom is the technical lead and main owner. The business was his idea to begin with. Bill, on the other hand, came from an accounting background and doesn't have much technical knowledge. Joe, as a technical guy, always reported to Tom.

My Keyboard Doesn't Look Like That

by in Error'd on

From Christopher:


by in Error'd on

From David W.: "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN. MAN WALKS ON MOON. ATOMIC BOMB DROPPED ON HIROSHIMA. Great news headlines grab our attention, tell us in seconds how our world has changed, and stay with us for decades. Google News's interpretation of a San Francisco Chronicle story, however, will most likely fail to stand the test of time."

The Best of Both Worlds

by in Error'd on

Ever wanted your .mp3 file to play like an .mp3 file? Well, now you can have it both ways!

Ph33r my 5k1llz!

by in CodeSOD on

I hate the final stretch of a project; it's when all the minor bugs that I've been putting off fixing need to get fixed. An anonymous submitter that we'll call Scott was brought on for the final round of fixes of a large, vendor-built application.

Scott's first task was to fix a simple little issue in the admin section of the site. He opened the project and read an ominous line of code right at the top of the file:

One at a Time, Please

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Imagine how much easier your job could be. Imagine no meetings, no signatures on change control paperwork, no code written by people other than you. Imagine being able to just log in to the production server to make a quick fix. Imagine being able to log in to the database server to manually fix some data.

Well, someone at the big bank David works at had the same idea. Checks and balances are for wimps. And out of this idea, Visual Basic for Databases was born. Developed internally (and not to be confused with commercial products with the same name that for all I know are good), VBDBs gave the user total control over the data using a VB-powered Excel spreadsheet.

Searching... 1,091 Stone Tablets Found

by in Error'd on

Ahh, 6142 years ago, when the internet was still in its infancy.

(submitted by Nick)

Same Old, Same Old

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Today's highly inappropriate ad being run under a very sad headline comes to us from Justin:

CSI: Server Room

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Sometimes in IT, we have to be dicks. Like private dicks, I mean. Like Dick Tracy dicks. What did you think I meant?

Well, DickNick H. found himself wrapped up in an IT investigation that not only had intrigue and mystery, but trickery and knavery! It all started when Nick was working on a web project at his firm in the UK. The setup phase had gone well; they had a dev server, source control, and backup servers. They'd hired contractors to make some modifications to the building, adding network ports, cabling, and installing server cabinets. They received a 1Tb NAS drive, installed it, set it up to receive backups, and all their testing of the backups went well. Nick insisted on a trinagulated backup plan, so all their files would be backed up remotely, as well.

Slightly Excessive

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When Mario W.'s company was approached by a mega not-for-profit organization for a brochure and web site, they were excited. The organization worked for welfare and was all over the place; it owned a nursing home, meeting places, a travel club, meals on wheels... in fact, it might be quicker to list the ventures they don't have: a tattoo parlor, a laser tag arena, and a bee colony. All told, there were about 5,000 members across all the corporation's ventures.

As a tech firm, Mario's company was often asked for advice on technical matters. While Mario was working on the web site, his client asked him about his opinion regarding a new network in their nursing home. It was a small nursing home with half a dozen full-timers that would need computers.

Definately Use Spell-Check

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"Occurance" is definately a common mispeling.

(submitted by Tero)

You Can't Please All 580% 100% of the Time

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The important thing is that all 580% agreed that each city did their best to build stadiums!

(submitted by Austin)

SELECT [Connection_String] FROM [WTF]

by in Representative Line on

Telly B. sent in a representative line that returns database connection information... from the database.

SELECT 'driver={SQL Server};user id=<removed>;pwd=<removed>;' +
    AS dbconn
  FROM users

How Did No One Think of this Before?

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Matt found a less-than-helpful helper function in a large JavaScript library:

function confirmMessage(msg)
    if ( confirm(msg) )
        return true;
        return false;