• (cs) in reply to Nagesh
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

  • Pytry (unregistered) in reply to Lorne Kates
    Lorne Kates:
    I have read many articles here.

    some have made me sad, some have made me larf.

    but this one makes me want to punch puppies. we need to form a team of vigilantes to deal with this sort of injustice...

    If this were a book, that would totally be the pull quote.

    Anyone else want to second the motion to form a group of vigilante puppy punchers?

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    ... and case-sensitivity.

    captcha: tristique. Sounds like a really good cookie.

  • only me (unregistered) in reply to Matt B
    Matt B:
    I take that back - things are doomed as soon as your manager starts creating "productivity reports" that use lines of code as a metric.
    Here!Here! It makes all those "I can write that code in 11 lines" challenges in college such a waste of time.
  • (cs)

    People like Alicia are the reason why we can't have nice things, like flamethrowers. If not for stupid people, the recreational use of flamethrowers wouldn't a be a danger to anyone (since everyone would know to learn the safety procedures and whatnot before using one), and there wouldn't be anyone terrible enough to use them on in a fit of rage.

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to Shoruke
    People like Alicia are the reason why we can't have nice things, like flamethrowers. If not for stupid people, the recreational use of flamethrowers wouldn't a be a danger to anyone (since everyone would know to learn the safety procedures and whatnot before using one), and there wouldn't be anyone terrible enough to use them on in a fit of rage.

    Here, I think you could use this: Anger Management.

    Good luck.

  • fake boog (unregistered) in reply to Pytry
    Lorne Kates:
    I have read many articles here.

    some have made me sad, some have made me larf.

    but this one makes me want to punch puppies. we need to form a team of vigilantes to deal with this sort of injustice...

    If this were a book, that would totally be the pull quote.

    Anyone else want to second the motion to form a group of vigilante puppy punchers?

    I'm pretty sure I'd like to punch the puppy...

    Also, pull the quote...

  • (cs) in reply to Nagesh
    often we find person with less knowledge of project is made project leader. this downs team moral and we feel sad and waste time gossiping near coffee machine.

    time to take another coffee break.

    That's probably why we invented the Team Leader position. The gossip all clears out by the time the first design phase is finished on the first project.

  • (cs) in reply to hoodaticus
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    Yes useful for theory stuff. Not practical things. Some people write word and excel macro and then asume mantel of programmer. I pity these folks. one such person is my project manager's boss. Our code name for suchfolks is "PC" - pakka chootya... ;)

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    ... and case-sensitivity.

    captcha: tristique. Sounds like a really good cookie.

    I forgot to mention that VB's syntax looks like C# went too high on the swing set, flipped over, and turned inside out.

  • Platypus (unregistered) in reply to Penguin Strangler
    Penguin Strangler:
    ...what we build is Linux. Heard of it?
    It a religion practiced by snobs, communists, and High Priests of the Ivory Tower. Am I right?
    You sound just like Alicia.

    Wall Street isn't exactly "communist" or "ivory tower" but practically all of the world's stock exchanges are run on Linux. So are practically all of the world's biggest supercomputers, including those run by DoD and DoE. I guess they're the snobs. Dismissing something because you don't understand the basics of your profession (like Alicia with "programming languages") marks you as pure amateur hour. Have fun cleaning up secretaries' corrupted registries.

  • (cs) in reply to Nagesh
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    Yes useful for theory stuff. Not practical things. Some people write word and excel macro and then assume the mantel of programmer. I pity these folks. One such person is my project manager's boss. Our code name for such folks is "PC" - pakka chootya... ;)

    When I say "VB", I mean the .NET version. I have nothing but contempt for VBA, VB6, and its predecessors.

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    Yes useful for theory stuff. Not practical things. Some people write word and excel macro and then assume the mantel of programmer. I pity these folks. One such person is my project manager's boss. Our code name for such folks is "PC" - pakka chootya... ;)

    When I say "VB", I mean the .NET version. I have nothing but contempt for VBA, VB6, and its predecessors.

    We do not speak it's name here! We shall henceforth refer to it as "that damned langauge for the unwashed masses which won't go away and gives me nightmares to this very day"...


  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    When I say "VB", I mean the .NET version. I have nothing but contempt for VBA, VB6, and its predecessors.
    We do not speak it's name here! We shall henceforth refer to it as "that damned langauge for the unwashed masses which won't go away and gives me nightmares to this very day"...


    You just reminded me of a 14 page long function we have in our most mission-critical piece of "software" - written in that damned language. And it just keeps growing, and growing...


