• Brit (unregistered) in reply to frits
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    Yeah, but it's hard to understand you due to all those snaggle teeth.

    Hey, I can talk perfectly well with these teeth thank you very much. It's just a shame they make me look like a rabbit wearing dentures...
  • aepryus (unregistered) in reply to Yuval
    Huh. At first I thought the km/h thing was someone mishearing the other guy telling them to write "fifty-nine" as "fifteen-nine", which would have been tres amusant. But then I found out 35 mph is 15.9 m/s. Boring.

    Or is that in order to convert from metric to english units you always just multiply by 2.2? (If it works for pounds; it'll work for mph!)

  • (cs) in reply to Brit
    Hey, I can talk perfectly well with these teeth thank you very much. It's just a shame they make me look like a classy rabbit wearing dentures...


  • Max (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!
    Americans are uncultured, hence their English is culture neutral.
  • Spearhavoc! (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    I'm not convinced by the formal logic of your argument.

  • Spearhavoc! (unregistered) in reply to Spearhavoc!
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    I'm not convinced by the formal logic of your argument.


  • Yank (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    Because your economy cratered after WWII. Now go back to reminiscing about the days when you were actually a world power.

  • DaveE (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    Can someone translate that into English for me? I ran it through Google, but all I got was some British English nonsense.


  • Brit (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Hey, I can talk perfectly well with these teeth thank you very much. It's just a shame they make me look like a classy rabbit wearing dentures...


    Ah, thanks frits! It's true too, you should see my bowler hat - I'm not a hipster or anything, we rock that shit completely unironically here in England. On a related note, if one more hipster tells me they're wearing something "ironically" I'm going to embed a dictionary in their skull.
  • tristique (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!
    The British may have invented English, but us Americans sublimated it into something much more refined.
  • (cs)

    15.9 m/s is about 35 mph ... so just a normal typo / bad units..

  • aliquam (unregistered)

    I thought the ARTU HAPPY FEELINGS BUTTE was really "are you happy feeling butts", but when I googled the product I found it listed on page 61: http://www.rxidol.com/Documentation/Doc44.pdf HAPPY FEELINGS Artù Pocket, microfibre cleaning cloth

  • John Blacke (unregistered)

    I am not a colour, I am a free man!

  • quis (unregistered) in reply to Spearhavoc!
    I'm not convinced by the formal logic of your argument.


    TRWTF is VB

  • caper (unregistered)

    Free a color. If it comes back to you then it is yours.

  • Tsk tsk (unregistered)

    The real WTF: Artu Happy Feelings Butt...e

  • whiskeyjack (unregistered)

    Mmm, I want a Happy Feelings butt too.

    But the real WTF is YouTube's comment system. It's been broken for years.

  • A. N. Other Brit (unregistered) in reply to tristique
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!
    The British may have invented English, but us Americans sublimated it into something much more refined.

    Refined‽ With words like "misspoke" and "infographics" (AKA Graphs), I don't think "refined" is the word you're after...

    captcha: Similis- e.g. Start and Create

  • 'Merican (unregistered) in reply to A. N. Other Brit
    A. N. Other Brit:
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!
    The British may have invented English, but us Americans sublimated it into something much more refined.

    Refined‽ With words like "misspoke" and "infographics" (AKA Graphs), I don't think "refined" is the word you're after...

    captcha: Similis- e.g. Start and Create

    Just wait for "Refudiate". If we keep using it, it'll be in a dictionary in a couple of years.

  • techpaul (unregistered)


    "pzzlog not found"

    Is the Finnish Walmart Spanish translation of "File Not Found"

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous
    The 1,419L is close to 1.5 quarts because the comma is the Euro equivalent of our decimal point.
    Hmm. 1.419 litres are pretty close to 1.25 quarts (UK).
    UK quarts? You do realise we're metric, right? It's illegal for us to use quarts as a unit of measurement for foodstuffs (stupid EU regulations).

    Ooh, a Daily Mail reader. You do realise that's completely untrue, don't you?

  • wisi (unregistered) in reply to Tsk tsk
    Tsk tsk:
    The real WTF: Artu Happy Feelings Butt...e
    Please don't read the other comments before you post. It makes you look much more intelligent.
    previously posted by aliquam:
    I thought the ARTU HAPPY FEELINGS BUTTE was really "are you happy feeling butts", but when I googled the product I found it listed on page 61: http://www.rxidol.com/Documentation/Doc44.pdf HAPPY FEELINGS Artù Pocket, microfibre cleaning cloth
    (I don't mean it makes you look more intelligent, I really mean that it makes it easier to laugh at you).
  • valetudo (unregistered)
    Free the Colors!:

    It is pointless to keep posting these since they are so easily generated. Try this in your code: MessageBox.Show("Prove that you are smarter than a message box\nClick OK","The Daily WTF", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore);

  • (cs) in reply to Brit
    Hey, I can talk perfectly well with these teeth thank you very much. It's just a shame they make me look like a classy rabbit wearing dentures...


