• John Hensley (unregistered) in reply to Tei

    BASIC is a lang designed to help people learn to code. Turtle Logo is yet another with the same filosophy.

    Its a tool, but a baby tool, and not a bad tool. You can hack stuff easy, but will be very limited. And as all baby tools, where designed to avoid self-damage. You are overprotected inside the BASIC world.

    If you already learn BASIC. You sould move to a better lang. Maybe Object Pascal, or a Java/Python/Ruby/C# alike lang. (JPRC#)

    FYI it is now "Basic," not BASIC, it doesn't use line numbers anymore, and actually has control statements other than Goto. Also, the 80s are over and Michael Jackson is now white.

    I don't use Basic myself, but it does irritate me to see people repeating misinformation about it.

  • Forgottenlord (unregistered) in reply to SomeGuest
    For the record (and I know I'm going to get hounded by this), I'm a Software Engineering student, and I didn't know that.  Could I have suspected it, I actually did, done a bit of research to figure it out, probably.  However, not all Engineers are willing to go to that trouble nor are all Engineers in all fields going to be able to extrapolate to come to that assumption - partly because their base knowledge might not be so good.

    And if you think that was bad, my first year Physics course, I was grouped together with two girls in the lab, we were all Engineers, and I was the only one comfortable with computers.  They're both still in Engineering - one's even in Computer Engineering.

    But you DO understand all the WTFs? Impressive!

    Many, most

    Not all.  The ones I don't become nice learning experiences as people often explain more elegant solutions.

  • David Walker (unregistered) in reply to Coughptcha


    To oversimplify the issue for those who may be curious: ADSL is asymmetric because crosstalk in the phone cable bundles is more easily controlled in the direction from the central office to the subscribers, so a richer symbol set (higher bit rate) can be used in that direction while maintaining an acceptable level of service.

    Wow, some useful and interesting information.




  • David Walker (unregistered) in reply to kluminotty

    halarious... dumby... privledge...  Too bad I'm not in the mood to comment on spelling.

  • DB Anon (unregistered)

    LOL.  This is hilarious and if I were working for that company - I'd QUIT.  This is a totally stupid problem.  Most DSL segments are broken up  to improve download speeds which means slower upload speeds (since most users don't send that much data).  That is all this about.

  • ByteJuggler (unregistered) in reply to Jojosh_the_Pi
    I can't tell if you "asymmetric" guys are stupid or playing that way... the upload and download speeds are THE SAME. The upload speed is numerically larger because the upload file is 4x the size.

    Umm.... No.

    Perhaps it's safe to say he's being funny?

    Umm... No.

    (BTW, The captcha was "enterprisey" :rolleyes: )
  • SeveQ (unregistered)

    I've got a similar problem with my car. It's driving much slower backwards than forwards. I wonder why this only happens in gear 2 - 5.

  • Mathias (unregistered)

    I've got the same issue with my car. It's much faster driving forward than in reverse. Can anybody help me with this?

  • (cs) in reply to Me
    USB into RJ-45 is a surprisingly good fit. The widths are the same, and the contacts on the bottom of the RJ-45 socket act as springs to hold the USB plug firmly against the top of the socket. The whole thing is secure enough that simple shaking won't make it fall out.

    What's more plot-thickening is that USB will not fit into regular Ethernet adapters in PCs.

    Laptops have sliiiightly bigger sockets, for some reason.

    Just tested it and this is 100% true.
    A portabe has a slight bigger socket that allows a USB device to be plugged in.
    (Some guy at Acer thought it was funny to put my RJ-45 and my USB ports almost next to each other.)

    Same with Dell, my old AND my new one. The LAN ports on their rear are VERY well-acquianted with my mouse's USB plug.
  • Mathias (unregistered)

    Sorry, but great minds think alike.

  • Paul (unregistered)

    That'll be the A in ADSL then. Jeez...

  • Chris (unregistered)

    I really like this site, I do.

    But you need to start filtering out the obviously made up crap like this one.

    "This is unacceptable and needs to be corrected. Problem only exists
    at locations with an asymmetric DSL connection."

    Nice try, but there is no way this is real.

    This is some IT guys work of fiction.  No user would bother to mention that his problems of upload/download speeding being different would mention that this only happens with asymmetric DSL lines, come on give me a break.