  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    When I say "VB", I mean the .NET version. I have nothing but contempt for VBA, VB6, and its predecessors.
    We do not speak it's name here! We shall henceforth refer to it as "that damned langauge for the unwashed masses which won't go away and gives me nightmares to this very day"...


    You just reminded me of a 14 page long function we have in our most mission-critical piece of "software" - written in that damned language. And it just keeps growing, and growing...


    I'm... so sorry...

  • (cs) in reply to Platypus
    Penguin Strangler:
    ...what we build is Linux. Heard of it?
    It a religion practiced by snobs, communists, and High Priests of the Ivory Tower. Am I right?
    You sound just like Alicia.

    Wall Street isn't exactly "communist" or "ivory tower" but practically all of the world's stock exchanges are run on Linux. So are practically all of the world's biggest supercomputers, including those run by DoD and DoE. I guess they're the snobs. Dismissing something because you don't understand the basics of your profession (like Alicia with "programming languages") marks you as pure amateur hour. Have fun cleaning up secretaries' corrupted registries.

    Every time a luser besmirches Windows, I order another CAL.

  • (cs) in reply to Remy Porter

    [quote user="Remy Porter"][quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?[/quote]

    No, I am not so smart. A thoughtful programmer should be able to handle in and output properly whatever the means. However, I always thought that creating an object instead of a mere integer takes a little more time and resources. Creation of objects on the other side introduces the use of garbage collectors because not so thoughtful programmers are not able to destroy their objects after use and so on. And also the not so smart may understand that allocating some 5 or 6 bytes (data + type) should not create the same overhead.

  • trwtf (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    Every time a luser besmirches Windows, I order another CAL.

    You know that the term "lusers" comes from the Unix world, right? Or maybe it's ITS, you could look it up. Anyway, it's an old MIT thing. Just thought you'd like to know.

  • Not Really Remy Porter, Just Pretending (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de

    [quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][quote user="Remy Porter"][quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?[/quote]

    No, I am not so smart. A thoughtful programmer should be able to handle in and output properly whatever the means. However, I always thought that creating an object instead of a mere integer takes a little more time and resources. Creation of objects on the other side introduces the use of garbage collectors because not so thoughtful programmers are not able to destroy their objects after use and so on. And also the not so smart may understand that allocating some 5 or 6 bytes (data + type) should not create the same overhead. [/quote]

    But you're not creating an object there. You're referring to an array, and then calling a static method of Integer to convert the resulting values.

    Your not very familiar with Java, are you?

  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de

    [quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][quote user="Remy Porter"][quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?[/quote]

    No, I am not so smart. A thoughtful programmer should be able to handle in and output properly whatever the means. However, I always thought that creating an object instead of a mere integer takes a little more time and resources. Creation of objects on the other side introduces the use of garbage collectors because not so thoughtful programmers are not able to destroy their objects after use and so on. And also the not so smart may understand that allocating some 5 or 6 bytes (data + type) should not create the same overhead. [/quote]

    What I like to do is throw them off with something like this:

    What's the difference between these calls:

    void DoFoo(MyObject myObject) and void DoFoo(ref MyObject myObject)

    or what would the value of 'z' be after this runs:

    void Main(params object[] args) { int x = 1; DoBar(ref x);

    int y = 1; DoFoo(y);

    int z = x + y; }

    void DoFoo(int y) { y = 10; }

    void DoBar(ref int x) { x = 4; }

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    visual basic is not for serious programmer. experience in visual basic is totally useless. in our company we don't hire any visual basic programmers. java and c are real languages, but any talk of it, then it become flaemwar in forums. so i try to stay away from such talk.
    Try, meet catch.

    Anyway, VB can be used as a beginner language to teach people OOP. You can actually get quite good that way.

    The only problem I have with VB is that it lacks C#'s expressiveness.

    Yes useful for theory stuff. Not practical things. Some people write word and excel macro and then assume the mantel of programmer. I pity these folks. One such person is my project manager's boss. Our code name for such folks is "PC" - pakka chootya... ;)

    When I say "VB", I mean the .NET version. I have nothing but contempt for VBA, VB6, and its predecessors.

    We do not speak it's name here! We shall henceforth refer to it as "that damned langauge for the unwashed masses which won't go away and gives me nightmares to this very day"...


    is too long a name, isn' it?