    Ah, thanks frits! It's true too, you should see my bowler hat - I'm not a hipster or anything, we rock that shit completely unironically here in England. On a related note, if one more hipster tells me they're wearing something "ironically" I'm going to embed a dictionary in their skull.

    What about iron-on t-shirt transfers?

    At least one thing's for sure, they're a lot more fun than iron-on tattoos.

  • Abraham Lincoln (unregistered) in reply to caper
    Free a color. If it comes back to you then it is yours.

    Good idea, I think I'll go free a black right now!

  • Tom Jefferson (unregistered) in reply to Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln:
    Free a color. If it comes back to you then it is yours.

    Good idea, I think I'll go free a black right now!

    I tried that, but they came back.

  • techpaul (unregistered) in reply to davedavenotdavemaybedave
    The 1,419L is close to 1.5 quarts because the comma is the Euro equivalent of our decimal point.
    Hmm. 1.419 litres are pretty close to 1.25 quarts (UK).
    UK quarts? You do realise we're metric, right? It's illegal for us to use quarts as a unit of measurement for foodstuffs (stupid EU regulations).

    Ooh, a Daily Mail reader. You do realise that's completely untrue, don't you?

    You forget Daily Mail readers don't drink in pubs where they would get PINTS, they only drink in Wine bars and Bistro's.

    Except of course when they get confused with litres and drink unleaded petrol (gas)..

  • Dustin (unregistered) in reply to A. N. Other Brit

    Would you call this a "graph" then? Or perhaps you have some better suggestion than "infographic."


  • I Am Not A Vet (unregistered) in reply to Willie One-Eye
    Willie One-Eye:
    50% Opacity:
    Seriously, who hasn't tried to bang one of these?


    Did you see Inside for more as well?

    I did!

    A. Wouldn't it be rather dark in there? B. Did the dog hold still the whole time?

  • I Am Not A Vet (unregistered) in reply to Willie One-Eye
    Willie One-Eye:
    50% Opacity:
    Seriously, who hasn't tried to bang one of these?


    Did you see Inside for more as well?

    I did!

    A. Wouldn't it be rather dark in there? B. Did the dog hold still the whole time?

  • (cs) in reply to Anon
    The 1,419L is close to 1.5 quarts because the comma is the Euro equivalent of our decimal point.

    And that is TRWTF. Stupid foreigners with their commas as decimal separators and their stupid apostrophe as a thousands separator.

    1'000'000,00 WTF!!!

    (And it really arses up my CSV files)

    Blame the French. They were the ones insisting on using the comma as a decimal point, because they used the point to separate other stuff already. The original Arabic "decimal separator" was actually something akin to a bullet point.

    And don't even get me started on their insistence on using different words for things when there are perfectly good English words available.
    Oh yes. In Mexico we use the right names: "Computadora" and "Archivo". Spaniards use "Ordenador" (sorting machine) and "Fichero" (library index card). The "Ordenador" bit was copied from the French, who also in a rage fit against English decided to call computers "sorting machines" as well.
  • History Teacher (unregistered) in reply to BlueKnot

    [quote user="BlueKnot"] Arrgh. The Americans have different fluid ounces.[/quote]What does it matter? It's a SIEVE. it doesn't hole ANY fluid.[/quote]

    I beg to differ. I'm pretty certain anything that can be called a sieve does hold sufficiently viscous liquids, such as pitch or sufficiently cool engine oil, for so long, that it can safely be said to hold liquid.

  • aepryus (unregistered) in reply to Quicksilver
    15.9 m/s is about 35 mph ... so just a normal typo / bad units..

    There may be more to it than that:

    2.2 pounds per kg... 90kg * 2.2 = 195 lbs.

    I guess must be 2.2 mph per kph 15.9kph * 2.2 = 35mph

  • Spearhavoc! (unregistered) in reply to History Teacher

    [quote user="History Teacher"][quote user="BlueKnot"] Arrgh. The Americans have different fluid ounces.[/quote]What does it matter? It's a SIEVE. it doesn't hole ANY fluid.[/quote]

    I beg to differ. I'm pretty certain anything that can be called a sieve does hold sufficiently viscous liquids, such as pitch or sufficiently cool engine oil, for so long, that it can safely be said to hold liquid.[/quote]

    I'm glad we got that sorted out.

  • (cs) in reply to Yogi
    The 1,419L is close to 1.5 quarts because the comma is the Euro equivalent of our decimal point.
    Wow, you must be like the only person who knows that!
  • ratis (unregistered) in reply to BlueKnot
    What does it matter? It's a SIEVE. it will hole ANY fluid.
  • mjb (unregistered) in reply to Brit
    Billy: There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!

    shouldn't culture neutral English be cultural neutral. i.e. neither American English nor British English. And what, btw, is British English anyway, every other town seems to have their own dialect and accent in Britain, which of them is British English?