  • (cs)
    Alex Papadimoulis:
    I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to envision the coding required for Carl resolved the problem.

    HTML code, posted to the 'Resumé' section of several major jobhunting sites.
  • Doug-W (unregistered) in reply to Tei
    This remind me games with the lame tag:
    "Gameplay may suffer changes on internet connection" or something alike.

    The REAL WTF here (TM) is that there were 100+ responses without anyone calling this post!  The line is: "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" which is part of the ESRB rating for a game.  A title may be rated T for teen and it is not the fault of the publisher if Bobbie connects to a private hosted game where the players speak in a language that would make the Deadwood staff writers blush.  (And if ESRB rated the game based on said language it would receive an AO rating.) 
  • TrendsetterX (unregistered) in reply to Doug-W

    <FONT face=Arial size=2>I rececently left a "major specialty home furnishings retailer" where this situation wouldn't have been out of the realm of possibility.  Our very well paid "support"/engineer staff who handled incoming calls from retail stores would, as this wtf scenario suggests, route calls without ever actually thinking about the issue that was being routed.  </FONT>

    <FONT face=Arial size=2>In fact, on several, successive occasions, they paged out to my (e-commerce) group with high priority that the website was displaying a message stating "The site is temporarily closed for scheduled maintenance."  (Yes, the message was 100% correct.  Yes, it was a planned outtage.  Yes, they were notified weeks prior)</FONT>

    <FONT face=Arial size=2>Oh, and to rant a bit more, this same group was comprised of staff who would immediately leave their desks for bathroom/smoke breaks after a priority page-out to my group.  And to make the situation worse, they wouldn't check their voicemail upon return.  Instead, they would escalate the issue up to senior management, and the situation would rinse and repeat with them leaving their desks once again.  After finally getting a hold of them, their response would be something like "voicemail?  I didn't think to check it."</FONT>

  • (cs) in reply to GoatCheez
    The true WTF is that Carl was the first one in the chain of knowledge that knew upload speeds are almost always slower than download speeds on any broadband connection. WTF.

    Not actually true; symmetric broadband is far from unusual. For ADSL, though, yep, obviously.

  • (cs) in reply to Swanny


    This site should be called 'anti-vb.com'  I don't personally write a lot of VB code, but to class every single person who uses VB in the 'Dumb' or Incompetent category is retarded. 

    Tonnes of applications have been written in VB over the years, usually at a fraction of the cost and time that it would take to write in C++ or other lower level languages.  True, since it is a very high-level language it tends to attact people that might not have great skill-sets, but don't knock the language, knock the low skilled people that are trying to hack it.


    It's also a bit of a broken language, to be honest, or at least VB6 was.

    http://visualbasic.about.com/od/imhoinmyhumbleopinion/a/aaVerityStob1.htm :)

  • (cs) in reply to Me
    Well my real WTF happens on a daily basis. I am currently the web application designer, network tech, and systems tech at a Alternative Medicine Mom & Pop shop who thinks the internet will generate them millions overnight. . . Took forever to explain to them we could not host in house because we had DSL, but they still do not understand the difference between upload/download. . . .  Controlling the router is in my favor though, so when they come across with stupid tech questions. I just go in and slow their speed down to about 56K for the rest of the day. Then when asked, I just say oh the internet traffic is high today and congested like traffic on a road.

    Your an asshole.  I hope they catch onto your shit and fire you.

    I am with tster on this one.


    Spelling? What has that to do with a guy beeing a low-life?

    No, I am not the mirror.

    When it comes to it, the people he's being mean to sell "alternative medicine". They deserve no pity.

  • Me (unregistered) in reply to rsynnott
    Well my real WTF happens on a daily basis. I am currently the web application designer, network tech, and systems tech at a Alternative Medicine Mom & Pop shop who thinks the internet will generate them millions overnight. . . Took forever to explain to them we could not host in house because we had DSL, but they still do not understand the difference between upload/download. . . .  Controlling the router is in my favor though, so when they come across with stupid tech questions. I just go in and slow their speed down to about 56K for the rest of the day. Then when asked, I just say oh the internet traffic is high today and congested like traffic on a road.