  • (cs)


    This article has it all. Everyone got trolled by an article that was about as exaggerated as the average internet male's penis size. Then some dude got baited like a 1000 lb bass by Nagesh, who is probably cackling behind his keyboard and rolling blunts, lighting up, and waiting to type up another terrible post. Really the only thing we're missing here is a post by my man Bert G.


  • Hu Chan (unregistered) in reply to Power Troll
    Power Troll:

    This article has it all. Everyone got trolled by an article that was about as exaggerated as the average internet male's penis size. Then some dude got baited like a 1000 lb bass by Nagesh, who is probably cackling behind his keyboard and rolling blunts, lighting up, and waiting to type up another terrible post. Really the only thing we're missing here is a post by my man Bert G.


    And a new artticle...

  • (cs) in reply to capio
    Former Airline Software Developer:
    Once upon a time, building a Java application at a very large discount airline, we added a checkstyle rule to prohibit magic numbers in code. One developer diligently complied: private int ELEVEN = 11; private int FIFTY_FIVE = 55; ...

    She's been promoted. Twice.

    TRWTF is coding rules that make you write

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    If you force adherence to the letter, not the concept, I'll check in the above as

    const WEATHER_FORECAST = 4;

    Do you see something wrong with this, then?:

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    IMO this is good coding. Then when you read the code you know what it's doing, otherwise it's: "So what's that 4 doing there?"

  • JC (unregistered) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Former Airline Software Developer:
    Once upon a time, building a Java application at a very large discount airline, we added a checkstyle rule to prohibit magic numbers in code. One developer diligently complied: private int ELEVEN = 11; private int FIFTY_FIVE = 55; ...

    She's been promoted. Twice.

    TRWTF is coding rules that make you write

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    If you force adherence to the letter, not the concept, I'll check in the above as

    const WEATHER_FORECAST = 4;

    Do you see something wrong with this, then?:

    const SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE = 4;

    IMO this is good coding. Then when you read the code you know what it's doing, otherwise it's: "So what's that 4 doing there?"

    This often comes up. I think for something like SIDES_IN_A_SQUARE it isn't necessary (in most scenarios). To me, this is akin to writing

    #define NUM_DAYS_IN_WEEK 7
    #define NUM_DAYS_IN_YEAR 365
    #define NUM_MONTHS_IN_YEAR 12
    int convertWeeklyToMonthly(int weeklyRate)

    Because all of those constants (days in a year shouldn't perhaps be constant, but that's another story....) are well known, forever used easily recognised and not likely to change (unless they bring Smarch in or decimalise time), I think there is a case that the following is equally clear: int convertWeeklyToMonthly(int weeklyRate) { return ((weeklyRate/7)*365)/12; } [/code]

    If anything, using predefined constants in this case shows absolute trust that no-one will fiddle with them later (that is, having the constants defined in words simply allows someone to wreak havoc by changing them for a future release - thus affecting all your code).

    On the other hand, for things like Return Codes, using semi-descriptive constant names is probably more helpful than '-7' or '1002'

    In general, I'm a fan of limiting 'magic numbers', but I think that there is certainly a case for not using them in some circumstances. I guess it's a horses for courses thing....

  • userulluipeste (unregistered) in reply to snoofle

    It's like the company get infected, and dies from something like a cancer, isn't it?

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    People like Alicia are the reason why we can't have nice things, like flamethrowers.

    Here, I think you could use this: Anger Management.

    Good luck.

    I didn't bother to check the link, but I'm guessing it doesn't recommend flamethrowers for managing your anger. Is that accurate?


  • blarg (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe

    [quote user="C-Octothorpe"][quote user="Remy Porter"][quote user="ClaudeSuck.de"][/quote]

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient? [/quote]

    Since the new code does two things - it converts the variables from String to int and then adds them - while the old code just adds two numbers, the comparison is a little inane. If both are in the same language, the old code will execute faster, but where does your old code get its data from? If it's from the args array, it'll have to execute the new code at some point, and it'll take just as long to do it.

    In other words,

    Your not too smart, are you?[/quote]

    Agreed... The only thing you missed is that the second example would have an extra value on the stack (another variable compared to just 2 variables in the first example), which is barely worth mentioning. This is BS micro-optimization, which unless you're running a section of code millions of times a day, is completely useless. If anything, you may want to do a try-parse with some user-friendly error handling rather than just hope to hell that the inputs are valid.

    And who the hell writes a program to add two numbers together? :)[/quote]

    Presumably the Integer.parseInt() calls are wrapped in a try/catch clause which would not be required in the old code so you're taking another minor performance hit there too.