  • saluto (unregistered) in reply to Ax
    Boomers must be slower in metric because they're heavier in metric. Makes sense.
    Blue this!
  • ideo (unregistered) in reply to BlueKnot
    The 1,419L is close to 1.5 quarts because the comma is the Euro equivalent of our decimal point.
    Hmm. 1.419 litres are pretty close to 1.25 quarts (UK). If I remember the American way correctly, that'd be about 1.5625 quarts (US), so at least one of the given values would be rather inaccurate.
    Arrgh. The Americans have different fluid ounces.
    What does it matter? It's a SIEVE. it doesn't hole ANY fluid.
    I just blue myself.
  • (cs) in reply to frits
    fake frits:
    fake frits:
    What are you trying to do, create your own meme?
    http://thedailywtf.com/Comments/The-Email-Tree.aspx?pg=2#327782 Mission Accomplished

    Yeah, well it's actually mine. I've embraced it. Who exactly do you think "poutines" is?

    You started it, but I created it. Well, done. You're not as bad as I thought.
    Start and create are synonyms, I don't understand. Funny is funny.

    Not with Thread objects. Anyway, fake frits is pissing me off.

  • ideo (unregistered) in reply to A. N. Other Brit
    A. N. Other Brit:
    There are different falvours of English (or should that be flavors?)

    It could be that by default it was using culture neutral English (American). But if the user is from England then maybe he would prefer to get emails in his own culture specific English.

    To be clearer it should have said:

    Your emails are currently being delivered in English. Would you prefer to change that to English English?

    How come culture neutral English is American? Shouldn't culture neutral be regular (British) English, since, you know, we invented the fucking language??!!
    The British may have invented English, but us Americans sublimated it into something much more refined.

    Refined‽ With words like "misspoke" and "infographics" (AKA Graphs), I don't think "refined" is the word you're after...

    captcha: Similis- e.g. Start and Create

    Check definition 4 Fucking Akismet. Why the hell does this trick even work? Now I just white myself!

  • sino (unregistered) in reply to danixdefcon5
    [...] Blame the French.
    Seriously, who hasn't done something like this? *sigh*
  • (cs) in reply to Max
    Americans are uncultured, hence their English is culture neutral.
    Isn't England a part of Islamic culture now?
  • nimis (unregistered) in reply to aepryus
    2.2 pounds per kg... 90kg * 2.2 = 195 lbs.

    I guess must be 2.2 mph per kph 15.9kph * 2.2 = 35mph

    [...] let me explain [the WTF].

    First, this is clearly a product from Wal-Mart; I recognize the style.

    aepyrus, JJ, REPRESENT!

    But where's EvanEd when you need him to take the moronic side of an argument?

  • sino (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    Americans are uncultured, hence their English is culture neutral.
    Isn't England a part of Islamic culture now?
    Yup. Fuck Akismet!
  • quisling (unregistered) in reply to nimis
    2.2 pounds per kg... 90kg * 2.2 = 195 lbs.

    I guess must be 2.2 mph per kph 15.9kph * 2.2 = 35mph

    [...] let me explain [the WTF].

    First, this is clearly a product from Wal-Mart; I recognize the style.

    aepyrus, JJ, REPRESENT!

    But where's EvanEd when you need him to take the moronic side of an argument?

    Wow, uh, thanks, nimis... I think. Please don't stalk me!

    I'd be happy if he'd just recognize his own position when he takes it.

  • Mr. Can't bother to register (unregistered) in reply to Dustin
    Would you call this a "graph" then? Or perhaps you have some better suggestion than "infographic."


    Yup, that's a graph. A fancy one, but still a graph :)

    capptcha: "tation". What "nation" is going to be called in a few years?

  • Mike (unregistered) in reply to aepryus
    Or is that in order to convert from metric to english units you always just multiply by 2.2? (If it works for pounds; it'll work for mph!)

    When I was in the UK (I'm from the US), I started unintentionally multiplying every number I saw by 1.6 due to the monetary exchange rate. As a traveller, most of the numbers you deal with are money, so your brain (well mine anyhow) just starts applying the rate to all the "fake numbers" to get the "real numbers".

  • sino (unregistered) in reply to Mr. Can't bother to register
    Mr. Can't bother to register:
    Would you call this a "graph" then? Or perhaps you have some better suggestion than "infographic."


    Yup, that's a graph. A fancy one, but still a graph :)

    capptcha: "tation". What "nation" is going to be called in a few years?

    That one is, yes. In fact, even more precisely, that is a "chart" (and a poor example by which to prove your point, Dustin). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph.

    For examples of Infographics, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_graphics. As it turns out, a simple stop sign meets the criteria for "infographic", but does not meet the criteria for "graph".

    Banal distinction, and a poor example of linguistic deterioration, Mr. Can't. I think "refined" is a perfect term to apply to the conceptualization of an infographic over a graph.

  • (cs)

    Why would you show a MsgBox to inform the user that some resource had already been freed?

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