    Your an asshole.  I hope they catch onto your shit and fire you.

    I am with tster on this one.


    Spelling? What has that to do with a guy beeing a low-life?

    No, I am not the mirror.

    When it comes to it, the people he's being mean to sell "alternative medicine". They deserve no pity.

    You are probably right.

    That was not the reason for his behaviour though.
    The reason was that they did not have enough knowledge about tech, and having a hard time understand his explanations.

  • n0xie (unregistered) in reply to Rank Amateur

    Haha that actually made me laugh out loud :D

  • Anonymous Reasonably Cautious (unregistered) in reply to SnapShot
    That just leads to a new bug report where the download speads are 4 times slower when the client is using a symmetric internet connection.

    Education is the only solution to this WTF.

    Incorrect. Simply measure both upload- and download speed and, when using the operation with the greater one, calculate how long the operation would take with the lesser one, and then sleep until that time once the operation has concluded. Don't let the user know it has - maybe keep sending random data to keep up the appearance of usefull work?

    Or list "symmetric Internet connection" as a requirement for the application. Without it, it will still work, but uploads will likely be slower than downloads ;).

    There are many solutions to this problem. Education is only one of them.
  • Konrad (unregistered)
    I just witnessed a support call which makes me believe that the above really happened. I was at my local Computer Supplier while he fielded a call from
    a customer.
    THe customer had recently bought an ADSL2 modem and was complaining that it wasn't any faster then his old ADSL (1) modem, hence it must be broken. THe peson in the shop tried to explain that inodred to get ADSL2 speed you need to
    subscribe to an ADSL2 sevice. No the client didn't buy it
    this continued for some minutes ... no getting another brand won't make a difference ...
    by the end of the call the client still didn't get it, and I believe will be comming into
    the store tomorrow to continue the conversation.
  • Klous (unregistered) in reply to xrT

    <font color="#000000" face="Tahoma">God I hope you are kidding when you suggest the they simply have the client download the file because that wont work and makes no sense.

    Upload=sending data
    Download=receiving data.

    When Im uploading to you, you are downloading from me
    When Im downloading from you, you are uploading to me.

    So If Im ona 768/128 and you are on 1.5/384
    Any file I send you or you download from me will go at my maximum uploade rate 128k
    Because that is my maximum rate at which I can send data.

    Inversly if I were to download a file from you, I would only be able to achieve 384 as my maximum download rate because that is your maximum upload rate.


  • the missus (unregistered)

    I'm sorry... either you've stolen my Mr.'s retarded bug assigned to him last month or there are identical retards out there filing cases against the genii that engineer service systems everywhere. Odd...

  • belef (unregistered) in reply to Ash

    Hmm, is the whole thread, up to that posting a brilliant example, a kind of solitaire of a WTF...?

    wbr belef

  • TheBigLaugh (unregistered)

    Or maybe the rest of the team just decided to pull a practical joke on their collegue?

    Who then happily submitted it to this site in order to return the favor?

  • tehchriso (unregistered) in reply to Forgottenlord

    First, let me say that I'm not flaming or hounding, just reflecting.

    As a workstation specialist, I suddenly both envy and despise all engineers. You bastards making twice-to-three-times-plus my salary are lucky you've got the patience/boredom to stare at code instead of terminating Cat5 cables and swapping HDDs and CD drives until your fingers bleed.

    Then again, I tend to forget that not all people know how to work with computers - I'm a biased instance in that I owned my first computer at 9, built my first Linux box from parts at 13, and had completed Cisco CCNA training by 17.

    As you noted in your comment, though, you thought to "do a bit of research..." instead of screaming at Tech Support, which is the most important and valuable trait in the world, and one which I wish could be taught to non-IT folk with a 1-hour course instead of physical trauma with blunt objects.

    Anyways. End ramble. Cheers.


  • tehchriso (unregistered) in reply to Me

    I'm with rsynott and the first Anonymous:

    IF a user actually cares enough to listen, make an effort to comprehend, and tries to learn something from his/her experience, then I am 100% cool with them - I'll teach them anything from SMTP to OSI layers to DIMM speeds to IDE jumper configuration to what does a <p align> tag do.