  • Gaba Goo (unregistered) in reply to Platypus
    Penguin Strangler:
    ...what we build is Linux. Heard of it?
    It a religion practiced by snobs, communists, and High Priests of the Ivory Tower. Am I right?
    ...Bunch of logical fallacies...
    I notice you didn't deny the religion part.
  • Ãà (unregistered)

    i can haz new wtf?

  • Patrick (unregistered)

    It takes about 2 seconds to find out your code is screwed up and about 2 years to find out your management is screwed up. Go figure.

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to blarg

    Presumably the Integer.parseInt() calls are wrapped in a try/catch clause which would not be required in the old code so you're taking another minor performance hit there too.

    Oh no, not a performance problem in my argv processing. Anything but that.

  • (cs) in reply to blarg
    massive snip.....

    Presumably the Integer.parseInt() calls are wrapped in a try/catch clause which would not be required in the old code so you're taking another minor performance hit there too.

    Ah, very good. Furthermore, in the catch block there should exist a method that gets the current stack trace of all running threads, prints it to all instantiated OutputStreams, appends it to both java.util.logging.Log and org.apache.log4j.Logger, then sends an SMS message to Steve Ballmer with the information, who then uses it in his latest PowerPoint presentation about why Microsoft should get additional R&D funding for F#.

  • anon_me (unregistered)

    This almost -exactly- what happened at one company I worked at more than a few years ago. It happened over the course of five/six years, but the person rose from a rank and file position into the C levels of the organization. All along the way, many people were asking "huh?" but in the final scene (the whole process took 10 years or so) a reasonably large ($x00MM in revenue, 4>x>1)), profitable company lost project after project and simply could not deliver on the ones in house. The place had some great engineering talent, and even good 1st level managers, but everything above got poisoned. I'm guessing without large $$$ influx from their parent, the company might not exist in the next two years.

    I'm very very sure this isn't a unique story (let alone fictional)

  • (cs) in reply to Gaba Goo
    Gaba Goo:
    ...Bunch of logical fallacies...
    So opinions and simple examples that refute a statement are considered logical fallacies now? Why did no one tell me?
    Gaba Goo:
    I notice you didn't deny the religion part.
    I will: it's not a religion. It's a preference; I use Linux because I prefer it. I also regularly use Windows.
  • (cs) in reply to boog
    Gaba Goo:
    ...Bunch of logical fallacies...
    So opinions and simple examples that refute a statement are considered logical fallacies now? Why did no one tell me?
    Gaba Goo:
    I notice you didn't deny the religion part.
    I will: it's not a religion. It's a preference; I use Linux because I prefer it. I also regularly use Windows.
    Yeah, in the same way I am Catholic because it's my preference, but regularly celebrate Halloween.

    /just kidding bro

  • Gibbon1 (unregistered) in reply to userulluipeste
    It's like the company get infected, and dies from something like a cancer, isn't it?

    Usually it's more like leprosy. As the rot spreads the good competent people start to bail out.

  • the Bogey man (unregistered) in reply to HellKarnassus
    Gaba Goo:
    ...Bunch of logical fallacies...
    So opinions and simple examples that refute a statement are considered logical fallacies now? Why did no one tell me?
    Gaba Goo:
    I notice you didn't deny the religion part.
    I will: it's not a religion. It's a preference; I use Linux because I prefer it. I also regularly use Windows.
    Yeah, in the same way I am Catholic because it's my preference, but regularly celebrate Halloween.

    /just kidding bro

    You're kidding as in you're not Catholic?

    I thought Halloween was essentially started by Christians to convert Pagans (specifically, the idea was to ward off evil before All Souls Day {or was that All Saints Day?})

  • TheRealPinkyAndTheBrainFan187 (unregistered) in reply to CaptainSmartass
    There's no way this story is true. And if it is, Jaimy is a fool for helping someone who was such a bitch to him the first time they spoke. Expecting someone else to do your job is a sure sign of a sociopath, he should've complained to management that she knew nothing right then and there.
    This. I've been in a similar situation, where I was spending a lot of time helping out a female co-worker but the differences were: she was really nice, knew what she didn't know and was willing to learn. If she had been an arrogant, self-important stuck up cunt like "Alicia" there's no way in hell I would have helped her. For future reference, for all you Jaimys out there: "Sorry, I'm snowed under with my own projects at the moment...", "Stupid Code? Sorry, I don't know anything about that...", "Sorry, fuck off and do your own work you stupid bitch..."

    Captcha: oppeto. Geppetto's cousin.

  • Cheong (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de
    ...and not to forget, OLD code.

    Old code: X = X + Y

    Brandnew code: int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int sum = a + b;

    Can anybody tell me how much processing is involved in either of these methods and, therefore, which one is better, faster, more efficient?

    To make the water more muddy:

    Brandnewer code: long a = Long.parseLong(args[0]); long b = Long.parseLong(args[1]); long sum = a + b;

    Does this code better than Brandnew code?

  • Cheong (unregistered) in reply to sheep hurr durr
    sheep hurr durr:
    Some people are too nice for their own good.
    Some personality prevents confrontation as much as they can, and when the situation goes so bad that confrontation is the only way to fix things, he reputation has been damaged so bad that it won't do any good anymore...
  • Sudo (unregistered) in reply to hoodaticus
    Stories like this make we want to do this:

    foreach(Human human in world) human.Dispose();

    Wait... the universe was written in C#? Please tell me it isn't so!

  • Darth Garbage Collector (unregistered) in reply to Sudo

    I have called your ~universe(); pray that I call it no further.

  • hoodaticus (unregistered) in reply to Power Troll
    Power Troll:
    massive snip.....

    Presumably the Integer.parseInt() calls are wrapped in a try/catch clause which would not be required in the old code so you're taking another minor performance hit there too.

    Ah, very good. Furthermore, in the catch block there should exist a method that gets the current stack trace of all running threads, prints it to all instantiated OutputStreams, appends it to both java.util.logging.Log and org.apache.log4j.Logger, then sends an SMS message to Steve Ballmer with the information, who then uses it in his latest PowerPoint presentation about why Microsoft should get additional R&D funding for F#.

    Okay, now I think I understand the "Power" part of "Power Troll". That was fucking good.

  • Nagesh's dad (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh

    Son, Go F**k yourself!! Loving, Dad

  • Sudo (unregistered) in reply to Darth Garbage Collector
    Darth Garbage Collector:
    I have called your ~universe(); pray that I call it no further.
    Segmentation fault
  • Kempeth (unregistered) in reply to Quicksilver
    Ah and the TrueWTF is:

    Jaimy's social ineptness making it unable for him to stand up against some total looser and new coworker lead to the destruction of a whole IT company.

    It's one thing to help out a newcomer who's nice, sociable and respectful. I'm all for helping out someone if you believe you can turn them into a good worker eventually. But a crazy <slang term for female canine> like that simply has to go / be made gone. Covering for someone like that is not only foolish but irresponsible.
    "Maybe we should-- diversify our hiring pool? Use a different agency?"

    "I get a referral bonus from this one."

    Glad to see you have your priorities in order.

    Really, Jaimy should have taped the conversation and played it for management. They may not have appreciated her getting bonuses at the company's expense.

    You're joking, right? The management that hired her to that position (presumably listening to how destructive Jaimy {what an odd spelling} was) could be shown that Alicia was incompetent? I soudt it....

    You're not very smart, are you?

    Look, at that point the development department (and his job) is down the drains anyway. You can either try to take a last stand and try to turn things around or you run for the hills. It's a long shot but it would sure feel good if it worked...

    Captcha: my boss' name

  • mos (unregistered)

    This article made me sad :(

  • AdT (unregistered)

    "I get a referral bonus from this one."

    Uh, in other words she is accepting bribes? She should be tried for embezzlement.

  • Ol' Bob (unregistered)

    Had a situation similar to this once. Junior programmer from another department was to write a critical portion of our project (a Windows service, the first one written at this company, and it had to multi-thread, and launch sub-processes to run legacy code, etc, blah) "to gain some experience with Windows NT". Her manager told her not to spend more than 10% of her time on it, so we got Friday afternoons from her. She didn't know (or care) anything about writing services, didn't know squat about multi-threading, couldn't spell C if given a dictionary, etc. Of course the only thing reliable about the code was the crash frequency. I'd done the design but had been told that I was to "mentor" her and not to touch the codebase. However, when she went on vacation with deadline looming I begged the project manager to be allowed "to clean up a few issues". Took two days to unravel the ball of yarn but I got it running solidly. (Can you say "race conditions"? I knew you could). When she came back from her week in the Caribbean she was furious that I had dared to touch HER deathless code! How dare I?!? And I'd even changed some variable names (e.g. from 't' to 'hThread') as well! She was so mad she checked the code out and refused to check it in until ordered to by the head of the department. Last I heard she was working as a manager at Intel, which is probably good as it means she'll never code again. Last I knew, that service was still going strong. :-)

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