    It's bastards like these shop owners who are all like "<FONT color=#000080>I'm on the internet now, yippee! Now, when I turn my computer off, do all the others turn off too?</FONT>" and "<FONT color=#000080>Let's just give people our web page by buying this $9.95/mo dial-up deal! It's cheap and fast!</FONT>" and things like "<FONT color=#000080>What do you mean my laptop hard drive crashed because it's tiny and moves around a lot and gets bumped and dropped? You did this ON PURPOSE to make me lose my thesis paper!</FONT>" (Third one is a true story from my job).....

    I feel no sympathy for these ignorant, stubborn, self-centered pricks. They're lucky that Anonymous is JUST throttling their bandwidth for fun. At the college I work at, when I get fed up with trying to get people to log off their computer when they walk away from it (in public areas - student lounge, chair-side computers in a medical clinic, etc.), I fight back by plugging my USB drive in and moving all the files off of their personal network drive for "temporary archival purposes". They want to get their files back? They'll have to agree to start logging off.

    It's computing. Don't give me any of that "omg poor sad non-computr using old hippy peple" stuff. I don't want to hear it. Each and every human has a basic responsibility to help each other - I help students every day, I format their Word documents, I refill their toner, I explain to them for the 1,000th time that we don't allow MP3 downloading on campus, and in exchange, they give me the decency of following the security policies that they signed their name in agreement to at the beginning of the year. If they can't do that much for me, then I can't do anything to help them.

    The fact that you could only squeeze out two short sentences, tster, while misspelling ''you're'', just shows how little you care about the issue and how much you really just want to start a fight with people.


  • Me (unregistered) in reply to tehchriso

    Yes, I am sure it is possible to find an excuse / explanation / defend for any kind of behaviour.

    I still find it appalling to sabotage someones setup, especially when you are there to maintain it.

    Instead of using your time for sabotage, use it to find your self a job you would be happier with.

  • (cs) in reply to Tei

    This remind me games with the lame tag:
    "Gameplay may suffer changes on internet connection" or something alike. 

    I believe you're referring to the "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" tag on games that support online play.  This is supposed to warn buyers that add-on content and the conduct of other online players are not controlled by the developer or the ESRB.

  • (cs) in reply to GalacticCowboy

    <FONT face=Tahoma size=2>surely upload/download speeds will always be different, because they want you to take a while downloading so that you can read the adverts they charge a fortune for and uploading will be quicker so that they can nick all your private data before you find out...

  • Charlie (unregistered)

    Carl should reduce the client's allowed bandwidth downloading until it's less than their DSL's capable upload...that way their upload would be greater. That would solve the problem. ;)

  • (cs) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:

    Simply explain to the customer that we had a 5X download accelerator installed recently as a free service to our best customers.  We could remove it if they liked. 

    But then of course they'll request the 5X upload accelerator also.

  • (cs)

    We had a similar issued raised by the boss.  We needed to connect two remote sites together so he ordered a 4Mb ADSL line to be put into each site.  These lines were dedicated solely to site to site traffic.

    He wondered why he could't get 4Mb performance.

  • Ben (unregistered) in reply to Tei
    Tonnes of applications have been written in VB over the years, usually at a fraction of the cost and time that it would take to write in C++ or other lower level languages.  True, since it is a very high-level language it tends to attact people that might not have great skill-sets, but don't knock the language, knock the low skilled people that are trying to hack it.

    BASIC is a lang designed to help people learn to code. Turtle Logo is yet another with the same filosophy.

    Its a tool, but a baby tool, and not a bad tool. You can hack stuff easy, but will be very limited. And as all baby tools, where designed to avoid self-damage. You are overprotected inside the BASIC world.

    If you already learn BASIC. You sould move to a better lang. Maybe Object Pascal, or a Java/Python/Ruby/C# alike lang. (JPRC#)

    Yet theres lots of stuff to learn on programming. Patterns, better algorithms, etc. Most stuff you will learn will be big than BASIC, so its better to learn these stuff on a JPRC# lang. Imho.


    Have you even READ C# and VB.NET specifications? Wow... who would have guessed that!? They're the same!! I'm tired of everyone that claims that VB is for babies, or that VB is not powerful enough to build any app you want. True, it's a simple language, and yes, it's very easy to learn the basics of Basic, so those "basic operations" must be all you can do with it, right? In that line of thought, I guess all you can do in C is printf("Hello, World"); But, as it turns out, VB is also EXTENSIBLE, and it can support anything that C# does (being both compiled into .NET's IL). Also, VB is incredibly simpler to build or debug, produces more readable and maintainable code than in any C- or Pascal-derived language, so I'll still use it when I want to build quick / maintainable enterprise apps. Now, if you want an App that is FAST, or that is OPTIMIZED, or that has no DEPENDENCIES, then, please --PLEASE-- don't bring in Java, nor C#. On the other hand, as much as I'm a VB-speaker, I love C syntax, being more elegant than VB, and I don't go to all of C's or Java's sites to btch about the language they use... So, please, don't btch about VB!!

  • CrushU (unregistered) in reply to David Walker
    David Walker:
    To oversimplify the issue for those who may be curious: ADSL is asymmetric because crosstalk in the phone cable bundles is more easily controlled in the direction from the central office to the subscribers, so a richer symbol set (higher bit rate) can be used in that direction while maintaining an acceptable level of service.
    Wow, some useful and interesting information. Thanks.   Captcha=captcha

    ADSL has different Up/Down speeds because the bandwidth isn't allocated equally. It's tilted towards Download Speed not because of signal quality, but because most users download far more than they upload.

    Crosstalk is a wiring/meatspace issue; It is the same in both directions, unless you're doing something weird with just the upload wires, which is ridiculous.

  • (cs) in reply to tehchriso
    I'm with rsynott and the first Anonymous: IF a user actually cares enough to listen, make an effort to comprehend, and tries to learn something from his/her experience, then I am 100% cool with them - I'll teach them anything from SMTP to OSI layers to DIMM speeds to IDE jumper configuration to what does a <p align> tag do. It's bastards like these shop owners who are all like "I'm on the internet now, yippee! Now, when I turn my computer off, do all the others turn off too?" and "Let's just give people our web page by buying this $9.95/mo dial-up deal! It's cheap and fast!" and things like "What do you mean my laptop hard drive crashed because it's tiny and moves around a lot and gets bumped and dropped? You did this ON PURPOSE to make me lose my thesis paper!" (Third one is a true story from my job)..... I feel no sympathy for these ignorant, stubborn, self-centered pricks. They're lucky that Anonymous is JUST throttling their bandwidth for fun. At the college I work at, when I get fed up with trying to get people to log off their computer when they walk away from it (in public areas - student lounge, chair-side computers in a medical clinic, etc.), I fight back by plugging my USB drive in and moving all the files off of their personal network drive for "temporary archival purposes". They want to get their files back? They'll have to agree to start logging off. It's computing. Don't give me any of that "omg poor sad non-computr using old hippy peple" stuff. I don't want to hear it. Each and every human has a basic responsibility to help each other - I help students every day, I format their Word documents, I refill their toner, I explain to them for the 1,000th time that we don't allow MP3 downloading on campus, and in exchange, they give me the decency of following the security policies that they signed their name in agreement to at the beginning of the year. If they can't do that much for me, then I can't do anything to help them. The fact that you could only squeeze out two short sentences, tster, while misspelling ''you're'', just shows how little you care about the issue and how much you really just want to start a fight with people. -c

    This disgruntled tech support act and associated draconian punishment against "stupidity" is definitely getting old and unprofessional. Just because you get frustrated by a lot of users not following your rules, doesn't give you the right to invade their privacy or commit industrial sabotage (in Anonymous' case, throttling his employer's bandwidth), and it doesn't make you any less of an asshole for doing so.

    By the way, I'm your car mechanic, and despite my warnings to you to change your oil every 5000 miles, you always tell me you don't want it changed. To teach you a lesson, I've filled your oil canister with sand. Old oil is bad for your car, and now you'll see that since you didn't change your oil, your engine will overheat.

    Your job is to provide computing resources to users, not to punish users for using the resources wrong. Any competent administrator would have the "decency" to recognize that people will forget to log out of public machines, and simply set them up to automatically log out after a timeout, or in the case of most universities, have a public account for accessing things like webmail and calendar lookups through a web browser, which resets to a clean state whenever the browser is closed.

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